Download - LIS - AURA · 2020. 4. 23. · particularlySTANAG 3150, STANAG 3151, STANAG 4177, STANAG 4199, STANAG 4438 and the NATO Manual on Codification ACodP-1. 1 2 SUPPORTOFTHEMATERIELITEM

Page 1: LIS - AURA · 2020. 4. 23. · particularlySTANAG 3150, STANAG 3151, STANAG 4177, STANAG 4199, STANAG 4438 and the NATO Manual on Codification ACodP-1. 1 2 SUPPORTOFTHEMATERIELITEM

We have 30 years of experience in the developmentand integration of information systems for logisticsand NATO codification for armed forces and defenceindustry in tens of countries on 5 continents.

LISSafe way to yournew informationsystem

Page 2: LIS - AURA · 2020. 4. 23. · particularlySTANAG 3150, STANAG 3151, STANAG 4177, STANAG 4199, STANAG 4438 and the NATO Manual on Codification ACodP-1. 1 2 SUPPORTOFTHEMATERIELITEM


The Best System Solutionof Trade Fair FUTURE FORCES

The Logistic Information System (LIS) isa modern, comprehensive and integratedsystem providing an effective informationsupport for all logistic activities and allservice branches of the armed forces.

LIS covers allareas of militarylogistics

Materiel Codification

Asset Management

Logistic Services

Organisation Management

Personnel Management

Warehouse Management

Supply Management

Distribution Management

Equipment Operation and Maintenance

Transportation Management

Consignment Tracking

Facilities Management

Acquisition Management

Surplus Management

Materiel Resources Management

Logistic Support for Operations

Crisis Management Support

Defence Standardization Management

Integrated solution for allsupply classes, servicebranches and levels of thearmed forces: strategic,operational and tactical

Optimization of logistic resourcesin the Joint Operation Area inaccordance with “BI-SC –Operations Logistics ChainManagement (OLCM) Roadmap”

Abiding the “MC 0319/3 – NATOPrinciples and Policies forLogistics” – LogisticsInformation Management

Comprehensive control andmonitoring of the MaterielItem Life Cycle

Materiel codification accordingto the principles of the NATOCodification system (NCS)

Compliance with therequirements “AJP 4.11 –Allied Joint Doctrine for NATOAsset Visibility”

LIS Strategic Advantages

Page 3: LIS - AURA · 2020. 4. 23. · particularlySTANAG 3150, STANAG 3151, STANAG 4177, STANAG 4199, STANAG 4438 and the NATO Manual on Codification ACodP-1. 1 2 SUPPORTOFTHEMATERIELITEM

MATERIEL CODIFICATIONThe LIS Asset Management is based on the NATOCodi-fication System (NCS) principles. All assetsare managed in a unified way: tangible property(materiel, items of supply), intangible property(e.g. licences, software) and phantom items.

ASSETS CONTROLLIS provides total and immediate control of allassets. Detailed records are kept for each particularitem in terms of identification, quantity, location,quality, usability, price and specific features (likeexpiration date, lifespan etc.). For an easy overviewand manipulation, the material item can be kept inone of more than 20 states. Each operation with thematerial item generates Document on EconomicTransaction and appropriate accounting records.

OPERATION AND MAINTENANCELIS provides capabilities for planning, execution andcontrol of the technical maintenance of combatequipment, aviation equipment, weapons, weaponsystems and various technical devices to executeboth preventive and corrective maintenance and toinform about the status and combat capability ofmonitored items. LIS provides the technical mainte-nance and operation plans of various types anddetails: Equipment Operational Plan, OperativeMaintenance Plan, Work Maintenance Plan, WorkOrders, etc. The technical maintenance producesdata for theMateriel Item Life Cycle cost evaluation.

DEPLOYMENT AND TRANSPORTATIONLIS supports deployment and transportationincluding the transport operated by civilian contractcarriers. Each shipment (either domestic or inter-national) can be tracked by the ConsignmentTracking functionalities based on the STANAG 2494AST (Edition 2). Detailed information on each ship-ment is visible in accordance with the Total AssetVisibility concept.

LOGISTIC SUPPORT FOR OPERATIONSLIS provides logistic support for Task Forcesdeployed in operations. With a satellite commu-nication, deployed units can be located anywhere inthe world. The operation can be of any type (combat,rescue, peace-keeping, etc.) and a Task Force can beof any extent and structure including even non-military subjects. In connection with the CrisisManagement Support, LIS reinforces the state ad-ministration bodies in crisis scenarios (e.g. Help innatural disasters). LIS also enables to utilize allavailable materiel resources including the alliedlogistics, civilian suppliers and Host Nation Support.Both push and pull supply strategies are supported.

