Download - LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

Page 1: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide

movement toward digital engagement to satisfy customers and increase sales.

This guide is just one of many support resources you have at LivePerson. Follow the steps below to connect with

LiveEngage. Once connected, we’ll show you how to launch your first chat engagement and your first content banner.

Connect your websiteCopy the LiveEngage Tag onto your website pages to connect our software. It’s just two simple steps.

Page 2

Set up a chat engagementCreate your first chat engagement and run a campaign that supports your business goals.

Page 3

Create a content banner campaignSet up a content banner promoting a special offer or key selling point and serve it to your visitors at the ideal moment when the stakes are high.

Page 10

Track your successTake advantage of our powerful features and reporting tools to keep you informed and on track.

Page 17

Page 2: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

2 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Connect your website

Copy the LiveEngage Tag onto your website pages.The first task is connecting your website to our software. It’s called “tagging.” A tag is a snippet of HTML code that you

insert on your web pages. We suggest that you tag all of your pages. Here’s how it’s done.

Once you are logged in to LiveEngage:

1. Open the menu at the top right hand of your screen (the down arrow button). Click on LiveEngage Tag and copy the code.

2. It looks like a big chunk of code. Don’t be alarmed. Look at the visual on this page before you access your website’s source code (HTML)

for the pages you have chosen to tag, and paste the LiveEngage code beneath the first <body> tag you’ll find at the top of your page.

When you’re done, it should look like this:


<!-- BEGIN LivePerson Monitor. --> <script type=”text/javascript”> window.lpTag=window.lpTag||{};if(typeof window.lpTag._tagCount===’undefined’){window.lpTag={site:’90132764’||’’,section:lpTag.section||’’,autoStart:lpTag.autoStart===false?false:true,ovr:lpTag.ovr||{},_v:’1.5.1’,_tagCount:1,protocol:location.protocol,events:{bind:function(app,ev,fn){lpTag.defer(function()



dbs||[],ctn:lpTag.ctn||[],sdes:lpTag.sdes||[],ev:lpTag.ev||[]};lpTag.init();}else{window.lpTag._tagCount+=1;} </script>

<!-- END LivePerson Monitor. -->

And that’s it! Repeat these two simple steps for each of the website pages where you want to engage with your customers.

Helpful Tagging Resources

More of a visual person? Watch

this tagging video for step-by-

step instructions.

Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.


LiveEngage is most impactful when

tagged on as many of your web pages as

possible. That way you can target visitors

and serve messages anywhere as things

arise (e.g. a last minute promotion).

Page 3: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

3 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Set up a chat engagement

Set up your first Chat Engagement campaign.Is a customer hesitating? Is she spending too much time in an endless cycle of review? Did he leave, and then return?

Engage with visitors when they can’t make up their minds, and assist them through the purchase cycle.

You’ll be setting up the basic parameters in steps 1 through 5, before moving on to design and publication in steps 6 through 9

Log in to LiveEngage and click the Campaigns tab with the small tag icon in the upper left corner of the page.

From there:

1. Click on + Add Campaign located on the bottom left to create your Chat Engagement. Next, type in your own campaign name in the

top field (it currently says Campaign 1). Hit <return> and your page will refresh.

2. Next, click + Add Goal to access the Goal library page. Goals are an important part of LiveEngage. Not only do they help you clarify what

you want to accomplish through the campaign, but they are central to the reporting and conversion tracking functions.


There are several fields throughout the

process in which you get to choose

names or set definitions. Use your

intuition and what is common language

in your company. You may be using this

campaign again in the future!

Chat Engagement Resources

More of a visual person? Watch

this Chat Engagement video

for these same step-by-step


Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 4: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

4 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Set up a chat engagement

On this page click on + Add new to move to the Add new goal page and give your goal a name. Do you want to boost sales?

Reduce bounce rates? It’s up to you. Fill in a name and hit <save>.

