Download - Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Page 1: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Linear Programming

ICM Unit 3

Day 2

Page 2: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Arrival InstructionsTake out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline

Pick up:

1. A piece of graph paper

2. Colored pencils basket to share with partner

3. Linear Programming Practice—Classwork Handout


1. Read the problem statement on Side 1 of the CW Handout

2. Formulate the Linear Programming bya. Defining the Decision Variablesb. Writing the Objective Functionc. Writing the Constraints

THEN Repeat these steps for Side 2

STOP – DON’T graph the constraints yet – check them first!!

What has holes all around but can still hold water?

A sponge

Hint: For help writing a constraint, use 1 color to underline everything in the

problem about 1 thing that is limiting you.

Then put that together in 1 equation.

Page 3: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Notes: How to Formulate a Linear Programming ProblemUsing the Lego Problem

Step 1: Define the decision variables

x1 :____________________

x2 : ____________________

Step 2: Write the objective function (profit statement)

P(x1 , x2 ):____________________

“production rate”Important to put

# of

# of tables

# of chairs

16x1 + 10x2

Page 4: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Formulating the Lego ProblemStep 3: Write the constraints



**Remember don’t be a dummy. Be sure to write the dummy constraints. These are the non-negativity constraints**

____________ ___________


6 Large Pieces

8 Small Pieces

2x1 1x2+



1 22 1 6x x

1 22 2 8x x

1 0x 2 0x

Page 5: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Formulating the Lego Problem

Step 4: Graph the constraints and plot intersection points of the constraints.

Note: More about why the corner points are important during Tomorrow’s lesson.

Document Camera—Volunteer to Guide Us?

Page 6: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Presentation:LEGO Furniture CompanyYour presenters will be:

______________ & ______________

Student PresentersUsing the document camera.

Bring your Work

Page 7: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Arrival InstructionsTake out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline

Pick up:

1. A piece of graph paper

2. Colored pencils basket to share with partner

3. Linear Programming Practice—Classwork Handout


1. Read the problem statement on Side 1 of the CW Handout

2. Formulate the Linear Programming bya. Defining the Decision Variablesb. Writing the Objective Functionc. Writing the Constraints

THEN Repeat these steps for Side 2

STOP – DON’T graph the constraints yet – check them first!!

What has holes all around but can still hold water?

A sponge

Hint: For help writing a constraint, use 1 color to underline everything in the

problem about 1 thing that is limiting you.

Then put that together in 1 equation.

Page 8: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Sharing your Warm-up answers

We will use the document camera to share what you wrote for your decision variables, constraints and objective functions.

Then we will graph the constraints.

Page 9: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Answers for Posting Purposes


1. Read the problem statement on side 1 of the CW Handout

2. Formulate the Linear Programming by

a. Defining the Decision Variables

b. Writing the Objective Function

c. Writing the Constraints

1 2: # of brake pads : # of oil filtersx x

1 25.50 8.25x x

Next Slide

Page 10: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Answers for Posting Purposes

Brake Pads Oil FiltersInequality


x1 + x2 150 Total Items

$0.75 x1 + $1.50x2 $180 Budget

x1 + 0x2 20 Brake Pads

0 x1 + x2 50 Oil Filters

Page 11: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Today’s Agenda and

Learning Outcomes

• HW Questions

• Finding “Corner Points” of Feasible Region

• Exploring what is significant about the corner points

• Formulating Linear Programming problems on paper

• Revisiting the LEGO Furniture Company—sensitivity analysis

• Introducing Microsoft Excel as a tool for finding and analyzing an optimal solution

Page 12: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

HW Questions

Page 13: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

NOTES: Finding “Corner Points”Take NOTES in your NOTEBOOK.

We will start by using the constraints from last night’s homework, packet p. 2.

Write the equations of the boundary lines for the constraints in your notebook:

In your prior math courses, you learned several ways to solve a system of equations. The one we will review and use in our class is elimination.

1 2

1 2

30 6 600


x x

x x


Page 14: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

NOTES: Finding “Corner Points”Take NOTES in your NOTEBOOK.

We will start by using the constraints from last night’s homework, packet p. 2.

Write the equations of the boundary lines for the constraints in your notebook:

In your prior math courses, you learned several ways to solve a system of equations (substitution, elimination, etc). The way we will review now is solving with matrices, and substitution.

1 2

1 2

30 6 600


x x

x x


Page 15: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

NOTES: Finding “Corner Points”— Matrices Method

1 2

1 2

30 6 600


x x

x x



30 6 600

1 1 60



Coefficient Matrix

Variable Matrix

Constant Matrix


1X A B

To Solve, enter matrices A and B in the calculator, then find X with



(10, 50)


Page 16: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

NOTES: Finding “Corner Points”

Take NOTES in your NOTEBOOK.

