Download - List of men liable to serve on juries - State Records of ... · GPO Box 464 Adelaide SA 5001 Tel (+61 8) 8204 8791 Fax (+61 8) 8260 6133 DX:336 [email protected] List of

Page 1: List of men liable to serve on juries - State Records of ... · GPO Box 464 Adelaide SA 5001 Tel (+61 8) 8204 8791 Fax (+61 8) 8260 6133 DX:336 List of

GPO Box 464 Adelaide SA 5001 Tel (+61 8) 8204 8791 Fax (+61 8) 8260 6133 DX:336 [email protected]

List of men liable to serve on juries

Description This list was published in the South Australian Government Gazette on the 30th of January 1840.

Series date range 1840

Access Determination


Contents 1840

The List is arranged alphabetically by the surname of the person.

A - Y

31 October 2016

Page 2: List of men liable to serve on juries - State Records of ... · GPO Box 464 Adelaide SA 5001 Tel (+61 8) 8204 8791 Fax (+61 8) 8260 6133 DX:336 List of

List of all men liable to serve on juries as published in the South Australian Gazette on 30 January 1840 ::itreet Name j::iurname 1 ~.;nnst1an Name IItie, uua11ty, <..;alllng or ~usmess Nature ot uualltlcation

Kermode St Abbott Jacob Mason Real Estate North Adelaide Abbott Thomas Licensed Victauller Real Estate Hindley St Adams Richard Storekeeper Personal Estate Hindley St Allen John Merchant Merchant, g.j. Currie St Allen Frederick William Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Rundle St Alston George Accountant Personal Estate Currie St Anderson John Storekeeper Personal Estate Melbourne St Anderson Thomas Gardener Real Estate Flinders St Andrews William Merchant Personal Estate, g.j. Archer St An slow Thomas Licensed Victauller Personal Estate North Terrace Anstey George Alexander Esquire Real Estate, g .j. Port Adelaide Anthony William Licensed Victauller Real Estate Grenfell St A thorn Henry Carpenter Personal Estate Hindmarsh Town Bacon William Licensed Victauller Real Estate Franklin St Bagshaw John Stokes Carpenter Personal Estate Gouger St Bailey John Licensed Victauller Real Estate Grenfell St Baker James Dixon Carpenter Personal Estate Kermode St Baker John Merchant Personal Estate, g.j. Hindley St Barclay John Blacksmith Personal Estate HindleySt Barclay John Tailor Personal Estate Colonial Secretary's Office Barnard John Hutton Chief Clerk Esquire, g.j. Grenfell St Barry William Clerk in Treasury Esquire, g.j. Weymouth St Bartlett Samuel Carrier Personal Estate Pirie St Bartley William Barrister at Law Esquire, g.j. Pirie St Bartley Thomas Houghton Barrister at Law Esquire, g.j. Gouger St Battersby Thomas Carpenter Personal Estate Hindley St Bayldon William Edward Chemist Personal Estate Pirie St Bearer John Whitesmith Real Estate Flinders St Beck Charles Merchant Real Estate, g.j. Grenfell St Bennett James Storekeeper Personal Estate Grenfell St Bennett Samuel Storekeeper Personal Estate Hindley St Bentham Neales Auctioneer Personal Estate East Terrace Berkeley Charles Landholder Real Estate, g.j.

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Grenfell St Bernard The Honorable Robert Advocate General Justice of Peace, g.j Rundle St Berry Andrew Landholder Real Estate, g.j. HindleySt Best William Butcher Personal Estate Morphett St Best Anthony Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Rundle St Bigwood Levi Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Reed Beds Birdseye Cornelius Landholder Real Estate, g .j. Hindley St Birrell Andrew Yeoman Real Estate Hindley St Blythe William Merchant Real Estate, g.j. Gouger St Bock Alfred Working Jeweller Real Estate Rundle St Bonney Charles Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Currie St Booth Bannister Carrier Personal Estate Gilles St Borrow Richard Eales Esquire Personal Estate, g.j. Rundle St Boswarva Henry Mooringe Esquire Esquire HindleySt Bouch Joseph Storekeeper Personal Estate Gilles St Bowden Jacob Shoemaker Real Estate No 1 Sheep Station Bradford John Farmer Real Estate, g.j. South Terrace Bradshaw Robert Fletcher Esquire Esquire, g.j. Currie St Bradshaw William Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Rundle St Bray Thomas Cox Carpenter Personal Estate Halifax St Breaker Isaac Shoemaker Real Estate Weymouth St Breeze Robert Smith Builder Personal Estate Weymouth St Brewer John Baker Real Estate ·Thebarton Bristow Robert Licensed Victauller Real Estate South Terrace Broad bib Joseph Carrier Personal Estate Hindley St Brook John Baker Personal Estate Currie St Brook Charles Tin man Personal Estate East Terrace Brown John Esquire Esquire, g.j. HindleySt Brown James Storekeeper Personal Estate Gilles St Bull John Wrathall Stockholder Real Estate, g.j. Halifax St Bull Nick Boys Keeper of Park Lands Esquire, g.j. Grenfell St Burford William Henville Painter Personal Estate Hindley St Burnford Peter Baker Personal Estate GougerSt Burslem Francis Henry Surveyor Real Estate Gouger St Cain Thomas Wheelwright Personal Estate HindleySt Calton Charles Licensed Victauller Real Estate