3. On the same page, select a goal type. Use the ones provided, or create your own in Other.

Once you click, you’ll be presented with an Indicator: field. The word indicator refers to the performance outcome that relates to your

goal. For example, if your goal is to increase page views, the performance indicator is the number of pages.

In the case of the example below, since the goal is to increase sales, the indicator is the URL of the page where people go once they

bought the product after engaging with your chat campaign.

Chat Engagement Resources

More of a visual person? Watch

this Chat Engagement video

for these same step-by-step


Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 5: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

5 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Set up a chat engagement

Type in your URL and click Save in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

Your Goal library page now includes this goal. Click Done in the bottom right-hand corner.


Information is gathered through this

process to track success of your Chat

engagement campaign. This information

can be found in the Agent and Campaign

Dashboards (see page #).

Chat Engagement Resources

More of a visual person? Watch

this Chat Engagement video

for these same step-by-step


Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 6: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

6 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

4. You’ll land on the following page:

Hover over All visitors to choose your target audience. If you’d like to target everyone who visits your website, leave this field alone.

But if you’d like to target a specific audience, click Edit.

Next, click + Add new.

Fill in the fields relating to the target audience you have chosen. When you are done, click Save.

Notice that your new target audience has been added to your Target audience library page. Come back anytime and your settings are saved.

Click Done.

Set up a chat engagement


A big advantage with LiveEngage is that

you can target all your visitors or pick

specific ones based on a variety of factors,

such as geography, device used, new vs.

returning visitor, search term used, etc.

Chat Engagement Resources

More of a visual person? Watch

this Chat Engagement video

for these same step-by-step


Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 7: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

7 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

5. Next, hover over Campaign time frame to set your dates and hours. This feature is ideal if you have a limited-time promotion that begins

and ends on specific dates. If you want it to run indefinitely, you can simply skip this step. If you later decide to stop this campaign, you

can come back and click Unpublish.

Click Done.

Now that you’ve set your basic parameters - in steps 6 through 9 you’ll add your engagement, customize it, choose location and visitor behavior, and then … you’re done!

6. Click + Add engagement (directly beneath Target audience) to access our Engagement template gallery.

Choose from a variety of design options from the gallery to customize, or create your own from scratch.

If you’re a beginner, we suggest starting with one of our designs and customizing from there.

Highlight your choice by clicking on it, then click Next (bottom right of page).

You’ll land here. Click in your banner design to get your menu of design options. It’ll look like this:

Set up a chat engagement


In our Engagement Studio, you can pick

colors, fonts and messaging to match

your website, and you can even change

the picture. Click on the “eye” icon above

the workspace to see a preview of it on

your page. Cool, huh?

Chat Engagement Resources

More of a visual person? Watch

this Chat Engagement video

for these same step-by-step


Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 8: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

8 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Above all, have fun! When you’re done, click Next to see the chat window. Now customize your Chat window.

When you’re done, click Next. You’ll land here:

Set up a chat engagement

Hover and click Edit to edit location

Hover and click Edit to edit visitor behavior

Chat Engagement Resources

More of a visual person? Watch

this Chat Engagement video

for these same step-by-step


Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 9: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

9 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

7. First, give your Engagement a name.

Next, hover over Location and click on Edit. Choose where on your website you want the Chat engagement to be displayed from the

Location library page (e.g. shopping cart, support pages, etc.). As a beginner, we suggest that you choose Entire website. Or feel free to

add a new location.

If you chose a specific location, be sure you include the URL. Click Save. Then click Next.

8. Look for Visitor Behavior and click on Edit to define the visitor behavior that will trigger the Chat engagement you just created. For

example, a behavior can be abandoning a sign-up process or being on a page for a over 30 seconds.

If you are just starting out, we recommend that you choose All behaviors. This will provide powerful insight into how your customers

behave throughout your website.

After you’ve chosen, click Done.

9. Click on the Publish button in the upper right.

Congratulations. You’re done!

