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    ThuNovember 4,2010




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    by Jeff Johnson

    The universe can be a very strange place. While groundbreaking ideas such as

    quantum theory, relativity and even the Earth going around the Sun might be

    commonly accepted now, science still continues to show that the universe contains

    things you might find it difficult to believe, and even more difficult to get your head


    Negative Energy

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    Theoretically, the lowest temperature that can be achieved is absolute zero, exactly

    273.15C, where the motion of all particles stops completely. However, you can

    never actually cool something to this temperature because, in quantum mechanics,

    every particle has a minimum energy, called zero-point energy, which you

    cannot get below. Remarkably, this minimum energy doesnt just apply to particles,

    but to any vacuum, whose energy is called vacuum energy. To show that this

    energy exists involves a rather simple experiment take two metal plates in a

    vacuum, put them close together, and they will be attracted to each other. This is

    caused by the energy between the plates only being able to resonate at certain

    frequencies, while outside the plates the vacuum energy can resonate at pretty

    much any frequency. Because the energy outside the plates is greater than the

    energy between the plates, the plates are pushed towards each other. As the plates

    get closer together, the force increases, and at around a 10 nm separation this effect

    (called the Casimir effect) creates one atmosphere of pressure between them.

    Because the plates reduce the vacuum energy between them to below the normal

    zero-point energy, the space is said to have negative energy, which has some

    unusual properties.

    One of the properties of a negative-energy vacuum is that light actually travels

    faster in it than it does in a normal vacuum, something that may one day allow

    people to travel faster than the speed of light in a kind of negative-energy vacuum

    bubble. Negative energy could also be used to hold open a transversible wormhole,

    which although theoretically possible, would collapse as soon as it was created

    without a means to keep it open. Negative energy also causesblack holes to

    evaporate. Vacuum energy is often modeled as virtual particles popping into

    existence and annihilating. This doesnt violate any energy conservation laws as

    long as the particles are annihilated shortly afterwards. However, if two particles

    are produced at the event horizon of ablack hole, one can be moving away from

    the black hole, while the other is falling into it. This means they wont be able to

    annihilate, so the particles both end up with negative energy. When the negative

    energy particle falls into the black hole, it lowers the mass of the black hole instead

    of adding to it, and over time particles like these will cause the black hole to

    evaporate completely. Because this theory was first suggested by Stephen Hawking,

    the particles given off by this effect (the ones that dont fall into the black hole) are

    called Hawking radiation. It was the first accepted theory to unite quantum theory

    with general relativity, making it Hawkings greatest scientific achievement to date.

    Frame Dragging

    One prediction of Einsteins theory of general relativity is that when a large object

    moves, it drags the space-time around it, causing nearby objects to be pulled along

    as well. It can occur when a large object is moving in a straight line or is rotating,and, although the effect is very small, it has been experimentally verified. The

    Gravity Probe B experiment, launched in 2004, was designed to measure the

    space-time distortion near Earth. Although sources of interference were larger than

    expected, the frame-dragging effect has been measured to an uncertainty of 15%,

    with further analysis hoping to reduce this further.

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    The expected effects were very close to predictions: due to the rotation of the Earth,

    the probe was pulled from its orbit by around 2 meters per year, an effect purely

    caused by the mass of the Earth distorting the space-time surrounding it. The probe

    itself would not feel this extra acceleration because it is not caused by an

    acceleration on the probe, but rather on the space-time the probe is traveling

    throughanalogous to a rug being pulled under a table, rather than moving the

    table itself.

    Relativity of Simultaneity

    The relativity of simultaneity is the idea that whether two events occur

    simultaneously or not is relative and depends on the observer. It is a strange

    consequence of the special theory of relativity, and applies to any events that

    happen that are separated by some distance. For example, if a firework is let off on

    Mars and another on Venus, one observer traveling through space one way might

    say they happen at the same time (compensating for the time light takes to reachthem), while another observer traveling another way might say the one on Mars

    went off first, and yet another might say the one on Venus went off first. It is

    caused by the way different viewpoints become distorted compared to each other in

    special relativity. And because they are all relative, no observer can be said to have

    the correct viewpoint.

    This can lead to very unusual scenarios, such as an observer witnessing effect

    before cause (for example, seeing a bomb go off, then later seeing someone light

    the fuse). However, once the observer sees the effect, they cannot interact with the

    cause without traveling faster than the speed of light, which was one of the first

    reasons faster-than-light travel was believed to be forbidden, because it is akin to

    time travel, and a universe where you can interact with the cause after the effect

    makes no sense.