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Hindley St Calton Charles Storekeeper Personal Estate Rundle St Calton Henry Writing Clerk Personal Estate Rundle St Campbell John Patrick Storekeeper Personal Estate Currie St Carswell John Carpenter Personal Estate Hurtle Square Catch love Edward Builder Real Estate Weymouth St Catch love Charles Builder Real Estate Wright St Chambers Benjamin Carrier Real Estate Weymouth St Chambers James Livery Stable Keeper Personal Estate Carrington St Chapman Samuel Licensed Victauller Real Estate HindleySt Chapman John Watchmaker Personal Estate Currie St Charming William Plasterer Personal Estate, g.j. Weymouth St Chatfield Alfred William Yeoman Real Estate Hindley St Chittleborough James Licensed Victauller Real Estate HindleySt Clark Samuel Iron monger Personal Estate North Terrace Clay John Foster Merchant Real Estate, g.j. Weymouth St Clesby George Farmer Personal Estate HindleySt Cock William Robert Merchant Personal Estate, g.j. Hindley St Cock James Kircaldy Storekeeper Personal Estate HindleySt Cock Robert Merchant Personal Estate, g.j. Hindley St Coglan Patrick Carpenter Personal Estate

Beaumont Grange Coleman Edward Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Hindley St Collins William Limeburner Real Estate Weymouth St Coltman James Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Wright St Connell Martin Carpenter Real Estate Weymouth St Cook Peter Butcher Real Estate Grenfell St Cotter Thomas Young Surgeon Esquire, g.j. Sturt St Cottrell Thomas Lietenant- Colonel Personal Estate, g.j. Grenfell St Cox William Caddy Printer Personal Estate HindleySt Crabb John Storekeeper Personal Estate Mount Barker Rd Crafer Peter Licensed Victauller Real Estate Craigie Place Craigie Robert Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Franklin St Crispe Clement Merchant Personal Estate, g.j. Sturt St Cronck James Interpreter Real Estate Sturt St Cross James Carpenter Real Estate Pirie St Croxall William Yeoman Personal Estate

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Grenfell St Dart Charles Carrier Personal Estate Rundle St Davies William Tin Plate Worker Personal Estate Gilles Arcade Davis Abraham Hopkins Merchant Personal Estate, g.j. King William St Deacon William Archer Carrier Personal Estate North Terrace Deane George Merchant Personal Estate, g.j. Reed Beds Debney Robert Farmer Real Estate King William St DeHorne William Merchant Merchant, g.j. Gilles St Dennis Henry Storekeeper Personal Estate Pennington Terrace Dickens Robert Clerk Personal Estate Rundle St Din ham Charles Storekeeper Personal Estate, g.j. Franklin St Dip rose Turton Baker Personal Estate Grenfell St Duff John Findlay Stockholder Real Estate, g.j. HindleySt Dumbleton William Butcher Personal Estate Archer St Dunn Edward Mason Real Estate South Terrace Duthie George Yeoman Real Estate Franklin St East Samuel Builder Real Estate, g.j. Light Square Edwards William Law Stationer Personal Estate Wright St Edwards Edward Carpenter Real Estate Hindley St Elphinstone Charles Carpenter Personal Estate Wright St Emery Isaac Carpenter Real Estate Weymouth St Evans William Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Light Square Everard Charles George Surgeon Real Estate, g .j. Franklin St Everett Robert Plasterer Real Estate HindleySt Ewing William Hair Dresser Real Estate Gouger St Farra I Simeon Yeoman Personal Estate HindleySt Featherstone Michael lronmonger Personal Estate Grote St Ferguson Robert Merchant Personal Estate, g.j. Mackgill Village Ferguson William Farmer Personal Estate Mount Barker Field William George Stockholder Personal Estate, g.j. Rundle St Finke William Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Adelaide Finn iss Boyle Travers Landholder Personal Estate, g.j. Wright St Fisher Joshua Yeoman Personal Estate Gouger St Fisher Robert Storekeeper Real Estate Reed Beds Fisher James Hurtle Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Reed Beds Fisher James Merchant Personal Estate, g.j.

