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Page 1: Little Ice Age

The Little Ice Age

Leslea Pedersen

History 141

September 23, 2009

Dr. Michael Arguello

Page 2: Little Ice Age

The Little Ice Age


• Occurred during 14th - 19th centuries.

• Causes of the Little Ice Age (LIA) are

thought to be either a major increase in

volcanic activity, a decrease in the sun’s

radiation, or a change in the worldwide

circulation of the ocean’s “conveyor belt.”

• The LIA came after a warmer climate

trend known as the Medieval Warm

Period. The LIA was not a true ice age

according to some scientists.

• Areas affected by LIA were agriculture,

health, economics, social strife,

emigration, art & literature.

• Crop devastation caused famines, price

of rye & wheat increased, wine production

stopped in France, weakened immune

systems gave way to increase in

disease/death, emigration gave way to

revolts, riots, revolution, creation of

democracies. Darker skies are seen in

paintings of the time, darker stories were

written such as “Frankenstein.”

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The Little Ice Age

Affects on Humanity

• The Little Ice Age (LIA) reshaped the

world through emigration, famine,

agriculture changes and death.

• People were puzzled about the cause of

the LIA and many believed it to be by

some evil force. Thus, people were

burned for witchcraft. Mass hysteria was a


• The Vikings living in Greenland were

hit hard. The land was no longer able to

support livestock, the cod they ate moved

south. The ocean clogged with ice.

• The League of the Iroquois enacted in

the 1500s is a result of Iroquois migration

in search of warmer weather. This was a

non-aggression pact.

• French peasants moving to Paris in

search of food revolted against the

government, leading to the revolution

which brought about democracy in


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The Little Ice Age

Agriculture, Etc.• The Little Ice Age (LIA) devastated the reliable cereal crops. This cause a sharp price increase in rye & wheat, plus shortage of food and famine.

• During this time the potato from the Andes was introduced. At first thought to be the devil’s plant, it later was an agricultural revolution & saved lives, except in France.

• France’s wine production stopped as grapes died out. Beer & hard liquor became more prominent & was thus introduced to N. America by European emigrants.

• There’s a theory the LIA caused the wood of the trees in the Italian Alps to grow more dense & this was the wood used by Stradivari to craft 650 of the world’s finest violins.

• Wars between countries were won or lost as a result of the unusual climate. The Spanish Armada was wiped out, as was Napoleon’s army. The US Revolution shifted in our favor after the battle of Trenton, where Washington crossed an ice clogged Delaware River & attacked the unsuspecting British.

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Documentary Film: “The Little Ice Age: The Big Chill.”

The History Channel

Wikipedia: Little Ice Age

The Little Ice Age in Europe