    Black Strings

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    One of the longest outstanding mysteries in physics is how gravity is related to the

    other fundamental forces, such as electromagnetism. One theory, first proposed in

    1919, showed that if an extra dimension is added to the universe, gravity still exists

    in the first four dimensions (three space dimensions and time), but the way this

    four dimensional space curves over the extra fifth dimension, naturally producesthe other fundamental forces. However, we cannot see or detect this fifth

    dimension, so it was proposed that the extra dimension was curled up, and hence

    became invisible to us. This theory was what ultimately led to string theory, and is

    still included at the heart of most string theory analysis.

    Since this extra dimension is so small, only tiny objects, such as particles, can move

    along it. In these cases, they ultimately just end up where they started, since the

    extra dimension is curled up on itself. However, one object that becomes much

    more complex in five dimensions is a black hole. When extended to five

    dimensions, it becomes a black string, and unlike a normal 4D black hole, it is

    unstable (this ignores the fact that 4D black holes eventually evaporate). This black

    string will destabilize into a whole string of black holes, connected by further black

    strings, until the black strings are pinched off entirely and leave the set of black

    holes. These multiple 4D black holes then combine into one larger black hole. Themost interesting thing about this is that, using current models, the final black hole

    is a naked singularity. That is, it has no event horizon surrounding it. This

    violates the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis, which says that all singularities must

    be surrounded by an event horizon, in order to avoid the time-travel effects that are

    believed to happen near a singularity from changing the history of the entire

    universe, as they can never escape from behind an event horizon.


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    There are also two event horizons, an inner and outer one, and an ellipsoid called

    the ergosphere, inside which space-time itself rotates with the black hole (because

    of frame dragging) faster than the speed of light. When entering the black hole, by

    passing through the outer event horizon, space-like paths become time-like,

    meaning that it is impossible to avoid the singularity at the centre, just like in a

    Schwarzschild black hole. However, when you pass through the inner event

    horizon, your path becomes space-like again. The difference is this: space-time

    itself is reversed. This means gravity near the ring singularity becomes repulsive,

    actually pushing you away from the centre. In fact, unless you enter the black hole

    exactly on the equator, it is impossible to hit the ring singularity itself. Additionally,

    ring singularities can be linked through space-time, so they can act as wormholes,

    although exiting the black hole on the other side would be impossible (unless it wasa naked singularity, possibly created when the ring singularity spins fast enough).

    Traveling through a ring singularity might take you to another point in space-time,

    such as another universe, where you could see light falling in from outside the

    black hole, but not leave the black hole itself. It might even take you to a white

    hole in a negative universe, the exact meaning of which is unknown.

    Quantum Tunneling

    Quantum tunneling is an effect where a particle can pass through a barrier itwould not normally have the energy to overcome. It can allow a particle to pass

    through a physical barrier that should be impenetrable, or can allow an electron to

    escape from the pull of the nucleus without having the kinetic energy to do so.

    According to quantum mechanics, there is a finite probability that any particle can

    be found anywhere in the universe, although that probability is astronomically

    small for any real distance from the particles expected path.

    However, when the particle is faced with a small-enough barrier (around 1-3 nm

    wide), one which conventional calculations would indicate is impenetrable by the

    particle, the probability that the particle will simply pass through that barrier

    becomes fairly noticeable. This can be explained by the Heisenberg uncertainty

    principle, which limits how much information can be known about a particle. A

    particle can borrow energy from the system it is acting in, use it to pass through

    the barrier, and then lose it again.

    Quantum tunneling is involved in many physical processes, such as radioactive

    decay and the nuclear fusion that takes place in the Sun. It is also used in certain

    electrical components, and it has even been shown to occur in enzymes in

    biological systems. For example, the enzyme glucose oxidase, which catalyses the

    reaction of glucose into hydrogen peroxide, involves the quantum tunneling of an

    entire oxygen atom. Quantum tunneling is also a key feature of the scanning

    tunneling microscope, the first machine to enable the imaging and manipulation of

    individual atoms. It works by measuring the voltage in a very fine tip, which

    changes when it gets close to a surface due to the effect of electrons tunneling

    through the vacuum (known as the forbidden zone) between them. This gives the

    device the sensitivity necessary to make extremely high resolution images. It also

    enables the device to move atoms by deliberately putting a current through the

    conducting tip.

    Cosmic Strings

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    Shorty after the Big Bang, the universe was in a highly disordered and chaotic

    state. This means that small changes and defects didnt change the overall structure

    of the universe. However, as the universe expanded, cooled, and went from a

    disorderly state to an orderly one, it reached a point where very small fluctuations

    created very large changes.

    This is similar to arranging tiles evenly on a floor. When one tile is placed unevenly,

    this means that the subsequent tiles placed will follow its pattern. Therefore, you

    have a whole line of tiles out of place. This is similar to the objects called cosmic

    strings, which are extremely thin and extremely long defects in the shape of space-

    time. These cosmic strings are predicted by most models of the universe, such as

    the string theory wherein two kinds of strings are unrelated. If they exist, each

    string would be as thin as a proton, but incredibly dense. Thus, a cosmic string a

    mile long can weigh as much as the Earth. However, it would not actually have

    any gravity and the only effect it will have on matter surrounding it would be the

    way it changes the form and shape of space-time. Therefore, a cosmic string is, in

    essence, just a wrinkle in the shape of space-time.

    Cosmic strings are thought to be incredibly long, up to the order of the sizes ofthousands of galaxies. In fact, recent observations and simulations have suggested

    that a network of cosmic strings stretches across the entire universe. This was once

    thought to be what caused galaxies to form in supercluster complexes, although

    this idea has since been abandoned. Supercluster complexes consist of connected

    filaments of galaxies up to a billion light-years in length. Because of the unique

    effects of cosmic strings on space-time as you bring two strings close together, it

    has been shown that they could possibly be used for time travel, like with most of

    the things on this list. Cosmic strings would also create incredible gravitational

    waves, stronger than any other known source. These waves are what those current

    and planned gravitational wave detectors are designed to look for.

    Antimatter Retrocausality

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    Antimatter is the opposite of matter. It has the same mass but with an opposing

    electrical charge. One theory about why antimatter exists was developed by John

    Wheeler and Nobel laureate Richard Feynman based on the idea that physical

    systems should be time-reversible. For example, the orbits of our solar system, if

    played backwards, should still obey all the same rules as when they are played

    forwards. This led to the idea that antimatter is just ordinary matter going

    backwards in time, which would explain why antiparticles have an opposite charge,

    since if an electron is repelled while going forwards in time, then backwards in time

    this becomes attraction. This also explains why matter and antimatter annihilate.

    This isnt a circumstance of two particles crashing into and destroying each other; it

    is the same particle suddenly stopping and going back in time. In a vacuum, wherea pair of virtual particles are produced and then annihilated, this is actually just one

    particle going in an endless loop, forwards in time, then backwards, then forwards,

    and so on.

    While the accuracy of this theory is still up for debate, treating antimatter as matter

    going backwards in time mathematically comes up with identical solutions to

    other, more conventional theories. When it was first theorized, John Wheeler said

    that perhaps it answered the question of why all electrons in the universe have

    identical properties, a question so obvious that it is generally ignored. He suggested

    that it was just one electron, constantly darting all over the universe, from the Big

    Bang to the end of time and back again, continuing an uncountable number of

    times. Even though this idea involves backwards time travel, it cant be used to

    send any information back in time, since the mathematics of the model simply

    doesnt allow it. You cannot move a piece of antimatter to affect the past, since inmoving it you only affect the past of the antimatter itself, that is, your future.

    Gdels incompleteness theorems

    It is not strictly science, but rather a very interesting set of mathematical theorems

    about logic and the philosophy that is definitely relevant to science as a whole.

    Proven in 1931 by Kurt Gdel, these theories say that with any given set of logical

    rules, except for the most simple, there will always be statements that are

    undecidable, meaning that they cannot be proven or disproven due to the inevitable

    self-referential nature of any logical systems that is even remotely complicated.

