Download - Linking for E-literacy Project 2012. Debbie Whitehead.

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Introduction toLearning to Learn

Linking for E-literacy Project 2012. Debbie Whitehead.

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Congratulations, so you are about to undertake a course for a qualification!

This may also a time to begin considering whether you will use your qualification to gain or change a job, go on to further study or a combination of both.

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To help you to be successful in your current course work, and to ensure you have the skills to pursue further study in the future, it is important that you learn ‘learning to learn’ skills.

This is not only important for now, it is a skill that will carry you through the rest of your life, helping you to achieve your personal, and your career goals well into the future.

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CONGRATULATIONS!This online preparatory course aims to

ensure that you will be ready and well equipped to pursue your chosen career goals. We will do this by guiding you through the process of:

Making a personal learning plan Choosing learning options that suit your

personal learning style and needs Developing a personal portfolio for use in

your career development Introducing options for e-learning and m-


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What is learning?

Learning can be defined as:

A measurable increase in knowledge. Memorising. Acquiring knowledge or skills that can be called

for use as necessary. A change in behaviour.

From the moment you are born you are learning! You are gathering information, acquiring knowledge and skills which result in a change in behaviour.

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Life Long Learning

Change is everywhere in the world, from the technology we have in our homes to the way the business world operates.

In order to maintain our ability to participate in the world we need to keep up with the changes.

That means continuous learning & updating of our skills and knowledge

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Motivation to learn

The motivation to do this can come from keeping in mind the benefits:

increased personal & job satisfaction

better prospects for work & increased pay.

Remain employable as work expectations change

to maintain confidence in your own abilities to participate in community & work activities.

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Become an Active learner.

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Become an Active learner Learn what you can from every

situation at home and work Use reflective practice or

journaling Ask questions Practice new skills and

knowledge Use what you learn to your

benefit Make things happen Involve yourself in life.

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Employability SkillsNo matter which field of work or

occupation you choose to work in today, there are certain skills that most employers really value in their employees.

These skills are what we call transferable skills because most of them do not only apply to our work-life, they are also valuable in almost of all areas of life.

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Employability Skills(transferable skills)

Career & Life planning Cultural Understanding

Learning to learn Networking

Organising and analysing information Self-management & Performance management

Using mathematical ideas & techniques


Communication, both written & verbal Problem solving & negotiation

Interpersonal skills Team skills

Computer literacy Leadership skills

Using technology

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Learn to Learn Resources

You can find a range of web & print based resources on the website for this course: