Download - Linked Open Data Principles, benefits of LOD for sustainable development

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Linked Open DataBasic principles, potentials & benefitsOKCon2013, Geneva, 18 September 2013

Martin KaltenböckSemantic Web Company



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• Semantic Web Company founded 2001 in Vienna, Austria

• 20 experts in strategy, coding, consulting, research & PM

• Main Product: PoolParty Semantic Suite (launched 2009)

• Focus: Semantic Information Management & LOD Services

• Serving global 500 companies, GOV & NGOs worldwide

• EU- & US-based consulting services

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About Semantic Web Company

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Data Analytics 2.0 -The islands are now open for the experts

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Open Data for Sustainable Development OD4SD & what is important…

What is important when thinking about open data in use?

•Interoperability to ensure broad & easy use of data•Human AND machine readable data plus: metadata (!!)•In common open formats & open standards•For smooth and cost efficient data integration (re-use)•To generate effects : local – regional – national –worldwide

For several target groups with several interests!•Politicians & decision makers •Public administration & project developers•Citizens (Citizen Analysts)•Economy & Industry•(Data) Journalists, media & publishers•Academia & Science

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Putting the L in frontFrom Open Data to Linked Open Data

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5 Stars for Open Data by Tim Berners Lee

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What are the costs and benefits of ★ web data?

As a consumer ... ✔ You can look at it. ✔ You can print it. ✔ You can store it locally (on your hard drive or on an USB stick). ✔ You can enter the data into any other system. ✔ You can change the data as you wish. ✔ You can share the data with anyone you like.

As a publisher ... ✔ It's simple to publish. ✔ You do not have explain repeatedly to others that they can use your data.

5 Stars Model on OGD, M. Hausenblas et al:

From Open Data 2 Linked Open Data


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What are the costs and benefits of ★★ web data?

As a consumer …you can do all what you can do with Web data and additionally:★

✔ You can directly process it with proprietary software to aggregate it, perform calculations, visualise it, etc.

✔ You can export it into another (structured) format.

As a publisher ... ✔ It's still simple to publish.

From Open Data 2 Linked Open Data

85 Stars Model on OGD, M. Hausenblas et al:

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What are the costs and benefits of ★★★web data?

As a consumer …you can do all what you can do with Web data and additionally:★★

✔ You can manipulate the data in any way you like, without being confined by the capabilities of any particular software.

As a publisher ... ✔ It's still rather simple to publish.

! You might need converters or plug-ins to export the data from the proprietary format.

From Open Data 2 Linked Open Data

95 Stars Model on OGD, M. Hausenblas et al:

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From Open Data 2 Linked Open Data

What are the costs and benefits of ★★★★ web data?

As a consumer …you can do all what you can do with Web data and additionally:★★★

✔ You can link to it from any other place (on the Web or locally). ✔ You can bookmark it. ✔ You can reuse parts of the data. ✔ You may be able to reuse existing tools and libraries, even if they only understand

parts of the pattern the publisher used. ✔ You can combine the data safely with other data.

As a publisher ... ✔ You have fine-granular control over the data items and can optimise their access

(load balancing, caching, etc.) ✔ Other data publishers can now link into your data, promoting it to 5 star!

! You typically invest some time slicing and dicing your data. ! You'll need to assign URIs to data items and think about how to represent the data. ! You need to either find existing patterns to reuse or create your own.

5 Stars Model on OGD, M. Hausenblas et al: 10

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What are the costs and benefits of ★★★★★ web data?

As a consumer …you can do all what you can do with Web data and additionally:★★★★

✔ You can discover more (related) data while consuming the data. ✔ You can directly learn about the data schema.

! You now have to deal with broken data links, just like 404 errors in web pages. ! Presenting data from an arbitrary link as fact is as risky as letting people include content from any website in your pages. Caution, trust and common sense are all still necessary.

As a publisher ... ✔ You make your data discoverable. ✔ You increase the value of your data. ✔ You own organisation will gain the same benefits from the links as the consumers.

! You'll need to invest resources to link your data to other data on the Web. ! You may need to repair broken or incorrect links.

From Open Data 2 Linked Open Data

115 Stars Model on OGD, M. Hausenblas et al:

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CC-BY-SA von campuspartybrasil (flickr)

“Linked Data realizes the vision of evolving the Web into a global data commons, allowing applications to operate on top of an unbounded set of data sources, via standardised access mechanisms.