    This is thought to indicate that there is no grand mathematical system capable of

    proving or disproving all statements. An undecidable statement can be thought of

    as a mathematical form of a statement like I always lie. Because the statement

    makes reference to the language being used to describe it, it cannot be known

    whether the statement is true or not. However, an undecidable statement does not

    need to be explicitly self-referential to be undecidable. The main conclusion of

    Gdels incompleteness theorems is that all logical systems will have statements

    that cannot be proven or disproven; therefore, all logical systems must be


    The philosophical implications of these theorems are widespread. The set suggests

    that in physics, a theory of everything may be impossible, as no set of rules can

    explain every possible event or outcome. It also indicates that logically, proof is a

    weaker concept than true; such a concept is unsettling for scientists because it

    means there will always be things that, despite being true, cannot be proven to be

    true. Since this set of theorems also applies to computers, it also means that our

    own minds are incomplete and that there are some ideas we can never know,

    including whether our own minds are consistent (i.e. our reasoning contains no

    incorrect contradictions). This is because the second of Gdels incom leteness

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    theorems states that no consistent system can prove its own consistency, meaning

    that no sane mind can prove its own sanity. Also, since that same law states that

    any system able to prove its consistency to itself must be inconsistent, any mind

    that believes it can prove its own sanity is, therefore, insane.

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    the mick +63 weeks ago

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    rsflores9 +1273 weeks ago

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    Bob the Builder +143 weeks ago


    Kimani +1483 weeks ago

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    76p +12timothyjames 3 w eeks ago

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    The Me. +73 weeks ago


    Diseased +83 w eeks ago

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    alot of weird things about this universe of ours.some of the stuff listed here is only theoret ical because we simply do nothave the science (or understanding) to prove it.

    but one thing is for sure, this thing is bigger than the two of us !

    well, that went over my head.

    The cosmos is epic.

    After I read the first two items my brain went on strike citing difficult

    working conditions. We did some negotiating and it has agreed to startworking again on the condition that I read only one item per hour withthe time in-between dedicated to less strenuous topics.

    I've read about most of these, but unfortunately not being able actuallyunderstand the math involved really inhibits a full, true understanding ofthem. This list was a great introduction to these ideas without getting too

    bogged down with specifics. The only problem I had was the extension ofGodel's Theories to the sanity of the human mind. Misappropriation, if Iever saw it.

    I understand the idea of relative spontaneity as it relates to great

    distances (like the firework example), but this - "This can lead to veryunusual scenarios, such as an observ er witnessing effect before cause (forexample, seeing a bomb go off, then later seeing someone light the fuse)."- doesn't make sense to me. How would any cause been seen before effect,regardless of where you are relative to the ev ent? This list is going tohave me up all night read more about this. And for that reason, great job,Jeff.

    Interestinggg. Just went through the list for now.. Some of these i'lldefinitely look into later!

    This list was wonderful! A pleasant and c oncise rundown of some of themost baffling things physicists have to tackle with their grey mattertoday.

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    +6Ben Corby3 w eeks ago


    alex -1133 w eeks ago


    jonoob +103 weeks ago


    akino +83 w eeks ago


    67p +963jax 3 w eeks ago


    73p +11lalabhaiya 3 weeks ago


    V.K+103 w eeks ago


    I remember reading in a pop-science quantum physics book about howeasily negative energy effects turn up in experimental observations, andeven how the negative energy can even be manipulated in various ways -the professor (he was a guest writer for one small section of the book)even talked about a simple theoret ical method of creating a 'beam' ofnegative energy , which worried him because although he could find nofundamental logical contradiction that would stop the effect from beingcreated in the real world, the beam would slowly evaporate matter in itspath into nothingness, which is obviously a heinous breach of mass-energy conservation.

    Great list :D#1 seems like an excuse to not do a proper job if I ever saw one :P

    i thought this list was supposed to be interesting... what a waste oftaxpayers money


    Certainly one of my favorite list.

    Very informative and makes you think outside the box.

    absolutely great list!

    'For ex ample, if a firework is let off on Mars and another on Venus, oneobserver traveling through space one way might say they happen at thesame time.' - Well, if it'd have been me, I would hav e just enjoy ed thefireworks and not worry about the silly quest ion of which happened first.I would rather they don't happen samultaneously. That way I c ould enjoy

    both. :D

    Also, 'The type of black hole most people are familiar with' soundssomething like the black hole around the corner of the street that we passeveryday on our way to work.

    'It might even take you to a white hole in a negative universe, the exactmeaning of which is unknown.' Sounds kind of religious, doesn't it? Hell-heaven and all.