This confirms what you probably guessed to be the corner point that is the intersection of the two boundary lines.

Now, we are ready to finish out the problem.

Please use the table at the bottom of packet p. 2 to list the corner points of the feasible region.


Page 17: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Finishing Packet p. 2—Parking Lot Problem

Corner Points(x1 , x2 )

Substitute into Objective Function Value

(10, 50)

(0, 0)

(20, 0)

(0, 60)

7.50(10) + 2.50(50)

7.50(0) + 2.50(0)



= $200

= $0

= $150

= $150

Maximum Income is _______ when the attendant accepts ____ cars and ____ buses.


BIG CONCLUSION:The optimal solution to a Linear Programming problem

will occur at one of the corner points.

Page 18: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Your Turn to Practice

Find the corner points for the feasible region for the Jerry’s Autoparts problem you started as a warm-up.

THEN Complete the Earthquake Relief Problem on the Back side

This will be collected and counted as a separate CW grade in Powerschools.

Ask for help and work with your partner.

Page 19: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Using Technology . . . .

•Microsoft EXCEL can help Operations Researchers perform a sensitivity analysis

•Later, we will visit the computer lab to actually use EXCEL

•Next, we will create a template that will help when you actually create a Linear Programming worksheet on EXCEL

Page 20: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Fill-in Today’s Date. We will discuss the other boxes as a class.


1 Date: __________2 Lego Activity3 Profit Maximization4

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value

7Total Profit

8Objective Function


10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large


12Maximum # of Small



Page 21: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Using Technology . . . . •Microsoft Excel’s “Solver” application allows a user to explore finding a new Optimal Solution when given new profit amounts for tables and/or chairs.

•In addition, a user can find a new Optimal Solution when given new limitations on the resources available.

•Later in the computer lab you will conduct such an exploration.

Page 22: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

First, a reminder of the Lego formulas. . .

•At the bottom of your Lego Template, there is some blank space.•Write these formulas down in that blank space

•Objective Function

•Large Block Constraint

•Small Block Constraint

P = 16x1 + 10x2

2x1 + 1x2 ≤ 6

2x1 + 2x2 ≤ 8

Page 23: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Next…We will set up the template with our current values.


1 Date: 8/27/20142 Lego Activity3 Profit Maximization4

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value

7Total Profit

8Objective Function


10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large


12Maximum # of Small



These cells will contain the coefficients of the Objective Function.

Page 24: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Today…We will set up the template with our current values.


1 Date: 8/27/20142 Lego Activity3 Profit Maximization4

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value

7Total Profit

8Objective Function


10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large


12Maximum # of Small



16 10

These cells will contain the coefficients

of the LARGE Block Constraint.

Page 25: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Today…We will set up the template with our current values.


1 Date: 8/27/20142 Lego Activity3 Profit Maximization4

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value

7Total Profit

8Objective Function


10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large


12Maximum # of Small




16 10


This cell will contain the number of

available LARGEBlocks.

Page 26: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Today…We will set up the template with our current values.


1 Date: 8/27/20142 Lego Activity3 Profit Maximization4

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value

7Total Profit

8Objective Function


10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large


12Maximum # of Small




16 10

2 6

Similarly for the Small Block Constraint You Try!

Page 27: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

This is what you should have. Check your template


1 Date: 8/27/20142 Lego Activity3 Profit Maximization4

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value

7Total Profit

8Objective Function


10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large


12Maximum # of Small




16 10


2 2



Page 28: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Using Technology . . . . •The next step would be to define to Excel the equation for calculating the profit, which is our objective function.

•This equation will be typed in as a formula when you are in the computer lab.

•Then after Solver is run, the computer will determine the profit made based on the parameters entered.

P = 16x1 + 10x2

Page 29: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value

7Total Profit

8Objective Function


10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large


12Maximum # of Small




16 10


2 2



The objective function will be written using EXCEL language, which will then be placed in this cell when we go to the computers.

Due to space limitations you should turn your paper over and write this on the back of your paper.

Cell F8: = B8*B6 + C8*C6

P = 16x1 + 10x2

Page 30: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Using Technology . . . . •Now, we will discuss how to define the LARGE Block Constraint inequality to Excel.

•The left side of the inequality will be typed in as a formula when you are in the computer lab.

•Then after Solver is run, the computer will determine the actual number of LARGE blocks that were used to obtain the Optimal Solution.

2x1 + 1x2 ≤ 6

Page 31: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value

7Total Profit

8Objective Function


10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large


12Maximum # of Small




16 10


2 2



The left side of the LARGE Block Constraint inequality will be written using EXCEL language, which will then be placed in this cell when we go to the computers.

Due to space limitations you should turn your paper over and write this on the back of your paper.

