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  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


    Writing a Literary Analysis

    BRIAN YOTHERSBrought to you in cooperation with the Purue Online Writing La!

  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


    What is Literary


    It#s literary$

    It#s an analysis$

    It#s %

    An Argument!

    It &ay also in'ol'e research on an analysis o(seconary sources$

  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


    I&portant Literary)oncepts

  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


    How )an I Learn *ore"

    Check your library for:

    • +arious han!oo,s o( literary ter&s

    •Nu&erous introuctions to literary criticis&an theory- wiely a'aila!le$

    E.a&ple/ A Handbook to Literature,


  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


    How is it 1Literary2"

    3sually- a literary analysis will in'ol'e adiscussion of a text as writing- thus the ter&literary- which &eans 1ha'ing to o with letters$2

     This will in'ol'e the use o( certain concepts thatare 'ery speci4cally associate with literature$

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    What is an Analysis"

    An analysis o( a literary wor, &ay iscuss/

    How the various components o( an ini'iualwor, relate to each other$

    How two separate literary wor,s eal with similarconcepts or forms$

    How concepts an (or&s in literary wor,s relate tolarger aesthetic- political- social- econo&ic- orreligious contexts$

  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


    How is LiteraryAnalysis

    An Argu&ent"

    Writing an Argument:

    • When writing a literary analysis- you willfocus on specic attribute(s o( thete.t5s6$

    • When iscussing these attri!utes- youwill want to &a,e sure that you are

    making a specic arguable point(thesis a!out these attri!utes$

    • You will defend this point with reasonsan evidence rawn (ro& the te.t$

  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


     Thesis State&ents

    Which is the best Thesis State&ent"

    Moby-Dick is a!out the pro!le& o( e'il$

    Moby-Dick  is !oring an pointless$

    Moby-Dick is a!out a !ig- white whale$

     The use o( 1whiteness2 in Moby-Dick illustratesthe uncertainty o( the &eaning o( li(e that Ish&aele.presses throughout the no'el$

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    How to SupportA Thesis State&ent

    "vidence and #upport:

    • Inclue e.a&ples from the text/

    7irect 8uotations Su&&aries o( scenes Paraphrases

    • )ite other critics$ opinions

    • 7iscuss the te.t#s historical and social context

    • Always re&e&!er to rea care(ully an highlightuse(ul passages an 8uotes$

  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


    What is aSeconary Source"

    #econdary #ources:

    • A !oo, or article that iscusses the te.t you are iscussing$

    • A !oo, or article that iscusses a theory relate to theargu&ent you are &a,ing$

    • A !oo, or article that iscusses the social an historical

    conte.t o( the te.t you are iscussing$

    9or e.a&ple/ In iscussing )haucer#s Pardoner’s Tale- Lee Patterson argues that/ 1:

  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


    How o I 9inSeconary Sources"

     %ou might consult:• Acae&ic 7ata!ases

    • EX: The MLA International iblio!ra"hy • The 7ictionary o( Literary Biography• 7iscipline;speci4c sources/

    EX: A#erica: History and Li$e $or A#erican Literature• Other search engines• A !i!liography that is part o( your te.t• Your instructor

  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


    IntegratingSeconary Source

    • When you use seconary sources- !e sure to showhow they relate to your thesis$

    • &on$t overuse any one seconary source- or (orthat &atter- seconary sources in general

    • 'emember that this is your paper- yourargu&ent%the seconary sources are

  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


    Recap/ Literary


    When writing a literary analysis:

    Be (a&iliar with literary ter&s$

    Analy=e speci4c ite&s$

    *a,e an a argu&ent$

    *a,e appropriate use o( seconary sources$

    )onsult instructors an tutors (or help whenneee$

  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


    Where to >o(or *ore Help

    Purue 3ni'ersity Writing La!- Hea'ilon ??@

    )hec, our we! site/ http/00owl$english$purue$eu

    E&ail !rie( 8uestions to OWL *ail/https/00owl$english$purue$eu0contact0owl&ailtutors

  • 8/9/2019 Literary Analysis OWL


     The En


    BRIAN YOTHERSBrought to you in cooperation with the Purue Online Writing La!