    I guess I got a little c arried away. Nice list. Didn't get much of what waswritten but I commend the effort that must have been put behind it. Andyes, Gdels incompleteness theorems reminds me of Catch-22. I wonderif Joseph Heller knew about it.

    best list i've read for a whileBravo Jeff Johnson, Bravo

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    plum13sec +233 w eeks ago


    89p +36DogBitez 3 weeks ago

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    Danz +83 w eeks ago


    65p +4cambered 3 weeks ago


    74p +11trinityenigma 3 w eeks ago

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    ghOst +63 w eeks ago


    +2Gabriel Fonseca 3 w eeks ago

    ReportReply4 replies

    96p +16TimC 3 w eeks ago

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    Dr. Emmett Brown +53 w eeks ago


    58p +6hulia 3 w eeks ago

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    I've gone to spac e a few times. Fairly cheap too. ab0ut $20 an eighth.

    I'm not edumacated enough to truly c omprehend most of what I justread, but it was interesting nonetheless! Great list. I go to sleep a teensytiny bit smarter tonight. Of course, by morning, I'll recall none of it and

    be back to reading the benefits of fiber on my cereal box .

    I have a headache after reading #1 lol

    Fantastic list, thank you. I bludgeoned my way through it with a "vaguelygeneral" understanding of what you were t rying to say . I particularlyenjoyed the articles on antimatter and strings... such incomprehensible

    ideas that (apparently) make sense.

    If I had my time over again, which may one day be feasible, I wouldteleport myself back to my high school physics class and actually payattention.

    I'm sure this is a brilliant list, and I did try to read it but unfortunatelyI'm just not clever enough and felt like I was reading a text book.

    Maybe I'll try again later....

    very well written list!

    So, #1 is basically say ing we are all crazy ... XD

    God list, though.

    I believe the strangest thing about the universe is that it exists at all...

    I am always fascinated with the amazing minds that these people musthave to develop theories like those in the list.

    holy hell my brain hurts now

    I can honestly tell that I understand nothing in this list. But thank youanyway for the effort.

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    whereisbrock +23 weeks ago


    Sailor +33 w eeks ago


    Barry Wanksock +43 w eeks ago


    Pete 03 w eeks ago


    82p +5bluesman87 3 w eeks ago

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    Zephir -123 w eeks ago

    heeeeere brOcky brOcky brOcky...

    Very interesting list. I consider myself a relatively intelligent fella, butmost of that went about 10 feet over my head. Kudos on a well

    researched and well written list.

    Let me get this right, so internal affairs were in on it all along?

    Stand by for a machine-gun-like patter of comments complaining aboutthe science/accuracy of the above list.

    really interesting , just hard to process , no.2 really blew my mind . A lotof this list was also on that show stephen hawkings universe . If fact if youread this in a robot voice i wouldn't tell the difference . Well done!! After iplay the BONGo later ill re-read .

    From perspective od Aether Wave Theory (AWT, the dense aether

    theory) the

    10) Negative energy corresponds the Brownian motion of particles,which the vacuum is formed by

    9) Frame dragging corresponds the drag of v acuum fluid during themotion of massive objects through it (equations of gravitomagnetic areisomorphous with Maxwell's equations, which are isomorphous withNavier-Stokes equations of fluid)

    8) relativity o f simultaneity and twin paradox is intepreted with thisDHTML applet in AWT, modelling this situation with waves at the watersurface

    7 ) Black strings cannot remain stable without many ex tradimensions, sothey're appear like black holes with asymmetric jets, i.e. magneticmonopoles from our 3D perspective.

    6) Geon - general relativity predicts, all objects would collapse intosingularity, whereas quantum theory predicts, all objects should expandinto infinity. This indicates, both these theories are actually wrong andthey're forming abstract approximations within AWT. The geons areactually all massive objects from this perspective.

    5) Kerr holes correspond the vortex rings in AWT. White holes areactually quasars, which are emanating too much radiation.

    4) Quantum tunelling occurs with superluminal speed within logicalframework of AWT, bec ause it's mediated with superluminal gravitational

    waves in it. It can be demonstrated most easily with photon tunnelling

    between prisms.

    3) Cosmic strings - are fillaments of dark matter, connecting the groups ofgallaxies. They cannot ex ist without consideration of manyextradimensions, which are making them more fuzzy for observat ion,than the physicists are expecting.

    2) Antimatter - in AWT the antimatter particles are sort of bubble in

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    dustin 03 w eeks ago

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    47p +5loapaja 3 w eeks ago


    +8Ali Hayat 3 w eeks ago


    +1Charles Hansen 3 weeks ago


    stupid is to me +13 weeks ago


    74p +2mom424 3 weeks ago

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    vacuum, forming the portion of vacuum foam with negative curvature,which condensed during Universe formation. They should exhibit a weakantigravity effects, which are the most pronounced at the case oflightweight particles, like anti-neutrinos. The anihillation of partic lescorrespond the collision of pair of chiral vortex rings in vacuum fluidfrom perspective of AWT

    1) Gdel's incompleteness theorems is explained with implicate geometryin AWT. Briefly speaking, in gradient driven reality only the thingsformed with curved space-time are v isible in the same way, like inside ofdense gas only density fluctuations of it are visible. But because they 'recurved, they cannot be never expressed with formal math in limitedform. Formal theories consist of mutually inconsistent postulates. If they

    would be consistent, they could be replaced with single one and wholetheory would change into tatology. In such way, the inconsistency ofpostulates is what makes theories predictable and approximate at the

    very same moment.

    Conclusion - dense aether theory enables to interpret/explain all theseseeming paradoxes with simple consistent model, borrowed from real life

    with Oliver Lodge originally. But mainstream

    physicists are ingoring it intentionally, because it

    1) helps them to continue in their useless research and take the moneyfor it from the rest of society like alchemists of medieval era

    2) They would be forc ed to admit their ignorance regarding aether modelinterpretation during more then century(do you see, how ignorance is self-reinforcing stance?)

    at least now i've got something to say to make my friends' heads gohaywire

    Wowee, some of this went straight over my head, and even morefrighteningly, some made sense.

    Great head hurting list!

    The definition of mindfuck.

    Cool List!

    my tiny little brain is hurting, but I still injoyed the list........

    Great list, a definite fave. And thanks to PBS, I actually half-assunderstood most of it. Sometimes I wish I was just that little bit smarter -so I c ould understand the spec ifics instead of just the general idea. Oh

    well, maybe in an alternate dimension eh?For those of you having trouble wrapping your head around some of this

    stuff - this video. It explains multiple dimensions - will get you in themood for more and help you to understand this list.

    Question for the physicists - I thought they were chucking string theoryin favor of some oscillating donut affair? and is that related to the Kerr

    black hole?

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    DylnFreGris +33 w eeks ago


    77p +1oouchan 3 weeks ago


    mixtape +23 weeks ago


    50p +3vanowensbody 3 weeks ago


    58p +3forsythia 3 weeks ago


    13p -1needved 3 weeks ago


    Reza Sadr +13 w eeks ago


    -86p +4br0ck 3 weeks ago

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    Mr. Ree +53 weeks ago


    FlameHorse +33 w eeks ago

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    Odessa +13 weeks ago


    brilliantly researched list.

    Woot! I ac tually knew one of these! I didn't think I would know any of thelist items based on the first few entries.

    When I started reading I thought this was going to go way over my headbut I kept up with it fairly well. Now to let it sink in. :)

    Interesting list.

    Great list i even understood a few

    Great list. I hardly understood a word of it, but enjoyed it anyway.

    This is the best list I have seen in a long time, and I must say, there havebeen some good ones lately . But this is right up my alley. #3 seems to methe most interesting. I have read about it a number of times and still can'tget enough! Excellent list!

    its a little disapointing have the knowledge we never know the Cosmos

    One of the best articles I 've read in a long time! Very good job JeffJohnson!

    i expected something interesting but those graphs are kind of boring butit is strange i guess

    Lists like this make me realize what a moron I really am...

    I understand every one of these (he says while blinking uncontrollably).

    Wow. Godel's incomplete theorem reminds me of Catch-22. Amazing list.

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    blaine 03 w eeks ago

    ReportReply1 reply

    46p 0sphillips58 3 weeks ago


    32p +1CatnipTARDIS 3 weeks ago


    Sandro +13 weeks ago


    thorlite 03 weeks ago

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    iggystar +13 weeks ago

    ReportReply1 reply

    Name +13 w eeks ago


    Mike 03 w eeks ago

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    67p +1mordechaimordechai 3 weeks ago

    In the string theory he says the strings don't have gravity and later hesays they have hue gravitational fields....which is it

    I (think) I understood most of it, I can tell y ou know a lot about this

    subject and it was well researched.

    I really enjoyed this list. I found the frame dragging and relativity ofsimultaneity especially interesting. Kudos!

    No2 is the most weird, but No1 is just awesome!

    Can someone answer me this?

    Do we know if our universe is mov ing, as well as expanding? I've just hadthe thought whilst reading this list, thought I would share my genius with

    y'all first....(c) 2010 Thor lite

    I believe that most of the persons posting as if they understood one-tenthof that list are just as confused as I am.

