Download - l~I!; · from Athe LEtterClet'k \'a8ahd ccmmUhicaWardens tedor theto Chu~chthe Commi ih tteeLaneAbo~oughor th~-Societyof




IIIJ,r~w~~~~J';f~:T~'.:';~~)!~i:rt¥dtJ~;~'}J1tj~j!'~~~~"",·"···~',"·,;:'!.·k·,<;.,·.'<·'.:..·· •. 'lrinity dhtir~h, ~nbX .jhr:V7~:itVC::;k·:X.'~::~':·- ~, ' "r"" Hi> ;,".",.

··?··~~·~:?0Y-f}~:~,,~.~s.ot1ie·-stiit~ble metnb~r bf the said societY1 ti~ttti1rfhgJiffif\.~ti!h}~,.~~·:>:.~::\fT;{:.;·,tt~r1?-.a:l~"the membe,'s ther~'to nreet at ·s.ome eU1tttb1e. plEHi~!\.:-G.11:<~;,,>,>:""., ···sdme time in the moI1th of Ata~h .or April next, to "ce tHdile!t{"'::':):i;.;:.{:.:;:,~~expresse9-, to ch.oose all stich society officers· lis pariSh~/f; ~':;::,(.··x.'i': Page}'12 are al1.oWed annually to ch.oo se •. ,'; ~'CL." .;~.:. '):<'::';~:'" (This Act passed Ma:rch 4, 1805) . ",' ..

~ .

An'Act in addition t.o nn I\ct entitled uAn Act incorporating '.certain pers.ons·in the.t.owno.of Len.ox, Lee, Stockbridge & . 'iPittsfield, in the county .of Berkshire, by the name of the

..... Protest.:lnt Episcop::l Society .of Len.ox," & to annE!X certairl····>.,:~'::.... '" other persons the r s· to •

..-:~~;;;:-:~C.~···~Jed~1.. B~ it et1l1cted. by the Senate & H.ouGe .of Rt!presentativeo~,a-~ie.}z}"3>it1General C.ourt n~:;oe:l1bled, <'} by lluthe;rity of the s·me, that· "{&:iii,:~;·.~,·;:·,,,·.)tc)sa ph. Abby, Jdln Atk:i na, Ie habod Benton, Je rerrtiah 13l1ck, Satritil!1- .

~-~f;X~{~::~{:;.;.I.:FCoop~~,John Dove, Be nj tJrni n H:lIni 1 t.o!\, He ~~ kiah Haye 1 uOfH~ph?.}Ji;?2~:~f~::,}:,oi~H~11and,John"Ljirnli:Y, Amos Mnnof.'ield, Joseph Randal, David·5g?)Jif;}(!.,';!:i('7SaVllge, Allen 3mi t'l, 'l'ryphenn & VHlliatn "'ells, ~11 of,' >C.

::;;'i2:{1?i::t:(~i;~;-,;:Stockbridse;Sal::ic:l Andrews, Abel.Avery, Dart-ieJ: But1ert Jetht40,':,~.·:\~~i~i;~:f::'/::\But.ler,JUnr., David COllins, 3teIJhen Cruttenden, S~UE!l Po1ley,;-.".~;;.'~f.{J¥J·1~\f.?jj1:Jl1h~., SamUe 1 GrllY J . - r-/

Jf~.t::~g£f,i~1~~Ed.\·HlrdHatch, 1Javid HUbby, Moses Merwin, Calvin perrYtDartiei;~·.;[~::~~+h4'~·Po11ey,"·Joseph· Presby, Calvin Sears, Asshel Sp~aglt~, ol!V~~ '.·<·'-""'··''f:IL·'"1.··'·~.;~,~:Stedbia.h,)tetlry t'aylor, Jo~~ph '1'ucker, Ira WRrren~r,. Werretl

M~¥i)Y,arr~erier,J.ohn Whit,lock & Dantl Willinms Junr. ,all of ~rt~x.&~Hahhah~bby, .of Pittsfield, t.ogether with their families ~e.rrt~teB~.b~ ~,.& they are hereby a.nnexed to the P~oteBtt1nt'p':tSCbP~l" Society of Len.ox for parochial purposes 01\ly. Artd ".

h~\~~~~~~lpe~~ona before named, shall hereafter be exempted:,~?\?i~~Y~\t~~i#iHfr,om;:t£txeS ~or the sUpport of the minis te r, in the se veral .

