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First Baptist Church of Shawnee VOLUME L, NO. 4 February 18, 2014

A Message from Pastor Bob Hartmann...

Living a life of faith together...


Bob Hartmann

[email protected]


Jim Conard

[email protected]


Jason Clough

[email protected]


Russell Minnick

[email protected]

Church Office:



[email protected]

Pastoral needs after hours:


Office Hours:

Monday– Friday

8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Coming Soon to First Baptist Church of Shawnee

March Missions Month

Guest Missionaries are: March 2nd Christy Heath – Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) KC March 9th D-NOW March 16th Darrel Eppler – Wycliffe Bible Translators March 23rd Scott and Tammy Stamper & Family March 30th Keynote Speaker – Fred Kornis – H.I.M.

Pot-luck dinner immediately following the Morning Service on March 30th. Check your Sunday Morning

Service bulletin for more information.

Is God calling you to be His hands & feet this year by participating in the Mexico

Missions Trip? Would you like to help change a family's life in a dramatic way? Perhaps you should join us by helping build a home for a family in Mexico. We will leave June14th and return on June 21st. Cost is $400. Partial scholarships may be available.

Contact Steve Brooks @913-269-5411 for more information.

I have been blessed being a I have been blessed being a I have been blessed being a I have been blessed being a

part of our men who are involved part of our men who are involved part of our men who are involved part of our men who are involved

with the Men’s Small Group Ministry. with the Men’s Small Group Ministry. with the Men’s Small Group Ministry. with the Men’s Small Group Ministry.

We have studied and prayed over We have studied and prayed over We have studied and prayed over We have studied and prayed over

material that God is using to shape material that God is using to shape material that God is using to shape material that God is using to shape

our lives. It was through this ministry our lives. It was through this ministry our lives. It was through this ministry our lives. It was through this ministry

that the idea arose for a Valentine’s that the idea arose for a Valentine’s that the idea arose for a Valentine’s that the idea arose for a Valentine’s

Banquet. The fellows did a great job Banquet. The fellows did a great job Banquet. The fellows did a great job Banquet. The fellows did a great job

making this a wonderful success. The making this a wonderful success. The making this a wonderful success. The making this a wonderful success. The

food was excellent, the fellowship food was excellent, the fellowship food was excellent, the fellowship food was excellent, the fellowship

encouraging and the program was … encouraging and the program was … encouraging and the program was … encouraging and the program was …

(I am at a loss for words at this (I am at a loss for words at this (I am at a loss for words at this (I am at a loss for words at this

point). The Tenor brothers were point). The Tenor brothers were point). The Tenor brothers were point). The Tenor brothers were

indescribable to say the least. With indescribable to say the least. With indescribable to say the least. With indescribable to say the least. With

the quality of their voices, I believe the quality of their voices, I believe the quality of their voices, I believe the quality of their voices, I believe

they could take their show on the they could take their show on the they could take their show on the they could take their show on the

road (let the attender understand). road (let the attender understand). road (let the attender understand). road (let the attender understand).

The bottom line is that it was a The bottom line is that it was a The bottom line is that it was a The bottom line is that it was a

fantastic evening and our men fantastic evening and our men fantastic evening and our men fantastic evening and our men

deserve kudos for putting the event deserve kudos for putting the event deserve kudos for putting the event deserve kudos for putting the event


During the month of March we During the month of March we During the month of March we During the month of March we

will be giving special emphasis to will be giving special emphasis to will be giving special emphasis to will be giving special emphasis to

missions awareness. God has called us missions awareness. God has called us missions awareness. God has called us missions awareness. God has called us

to engage in missions beginning right to engage in missions beginning right to engage in missions beginning right to engage in missions beginning right

here in Shawnee and extending to the here in Shawnee and extending to the here in Shawnee and extending to the here in Shawnee and extending to the

whole world. Missions means taking whole world. Missions means taking whole world. Missions means taking whole world. Missions means taking

the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people

who have yet to receive Him as who have yet to receive Him as who have yet to receive Him as who have yet to receive Him as

Savior. FBCS has a rich heritage of Savior. FBCS has a rich heritage of Savior. FBCS has a rich heritage of Savior. FBCS has a rich heritage of

missions involvement as we missions involvement as we missions involvement as we missions involvement as we

generously give to support and pray generously give to support and pray generously give to support and pray generously give to support and pray

for those God has called. We also for those God has called. We also for those God has called. We also for those God has called. We also

regularly go on short term mission regularly go on short term mission regularly go on short term mission regularly go on short term mission

trips to minister the Gospel and to trips to minister the Gospel and to trips to minister the Gospel and to trips to minister the Gospel and to

increase our awareness of the need increase our awareness of the need increase our awareness of the need increase our awareness of the need

worldwide. Each Sunday in March worldwide. Each Sunday in March worldwide. Each Sunday in March worldwide. Each Sunday in March

(except DNOW weekend) we will be (except DNOW weekend) we will be (except DNOW weekend) we will be (except DNOW weekend) we will be

hosting one of the missionaries we hosting one of the missionaries we hosting one of the missionaries we hosting one of the missionaries we

support to hear how God is using support to hear how God is using support to hear how God is using support to hear how God is using

them to reach people for Christ. A big them to reach people for Christ. A big them to reach people for Christ. A big them to reach people for Christ. A big

word of thanks is due the Missions word of thanks is due the Missions word of thanks is due the Missions word of thanks is due the Missions

Ministry Team who have been Ministry Team who have been Ministry Team who have been Ministry Team who have been

working diligently to line up the working diligently to line up the working diligently to line up the working diligently to line up the

speakers and coordinate the activities speakers and coordinate the activities speakers and coordinate the activities speakers and coordinate the activities

of the month!!of the month!!of the month!!of the month!!

This Sunday night at 7:30PM This Sunday night at 7:30PM This Sunday night at 7:30PM This Sunday night at 7:30PM

will be our Annual Business Meeting will be our Annual Business Meeting will be our Annual Business Meeting will be our Annual Business Meeting

(I wish there was a better name to call (I wish there was a better name to call (I wish there was a better name to call (I wish there was a better name to call

this). Sometimes this kind of meeting this). Sometimes this kind of meeting this). Sometimes this kind of meeting this). Sometimes this kind of meeting

is reduced to “nickels and noses”. is reduced to “nickels and noses”. is reduced to “nickels and noses”. is reduced to “nickels and noses”.

The objective of this specific meeting The objective of this specific meeting The objective of this specific meeting The objective of this specific meeting

is to celebrate the greatness of God in is to celebrate the greatness of God in is to celebrate the greatness of God in is to celebrate the greatness of God in

how He has used the FBCS congrega-how He has used the FBCS congrega-how He has used the FBCS congrega-how He has used the FBCS congrega-

tion over this past year. Staff members tion over this past year. Staff members tion over this past year. Staff members tion over this past year. Staff members

and Ministry Teams will share reports and Ministry Teams will share reports and Ministry Teams will share reports and Ministry Teams will share reports

that I trust will be a blessing to all of that I trust will be a blessing to all of that I trust will be a blessing to all of that I trust will be a blessing to all of

us. Please know that you are us. Please know that you are us. Please know that you are us. Please know that you are

invited to participate!invited to participate!invited to participate!invited to participate!

Minister to Students Russell Minnick

Minister of Discipleship Jim Conard

Dnow at the Great Wolf Lodge!!!! March 7-9 Disciple Now this year is going to be great! We are spending Friday and Saturday at the Great Wolf Lodge then camping out at the church (indoors) Sat. night! The theme is Make It Real. We know a lot of the right answers but sometimes those answers don’t permeate our actions and attitudes. Matt. 7:22-23 talks about those who seemed to know what to say but they never actually knew God. They didn’t “Make it Real.” I hope your student will be a part of this exciting, transformative weekend. Cost is $50.00 which covers everything. Drop your student off at the Great Wolf Lodge anytime after school on Friday if they would like to swim early! They need to be settled in their rooms and down to the first session at 6:30p.m. (eat dinner before you come.) You will pick your student up from FBC Shawnee after Church on Sunday Morning. Graduation Sunday May 18th 2014 We would like to celebrate your Graduate as a church Family. If you have a student graduating high school this year and would like them to be recognized, please email or bring me 5-6 pictures as well as a few details:

- The college your graduate is planning to attend - What major they might pursue. - Favorite memories from youth ministry - Favorite Scripture verse. (& translation if preferred.) - quote/shout out.

Our Youth Page Email Me

Or & [email protected]

Students… Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Sunday evenings 6:00 p.m. & Wednesday’s 6:30 p.m.

Gospel Project for Kids Lessons for March:

March 2 Daniel and his friends obeyed God. March 9 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. March - 16 God gave Daniel wisdom. March 23 Daniel was rescued from the lions. March 30 The Triumphal Entry.

City Union Mission Camp In the Ozarks this Summer (COMCITO)

If you have a desire to work with/minister to inner-city children ages 4 to 16, by counseling,

working as support staff, riding on a bus for a day, or just spending a day at camp, I would like to

share some info with you to answer questions that you may have. Contact Paul Gerard.

Note: COMCITO is located in Warsaw MO, about

a 90min drive from here.

Minister of Music Jason CloughMinister of Music Jason CloughMinister of Music Jason CloughMinister of Music Jason Clough



Thursdays 9am-2pm

Contact the FBC office

or email [email protected]

to enroll.

Communion FlowersCommunion FlowersCommunion FlowersCommunion Flowers

Reserve your date for 2014! Call the FBC office Reserve your date for 2014! Call the FBC office Reserve your date for 2014! Call the FBC office Reserve your date for 2014! Call the FBC office

(913)268(913)268(913)268(913)268----6500 or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]

Wednesday Night DinnerWednesday Night DinnerWednesday Night DinnerWednesday Night Dinner

Sign up on the friendship register Sign up on the friendship register Sign up on the friendship register Sign up on the friendship register

or online at www.fbcshawnee.comor online at www.fbcshawnee.comor online at www.fbcshawnee.comor online at

Taylor's Gift, by Todd and Tara Storch After the devastating loss of their 13 year-old daugh-ter in a skiing accident, the Storches find strength in God and hope as they choose to give life to five desperate people through organ donation. This is a courageous story of giving life and renewing hope.