    "Shorty after the Big Bang," change it to shortly.

    "This can lead to v ery unusual scenarios, such as an observ er witnessingeffect before cause (for ex ample, seeing a bomb go off, then later seeing

    someone light the fuse)"I got a problem about this analogy

    Say you are on planet Venus & the bomb is on planet Mars But you arecloser to Mars then Venus. According to their theory I should see the

    bomb explode first then see y ou pressing the button to ex plode it? Butwhat about the time it takes for the signal to reach the bomb. Shouldn'tthat make it so that no matter where you are observing from you alwayssee the you pressing the button first, then seeing the bomb explode?

    I'm probably wrong here but this makes sense to me

    i distinctively remember writing a post on this site talking about scienceand stating, with my poor unscientific mind, considerations identical tothe fine chap Kurt Gdel here at number one.Feels so good to know that other people noticed that the nineteenthcentury expired long ago and believing that science will give us the user 'smanual of nature is nonsense.There is no such thing as undisputable truths. yeah

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    Jonelle +13 weeks ago


    chris -113 w eeks ago

    ReportReply1 reply

    pwned +43 weeks ago


    ColdSnickersBar +33 w eeks ago


    Bryan J 03 weeks ago

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    68p +3

    undaunted warrior 1 3 w eeks ago


    +1Kenny Cheung 3 weeks ago


    97p 0Nick 3 w eeks ago


    Great list. I LOVE learning about Black Holes so reading number 5 wasreally interesting.

    wow what a boring list

    The last one just raped my brain

    Yes, simultaneity is relative. No, you can not observe a bomb explodingbefore the fuse was lit. The fastest something can be graphed on a

    Minkowski diagram is at a 45 degree angle, which would be the speed oflight. So, the fuse could only communicate to the bomb as fast as lightand no faster. 45 degrees is too much slope for something to happen afterits cause, no matter how Lorentz transformed it is. So, no matter how fastthe "fuse" burns, and no matter how long the fuse is, it will nev er burn its

    way to the bomb faster than light, and it will never appear to happen afterthe bomb explodes, no matter how fast the observer is moving. Ever.If you moved at the speed of light, the most transformed the event could

    become is either: the fuse is lit and the bomb explodes at the exact sametime because time collapsed in one direction (and also, every event inthe universe, from beginning to 'end', collapses into that single moment,no big deal), or the fuse is frozen in time and the bomb never ex plodes

    because time is collapsed in the other direction. You will never see thecause after the effect.Now, if something happened simultaneously (and wasn't rely ing on onething communicating to another thing), and you were trav elling throughspace while observing it, thus transforming spacetime around you, youcould observe it happening not simultaneously, and what's more, y ou

    wouldn't just be observ ing it that way, it will actually be that way, but justfor you.

    Great List,Math and science are weird. Does this mean that we can travel throughtime?

    Interesting list science has come a long way in the last 2 or 3 decades, asa layman on the subject I cant even scratch the surface trying tounderstand these graphs - pressures etc.The list was well researched and written, everyone to his own I suppose.

    Thanks Jeff.

    Brilliant List - Thanks Jeff!

    2 words: mind fuck

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    +1@scottsh115 3 w eeks ago


    Andy +13 w eeks ago


    36p +3gigo70 3 w eeks ago


    67p +2General Tits Von Chodehoffen 3 weeks ago


    Name +13 w eeks ago


    Daniel X 03 weeks ago


    Stu 03 w eeks ago


    -57p +1davemartin987 3 weeks ago


    jay +13 w eeks ago


    Vulcan Thee Flagrant +23 weeks ago


    1p +2elenasc 3 w eeks ago


    stevo +13 w eeks ago

    Thanks for your great blog post. As y ou can see, I am a fan:

    I was pleased to see Gdel at #1. Just a few hours ago I finished readingGdel's Proof, edited by Hofstadter.

    What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat platesupported on the back of a giant torto ise.

    Interesting stuff. I'll have to read ov er some of these agin to fully graspthe concepts, but number 2 seems a little ridiculous.

    well...that went over my head.

    Cosmic string= like a wrinkle in space-time=A Wrinkle In Time. Huh.

    LOL @ "Shorty after the Big Bang"

    There are videos for all this weird anomalies that make it a lot easier tounderstand.

    probably not a good list to read blown

    Post more list like this one... We needs knowledge!!! KNowledge about theUniverse! Do my research for meh!!!! Go now J Frater!