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Rundle St Fitzpatrick Doctor of Medicine Esquire, g.j. Hindley St Fletcher James Storekeeper Real Estate Grenfell St Fordham Abraham Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Grenfell St Forrest Thomas Astbury Merchant Personal Estate, g.j. Halifax St Frome Edward Charles Surveyor General Esquire, g.j. Hindley St Fuller Benjamin Carpenter Personal Estate Thebarton Gandy George Farmer Real Estate Kermode St Garlick Daniel Plasterer Real Estate Pirie St Garrett Samuel Betg Merchant Personal Estate, g.j. South Terrace Gilbert Joseph Esquire Esquire, g.j. North Adelaide Gilbert Thomas Colonial Storekeeper Justice of Peace, g.j South Terrace Giles Charles Dairyman Personal Estate Grenfell St Gillard Samuel Watchmaker Personal Estate, g.j. Gilles St Gilles Osmond Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Gleeville Gleeson Edward Burton Landholder Real Estate, g.j. East Terrace Gleeson John Hampton Landholder Real Estate, g .j. Reed Beds Goddard George Farmer Real Estate Reed Beds Goddard Robert Farmer Real Estate Rundle St Goldfinch Henry Confectioner Personal Estate HindleySt Golding Philip Shoemaker Personal Estate Pennington Terrace Goldsack Stephen Baker Personal Estate Wright St Gordon James Montgomery Carpenter Real Estate Gilbert St Gouger Honorable Robert Colonial Secretary Justice of Peace, g.j North Terrace Gray William Henry Farmer Personal Estate, g.j. Gouger St Green William Storekeeper Real Estate Hindley St Greig George Draper Personal Estate Hindley St Greig Andrew Baker Real Estate Rundle St Grieve Elliot Storekeeper Personal Estate South Terrace Grills James Blacksmith Personal Estate Hindley St Grosser John Carpenter Personal Estate Prospect Village Guthrie George Licensed Victauller Real Estate North Adelaide Gwynne Edward Castres Barrister at Law Esquire, g.j. Hindley St Hack John Barton Merchant Real Estate, g.j. Mount Barker Hack Stephen Stockholder Real Estate, g.j. Hindley St Hailes Nathaniel Auctioneer Personal Estate, g.j.

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Hindley St Hall George Augustus Storekeeper Personal Estate Government House Hall George Private Secretary Justice of Peace, g.j South Terrace Hallett John Landholder Justice of Peace, g.j Ward St Hamilton Richard Farmer Real Estate North Adelaide Hand cock Frederick Landholder Real Estate, g.j. North Adelaide Hare Charles S Landholder Real Estate, g .j. Currie St Harriott Andrew Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Franklin St Harris Edward Licensed Victauller Real Estate Gouger St Harrisson John Wheelwright Real Estate Kermode St Hart John Wheelwright Real Estate Rundle St Harvey George Storekeeper Personal Estate Kermode St Hay Alexander Storekeeper Personal Estate Gilbert St Henderson Thomas Carpenter Personal Estate Stephens Place Henry John Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Stephens Place Henry John Licensed Victauller Personal Estate South Terrace Hepenstal George Esquire Real Estate, g.j. Kermode St Hewett Henry Yeoman Real Estate North Adelaide Hill John Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Currie St Hillman John Carpenter Real Estate Wright St Hobson John Limeburner Real Estate Hindley St Hodges Willian Linen Draper Real Estate Gilles Arcade Hodges Thomas Painter Personal Estate Gilles St Holden William Tailor Real Estate Rundle St Hopkins Charles Butcher Personal Estate Port Adelaide Hopkins Joseph Shipping Agent Personal Estate Sturt St Hornsby Joseph Henry Tailor Real Estate Hindley St Hornsby Thomas Licensed Victauller Personal Estate River Para Horrocks John Landholder Real Estate, g .j. Currie St Howard Edward Whitesmith Personal Estate North Terrace Howard Charles Beaumont Colonial Chapman Esquire, g.j. Melbourne St Hughes John Henry Surveyor Esquire, g.j. Weymouth St Hunt John Builder Personal Estate Weymouth St Hutchinson William Carpenter Personal Estate Carrington St Inman Henry Superintendant of Police Esquire, g.j. Pirie St Jackson Alexander Colonial Treasurer Esquire, g.j.