Cell D11: = B11*B6 + C11*C6

2x1 + 1x2 ≤ 6

Page 32: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value

7Total Profit

8Objective Function


10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large


12Maximum # of Small




16 10


2 2



In a similar manner, the left side of the Small Block Constraint inequality will be written using EXCEL language, which will then be placed in this cell when we go to the computers.

Due to space limitations you should turn your paper over and write this on the back of your paper.

You Try! Cell D11: =B12*B6 + C12*C6

2x1 + 2x2 ≤ 8

Page 33: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to


1 Today’s Date2 Lego Activity3 Profit Maximization4

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value

7Total Profit


Objective Function ($) 16 10 =B8*B6+C8*C69

10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large

Blocks 2 1 =B11*B6+C11*C6 6

12Maximum # of Small

Blocks 2 2 =B12*B6+C12*C6 8



This is what you should have. Check your template

Page 34: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to


1 Today’s Date2 Lego Activity3 Profit Maximization4

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value



8Objective Function

($) 16 10




10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large

Blocks 2 1


C11*C6 6

12Maximum # of Small

Blocks 2 2


+C12*C6 8



Finally, just for cosmetic purposes we put an inequality symbol in these cells. This serves no operational purpose to EXCEL, but is there for the user’s benefit.

Page 35: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to


1 Today’s Date2 Lego Activity3 Profit Maximization4

5Decision Variable





6 Decision Value

7Total Profit


Objective Function ($) 16 10 =B8*B6+C8*C69

10 Constraints Used Available

11Maximum # of Large

Blocks 2 1 =B11*B6+C11*C6 6

12Maximum # of Small

Blocks 2 2 =B12*B6+C12*C6 8




Page 36: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

NEXT . . .(Time permitting)

• Start on Packet p. 3.• Finishing this is your HW

• EXPECTATIONS– You are working with the people

sitting around you.– Ask for help from your neighbors or

from me.– Remember, you are here to learn and

I am here to help you learn. Doing work in class makes completing the HW easier when nobody is around to help.

Page 37: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Sensitivity Analysis on next slides….

• Save this for another day for Spr ’15 due to moving computer lab to day 3 (due to work keys testing and days lab was available)

Page 38: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Revisiting the Lego Furniture CompanyObtaining Maximum Profit

If a furniture company obtains 6 large and 8 small pieces every day, we determined that the “OPTIMAL SOLUTION” was to produce 2 tables and 2 chairs every day.

Page 39: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Stepping Beyond the Solution.Operations researchers must analyze solutions. One sort of

analysis is called a sensitivity analysis.

Sensitivity analysis: how sensitive a solution is to changes in the parameters of the problem.

LETs Explore . . . . . .

For example, in the LEGO problem one of the parameters is the availability of large pieces.

Altering the number of large pieces might change what the optimal solution will be.

Page 40: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

LEGO Follow-up—Beyond the SolutionDiscuss with the people that are sitting around you the

answers to the following questions:

1. Assuming there are still six large pieces available, how would the production rate change if the number of small pieces increased to nine? What would be the optimal profit?

2. Going back to having only eight small pieces but increasing the number of large pieces to seven, how would the production rate change? What would be the optimal profit?

Page 41: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Next slides skipped Fall ‘17….

• Saved for future use

• Skipped slide due to moving computer lab to day 3 (due to half day on day 2)

Page 42: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Turn in your template

• I will hold onto these until tomorrow when we go to the computer lab to work with Excel.

• I will verify that you have correctly written down the required information.

• To do tonight’s homework, you can reference this powerpoint that will be posted on BLACKBOARD

Page 43: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Hint for Tonight’s HW—Read Carefully

• Packet p. 4 Here is what part of the problem 1) states:

“There are 4 hours available to prepare sandwiches. If chicken salad sandwiches take 7 minutes to prepare and roast beef sandwiches take 10 minutes, how many of each type of sandwich should be prepared to maximize the profit?”

Let’s write one of the constraints together:We are limited by the total amount of time to make sandwiches.

Therefore, (time to make roast beef sandwiches) + (time to make chicken salad sandwiches) must be less than the total amount of time available. AND the units of measurement much match.

1 1# of roast beef sandwiches # of chicken salad sandwichesx x

1 210 7 4(60) minutesx x

Page 44: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Practice = Quiz Review Sheet

• Prepare for quiz 1– Complete the back of the warm-up worksheet.

– Done early? Work on Packet p. 3 & 4 (the other part of tonight’s HW)

Page 45: Linear Programming - Honors ICM GHHS...Arrival Instructions Take out: Your homework, calculator, and the unit outline Pick up: 1. A piece of graph paper 2. Colored pencils basket to

Instructions For Computer Lab

Before we go . . .

Read the handout/instructions on what to do upon arrival

Watch the demo that I am about to show you

You MUST work with a partner!!!

We will dismiss from the computer lab. So, you will take your belongings.