I expect that Linked Data will enable a significant evolutionary step in leading the Web to its full potential.“

The Vision of the new Internet


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Linked Open Data in a Nutshell

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1. Uses

RDF Data Model LOD WS


18.09. 2013




2. Is serialised in triples:SWC organizes LOD WS .LOD-WS starts “20130918^^xsd:date .LOD-WS takesPlaceAt Geneva .

3. Uses Content-negotiation

Subject Predicate Object

Linked Data in a Nutshell


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1. Identify & analyse your data

2. Clean the data

3. Model your data (URI schema, vocabularies)

4. Select & specify license(s)

5. Convert data to RDF

6. Link your data to other data

7. Publish and promote your Linked Open Data

Quick Guide: Publish LOD


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1. Specify concrete use cases

2. Evaluate relevant data sources & data sets

3. License clearing: check respective licenses

4. Create data consumption patterns

5. Manage alignment, caching & update mechanisms

6. Create mash-ups, GUIs, services & applications on top

7. Establish sustainable new partnerships

Quick Guide: Consume LOD


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Linked Open Data 4 Sustainable Development The Benefits

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Open Data for Sustainable Development Why OD4SD …

Why Open Data for sustainable development

• Awareness building & education

• Participation through information

• Enable & boost innovation

• Knowledge sharing & showcasing best practise

• Enable better decision making

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• Less replication (offering same datasets in different places)

• Encouragement to re-use existing datasets (open standards, open formats, reduce semantic & syntactic heterogeneity)

• Clear which datasets are providing similar / same information

• More innovation and creation of new knowledge by contextualisation

• Creating network effects by linking

• Enable scale out of the growing amounts of data

The Benefits of Linked Open Data 4 Sustainable Development


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Data Analytics 3.0 –Connected islands based on open standards


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The publication Linked Open Data: The Essentials gives decision makers a good overview of Open Government, Open Government Data, Open Data and Linked Open Data (LOD).


Further Reading & Announcements

FP7 project LOD2 -• PUBLINK Consulting Service (next call: 10/2013)• LOD Technology Stack: • Important Use Case:

European Data Forum 2014 (EDF2014)• 19 – 20 March 2014, Greece Athens• 1 main focus: Data 4 Development• Call for Contribution opens 09/2013• See: 21

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Martin Kaltenböck, CMCSemantic Web Company GmbH (SWC)

Neubaugasse 11070 Vienna - Austria

Semantic Web Company (SWC)


[email protected]

Phone: +43-1-402 12 35–25


Austrian Chapter OKFN


Mailing List:

LOD2Creating Knowledge out

of Interlinked DataWebhttp://www.lod2.euBlog Stack


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Session 6: How Linked Open Data (LOD) supports Sustainable Development & Climate Change Development – WorkshopWednesday 18 September, 11:45 – 13:15 @ Room 8, Floor 2

• Introduction: Open Data for sustainable development, Florian Bauer

• Linked Open Data: principles & benefits, Martin Kaltenböck• Use Case 1: GBPN, Jens Laustsen• Use Case 2:, Florian Bauer• Q&A and Discussion - all Florian Bauer, Operations & IT Director, Renewable Energy & Energy Eff. PartnershipJens Laustsen, Technical Director, Global Buildings Performance NetworkMartin Kaltenböck, Managing Partner, Semantic Web Company

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The Power of Linked Open Data

• Enables web-scale data publishing - distributed publication with web-based discovery mechanisms

• Everything is a resource – follow your nose to discover more about properties, classes, or codes within a code list

• Everything can be annotated - make comments about observations, data series, points on a map

• Easy to extend - create new properties as required, no need to plan everything up-front

• Easy to merge - slot together RDF graphs, no need to worry about name clashes

• Easy use and re-use on top of common schemas AND schema mapping

• Allows complex querying of several distributed data sources & systems

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• All of us have to use ONE schema

• Everything needs to be switched to RDF

• We all have to learn SPARQL, there are no standard (web) APIs

• LOD is a pure academic approach

• LOD can only be used by Semantic Web experts

• We have to change our data integration & -management approaches

Misconceptions about Linked Open Data

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Tim Berners-Lee outlined four principles of linked data in his Design Issues: Linked Data

• Use URIs to denote things.• Use HTTP URIs so that these things can be referred to and

looked up (“dereferenced”) by people and user agents.• Provide useful information about the thing when its URI is

dereferenced, leveraging standards such as RDF, SPARQL.• Include links to other related things (using their URIs) when

publishing data on the Web.

Read in more detail via: • Wikipedia• W3C Wiki

Linked Data Design Principles

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Henry Maudslay (1771 – 1831)

He also developed the first industrially practical screw-cutting lathe in 1800, allowing standardisation of screw thread sizes for the first time. This allowed the concept of interchangeability (a idea that was already taking hold) to be practically applied to nuts and bolts. Before this, all nuts and bolts had to be made as matching pairs only. This meant that when machines were disassembled, careful account had to be kept of the matching nuts and bolts ready for when reassembly took place.

John Sheridan, OGD2011 Conference, Vienna, Austria:

Customers - extractInteroperability & Standards

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Customers - extract

European Commissione.g. DG ENV, DG DEV

Austrian, German & Suisse GOV

City of Vienna

Wolters Kluwer


World Bank




Education Services Australia

Institute for Industrial Productivity (IIP)

EIP Water

SWC Customers - Extract