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North Adelaide Jacob William Private Surveyor Esquire, g.j. North Adelaide Jacobs Isaac Farmer Personal Estate Gilles Arcade Jickling Henry Barrister at Law Esquire, g.j. East Terrace Johnson Henry Solicitor Esquire, g.j. Carrington St Johnson William, sen. Carpenter Real Estate Melbourne St Johnson William Sawyer Personal Estate Hindley St Johnstone George Walker Storekeeper Personal Estate HindleySt Johnstone Alexander Storekeeper Personal Estate North Adelaide Jones Henry Merchant Justice of Peace, g.j North Adelaide Jones Frederick Landholder Esquire, g.j. Weymouth St Keubler John Frederick Cooper Personal Estate Thebarton King John Brickmaker Personal Estate Rundle St Kingdom William Cook Clerk of R.M court Esquire, g.j. Grote St Kingston George Strickland Civil Engineer Personal Estate, g.j. Pennington Terrace Knott John Stockholder Real Estate, g .j. Grenfell St Lambert William Gilgrist Auctioneer Personal Estate HindleySt Lambeth Richard Builder Personal Estate Carrington St Langdon Caleb Evans Yeoman Personal Estate Pirie St LaVence Richard Francis Storekeeper Personal Estate West Terrace Lawrence James Builder Real Estate HindleySt Lazarus Joseph Storekeeper Personal Estate Rundle St Leigh Philip Builder Real Estate North Adelaide Lester Frederick Farmer Real Estate North Terrace Lillecrapp William Farmer Real Estate Currie St Lipson Thomas Captain, R.N Justice of Peace, g.j Grenfell St Litchfield Charles William Esquire Esquire, g.j. South Terrace Litchfield John Palmer Doctor of Medicine Esquire, g.j. Gouger St Little William Water Carrier Real Estate Sturt St Logan Richard Carrier Real Estate Grenfell St Longbottom William Wesleyan Minister Esquire, g.j. North Terrace Lonsdale Joseph Livery Stable Keeper Personal Estate Surryville Lucas F Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Rundle St Lush John Sign Painter Personal Estate Rundle St Macdougall Archilbal Printer Personal Estate Hindley St Maitland Elijah Butcher Personal Estate

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Hindley St Malin Joab Gold Baker Real Estate Morphett St Mann Charles Barrister at Law Esquire, g.j. North Adelaide Martin George Esquire Esquire, g.j. Wright St Maslin Thomas Licensed Victauller Real Estate Grenfell St Masters James Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Weymouth St Matthew Charles Coach Maker Personal Estate Halifax St May Joseph Esquire Esquire Gouger St McCann James Storekeeper Personal Estate Hindley St McDonald Hugh Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Hurtle Square McGeorge Robert Foresyth Esquire Esquire, g.j. North Terrace McLaren David Manager of Bank Justice of Peace, g.j Rundle St McLaren John Assistant Surveyor Esquire, g.j. Halifax St McNish David Esquire Esquire, g.j. Section 266 McTavish Dougald Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Weymouth St Me in William Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Wright St Middleton Joseph Carrier Real Estate North Adelaide Mildred Henry Landholder Esquire, g.j. North Adelaide Mildred Thomas Carpenter Real Estate HindleySt Miller George Storekeeper Personal Estate Currie St Mincham William Painter Real Estate North Adelaide Mitchell Frederick Landholder Real Estate, g.j. North Terrace Morphett John Merchant Justice of Peace, g.j Sturt St Mugg Thomas Carpenter Real Estate Currie St Mullard Thomas Baker Personal Estate Rundle St Mundy John Lieut., 21st Fusileers Esquire, g.j. Gouger St Murray George Water Carrier Personal Estate Hindley St Murray Andrew Draper Personal Estate Grenfell St Nash G~orge James Colonial Surgeon Esquire, g.j. Governor's Office Nation William Chief Clerk Esquire, g.j. Weymouth St Neake Thomas Bricklayer Personal Estate Weymouth St Neale William Henry Clerk of Supreme Court Esquire, g.j. North Adelaide Nell Henry Farmer Real Estate North Terrace Newenham Charles Burton Auditor-General Justice of Peace, g.j North Terrace Newenham William Henry Clerk of Supreme Court Esquire, g.j. North Terrace Newland Richard Francis Manager of Bank Justice of Peace, g.j Wright St Newman John Carpenter Real Estate