Set up a chat engagement

Chat Engagement Resources

More of a visual person? Watch

this Chat Engagement video

for these same step-by-step


Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 10: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

10 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Create a content banner campaign

Set up your first Content Banner campaign.Perhaps you have a special offer that’s best served in high stakes situations. Maybe you want to point something out or

make a suggestion at a particular moment in the visitor’s journey. Or maybe you just need something to display in place

of Chat engagements while you’re out of the office. Create a banner or special announcement.

You don’t need to use Chat to make a meaningful connection with your visitors. Plus, you can’t always be available for

chats. In fact, many companies simply don’t have the resources to manage live chat 24/7.

Not to worry. You can create a banner for a holiday sale or special announcement and display it 24/7 throughout your

website. The possibilities are endless.

Creating a Content Banner Campaign is similar to creating a Chat Engagement. There are a couple of key differences.

Log in to LiveEngage and click the orange Campaigns tab in the upper left corner of the page. From there:

1. Click on + Add Campaign located on the bottom left to create your chat.

Next, type in your own campaign name in the top field (it currently says Campaign 1). Hit <return> and your page will refresh.

2. Next, click + Add Goal to access the Goal library page. On this page click on + Add new to move to the Add new goal page and give your

goal a name. Do you want to boost sales? Reduce bounce rates? It’s up to you. Fill in a name and hit <return>. Your page refreshes.

On the same page select a goal type by clicking on your choice. Use the ones provided, or create your own in Other. Once you click,

you’ll be presented with an Indicator: field. Type in the URL that you want your customers to land on once they purchase a product via

this Content campaign. Your page will look like this:

Helpful Content Banner Resources

More of a visual person?

Watch this Content

Engagement video for

step-by-step instructions.

Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.


There are several fields throughout the

process in which you get to choose

names or set definitions. Use your

intuition and what is common language

in your company. You may be using this

campaign again in the future!

Page 11: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

11 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Create a content banner campaign

Once again, type in the URL of the page you want your customers to land on once they purchase via your new Content

Banner campaign.

Type in your URL and click Save in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

Your Goal library page now includes this goal. Click Done in the bottom right-hand corner.


Information is gathered through this

process to track success of your Content

Banner campaign so that you can test

and optimize. This information can

be found in the Agent and Campaign

Dashboards (see page #).

Helpful Content Banner Resources

More of a visual person?

Watch this Content Engagement

video for

step-by-step instructions.

Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 12: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

12 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Create a content banner campaign

3. You’ll land back on the following page:

Hover over All visitors to choose your target audience. If you’d like to target everyone who visits your website, leave this field alone.

But if you’d like to target a specific audience, click Edit.

Next, click + Add new.

Fill in the fields according to the target audience you have chosen. When you are done, click Save.

Notice that your new target audience has been added to your Target audience library page.

Click Done.


A big advantage with LiveEngage is that

you can target all of your visitors or pick

specific ones based on a variety of factors

such as geography, device used, new vs.

returning visitor, search term used, etc.

Helpful Content Banner Resources

More of a visual person?

Watch this Content Engagement

video for

step-by-step instructions.

Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 13: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

13 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Create a content banner campaign

4. Hover over Campaign time frame and set your dates and hours. Click Done. This feature is ideal if you have a limited time promotion

that begins and ends on specific dates. If you want it to run indefinitely, you can simply skip this step. If you later decide to stop this

campaign, you can come back here and click Unpublish.

5. Click + Add engagement (directly beneath Target audience) to access our Engagement template gallery.

Heads up! This is where you switch from a Chat Engagement to a Content Campaign.

Click on the down arrow next to Chat where indicated above, and choose Content instead.

Once you choose Content you’ll be presented with our Engagement template gallery. It looks like this:

Helpful Content Banner Resources

More of a visual person?

Watch this Content Engagement

video for

step-by-step instructions.

Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 14: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

14 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Create a content banner campaign

Choose from a variety of different banner formats. For example, our toaster banner pops up (hence the name).

The slide out banner...well, you can image what that one does.

This is where you start creating your content banner. For beginners, we suggest choosing one of our templates to engage

with your customers as quickly as possible. Once you become more familiar, go ahead and try creating one from scratch. It’s fun.