$~;::~J~~~f~;Jl;j~:~i~'(/~~rlo~~e~/I~~~ey cOhtlhue members' of the. said E~!sC(;pa~··;~i:~~~fi~WG::;So·ciety. And .the. said several pers.ona hereby annexed to the "2~~(:::t:gg£:if~)S;,:~,~aaid;~o~iety.iial1, \1ith the other members, be equally en-titled:i5~}?!V8~~i;8;~(\']:'-i:,:t:?:a.l1the privilei~es, & shall also be subject to all the duti.a,_

IIY:!1;::%i~¥,t~i~~!.%;{:)·.&/b~rthenaof the 8aid soc iety, & shall in all respects be .

:i~\~i~ii?;{ff~i;Q<,~onsid~redaa members of Episcopal so~ietYl in ae full &:",~;n~~~~~¥;TffJk~E:;'ample\:am~hne'I'~ as if they had been originally ncoI'po~ated..-...• ;.:!,.;i'.y,,~._;~'''~.tlre i'ewi t~,--f:2.. ::~~~~~f/t~~~;~;~:;. -', ~ ~ ....~:~}:+-(~~Y~?~;jf,'~<::Sec•. 2" . ~~~t further enacted .. ~ ~ .""(~,age,:i:le.~;!1at any"""'pers"(m in either of the towns aforesald~ \Tho ~.Ai~

l~I!;i~_ ./1 ' ", .. " .. ,>" \ •..

i2[~t!J';m .""


~:_'~';""'::'<i""""~"''''''''<.'~ ....,',."·4,.:~··.~_···.>.•.!.J~.•.•'r.'-:>''''''·'·N'_(-- '''--'' _' ,'0., .• _ ~ \.·-':"':·'~.<~i'~~\ ..,._..~~ ...-·."r ........•.. -J' ;-·~· •. l'::-",~-'·.p•..•--rt •• ~ •••.•••.. ~••.••~~~,. .•••.• ·-.!';'Sr.t~~.'t .•.~,,1'!'.•Jt)..~.••I'!i~~~.:;;~}~~f1V&~lfft;fli~j~§;,~]:p~'~£:~:.\.~;:':)~';:-: ';....;. j>::!r·2·:-'}e;?i'tf?~?f:;~~:~;;;1:~·~f;~1?i;~;~.i;~):~t~~~~{~~gt""'"'$"'''''< .• '

iik-:4.:~?;;i·:<f:;~g.:~e..>:9.Htn,:lqF!.-:Rl!I9():[ID? l' ~~M.:R I C.,:·ROCKYIE1./1~OPY/)f;';;:j~:.\~~\,,,,,•••

~i1~:t~tf~r;'"•..··..·.".··Trin~Y. Ch~~h'j't~:E)''i;,~:~"9:'j:::,t'~i'f\~r'''I~~~\~~:~~l'.:::···:.::;?;~:i';' ',' . COmmOni'le al-::h of Massachuse t.ts 4 ' ..•. ' ... ~. <·:.';J'S';;,.;-.' -,.. ..,.. !::- ....-.-..., . ,., ~ • :-" ". f_~."· ,. '·~,·_ •. ·.··':_~~~--=·\--:".; ..;:i.·,~"1t'-.

