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Knowledge that is sweet in the mouth but bitter in the stomach. Knowledge alters perceptions, the soul is the knower, the body is the doer and everything changes. Those who appear young will become old, mysteries will unfold. The lion lying down with the lamb is, of course not literal. The lion is a meat eater, the lamb, a vegetarian. So what does it mean? Further, the wolf and the lion will eat straw, wolf is symbolic of a ravenous appetite, anger, hatred, greed and envy. These are appetites are drives of men. The Ram represents Aries, the Lion, Leo, the Heart.The Heart that normally shows Feeling must learn to appreciate wisdom and knowledge. If the Heart is out of harmony with the head, there could be no peace. Lying down represents peace or a state of agreement. The Ram at Aries is the head, place of reasoning. 1. Cushites are not only superior physically but mentally as well. Our knowledge is ancient and Moorish.The thieves have put Hebrew names on antique bodies of knowledge but that does not change the reality. Europeans have written themselves into history with pens alone. There is no truth to their claims. 2.The original cross is simply a view from above of a pyramid. The right triangle is a sacred geometrical designation for father, mother and child. It also

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represents the strongest load-bearing component in building. As a matter of fact, sacred geometry is used to explain the self to self-. The vertical line shows the sun at its highest point in the daytime sky. Astrology originally meant mathematical in Latin. Hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle. The right triangle, 3, for the vertical side, 4 for the bottom and 5. For the hypotenuse. Total is 12, which is the whole zodiac 360 degrees. 3.Euclids 4 Th. Problem, when two or three are gathered in my name, there I will be in the midst. What does it mean? Not three individuals but concepts, Love wisdom and knowledge. / Intuition-intellect-imagination. / Perfect balance opens the third eye. The whole forehead opens not just a spot. In this state a man becomes like a god he can prophesy, heal and move solid obstacles. He can see remotely and even bilocate. He is one of the 24 elders around the throne of god. He is as the stars of heaven, a witness of creation. 4. Key is Angles. Start at the corner at zero degrees, then the angle of birth determines the personality, the vertical line at the intersection of the bottom line.The divine square is the Quadra, so indicated by lines [ 3x4= 12] full circle full sign of the mizaroth or zodiac. 5.Sanctum-Sanctorum- Body & Spinal Cord vertebrae, seminal fluid Dies at the Eastern Gate the

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travels up. Masonic Order did not originate this knowledge, our ancestors did. They were called the brethren. [ Isaiah 18:1-2]. Brethren refers to Spiritual power, Brotherhood is simply organization or Lodge on a mundane level. Psychic ability is natural among us. Mariah, the ability to quicken the mind to meditate is better for the mind than reading. Because Nature’s language begins all things, Time is only the result of motion. Since we are eternal beings, time is used only as a demarcating tool to preempt confusion. Moving within a circle is symbol of regeneration. ‘I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly ‘ 1 Kings 7:25, Temple is the Body in its perfect form stood on 12 oxen. [Esoteric code language] Taurus period means 12 powers in zodiac 3 facing in each cardinal direction. All knowledge is hidden in code, Law- Medicine –Scripture ad even the Dictionary. Attraction, repulsion- motion means all objects in the universe are relative and opposite. Hot-cold, wet-dry, up-down, air-fire-earth-water dust of ground. A house divide against it self can not stand. 6.Tetragramaton [3-6-9] zero is the head. Circle and line is a Jewish invention. 10/ highest elevation is 9 GOD is Generator and Operator and Destroyer. Any use of cement in the Temple represents a broken place or a condition in need of repair. The Trowel is the right angle symbol of repair, application of

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wisdom to the problem. Disagreements can be kept to minimum if all have the same vision and objective. The Ant and the Bee have no Ego and work in harmony. The Bee makes the sound of peace, the same as the Word of God. Who are my Mother and Brother those who do the word of god? The Beehive symbol is the way of peace. 7. The Law of Rhythm – Living the science produces results. Walking in knowledge means governing behavior, thinking and moderating appetites. We become full human beings, functioning in infinity, a place that can not be named or counted. Zero is the shape of a Geodesic drop of rain, a perfect reflection of nature. The real Teacher is within, not in a church and not in the Preacher. Sufi means woolly and Knowledgeable. There are a thousand masters in my blood. But the law of Duality lets me decide to be a Leader or a foolish slave. Jesus told Satan to get thee behind me, not be killed. Which means there is a place on this level for the negative, both have their function Acting at the wrong time disrupts the system. If you remain on the wheel of life you will be reborn. For those who do not, perfection is only a higher plane or octave. The key is discipline or control of impulses on the lower nature. The Lord of the house is reason, the great house is the body 12 apostles is the 12 glands. Cushite rhythm is 2-4-6-8 the European Rhythm is 1-3-5 because of their

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defective nervous system. They have an opposite beat in singing, dancing walking and even in thinking. That’s why integration is impossible, unlikely and would never succeed. What we are discussing here is not hate but mathematics, science and hidden knowledge. Those who think in linear progression can not understand the revelational thinker who can hear god in the thunder and see him in the Lightning’s flash. What we need is not illusion but illumination. Copyright Len Brown Company 2014 to 2020