INTEROPERABILITY AND STANDARDSLIS is interoperablewith many information systems,both national and international. Interfaces are incompliance with the industrial andmilitary stan-dards (ISO, STANAG, WSDL, SOAP, WS-Security, etc.).

LIS supports a state-of-the-art industry technologylike mobile terminals with integrated barcodereaders, RFID devices, GIS components (mapbrowsers), electronic signature, etc.


Operations logistics chain management

Transportation & Consignment Tracking

Issuing & Shipment

Packing& Shipment


Acquisition& Delivery


Delivery tothe theatre


LIS is in a routine operation in the Armed Forces ofthe Czech Republic (AFCR) and the Ministry of Defenceof the Czech Republic since 1998. Its technologyis continuously modernized.

LIS is used to plan and monitor operation, maintenanceand repairs of 445,000 pieces of combat equipment,aviation equipment, weapons, weapon systems andvarious technical devices.

LIS is certified by the Czech National Security Authorityand is operated in multiple security domains (fromUnclassified to Secret).

LIS in routineoperation

6,500users in 2018

1998started in

routine operation

catalogue items370,000

Page 4: LIS - AURA · 2020. 4. 23. · particularlySTANAG 3150, STANAG 3151, STANAG 4177, STANAG 4199, STANAG 4438 and the NATO Manual on Codification ACodP-1. 1 2 SUPPORTOFTHEMATERIELITEM

Key principlesof the logisticinformationsupport

MATERIEL CODIFICATION ACCORDINGTO THE PRINCIPLES OF THE NATOCODIFICATION SYSTEM (NCS)The purpose of the NCS is a materiel itemcodification according to unified rules allowingan unambiguous identification of the items,an international data exchange, data mainte-nance and updating in the entire life cycle ofthe item.

The codification also helps in the acquisitionprocess to communicate with suppliers andmanufacturers of the materiel. The appropriatecodification is a foundation of the entirelogistic system operation.

The NCS is based on NATO standards,particularly STANAG 3150, STANAG 3151,STANAG 4177, STANAG 4199, STANAG 4438and the NATO Manual on Codification ACodP-1.


2 SUPPORT OF THE MATERIEL ITEMLIFE CYCLEis ensured by the creation of history recordsof the usage, operation, maintenance andconsumption. The data allow the costevaluation of the materiel item in the entirelife cycle. They are a groundwork for theacquisition and the development projectsplanning. The materiel item life cyclesupport concerns both consumablemateriel (food, fuels, ammunition etc.) andnon-consumable materiel (weapons,equipment etc.).











WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENTREPAIRS AND MAINTENANCEIn the sphere of theweapons andequipment repairs andmaintenance LISprovides the information support in accor-dance with "MC 0533 – NATO Principles andPolicies for the Maintenance Of Equipment".LIS enables a continuous monitoring of theassigned operating measure units consump-tion (kilometres, engine hours, shots etc.)And a consecutive planning of the timelypreventive maintenance including theappropriate capabilities, spare parts andother resources.





LOGISTICS INFORMATIONMANAGEMENTLIS meets requirements for NATO infor-mation systems in accordance with"MC 0319/3 – NATO Principles and Policiesfor Logistics". The document specifies basicrequirements for Logistics InformationManagement. LIS provides up-to-datelogistic information on identification,quantity, exact location, possession andquality (status) of materiel, weapons,equipment and other assets.

JOINTTOTALASSETVISIBILITYLIS meets NATO Joint Total Asset Visibility(JTAV) requirements in accordance with"AJP 4.11 – Allied Joint Doctrine For NATOAsset Visibility". JTAV specifies an ability ofthe system to consolidate a source datafrom various information resources in orderto ensure the logistic support of the jointforces. LIS meets a JTAV major goal, which isa comprehensive overview on the materielitems’ location during the preparation,execution and termination of the operationof the deployed forces.

JOINT OPERATION AREALIS provides an ability to set priorities,optimize logistic resources and coordinatelogistic services in the Joint Operation Areain accordance with "BI-SC – OperationsLogistics Chain Management (OLCM) Road-map". The purpose of the informationsupport in all the operation phases is tosustain logistic capabilities. LIS also enablesa coordination of logistic activities in na-tional logistics chains, which earmark thelogistic resources for particular operations.LIS covers the identification, processing andcoordination of requirements (for materieland logistic services), planning and synchro-nization of the supply activities for thedeployed forces.

Page 5: LIS - AURA · 2020. 4. 23. · particularlySTANAG 3150, STANAG 3151, STANAG 4177, STANAG 4199, STANAG 4438 and the NATO Manual on Codification ACodP-1. 1 2 SUPPORTOFTHEMATERIELITEM

AURA, s.r.o.Úvoz 499/56602 00 BrnoCzechia

+420 544 508 [email protected]