<:JT "'In the ye ar 0 f our tord~!ro&S and eight j,i1~dr~d:litidi ~V~~")11..'-'.:-..:~.:.;..:/+;<.:. An act in addition to an a'\:d, entitled /tAn a(;!t·ff1~b~p6fltititi~:~>~.. :.::>::~.,:~::::. ····cer_ta.i~.per~0ns i:1 thetgwns of Lenox, leaL Stookbrfdg4!.&:: '.~ ::::r;~.' '·'::;:'.<.>;'>,.:.·:.Pittsfleld In the County of Berkshire, by the name "of th~. <.'. ""';'~:'.:':::.' .>Protest~nt Episcc ?al Society 6f Lenox, H and to annex derttdtr" ':."::::;:'':':,'J:.'" . t: 'other' persons the :-eto 4 . ; • '. :~;:;

·:::;·:'··Sec;tion :1. '" Be it enacted by the 'Senate end ~:f' RePI:'eSSr1t .•.•·~~:..~... at~ves in l..1enerflJ Court assembled, and by ·the. attthbr:lty df t.tif! .. :~:

same, That Joseph Abby, John Atkins, IchabodBt!nton~ uefl~ttLt~h .• :. Buck, Samuel Cooper, John Dove, Benjainin Hamiltohf. He.~ekitthH~~9

.. Joseph Holl::.nd, t.~chnLU1;iley, Amou Mansfield, Jo~eph !-Ultida11~" '"~;':'''.•.... :David Sav~ge, AL.en S;ni til, Tryphena Stone i l!.nc.1.fi11iain Wells ~·+·!f:~B0;:·;\. ;~ll of Stockbrid~.e, . Sallllon Andre VIS , Abel Av.ery,. Dnnie1 Butler\~;·~~p~;:g{.'(.~.-,JetbI'oButler JUllr. t Daniel COllins, Stephen Cruttenden, Samuel

.;·~:£;;E·:;i:~;f~(:'.::... Falley Junl'., Sl:\i::uel Gray, Edv/t\rd Hatch, David Hubby, Moses}·:~.~~:t;~·;;.'·:.:~~:'·~<Jj!erttin,Calvin !Jerry, Daniel Polley, Joseph presby, Calvin Sea'~a:,;:;::·:;~;,··~);tiii:i;R:;\;2:;:.J\suh:lSpra0f-tU)·.~Cliver Stedman" Henry TayloI·, Joseph 'lll1cke±~,:~.<.;;l'~":':;Sf.·i,p.;Ira Itarrs ne 1', ,/u :'1'en i{arre ne 1', ~oJIl1 Whi tl oc k atId Dani e 1 Wi 11 iahls~~~'~~i~{f~~~;}:£'i}:'-;':E}:;)lllof Lenox, Eln:; Hannah Huuuy ol\Pittofielq.y together with .

!'f~iRI~~ll\~s1i;if;;!:;:L~t~e~rfalllilieo a::d esto.teo, be and they t1re hereby annexed to.~t~.~{:';(~~~~~-!;;j.:.;::; E;liscopal Society of Lenox, for pnrochia1 '...•....~u·,~·~_v ..•.·,•.··"='..,..- .. - "';~'>,~'. ,

':~;:~~l!4'~~jl~fii~!~~(::P\!rpoBesonly, c:ld the, I3ev~1'al persons _nr.JT1ed,I shall~~«i~¥~t~~~;tRii.~;; exe:apteu. from taxes for the support of 'the Ininistsi4~fn:X;;~~~{~!Ji;~¥l$XJ:ffi;~ntheseveral t~)~ns ~'/here they. noW dwell, so long ns they

'>;r~~~'ffi~;~~if,i-~;:i;continuemembers of tne uaid EplBCOpol Society., and· the Gelid

, ·'{~~~~rJ~~~f,~:8·eteral· pe'rl3 ons he re by annexed to the Baid 30c ie ty,- shall ·wi t.h . :~~~~¥;~~~fj}t;~~·;~he_othermembeI'3, be. equally entitled to 011 the priv.i1e/jes, ':.1·~·_·~J'~l~'f{;;§j~·i:'W\yl~;:,i·andshall a180 h! subject to all the duties and bll~tlHH\S of the "~

,~:~~~I~l&Il~ir;·;:t.~aid.·Society, ar:] shall in oIl reDpecto Le considered f1S me~be~li:

, ~~~ir~ttfi\~iE~:;:l:·:,of.. said Episcopc.l Society in no full and ample D. ma~ner, fiS it c',;~~~¥;~;~i!;t0X;·;;;,'·theyhad been o!'iginally incorpornted therewi th •. '11

l<f'~M~q~i~~f0~ft(:"cSe'ction2. Be: t further. enacte~, th~t any person. in e.:tthe~"~:, t.;~~~~$~;11:.;i\:.,>.>.::;gfthetOWh~ err,resaid, Viho mu~ oeeire to join aaia Episcopai <;·~<'-i1;,;';!;;~--;:;;:,.·:, .:>ociety, anc;. sh:.ll declare sucn intention in writing to be ':I. :(t~;~~~};~~i~{':.;;;::,·>.delivered. to th(; Clerk of the 1'o'ITn, ""here he or ohe may . --~:.-.• '1,\-1.''-' .•• , . .;...,'~' ;;.•. '. -'. ' • '

, ~~~l~§i;{~:::?:.;··.:/.:.!'eside,ami alsc a copy of the uame to the Clerk of the So~iet.y~j<t:~;t'~~4;":-~~!1/":«';'withwith such :)ersons have been connected, before the .


A LEtter \'a8 ccmmUhica ted to the Committee or th~ -Societyfrom the Clet'k ahd Wardens or the Chu~ch ih LaneAbo~ough of ~efollow ing te tl0:t' ~

Lanesborough~ May at 1794.

»1.'0 the Commtttee 'Of the pi'oteGta~t episcopal Church ~,"r~'Ge ht J.emen kF

• 'I ,.\ •.•·t'



The meeting Diego1vad.

Messrs. Ama~a Glez~h >

f~Uem~n nawey )Istiac C, G()cd~ich)

Trih:ty dhtirch; t~ffOt4·-"zillt·

Deadon; to orfidi~te in his pti'blid dhat'adtet't . __ P __fot' -thS year' s:1stitHWt; \fiaj to t1i~ ~f)th 1:j~HH~lnba:t'f17~4f 8V't'ti~.;,;'WJ

athar .9tind,ay f fat' the ~W!Lof~ ~o. ",'.4,"><CTh~ following Vo~e~ ~~~~ ~H~h p!~sed, .....1st, To ,ChOOSi2 a Comli1:ttteeq to t'edalve ~tibtHJt'iptit:H1S to d8r~afthe Salary of ;,11', BUrhans for ths yeaI' etJ,stie ;1.tiJ;t f said C!otttttt1ttlf!ltb bs elected Gut or members of ya asso~iation, ft'~~ the

differeiit ToWhs 'vhich compose the same. ~Lehox ;teeRichmond. " ,

2rid. To cheoa;: a ~~ea8ure~i A~ariah gglestoh tsq. wasuhanimoUsly dh:Jst:!h.

... At a late Vestry meeting in this Town agN~edtha.t. M):\~ De.hlel BurhanG~ hoW in Deacon·s 'Orders should be

ehabled ~nd ~e~ommended t'O the Bishop of Connecti~ro~ Priestt 6~lerst to a¢complish wh1ch~ agreeable to th~customs of o~~ chu~ch\ Fu~thermore agreed to make a '

contributiofi tQ d~r~a..Y the ~xpen~eJ)~ and sin¢e Div1.1l1t,. ~Pr'OV'i~en~---has \lhi ted,you with us, have thought rft~~8nam!.tth~se ~\ii\ ~t\~).~B~ th~t it you oOrLtdeterttly could, you _ouldJoin ih this r.:"\udable \).ndertaking~ .Whil~ we r-emaill your Chriatian Brethren

2~; Lst1ox; May i9t:q 1794.A Vafj tfy nil:! e ti ng \'tiela he ld fott the purpose 0f organ!z ing nhdregulateih~ th~ Sotli~ty. Proceeded to the Choice of churchorfi~el'E! foil tile ehsUltlg year & made choice of the r()11t)Wih~h

" vii· '".•. , -_/

Swnul::! L Quitlcy-- --ClerkMessl's, J"ohh Whi tlock) Wtirdehf.}

Jesse 11~ad1ee)




/,LENOX CHtmda E'~qtJjIDs FROM t<. d I ,ftddtV!fti) S' dtW~"



. 1805'S<:)p 27 A biack child'" 28 H If 1/

Oct 1 Soh. of vena. Smith

, " II d111 of vl'rtl. Whi tingH 29 tydia gelden '

