Download - Literature and Composition · Literary Terms TEST and a To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) TEST in your Literature and Composition class on the second day of school. We strongly suggest

Page 1: Literature and Composition · Literary Terms TEST and a To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) TEST in your Literature and Composition class on the second day of school. We strongly suggest


Literature and Composition Valley Southwoods Freshman High School

Summer Curriculum

Spring 2017

Dear Student,

Congratulations on meeting the requirements for the Literature and Composition course at Valley Southwoods!

You will find the curriculum covered in this class to be both challenging and stimulating. This class is a part of

the Accelerated Pathways program; you will receive 2 credit hours for this year long course. Since Literature

and Composition is a compacted course combining an advanced curriculum of Language and Literature and

Fundamentals of Writing, some of the course material must be completed in the summer. Once school starts,

teachers will move at a rigorous pace. Please print this packet and complete all assignments. Everything you

will need is included here; however, you will need to obtain your own copy of Harper Lee’s To Kill a


The first expectation of this course is that you will complete some independent work over the summer. This

work includes readings with related assignments, a journaling assignment, writing an essay about yourself, and

keeping a list of the other books you read this summer (between 5-10 recommended). You will also find a

listing of Literary Terms in this packet. Please study these terms and incorporate the literary terms in your

journal responses. Your teachers will use these terms frequently throughout the school year and expect you to

know all of them. All of this work will be due on the first day of school.

Summer Curriculum Jim Crow Article (article—included)

To Kill a Mockingbird (novel—assignment included; TEST: second day of school)

Journaling (assignment included)

Book List (assignment included)

Essay (assignment included)

Literary Terms (included; TEST over Literary Terms: second day of school)

The Summer Curriculum will be collected on the first day of school. Please note that these materials and others

will be the basis of the curriculum for this course during the first few weeks of school. Teachers will also use

this completed summer work as a pre-assessment of your knowledge, skills, quality of work, and as a

determination of appropriate placement in this advanced course. Please be aware that students who either do

not have the work completed on the first day of school or whose work does not meet advanced expectations

will be moved to Language and Literature, the standard 9th Grade Language Arts class. Also, be prepared for a

Literary Terms TEST and a To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) TEST in your Literature and Composition class

on the second day of school. We strongly suggest that you read To Kill a Mockingbird in the latter part of

the summer since we will discuss it and complete related assignments in August. If you read it too early,

you may forget some of the details. Please see the schedule below for an idea of what we will be covering on

the first few days of the school year.

If you have further questions about completing this assignment, please call the Valley Southwoods office.

Phone: 633-4500.

We look forward to working with you next year!

Valley Southwoods Literature and Composition teachers, Mrs. Carroll, Ms. Graves, Mrs. Hingl, and Mrs. Wicks

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Literature and Composition

2017-18 First Days of School

Predicted Schedule (may vary slightly)

Wednesday, 8/23 Welcome

Course Information

All Summer Assignments Due (Sections B, C, D, and E)

Thursday, 8/24 Test over Literary Terms (Section F of this packet) + To Kill a Mockingbird

Friday, 8/25 To Kill a Mockingbird Literary Analysis

Section A: Understanding the Context of the Novel

Background Information: The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, is a literary classic that addresses

issues of prejudice, poverty, and intolerance. It offers messages of hope, acceptance, justice, and courage. The

novel is set in the fictitious town of Maycomb, Alabama, during the time of the Great Depression.

Directions: In order to better understand the social and historical context of the novel, please read the following

excerpt from the article on Jim Crow Laws by Dr. David Pilgrim.

For further learning on this subject, an excellent website is:

What Was Jim Crow?

Jim Crow was the name of the racial caste system which operated primarily, but not exclusively in southern and border states,

between 1877 and the mid-1960s. Jim Crow was more than a series of rigid anti-Black laws. It was a way of life. Under Jim Crow,

African Americans were relegated to the status of second class citizens. All major societal institutions reflected and supported the

oppression of Blacks.

The Jim Crow system was based on the following beliefs or rationalizations: Whites were superior to Blacks in all important

ways, including but not limited to intelligence, morality, and civilized behavior; treating Blacks as equals would encourage

interracial sexual unions; any activity which suggested social equality encouraged interracial sexual relations; if necessary,

violence must be used to keep Blacks at the bottom of the racial hierarchy. The following Jim Crow etiquette norms show how

inclusive and pervasive these norms were:

a. A Black male could not offer his hand (to shake hands) with a White male because it implied being socially equal.