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Port Adelaide Newman John Post Master Esquire, g.j. Craigie Place Nicholls John Warner Barrister at Law Esquire, g.j. Currie St Nichols James Howard Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Currie St Nichols Henry Painter Personal Estate Kermode St Nicholson James Storekeeper Personal Estate North Terrace Nixon Henry Land Agent Esquire, g.j. Hindley St Nonmus Isaac Auctioneer Personal Estate, g.j. Gilles St Oakley Josiah Licensed Victauller Personal Estate O'Halloran Hill O'Halloran Thomas Shouldam Landholder Justice of Peace, g.j Currie St Osborn James Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Wright St Ovens Harry Cow Keeper Personal Estate Gilbert St Oyles William Carpenter Real Estate Reed Beds Paine Market Gardener Real Estate Melbourne St Parnell Henry Carpenter Real Estate Rundle St Partridge Josiah Solicitor Esquire, g.j. Gouger St Paterson James Nathaniel Landholder Real Estate, g .j. Rundle St Payne Samuel Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Grenfell St Peacock William Tanner Personal Estate, g.j. South Terrace Peacock John Surveyor Personal Estate HindleySt Pearce William Tailor Real Estate Rundle St Peek William Grocer Personal Estate Light Square Penny Christopher Septimus Storekeeper Personal Estate Stephens Place Perry Charles Augustus Builder Personal Estate Kermode St Pitcher John Carpenter Real Estate Hindley St Pitcher James Archibald Carpenter Real Estate Rundle St Pittman Jacob Carpenter Personal Estate Stephens Place Platts Charles George Eastland Writing Clerk Personal Estate Melbourne St Porter John Barnett Licensed Victauller Real Estate Wakefield St Potter Peter Whitesmith Personal Estate Franklin St Paulden William Augustus Barrister at Law Esquire, g.j. Ward St Pounsett Henry Rothwell Farmer Real Estate Kermode St Pratt William Blacksmith Personal Estate North Terrace Prescott William Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Grenfell St Rag less John Licensed Victauller Real Estate North Adelaide Raines William Carpenter Real Estate, g.j. Currie St Rainsford Joseph Baker Real Estate

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Sturt St Randall Ephraim Carpenter Real Estate Flinders St Ratford Thomas Builder Personal Estate Grote St Reardon James Carpenter Personal Estate Carrington St Reynard George Carpenter Personal Estate Rundle St Reynell John Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Treasury Reynell Alfred Chief Clerk Esquire, g.j. HindleySt Reynolds Samuel Linen Draper Real Estate, g.j. Hindley St Richardson John Auctioneer Personal Estate, g.j. North Adelaide Richardson Oliver Keble Landholder Personal Estate, g.j. Wakefield St Richman John Henry Barrister at Law Esquire, g.j. Wright St Riseley Stocker Baker Real Estate Rundle St Roberts James Land Agent Personal Estate Rundle St Robinson Charles Painter Personal Estate Pirie St Robinson Henry Builder Real Estate Hindmarsh Town Robson Robert Storekeeper Real Estate South Terrace Rodwell Christopher Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Weymouth St Rusbridge John Carpenter Personal Estate Gilbert St Russell Thomas Henry Bricklayer Real Estate Rundle St Russell John Merchant Real Estate, g.j. Hindley St Saunders Robert Storekeeper Personal Estate Weymouth St Saunders James Baker Personal Estate Currie St Sayers William Storekeeper Personal Estate, g.j. Gilbert St Scholar Richard Carpenter Personal Estate Gilbert St Schroder George Surveyor Esquire, g.j. Hindley St Scown John Thomas Builder Real Estate Hindley St Shepherd Thomas Storekeeper Personal Estate Hindley St Shepherd James Grocer Personal Estate HindleySt Shepherd William Butcher Real Estate Wright St Skinner William Butcher Real Estate Hindmarsh Town Skuce Thomas Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Road to Port Adelaide Sladden Isaac Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Grenfell St Sladden Richard Carpenter Real Estate Road to Onkaparinga Sladden Smithel Licensed Victauller Real Estate Stephens Place Smart Samuel Barrister at Law Esquire, g.j.