'1806. Jan 7 Old Mrs. Corti,'!al1Feb 14' dh. of John T\,'lerApI 5 ',4 H, E. SpstlCt!±',

If 11 Chi"istian 0%'0';/ 'OldJune 12 VI, of' J, :rngaJ'E:Joll

29 Amos Bahtoh,. ch. of Mr. Stoadtnan 1809

'" July 10 dh, of EliJ t\h No:rthrop .It' t.1at1 10 Child of '1'h~s ~a1e;. 14 Mrs. NtH'lel rta'b1 19 •• 1/ dhtttJ. Mfit.toort.30 Oh ,tit MrBUck, Stobkbridp,e. 28 Old Mi"~. Seti~ick

Aug •• Irtf c,h of 1. gllis ' Mar 22 Dt\t1ial'ls child,Sap 17 VI. of C!11Vin BUrnham 26 Mr. rti~ketdb child

"Oct 30'A1bartl'a1uter May 3 Mr, Ul1hie1 yhtbt,,'No\#' 11 dh of 'fhontaa '-:Ie at JUtH! 29 Jatt1e 13 Stbha

15 Sylva Mu:rphy clack git'1 AUg 3 Child td' 1tc:t. DtHtiey7 Pater MaYh~t'd'tJ wife

11 Child of jaff'ortls

.21 g. baWe~'1:1 wifeSap 22 L. sto~kihg'B ~if'e'oct 10 WidoW of O. CollihBNov'29 ban~bh ~11~1~ybeh 18 ~mah ulitltl'~ ~hi1d

30 Child t1f Mi'. Htilbei't

1810 .,Jnh 12 D~ti of'Mi'. F~11yFob 13 S~~ah WoodrUff

17 Child ~r tl~ Hol1!~terMa~ •• Soh or M~~ Mil1~rd

29 ~1:l11 Weller

~l 18 Witb or z~ s~~r~iMay 30 ~~ ~ a~ '1 \t~;J.ghtJUhe 27 Chiid ~r Jti~~ ~ttb~~

July 6 ~ih ~h9i~B, ,23 Child of AbiJ~h ~iii'rAug 2 tt " , W~ ~hdlett)n

4 }Ars. Freemoh "7 M!'a,' Wilbar

;'.!':'~j<'~ ,,10 Priscilla Ho'./es~ii~,,::;.Ml1r'2:3 Ch of" E. GiltJ 9 ttr.~~~~,:". 26" :t' Cnpt.B1oIHio'm'~'~~!':',;;Ap111 W. 'of Joseph Rodgert3

, ;18 Ch of ~. G. stahley;' Mat, 21 Ti. of Stephea ~i\eBtoh

, ;, Oci t 4 Ch or Mi' Ho\vl.trd tollahd:~ No'IT 7 Solomon J'ohe9i~Dec ',. Ch. or S~~e.g~

~t •• ~o()perDec' B \'Hdow Fox

••,'< 27 Yh of Ahdrew Hyde1B08Jah 21 w. of ~. Me};'t'111sFeb 25 Ch~ of S\ Judd Jr~Apl'16 Soh'of Mr. ~~~~iva1

June 10 VI~ ot n~n~i '!iil1iams18 Rhode. Taylor

b£ ', ))-; ~ ...•.•.; I'· [Y-O .. ..., •.:.: , \ ~ 7 - J •

",,-1 0'::'-') l De ':-',I h s !1\: u f.' 1\: ,) A <


',' , ", , .. ' .', . tet1o~ " , en. d I HtJ(jk~el1J ,~

1194~..;.C~ti.trty.;tIbad ttiti~x ,Ch . t~rtiJ:it1ttce Eitld tttjP }j~tJtJ1tf t1'tJth~:biii'tit8-t,:" ~''£.8vi , Nye i# tee 4 We~t "of ;'.~t1tl1 S~dkti(j f iJ t~ 1io~th ot pai Stiltdl't i, wlli~ '',td"',J6seph GaC:Jdv!ih ;,9 ,,(~, S1TJ~th r hoUse artd ~tb~~ f to ~o,tithof l~ilJ,~~ ".'Northrop tCi f:i. S H1,fittiS ttiS 1"a1a 1 to ii~e. d b~1iS1' tJ~, Httie." utifflttgt! ~ :to.George·Beniistt L rhaiIias Ba c~dhar 1 Cal. Jared :aI'at1ley 1 Joht1 C:t'ojjby f .' "