Obviously, a Black male could not offer his hand or any other part of his body to a White woman, because he risked

being accused of rape.

b. Blacks and Whites were not supposed to eat together. If they did eat together, Whites were to be served first, and

some sort of partition was to be placed between them.

c. Under no circumstance was a Black male to offer to light the cigarette of a White female -- that gesture implied


d. Blacks were not allowed to show public affection toward one another in public, especially kissing, because it

offended Whites.

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e. Jim Crow etiquette prescribed that Blacks were introduced to Whites, never Whites to Blacks. For example: "Mr.

Peters (the White person), this is Charlie (the Black person), that I spoke to you about."

f. Whites did not use courtesy titles of respect when referring to Blacks, for example, Mr., Mrs., Miss., Sir, or Ma'am.

Instead, Blacks were called by their first names. Blacks had to use courtesy titles when referring to Whites, and were

not allowed to call them by their first names.

g. If a Black person rode in a car driven by a White person, the Black person sat in the back seat, or the back of a truck.

h. White motorists had the right-of-way at all intersections.

Stetson Kennedy, the author of Jim Crow Guide, offered these simple rules that Blacks were supposed to observe in conversing

with Whites:

1. Never assert or even intimate that a White person is lying.

2. Never impute dishonorable intentions to a White person.

3. Never suggest that a White person is from an inferior class.

4. Never lay claim to, or overly demonstrate, superior knowledge or intelligence.

5. Never curse a White person.

6. Never laugh derisively at a White person.

7. Never comment upon the appearance of a White female.

Jim Crow states passed statutes severely regulating social interactions between the races. Jim Crow signs were placed above water

fountains, door entrances and exits, and in front of public facilities. There were separate hospitals for Blacks and Whites, separate

prisons, separate public and private schools, separate churches, separate cemeteries, separate public restrooms, and separate public

accommodations. In most instances, the Black facilities were grossly inferior -- generally, older, less-well-kept. In other cases, there

were no Black facilities -- no Colored public restroom, no public beach, no place to sit or eat.

Jim Crow laws touched every aspect of everyday life. For example, in 1935, Oklahoma prohibited Blacks and Whites from boating

together. Boating implied social equality. In 1905, Georgia established separate parks for Blacks and Whites. In 1930, Birmingham,

Alabama, made it illegal for Blacks and Whites to play checkers or dominoes together. Here are some of the typical Jim Crow laws,

as compiled by the Martin Luther King, Jr., National Historic Site Interpretive Staff:

Barbers. No colored barber shall serve as a barber (to) white girls or women (Georgia).

Blind Wards. The board of trustees shall...maintain a separate building...on separate ground for the admission, care,

instruction, and support of all blind persons of the colored or black race (Louisiana).

Burial. The officer in charge shall not bury, or allow to be buried, any colored persons upon ground set apart or used for

the burial of white persons (Georgia).

Buses. All passenger stations in this state operated by any motor transportation company shall have separate waiting

rooms or space and separate ticket windows for the white and colored races (Alabama).

Child Custody. It shall be unlawful for any parent, relative, or other white person in this State, having the control or

custody of any white child, by right of guardianship, natural or acquired, or otherwise, to dispose of, give or surrender

such white child permanently into the custody, control, maintenance, or support, of a negro (South Carolina).

Education. The schools for white children and the schools for Negro children shall be conducted separately (Florida).

Libraries. The state librarian is directed to fit up and maintain a separate place for the use of the colored people who

may come to the library for the purpose of reading books or periodicals (North Carolina).

Mental Hospitals. The Board of Control shall see that proper and distinct apartments are arranged for said patients, so

that in no case shall Negroes and white persons be together (Georgia).

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Nurses. No person or corporation shall require any White female nurse to nurse in wards or rooms in hospitals, either

public or private, in which Negro men are placed (Alabama).

Prisons. The warden shall see that the white convicts shall have separate apartments for both eating and sleeping from

the Negro convicts (Mississippi).

Teaching. Any instructor who shall teach in any school, college or institution where members of the white and colored

race are received and enrolled as pupils for instruction shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction

thereof, shall be fined... (Oklahoma).

The Jim Crow laws and system of etiquette were undergirded by violence, real and threatened. Blacks who violated Jim Crow

norms, for example, drinking from the White water fountain or trying to vote, risked their homes, their jobs, even their lives. Whites

could physically beat Blacks with impunity. Blacks had little legal recourse against these assaults because the Jim Crow criminal

justice system was all-White: police, prosecutors, judges, juries, and prison officials. Violence was instrumental for Jim Crow. It was

a method of social control. The most extreme forms of Jim Crow violence were lynchings.

Lynchings were public murders carried out by mobs. Between 1882, when the first reliable data were collected, and 1968, when

lynchings had become rare, there were 4,730 known lynchings, including 3,440 Black men and women. Most of the victims of Lynch-

Law were hanged or shot, but some were burned at the stake, beaten with clubs, or dismembered. In the mid-1800s, Whites

constituted the majority of victims (and perpetrators); however, by the period of Radical Reconstruction, Blacks became the most

frequent lynching victims. This is an early indication that lynching was used as an intimidation tool to keep Blacks, in this case the

newly-freedmen, "in their places." The great majority of lynchings occurred in southern and border states, where the resentment

against Blacks ran deepest. Most Blacks were lynched for demanding civil rights, violating Jim Crow etiquette or laws, or in the

aftermath of race riots.

Lynchings were most common in small and middle-sized towns where Blacks often were economic competitors to the local Whites.

These Whites resented any economic and political gains made by Blacks. Lynchers were seldomly arrested, and if arrested, rarely

convicted. Raper estimated that "at least one-half of the lynchings are carried out with police officers participating, and that in nine-

tenths of the others the officers either condone or wink at the mob action." Lynching served many purposes: it was cheap

entertainment; it served as a rallying, uniting point for Whites; it functioned as an ego-massage for low-income, low-status Whites; it

was a method of defending White domination and helped stop the fledgling social equality movement.

Many Blacks resisted the indignities of Jim Crow, and, far too often, they paid for their bravery with their lives.

by Dr. David Pilgrim, Professor of Sociology; Ferris State University; Sept., 2000

Section B: To Kill a Mockingbird

Directions: After reading the What Was Jim Crow? article, please read the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. The

attached study guide is required; it leads you through the reading process and helps you prepare for the TKAM

test that you will take on the second day of school.

**Attention: Please do not watch the To Kill a Mockingbird movie on your own. We will be completing a film

study and discussion involving the classic movie in class in September.

**Also, it may be better to read To Kill a Mockingbird in mid-to-late summer

(rather than right away this spring), since the novel will be the focus of the class

during the first few weeks. We want you to be successful on the discussions, test,

and assignments; we don’t want you to forget all of the details.

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To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Ch. 1-2

1. What did the children know about the Radley’s family history?

2. Why did Scout get into trouble with her teacher on the first day of school? How does this incident add

to her credibility as a narrator?

Ch. 3-5

3. What is the significance of Scout’s school experience? Read the following quotation before


“First of all,” he said,” If you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view – until you climb into his

skin and walk around in it.” Chapter 3

4. What did Jem and Scout find in the knot-hole of the oak tree? Who do you think put the objects there?

5. What is Miss Maudie like? What is her theory on why Boo Radley is the way he is?

Ch. 6-8

6. Why was Jem bothered by the cement they found in the knot-hole of the oak? How did you know he

was upset?

7. How did Miss Maudie handle her house burning down? What does this show about her? (Chapter 8)

8. Where did the blanket come from?

Ch. 9-10

9. What reason did Atticus give Scout for the fact that he was defending a black man?

10. How did Scout get into trouble on Christmas at her Aunt Alexandra’s house? How did her uncle

handle things? What does this show you about him?(Chapter 9)

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11. Read the following quotations from chapter 9 and answer the questions that follow:

“You just hold your head up high and keep those fists down. No matter what anybody says

to you, don’t you let ‘em get your goat. Try fighting with your head for a change.” -Atticus Finch

What happened in the story to make Atticus say this?

“Simply because we’re licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win. –

Atticus Finch

Who is Atticus talking to? Why does he say this?

“This time we aren’t fighting the Yankees, we’re fighting our friends. But remember this,

no matter how bitter things get, they’re still our friends and this is still our home.” -Atticus Finch

Do you agree? No matter what, are they still their friends? What do these words tell you about Atticus?