As Good as She Imagined, by Roxanna Greene On the day Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in Tucson, AZ, 9 year old Christina-Taylor Green died, the youngest of the six victims who lost their lives. This is her mother's account of Christina's life, death, and inspiring legacy. With the help of au-thor Jerry B. Jenkins, Roxanna shares her family's journey of faith and their quest for redemption.

Set Free, by Stephen Owens with Ken Abraham A compelling story (true) of the freedom of forgiveness amidst murder and betrayal.

Thank you to everyone who helped clean sidewalks and parking lots after the snow storms. Beacon Tuxis Class

To the friends and family of Norma Noah who passed away February 14th. Services were held Tuesday, February 18th at First Baptist Church of Shawnee.

FBC Foundation Scholarships There are scholarships available through the FBC

Foundation for students planning attend college

or seminary this fall. Applications are on the

community wall in the FBC lobby. These must be

completed and returned to the Foundation

Committee by April 1, 2014.

You don’t realize how special some things are until you are not able to do them. Due to the holidays, weather and other reasons, we have had a rocky time getting back into choir rehearsals. Choir practice is one of my favorite times of the week. A good rehearsal can make the week great and give you that much more energy. A bad rehearsal? We don’t have those because the choir knows that we exist to make great the name of the Lord. But this last Sunday, the frozen wasteland that has been our home started to thaw. We were able to have rehearsal and for the first time we got a glance at the Easter program.

That all leads me to say this; if you considered joining choir in the past but didn’t know if it was a good time then now is the time you should join. If you want to be a part of a team who uses their voices to praise God and lead others in worship, then you should join choir. Even in rehearsal, we sing and make music to the Lord because we know that we can worship at other times besides 10:30 on Sunday morning. Another great ministry of the choir is that we encourage and pray for one another. We support each other in times of need.

Another area of service is that of handbells. Even if you are “not the best reader,” but you like to spend time with people who love to laugh and have fun making music then you might want to try handbells. We rehearse Monday evenings at 7:00.

Sundays: 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship/Kidz World 4:30 p.m. Adult electives 6:00 p.m. Bible Study, Choir, Youth, Awana & Nursery Wednesdays: 5:30 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. Bible Study, Women’s Bible Study, Youth, Children’s Choir & Nursery

We are collecting non-perishable food items to support local families through Shawnee

Community Services located at 67th & Nieman. Place donations in marked container located in hallway across from Missions Board. This missions project sponsored by the Ruth Circle.

Women’s Prayer Women’s Prayer Women’s Prayer Women’s Prayer

Meeting Friday’s Meeting Friday’s Meeting Friday’s Meeting Friday’s

10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Heritage RoomHeritage RoomHeritage RoomHeritage Room

Everyone Welcome!Everyone Welcome!Everyone Welcome!Everyone Welcome!

Awana Sunday evenings Awana Sunday evenings Awana Sunday evenings Awana Sunday evenings

6:00 p.m. Children ages 6:00 p.m. Children ages 6:00 p.m. Children ages 6:00 p.m. Children ages

preschool to 6th grade. preschool to 6th grade. preschool to 6th grade. preschool to 6th grade.

Awana helps churches and Awana helps churches and Awana helps churches and Awana helps churches and

parents work together to parents work together to parents work together to parents work together to

develop spiritually strong develop spiritually strong develop spiritually strong develop spiritually strong

children and youth who faithfully children and youth who faithfully children and youth who faithfully children and youth who faithfully

ffffoooolllllllloooowwww JJJJeeeessssuuuussss CCCChhhhrrrriiiisssstttt....

Men’s Small Group MinistryMen’s Small Group MinistryMen’s Small Group MinistryMen’s Small Group Ministry

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man “As iron sharpens iron, so one man “As iron sharpens iron, so one man “As iron sharpens iron, so one man

sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

The FBCS Men’s Ministry is designed to The FBCS Men’s Ministry is designed to The FBCS Men’s Ministry is designed to The FBCS Men’s Ministry is designed to

apply this truth through book study, apply this truth through book study, apply this truth through book study, apply this truth through book study,

discussion and fellowship. If you like to participate in a small discussion and fellowship. If you like to participate in a small discussion and fellowship. If you like to participate in a small discussion and fellowship. If you like to participate in a small

group, please sign contact Pastor Hartmann group, please sign contact Pastor Hartmann group, please sign contact Pastor Hartmann group, please sign contact Pastor Hartmann

at [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Saturday, February 22nd

9:30 a.m. FBC Library

Contact Judy Webb

for more information

“Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.” Psalm 56:3 NASB

Go Green If you would like to receive

the Baptist By-Line by email, please contact

Sarah Jones at [email protected]