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with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design

Page 2: Linked in profile tips & tricks for entrepreneurs

PROFILE TIPSQuick Step by Step Tips & Tricks

to help you optimize your linked profile so you can boost your business

with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design

Page 3: Linked in profile tips & tricks for entrepreneurs

PROFILE TIPSQuick Step by Step Tips & Tricks to help you optimize your linked profile so you can boost your business

with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design

Why should you want to invest a little time in creating and optimizing your LinkedIn

Profile?LinkedIN is the Social Media Platform for

business leads, statistics show that approx 80% of business social leads

come from LinkedIn People use LinkedIN to research

professionals and businesses

Page 4: Linked in profile tips & tricks for entrepreneurs

PROFILE TIPSQuick Step by Step Tips & Tricks to help you optimize your linked profile so you can boost your business

with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design

Upload a Good Profile Photo

-face is clearly visible & smile Your LinkedIn Profile has 11 times more chances of being reviewed if you add a photo

Page 5: Linked in profile tips & tricks for entrepreneurs

PROFILE TIPSQuick Step by Step Tips & Tricks to help you optimize your linked profile so you can boost your business

with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design

Craft a unique headline Forget about putting something mundane like CEO, instead share what the key benefits are pain points you solve for your ideal customer are Make it into a mini value proposition!

Page 6: Linked in profile tips & tricks for entrepreneurs

PROFILE TIPSQuick Step by Step Tips & Tricks to help you optimize your linked profile so you can boost your business

with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design

Upload a background Image to make your profile standout and increase the responses you receive from your messages.

Free images available: or you can customize one using the template provided.

Page 7: Linked in profile tips & tricks for entrepreneurs

PROFILE TIPSQuick Step by Step Tips & Tricks to help you optimize your linked profile so you can boost your business

with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design

Fill out your profile completely! Yes, everything!

As you fill it out, think about the connections you would like to attract and what are some of the keywords they would be searching for and use them throughout your profile.

People use LinkedIN to reconnect with past business associate, make yourself easy to be found.

Page 8: Linked in profile tips & tricks for entrepreneurs

PROFILE TIPSQuick Step by Step Tips & Tricks to help you optimize your linked profile so you can boost your business

with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design

Include Rich Media into your profile by embedding Videos. Here are some great ideas: -a welcome message and a little bit about you -some value added tip -slideshow on your business and reviews

Video content is more likely to be consumed than them reading your complete profile. Plus it gives them a chance to experience/ see you.

People use LinkedIN to reconnect with past

Page 9: Linked in profile tips & tricks for entrepreneurs

PROFILE TIPSQuick Step by Step Tips & Tricks to help you optimize your linked profile so you can boost your business

with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design

To increase click throughs & SEO, Optimize the text that shows for your blog, website or any other links that you share in your profile.

To access this information click to edit contact information and then when you click websites, choose Other as shown above and you get to name the link you share.

Page 10: Linked in profile tips & tricks for entrepreneurs

PROFILE TIPSQuick Step by Step Tips & Tricks to help you optimize your linked profile so you can boost your business

with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design

Publish a couple of unique post (called LinkedIN Articles in a blog style format)- another way to maximize SEO on LinkedIN

They also show at the top of your profile when someone comes to view it and is a way to show your expertise in the area that you serve

Consider publishing these LinkedIN Articles occassionally to remind your existing contacts of your expertise

Page 11: Linked in profile tips & tricks for entrepreneurs

PROFILE TIPSQuick Step by Step Tips & Tricks to help you optimize your linked profile so you can boost your business

with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design

Keep your viewers attention on your profile and content by stoping the content in the “Viewers of this profile also viewed”

To do this hover over your thumbnail in the top right hand corner then choose “Privacy and Settings”. Click on Privacy in the top menu bar and then update the option as shown above.

Page 12: Linked in profile tips & tricks for entrepreneurs

PROFILE TIPSQuick Step by Step Tips & Tricks

to help you optimize your linked profile so you can boost your business

with JoAnne Mbonigaba Freedom Mompreneur by Design