“I hope and pray I can get Jem and Scout through it without bitterness, and most of all, without catching

Maycomb’s usual disease. Why reasonable people go stark-raving mad when anything involving a Negro

comes up is something I don’t pretend to understand…” – Atticus Finch

What is “Maycomb’s disease?”

12. According to Atticus, it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. Why?

13. Jem and Scout were somewhat disappointed in Atticus because he wasn’t athletic like some fathers.

What happened to change their minds? Why hadn’t Atticus revealed that skill earlier? Consider

the quotations below before answering.

“Marksmanship’s a gift of God, a talent – oh, you have to practice to make it perfect, but

shootin’s different from playing piano and the like. I think maybe he put his gun down when he realized that

God had given him an unfair advantage over most living things. I guess he decided he wouldn’t shoot until he

had to, and he had to today.” –Miss Maudie

“People in their right minds never take pride in their talents.” – Miss Maudie

Ch. 11

14. What did Atticus mean when he said the “The one thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a

person’s conscience”?

15. According to Atticus, what kind of person uses the word “n- lover?”

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16. What did Jem do to Mrs. Dubose? Why?

17. How was Jem punished? What did he learn about Mrs. Dubose? What did he learn about himself?

18. Read the quotations below from Chapter 11 and respond to the questions that follow.

“…but sometimes we have to make the best of things, and the way we conduct ourselves when the chips are

down.” –Atticus Finch

What would our conduct, when the chips are down, reveal about each of us?

“…it’s never an insult to be called what somebody thinks is a bad name. It just shows you how poor that

person is, it doesn’t hurt you.” – Atticus Finch

What happened in the story to bring about this response by Atticus?

“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his

hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no

matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.” -Atticus Finch

Who demonstrated the courage Atticus describes?

Ch. 12-14

19. Why did Cal take extra care going over the children’s clothes before going to her church? How were

Jem and Scout treated there? Who is Lula? (Chapter 12)

20. Describe the “caste system” in Maycomb. (Chapter 13)

21. Dill had a wild story about why he had run away from home. What was it? What was the real

reason? (Chapter 14)

Ch. 15-16

22. What effect did Scout have on the mob?

23.Why did so many people dislike Dolphus Raymond?

Ch. 17 24. How did Atticus establish the fact that Mr. Ewell was left-handed? Why do you suppose that fact is


25. What was Mr. Ewell’s attitude while he was testifying? Considering his background, why did he act

this way?

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26. Why is it ironic that Bob testifies, “I’ve asked this county for fifteen years to clean out that nest (black

neighborhood) down yonder, they’re dangerous to live around ‘sides devaulin’ my property-“?

Ch. 18 27. Of what does Mayella accuse Tom? What is her version of what happened? What is her attitude

toward everyone in the courtroom?

Ch. 19-21

28. What was wrong with Tom’s left arm?

29. What was Tom’s version of what happened with Mayella?

30. Why did Mr. Dolphus Raymond pretend to be drunk?

31. Why did Mr. Raymond share his secret with the children? (Chapter 20)

32. Before the verdict, Reverend Sykes told Jem not to be confident his father would win. Why didn’t the

Reverend expect Atticus to win?

33. Why was Dill crying?

34. According to Atticus, what is the “evil assumption” people make about black people? (Chapter 20)

35. What was the verdict? How did Jem react?

Ch. 22-24

36. How did Bob Ewell threaten Atticus? Why?

37. What is Atticus’ definition of “trash”? (Chapter 23)

38. Aunt Alexandra won’t allow Scout to invite Walter Cunningham to the house because she says he is

trash. Would Atticus consider him trash? Why or why not?

39. At the end of Chapter 23, Jem is trying to make sense of the different kinds of “folks” he has observed

in Maycomb. He divided them into four categories. Scout says, “Naw, Jem, I think there’s just

one kind of folks. Folks.” Do you agree with Jem or Scout?

40. Why does Jem think Boo Radley wants to stay inside his house?

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41. How does Tom getting shot demonstrate injustice?

42. What is hypocritical about the ladies' attitude toward the natives (Mrunas)?

43. At the tea, what was it that Aunty was silently thanking Miss Maudie for? (Chapter 24)

Ch. 25-28

44. At school, Scout's class talked about Hitler. Why did Miss Gates' lesson about prejudice confuse

Scout? (Chapter 26) Why is this hypocritical?

45. What happened to terrify Scout and Jem on their way home?

Ch. 29-31 46. How does Bob Ewell die?