Click on your choice and click Next in the bottom right of your screen.

Helpful Content Banner Resources

More of a visual person?

Watch this Content Engagement

video for

step-by-step instructions.

Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 15: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

15 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Create a content banner campaign

6. You’ll land in our Engagement Studio below. Click inside the box on each element to customize your design.

Pick colors, fonts and messaging to match your website. You can even change the picture.

When you’re done, click Done.

7. You’ll land on a page that looks like this:

Use these buttons to control:

Size & Placement, Background,

Add element, Preview, and Settings

All elements on the banner

are editable and customizable

Helpful Content Banner Resources

More of a visual person?

Watch this Content Engagement

video for

step-by-step instructions.

Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 16: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

16 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Create a content banner campaign

8. This is where you decide where on your site it will be placed. The default is your entire site. If you want to specify, hover over

LOCATION and click on Edit. Choose where on your website you want the Chat bubble to be displayed from the Location library page.

Make sure you include the URL. Click Save. Then click Done.

9. This is where you choose visitor behaviors to target. Choose all behaviors if you do not have a preference. Otherwise, look for

VISITOR BEHAVIOR and click on Edit to define the visitor behavior that will trigger the Contact campaign you just created.

Once you choose, click Done.

Click on the Publish button in the upper right hand corner of your screen, and congrats! You’re live!

Next, find out how your Chat and Content Banner engagements are actually performing. That way you can learn, tweak,

and optimize until your site is a fine-tuned revenue generating machine.


Example visitor behaviors include things

like hesitating on a purchase page for 30

seconds or (insert another example here).

Helpful Content Banner Resources

More of a visual person?

Watch this Content Engagement

video for

step-by-step instructions.

Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 17: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

17 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Track your success

Track your success with LiveEngage.Customer service agents, managers, supervisors and marketing managers all have tools at their fingertips to monitor and

track success throughout Chat engagements and Content banners.

To monitor and track your performance, you have the full Agent dashboard and the full Campaign Dashboard.

There is also a Data Bar that runs across the top of your screen. What is displayed in the Data Bar depends on who

you are and what task you are engaged in.

The Data Bar looks like this:

If you are in Campaign tab, you will see data in real time that is related to your campaign.

If you are in the Users tab, you will see agent-data in real time that tracks your performance.

But you also have access to more robust information in our full dashboards. Follow the instructions below.

Helpful Data Resources

Log in and find a chat window

on every page for relevant

support. See how it works

in this short video.

Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 18: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

18 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Track your success

Accessing the Agent Dashboard

Click on the VISITORS tab at the top left of your page.

Click on the down arrow, indicated above. You now have access to your performance and measurements!

Keep track of your performance in real time so that you can take the necessary steps to meet your goals.

Accessing the Campaign DashBoard

Click on the orange CAMPAIGNS tab at the top left of your page.

Click on the down arrow, indicated above.

Here you’ll find a wealth of data for measuring success and generating reports:

• Engagements per goal type

• Conversion rates

• Goal reached per goal tpe

• Conversions after chats


Both dashboards are live and

continuously updated.

Helpful Data Resources

Log in and find a chat window

on every page for relevant

support. See how it works

in this short video.

Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.

Page 19: LiveEngage Setup Guide · 2017-02-03 · LiveEngage Setup Guide Welcome to the LivePerson community! Congratulations on joining the worldwide movement toward digital engagement to

19 © 2014 LivePerson, Inc.

Track your success

Chat agents can access current chats and monitor their performances. And supervisors can monitor

activity on the website in real time, track team performance, and generate reports.

Thanks for downloading this Guide. We hope it was helpful. Just remember, you can always reach us by logging in to LiveEngage and clicking on a chat window (present on every page) for relevant support.

Helpful Data Resources

Log in and find a chat window

on every page for relevant

support. See how it works

in this short video.

Log in and chat with us. You’ll

find a chat window on every

page for relevant support.