    Yes, well, science wasn't my forte!!! Good, so I don't have to liv e withthese 10 question marks!!! lol

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    maximus +23 weeks ago


    Kreliho 03 weeks ago


    Duncan +43 weeks ago


    fragge 03 weeks ago


    57p +2deathgleaner 3 w eeks ago


    thorlite 03 weeks ago


    diogenescutnpaste 03 w eeks ago

    this is pretty much carl sagan's "cosmos: a personal v oyage" in a nutshell...Should have included something about fractals IMO..theyreeverywhere... in a sense everything is infinitely rough NO?! YES!

    awesum list, my heads hurting all rite... its amazing how scientists cangive so much explanation from almost nothing, eg. black holes - theclosest thing to proof is two photos - of a distant star cluster taken beforeand after, where the second shows a few misaligned pixels indicating

    where stars have dissapeared.. . and from that we now have full blueprintsfor a black hole, with ergospheres, time dialations, event horizons, etc...

    Most interesting list I've read in quite a while. Some of these theories I'veheard mentioned, while others I am completely new to. It was very fun

    being able to read a little more about these concepts and some of theimplications on the universe. Look forward to more like this! I'll will haveto bring this into science class to debate/discuss.

    Number 8 is incorrect. Althought observers will disagree over whethertwo events are simultaneous they will never see them happening inopposite orders.

    GREAT list, cheers for the swathe of new information I just absorbed :)

    it was so strange that i didn't understand it.

    PETER..."the term "moving" doesn't really make sense with regards to theentire universe. I assume you mean moving as in like how we movethrough space relative to something else? the trouble is that the universeis not "inside" any 3-dimensional space and does not take the shape of a3d object we can relate to physically, but it is in itself the entirety ofspace that we move around in"

    I understand what Peter say s, I'm just curious if it was something wecould measure, probably only theoretically.... But still, if we could it

    would show that what the universe is expanding into must itself becontained in something else......

    The grandfather paradox is a proposed paradox of time travel firstdescribed (in this exact form) by the sc ience fiction writer Ren Barjavelin his 1943 book Le Voy ageur Imprudent (The Imprudent Traveller). Theparadox is this: suppose a man travelled bac k in time and killed his

    biological grandfather before the latter met the travellers grandmother.As a result, one of the travellers parents (and by extension the travellerhimself) would never have been conceived. This would imply that he

    could not hav e travelled back in time after all, which means thegrandfather would still be alive, and the traveller would have beenconceiv ed allowing him to travel bac k in time and kill his grandfather.Thus each possibility seems to imply its own negation, a type of logicalparadox.

    Despite the name, the grandfather paradox does not exclusively regardthe impossibility of ones own birth. Rather, it regards any action that

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    ReportReply2 replies

    poobah +13 weeks ago


    chickadee 03 w eeks ago


    spiderbait +23 w eeks ago


    krillin +13 w eeks ago


    34p +3PamelaRose 3 w eeks ago

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    the tasmanian devil 03 w eeks ago


    Mussadique 03 w eeks ago


    34p 0iknownothing 3 w eeks ago

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    1 2 Next

    makes impossible the ability to trav el back in time in the first place.

    physicists are nuts

    2 just blew my mind (in a good way). Awesome list 8)

    These latest lists have been great and this one has been the greatest ev er!

    it's power's over 9,000!

    I've studied sc ience and I don't mind admitting that I hav e always had aproblem getting my head around the physical realm. In part icular, Ididn't get the 'Black Strings' theory and 'adding a 5th dimension', What??So, just how does one add a dimension? I mean where is the 4thdimension? I only know of x,y,z!

    Also, the idea of things being strings as small as protons but incrediblydense? Or 'Anti-matter'? I like to think about why things are and whatcreates them and many other ponderous questions, and I'm not tooabashed to say I'm 'smarter than the av erage bear', but what the $%*leads someone to think about matter opposing matter...err, sorry, anti-matter??? Oh dear, I think I need to go and lay down..... ....

    Where's Stephen Hawking when you need him?!

    My dictionary (and brain) just exploded.

    Benny, ac tually 'lost' was a casimir and maxwell fan. Awesome list by theway. Managed to describe in simple terms some very c omplex material :)

    Well this list went straight ov er my head, I would hav e enjoyed it if Iunderstood any thing that was written. Next time maybe it could besimplified so the av erage human can join in. Well done any way andthanks for the headache, now back to Star Trek for me.

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