47. Actually, Mr. Tate made up the story about Ewell falling on his knife to protect someone else.


48. What does Scout mean when she says, “Well, it’d be sort of like shootin’ a mockingbird, wouldn’t it?”

(Chapter 30)

49. As Scout looks out from the Radley porch, she regrets that the children never gave Boo anything

in return for his gifts. Actually, they did give Boo something. What?

50. Re-read the last page of the book. Atticus tells Scout most people are nice when you finally see them.

This is a very optimistic ending. Does this surprise you? Explain.

After completing the novel (use another sheet of paper for more in-depth answers):

51. Who changes the most in the story? Describe some of the changes.

52. Who or what was responsible for Tom Robinson's death?

53. How do you think the author, Harper Lee, feels about the South? Why?

54. What does the mockingbird symbolize?

55. What are the themes of To Kill a Mockingbird?

56. What did you learn from this book? How did the “Jim Crow” article help you understand the social context of the


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Be prepared to discuss To Kill a Mockingbird in class! You will be assessed on your understanding of the

plot, knowledge of the characters, and literary element analysis, including setting, irony, mood, and so on.

OPTIONAL Learning Extensions:

Conduct some research on the author to discover Harper Lee’s personal history, other literary works,

accolades in the literary world, and so on.

Read Harper Lee’s posthumously published novel Go Set a Watchman and compare Lee’s writing style,

the novel’s plot, setting, characters, and theme(s) with To Kill a Mockingbird.

Section C: Journal

Directions: Consider all of the reading you have completed for this class.

Please type your responses to the following prompts and bring them to

class on the first day of school. Elaborate as much as you feel is

necessary to answer the questions. Incorporate the Literary Terms from

the attached list (Section F) in your responses.

Note: Most of what you write will be your personal reactions to your reading. However, your teachers will ask

you to go back and reflect upon your journal early in the school year, so it’s a good idea to be thoughtful and

thorough in your responses.

Length: Each journal entry should be at least 7-10 sentences.

Journal Questions:

1.) What is your personal reaction to the information presented in the What Was Jim Crow? article?

2.) After reading the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, what are your thoughts about the novel in general? (You

may consider discussing Harper Lee’s writing style, the social issues found in the novel (poverty, racism,

intolerance, etc.), the ideas of justice, family, heroes, and so forth, or anything else that comes to mind.)

3.) Compare and contrast the protagonist from one of your summer reading books to a character from To Kill a


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Section D: Book List

Directions: Please keep a typed list of the books you read during the summer. While

we recommend that you read at least 5-10 books, preferably college-bound selections,

the main purpose of this book list is to determine what kind of reader you are: what

genres you prefer, what your reading stamina is, what you choose to read in your free

time. Just record the title, author, and number of pages. If you need some ideas for

“good reads” or recommended reading, the following websites may be helpful.

Please set up your list with these categories:

Title Author # of pages___

Section E: Lit & Comp Personal Essay

A tradition at Valley Southwoods is for each new freshman student to write a 5-

paragraph personal essay, sharing information about himself or herself. Not only

does this essay give your fellow classmates a chance to get to know you, it also

allows your teachers to find out more about you and your writing skills.

Possible Essay Topics (Choose one):

1.) Traditional “All About Me” Essay

Write a typical autobiographical essay. Begin with an interesting introduction of who you are,

then use the 3 body paragraphs to expand various aspects of your personality, family, activities,

goals, and so on. Leave us with a lasting impression in your conclusion.

2.) 3 Most Important Virtues

What 3 Virtues are most important to you? What do you expect from yourself or from others?

Identify the 3 Virtues in your thesis statement, and then discuss each one on the following paragraphs. Your

conclusion might identify the virtue you value the most.

3.) Comparison to a Favorite Literary Character

Harry Potter? Katniss Everdeen? What literary character are you most like, or at least wish to

be like? Identify a fictional character you most identify with. Then, explain the ways in which

you are similar to or wish to be like that character. Please identify the piece of fiction in which

this character is found—just in case your teacher does not know that character!

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4.) A Defining Moment in My Life

Identify one moment in your life that you feel shaped who you are today, or perhaps changed your

way of thinking. Identify the moment in your introduction, and then develop how that moment

defines you in the next 3 body paragraphs. Wrap up with an overall conclusion.

5.) This I Believe

Based on the successful NPR radio and essay series, write an essay about something you deeply

believe in. Your thesis should include a belief statement, while the rest of the essay supports that

belief with specific examples. This essay can be on any school-appropriate topic and may be

very passionate and very personal.

You should write multiple drafts of this essay and will need to find a peer or an adult to edit your writing. Your

final draft should be typed, should follow MLA formatting, and should include a recent photograph of

yourself. Please refer to the attached rubric often during the writing process to determine the expectations.

Since Literature and Composition is a writing class, you will be held to high standards for all of your essays

from the very beginning of this class. This first formal writing assignment is an opportunity for your teachers to

assess where you currently are as a writer and where you can go this year!

Due: The first day of school Points: 30

M.L.A. Writing Style Guide This section is designed to help you with writing assignments in your classes at

Valley Southwoods. All of your teachers will expect you to follow these guidelines

for all written assignments. These guidelines are based on M.L.A. standards that

are also used by writing teachers at Valley High School. You will be expected to

refer to this handout throughout the year.

M.L.A. Format Basics:

All of your formal written assignments will follow M.L.A. format:

Typing, Printing, Font: Avoid script or other fancy print; use a standard font (Times New Roman or Calibri) and a

standard size such as 12 point. Be sure to choose a high-quality printer and print only on one side of the paper. Justify the

left margin only; full justification is incorrect in an MLA document. Always keep a backup copy on flash.

Margins: Use one-inch margins on all sides, except when inserting a heading with page numbers. Tab the first word of

each paragraph to indent. Each block quotation should be indented one inch or ten spaces from the left and right margin.

Spacing: Double-space EVERYTHING. Do NOT use an extra double space between paragraphs.

Page Numbers: Your last name and page number should appear in the right-hand corner of the second and subsequent


Heading and Title: DO NOT INCLUDE A TITLE PAGE. Your heading is on the first page and it includes:

Your name

Teacher’s Name

Course Name, Period

Date (23 August 2017)

Double-space and then type your title, centered. Capitalize all significant words in the title. Do not underline your title,

or put it in quotes, or put it all in capitals. Following the title, double-space, indent, and begin the text. Do not include

more spaces than indicated. (Italicize titles of books.)

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Joe Smith

Mrs. Sweet

Literature and Composition, Period 3

23 August 2017

Hero’s Journey Movie Analysis

Historically, women have been required to defer to men, allowing husbands and relatives to make decisions for

them and tell them how to act. Even now, in the twenty-first century, women encounter this type of discrimination. If it

is difficult for a woman to be taken seriously when she goes against the grain now, imagine what it must have been like in

ancient China. When a young girl named Mulan, in a Disney movie of the same name, masquerades as a man and joins

the army, she is able to save all of China with her bravery and guile. Mulan’s hero’s journey allows her to change from a

girl whose life was bound by tradition to a woman who defied society’s laws and found the strength within that she didn’t

know she had.

Mulan changes….

NOTE: When your assignment is longer than a single paragraph, do not add extra spaces between paragraphs.


What is a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement is the topic and direction of your paper. Think of it as a formula:

Topic + Direction (or Opinion) = THESIS STATEMENT

Example of an Introduction and Thesis Statement:

For those who might believe people cannot change, I am walking proof to the contrary. I used to be so

afraid of heights that I broke out into a sweat just by looking out my second-story bedroom window. However,

in the past few years, I’ve overcome my fear of heights by putting myself into “elevated” situations. I have

faced my fears by learning to rock wall climb, bungee jump, and even by learning how to hang glide!

The writer focused the essay by listing the 3 main points to be covered in each body paragraph:

1.) Rock wall climbing 2.) Bungee jumping 3.) Hang gliding

Each of these main points will become the topic sentence in each of the body paragraphs.

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Name ____________________________________________ Period ____________Score_______________/30

Personal Essay Rubric / Literature and Composition Iowa Core Writing Standard: W9-10.3 (Write narratives to develop real experiences using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences.)

Focus (Thesis Statement and Topic Sentences) The text focuses on a topic to inform a reader.

Clear and effective 3-point thesis appears at the end of the introductory paragraph and provides a clear focus for the essay. Topic sentences in each body paragraph connect to thesis statement and effectively direct the reader’s focus on the main idea for that paragraph. 5

3-point thesis statement appears at the end of the introductory paragraph and provides a general direction for the essay. Topic sentences in each body paragraph are generally present and give the reader a sense of that paragraph’s main idea. 4

3-point thesis statement is either missing, unclear, inaccurate, and/or in the wrong place. Topic sentences are either missing in some or all body paragraphs or do not clearly provide a sense of that paragraph’s main idea. 3 2 1 0

Narrative Technique and Development The text presents relevant facts, description, and details.

The writing includes a variety of relevant, interesting, and creative details. Paper is focused and details help the reader to really “know” the student. 5

The writing includes some relevant and interesting details (more focus and development would enrich the paper).


The writing includes few relevant or interesting details (the paper seems incomplete or undeveloped).

3 2 1 0

Organization and Cohesion The text uses appropriate and varied transitions to link major section of the text, creates cohesion, and clarifies the relationships among complex ideas.

The writing demonstrates a great deal of coherence, clarity, and cohesion. The introduction and logical progression of ideas make it easy to follow the writer’s progression of ideas. Effective transitions; strong conclusion. 5

The writing demonstrates some coherence, clarity, and/or cohesion. The introduction and logically grouped ideas make the writer’s progression of ideas noticeable but not obvious. Transitions and conclusion are present. 4

The writing demonstrates limited coherence, clarity, and/or cohesion making the writer’s progression of ideas somewhat or completely unclear. Transitions and/or conclusion are ineffective or missing. 3 2 1 0

Style The text uses rich sensory language to create a vivid picture.

The paper naturally and effectively uses vibrant words and phrasing, rich sensory language and mood to convey a realistic picture of the student. The writing is engaging and revealing! 5

The paper uses words and phrases and sensory language to convey a realistic picture of the student. The writing is somewhat engaging. 4

The paper merely tells about the student. The writing is bland, mechanic, or lifeless. 3 2 1 0


The text demonstrates standard English conventions of usage and mechanics.

Paper demonstrates superior editing (by writer or peers) with virtually no errors in grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization, and/or spelling. Impressive! 5

Paper needs additional editing (by writer or peers) because of several errors in grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization, and/or spelling. Decent job! 4

Paper needs editing/revision (by writer or peers) because of major errors in grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization, and/or spelling. Needs work! 3 2 1 0

MLA Format The text demonstrates discipline-specific requirements.

Paper conforms to all MLA format/style guidelines (page numbers, info lines, title, spacing, font, and margins); virtually no errors exist. 5

The paper conforms to most MLA format/style guidelines (page numbers, information lines, title, spacing, font choice, margins) but several noticeable errors remain. 4

The paper does not conform to MLA format/style guidelines (page numbers, info lines, title, spacing, font, margins); vast errors remain and distract.

3 2 1 0

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Section F: Literary Terms Please study ALL the literary terms that follow and incorporate some of the terms into your journal

responses. Your teachers expect you to know, understand, and correctly use all of these concepts. You

will be quizzed over the definitions of all the Literary Terms on the second day of school.

Basic Literary Terms

Plot The sequence of events in a short story Exposition The basic introduction to a story; reader may find out character names,

setting, etc.

Inciting Incident The main conflict of the story is introduced

Rising Action All events leading up to the climax

Complications Minor problems that add to the main conflict in the story

Climax The highest point of tension in the story OR the turning point

Falling Action All events after the climax that lead to resolution

Resolution The point in the story when the main conflict has been resolved

Denouement After the resolution, when all “loose ends” are tied up

Plot Techniques

Foreshadowing Clues given in the story which may indicate the outcome of the plot

Flashback When the sequence of events in a story is interrupted to go to an earlier

period of time

In medias res Literally means “in the middle”; Technique in which the sequence of events in the plot

are out of order—usually the story begins somewhere in the middle, flashes back to the

beginning, catches up to the present and proceeds on.

Example: The Odyssey

Conflict Tension or problems in a story --internal A personal struggle a character has within their own mind

Example: person v. self

--external Struggles a character must deal with apart from themselves, such as

external forces.

Examples: person v. nature, person v. society, person v. person

Suspense The tension the reader feels as conflicts and complications grow in a story.