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Mount Barker District Smillie Matthew Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Stephens Place Smillie William Emigration Agent Esquire, g.j. Gilbert St Smith Smith Owen Carpenter Real Estate HindleySt Smith William Saddler Personal Estate Hindley St Smith John Baker Real Estate Hindley St Smith John Storekeeper Personal Estate Currie St Smith Richard Storekeeper Real Estate Weymouth St Smith Benjamin Carpenter Real Estate Weymouth St Smith Joseph Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Hindley St Sparks Henry Carpenter Personal Estate Light Square Spicer John William Solicitor Esquire, g.j. Grenfell St Spiller Robert Slater Personal Estate Finniss St Stace Joseph Brickmaker Real Estate Parade, North Adelaide Star Richard Farmer Real Estate Halifax St Stephen George Milner Landholder Esquire, g.j. North Terrace Stephens Edward Cashier of Bank Real Estate, g .j. North Adelaide Stevenson George Esquire Esquire, g.j. Grenfell St Stokes Stanley Landholder Esquire, g.j. North Terrace Stow Thomas Quinton Minister Esquire, g.j. Encounter Bay Strangways Thomas Bewes Landholder Justice of Peace, g.j Currie St Strike Edward Gunsmith Personal Estate, g.j. Grote St Stuart Charles William Landholder Personal Estate, g.j. Rundle St Stuckey John Baker Real Estate East Terrace Sturt Charles Land Commissioner Esquire, g.j. O'Halloran Hill Tapley Thomas Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Currie St Taylor Robert Storekeeper Personal Estate Gawler Place Taylor Thomas Barrister at Law Esquire, g.j. Weymouth St Theakston John Henry Carpenter Personal Estate Hindley St Thomas Samuel Tailor Personal Estate Hindley St Thomas Robert Printer Real Estate, g .j. Melbourne St Thomas William Licensed Victauller Real Estate Sturt St Thyer Joseph Bricklayer Real Estate, g.j. Port Adelaide Tod Patrick James Merchant Personal Estate, g.j. Currie St Towgood Charles Storekeeper Personal Estate

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Gouger St Trott Richard Licensed Victauller Real Estate, g.j. Walkerville Trussell George Tanner Personal Estate Gilbert St Tuckfield William Storekeeper Real Estate, g.j. South Terrace Tune Richard Carrier Personal Estate Pirie St Turner James Carpenter Real Estate HindleySt Wainwright William Watchmaker Real Estate Hindley St Walker John Merchant Real Estate, g.j. Rundle St Waterhouse John Storekeeper Personal Estate Rundle St Waterhouse Henry Storekeeper Personal Estate Hindley St Watson Henry Merchant Merchant, g.j. North Terrace Watts Henry Post Master General Esquire, g.j. HindleySt Wei bourne Thomas Licensed Victauller Real Estate Morphett St Wells William Victauller Personal Estate Rundle St Weston James Surgeon Esquire, g.j. Pirie St White John Baker Real Estate Reed Beds White John Private Surveyor Real Estate, g.j. Gilbert St White George Builder Real Estate Hindley St White George Tailor Personal Estate Gouger St Whittaker Thomas Whitesmith Real Estate Hindley St Whyte John Storekeeper Personal Estate South Terrace Wickham Benjamin Yeoman Real Estate East Terrace Wigley Henry Rudolph Resident Magistrate Justice of Peace, g.j Gouger St Wilkins William Carrier Real Estate Carrington St Wilkinson John Carpenter Personal Estate Hindley St Williams William Licensed Victauller Real Estate Morphett St Williams Thomas Licensed Victauller Personal Estate Hermitage Williams Thomas Landholder Real Estate, g.j. Grote St Willoughby Thomas Carrier Personal Estate Hindley St Willoughby Henry Storekeeper Personal Estate Stephens Place Wilson Thomas Barrister at Law Esquire, g.j. Rundle St Wilson Thomas Merchant Real Estate, g.j. South Terrace Winzor John Carrier Real Estate Currie St Wise William Carpenter Real Estate Currie St Wise William Carpenter Personal Estate Franklin St Wright Edward Doctor of Medicine Real Estate, g.j. Franklin St Young John Thomas Tobacconist Real Estate, g.j.

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I Gouger St I Young I George I Builder I Real Estate