


Everyone starts the life with many ambitions, I had one ambition to strive to make my

own world, and less cared for others what they say about me, I always remained individual to

myself. When the matters are beyond my imagination or control I just visited a Temple with a belief 

there is one who knows what I really need, as many times we do not know to decide what we really

want. Things are not favourable to me on many occasions or my advantage, I never know what it

means to me, even failing in the examinations, but if I analyse everything happens as defined by

our destiny, as many things happens to everyone in the world as we read great biographies on life.

As a student I used to watch many of my friends struggling for minimal needs, I happened to be

gifted with many things than others; many talented students with great heights of merits, remained

low in the world could not progress in achieving what they really deserved. I remained a great

spectator to life which is best to do when you have no control on many around you, if I recall bestpractices is to be Impeccable with Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid

speaking against you or gossiping about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth

and love. I never made assumptions. I always had the courage to ask questions and to express what I

really wanted. Communicated with others as clearly as I can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness,

and human conflicts. - Always did my Best, as doing best is going to change from moment to

moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance,

simply do your best and you’ll avoid self -judgment, self-abuse, and regret? I tried to cultivate a rich

internal life, and at times I can get lost in the web of my own thoughts. This isn’t a bad thing

necessarily. The rich internal life is the source of my imagination. It’s helped me succeed as a writer.

If I recall very few years of my life advantageous to me, go with the flow. Nothing exists outside the

present moment: Don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. Improve the quality of the here

and now .I truly believe, we alone make our destiny ultimately no one for me or you, Create your

own certainty. Don’t allow your well-being to be dependent on the choices of others. Be proactive,

listen to a great word or read great classics as they teach you their experience I’m instantly

reminded of Harry Browne and of Ayn Rand. Both advocate living in such a way that your health and

happiness aren’t dependent on the actions of others. Obviously, you can’t be completely

disconnected, but to the degree that you can act independently, you have greater control over your

future happiness. Today’s generation of students are wasting the time in many ways, learn to stop

procrastinating – I can already hear the ironic jokes about how people will deal with procrastinationlater, they mean tomorrow or may be next week . Anyway, a daily action: set a Most Important Task

each morning, If we see the society, many doctors and nurses are respected for sincerity and

commitment and not just for qualifications and knowledge, just learn to respect your Time If we look

at society we find many poor are still happy in spite of lacking basic living, and many rich never find

them happy with everything under their will, just read Aristotle. In fact, I very much like Aristotle’s

conception of happiness, which he called eudemonia. To him, happiness wasn’t just about hedonistic

pleasure. It was also about pursuing excellence and living in a way that is congruent with personal

beliefs which too means we need not give up our belief even our religious preaching’s. Choose

happiness. Do work and play that brings fulfilment. Spend time with people that build you up, not

those who bring you down. Strip from your life the things that take time, money, and energy, but

which do not bring you joy. I’ve changed much in the past twenty or thirty years. I’m certain I’ll



change more in the years I have left on this earth. Ultimately, however, my aim is to be the best

person I can be — now and in the future with commitment to duty and concern for the less

privileged. I have changed a lot in my life, but it’s not because I’m special. I just created special

circumstances. Whatever you want is usually easier to get than you think, as long as you are willing

to adapt and do what is necessary. Now, our world is changing all the time, and in order to change

ourselves, we need to ease into and embrace the coming chaos or even disorderly society. Those

that are most comfortable with change for change’s sake will adapt better to the future, and you can

only get good at change by trying to do it, in small ways, on purpose. Everything not for success as

the world is not everything good or bad the goal is not to succeed, it is just to sit and do it, if you sit

down and expect anything, you will freeze up. So just sit down with no expectations. And even if you

failed at that, it’s fine, because you’ll be doing it again next week. No rush. Just sit down and begin.

Learn from great achievers how normal people become extraordinary through changing their

behaviour alone. But you can definitely see the process, now, of how normal people become

extraordinary through changing their behaviour alone. Then, after behaviour changes, the mind

usually changes with it, leading to more confidence, which expands your reach even further, all in agiant cycle. Remember, you’re not looking to be perfect. You’re only looking for a small

improvement over your current state, and as long as you’re OK with fumbling on your way there,

you should just start moving immediately and deal with the decisions as they come. Life continues to

be more than money, how you think about you and others makes the change.

Dr.T.V.Rao MD Professor of Microbiology – A Freelance writer