Character Terms

Direct Characterization A character’s personality traits are directly stated in the story

Indirect Characterization The author gives clues the character’s personality by including

their appearance, thoughts, speech, actions, or opinions of


Flat A character who is one-dimensional

Round A multi-faceted character--you see more than one side of their personality

Static A character who stays the same throughout the entire story

Dynamic A character who changes throughout the story

Protagonist The hero of the story

Antagonist The character in opposition to the hero of the story

Foil A character in contrast with the main character

Epiphany A sudden realization for a character....their epiphany may help them resolve the conflict

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Point of View The perspective from which a story is told; the narrator First Person The narrator is a character in the story

Third Person The narrator is not a character; tells the story from the outside, looking

Limited in to the mind of ONE character.

Third Person

Omniscient The narrator is not a character in the story, but can look into the minds of several

characters. This narrator is “all-knowing.”

Setting The time and place of the story Mood The atmosphere or feeling of the story

Time Time of day, day of the week, year, or era of the story

Location The building, region, country, etc. of the story

Atmosphere The weather, or psychological feeling of the story

Historical Setting The events that were happening in history when the story is set

or the social context of the story

Theme The central idea or message of a story

The following may provide CLUES to the theme:

Direct Statements A quote by a character or narrator that directly states the theme

Philosophical Statements A quote by a character or narrator that is not direct, but philosophical or profound.

The reader must interpret their comment to discover the theme.

Nature of the Conflict The type of conflict itself may indicate the theme

Character Changes As characters change and grow, the theme may become apparent

Symbolism Anything that represents something else: (colors, numbers,


Tone The author’s attitude toward the subject

Irony When the opposite of what you expect happens

Verbal Irony Characters say one thing, but mean another

Situational Irony Everyone is surprised by the outcome of the story, both reader and


Dramatic Irony The reader knows what is going on in the story, but the characters

are surprised by the outcome

Genre Different types of literature

Short Story A short piece of fiction, meant to be read in one sitting

Novel A longer piece of fiction--usually much more developed plot and


Poetry Short writing that incorporates elements of poetry such as rhythm,

rhyme, figurative language, and sound devices

Drama A longer piece of fiction that is meant to be performed by actors

on a stage. Includes dialogue and stage directions.

Nonfiction A piece of writing based upon real-life. Examples: biographies,

news articles, textbooks, essays, etc.

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Advanced Literary Terms

Allusion A reference to mythology, history, or religion in a literary work.

Antithesis Placement or juxtaposition of structurally parallel words or phrases

for the purpose of contrast. Example: sink or swim.

Connotation The implied meaning of a word. Example: “lady”—a refined


Denotation The dictionary definition of a word. Example: “lady”—a female.

Diction Word choice, usually chosen purposefully to convey a certain

effect upon the reader.

Figurative Language Language that is not meant to be interpreted for literal meaning.

--Idiom A figure of speech in which the meaning is different from the

words that are actually written. Example: “It’s raining cats and


--Metaphor A comparison between two things, not using “like” or “as.”

Example: Morning is a new sheet of paper to write upon.

--Simile A comparison between two things that uses “like” or “as.”

Example: “My sister is like a bear when she wakes up from a


--Personification Giving human characteristics to inanimate objects.

Example: Death knocked upon his door.

Hyperbole Deliberate and often extreme exaggeration done for either serious

or comic effect.

Example: “I had a million things to do this morning!”

Imagery Language that appeals to one or more of the five senses.

Example: The dark and murky sky was filled with the smell of


Motivation A set of circumstances that prompts a character to act a certain way

or that determines the outcome of a situation.

Paradox Contradictory ideas that appear together in an effort to reveal some

new way of thinking about something or a hidden truth.

Poetic Devices Poetic techniques used in a piece of writing.

Examples: sound devices such as alliteration, rhythm, rhyme;

figurative language; imagery, etc.

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Pun A play on words that are identical or similar in sound, but have

sharply diverse meanings. Example: “Dreamers often lie.”

Sarcasm The use of verbal ironical humor. Example: “You look really great today!”

when the person really looks disheveled.

Structure The framework or organization of a literary work. (Chapters in

a book; acts in a play; paragraph topics in an essay; stanzas in a poem.)

Style The writer’s characteristic manner of employing language.

Synecdoche A form of metaphor. Used when a part of something is used to

signify the whole. Example: “I have a new set of wheels,” when

referring to a car.

Syntax The arrangement of words and the order of grammatical elements

in a sentence.

Understatement The opposite of hyperbole. A kind of irony that deliberately

represents something as being much less than it really is. Example: “I guess I

could manage to get by on an income of ten million dollars a year.”