Joseph GbbdvJih; MbSSS 'Hall,. Thomas Lahd~fls f EliJ ~h Northrttp, u(JiJhUa .9arpenter4 vtisttis Yale" EnoS Stone; Vlilla!'d f'arm1 A'i.~glesto111

i795-':Al tetihtioh in roadfrotrt Lehox tb tees via :Lenox F\1.~f1!J.(H1dti£jtt1~'j'Xale,:;and vdnff, Yfi1ls.rd. nl:;Iflages to i "'l'hon1as Ga tb tq I Ol:! V~±· No~tl1 titiP. EliJ a11 Northt,tip; JoShuu darp~t1ter.

·i~'!~;~i~. COlU1ty EdIt! ,'1tt tOt1tJjt S~t' 1789 & re b 1790 tJ !ghed bY.,Butlt l' lVla tthaw Fos ta t' Johlt. 'Hyde Chtttihbey

XCook gb~t1ezar Falley Sam '1,. Hall M~se~,dtilVe~ batt XGaodrich ISribo ~ Hblms l~t'1bb

Critt,,'1hdeh 9tepheh It \ All~t1 t:tObt1N1 StathfdU~ti8 Nathah Gray EdWt1rd H~mlit1 Sam'cui ve l' Ctil\'3b Goadric h Alleh J'r 1·1:lhSt1E11e jartlt,Cocik HaphHe 1 Gu,thltie James Htibby uaha,dla!'k Samuel GC)ld uC)htl " I-ttiht tiohh ,Claflin Ezra dill Elisha XHyde C~leb ~r '

Ctirtis David • !s~~l Nb~h XIt Ieaac XHall Moses N!ithah Y

XHyde Calah ' JUdd SwmUelII Ahdrew Jr It tt~ihh,~ Artdrew Jbhtisoh ~~

Howlahd Ja~ezHamlirt Isaac

HetWord Moses,'Hi~keB Samtl 'Hurtt 13fhsbrt

JIl1n11irt' I~hB.bodI-fe\'1i tEl:1..(3h~

tt Jereihie.h

, It BertJ ~mihlUll Arahe.hHe,ktilirt NrithtL

DUhhe,I)\ BetlaJ 1.1hHJ"oseph

Dabel Charles

bewey PaulDUhba t' Saml1e 1Dwight JosephDove .John

,#,' 'j'" • ,~

xrihney BethuelXFe 11ow8,-Dartie 1 •

root Heliro~d lche.bod

, Finrtey JohathahFoster JedediGh


·-i:1... /'~- " ,

LE#bx,OMtfRdf.t RE(j0r~tJ#J PRoM 11'41 -tJo 'Jj~d~tLI ti d61'if,".


. " 'Letiox. (It., d6 ItbakWel1J ,/ . '" . ,',,Merrdn 9,tep'h/31i 9 8 Phil1ips Gab; Steai"ti~ ~t0phtHl ?/hetott" Oii\fe~';:

t! M6fJt1s. Polly 'PtlofJper StJa~E3 11s.iJ1d. , W~11' ftm.'Ma~totit1 "d11iH,jis e p'Et~kel'i ff tttS j:J.i; . Sta11l~y Ambs it'J!,' Wfilttt'd- ,dbbt1

McN1er }tentey PG~k EJ :1.t:iha SliJats Philip . , Whetllti Sdf.1~,Mt:~ker 1Jtin1el ~ti~~if1 Ed\1tti.'d ,If !saaal If' .,!bl1~\"';",)

~ , Pa11d Zed's S'Nl3t!ting Eliph~lst If SAitt'1 h.Northrup, Job " , , Stanley Alexandet' vt~lls St.p1itlt(Newel'Jds1aH xa~b1nsort Johrt stone O~f,ingh ,Way .Mo~t!~ '

t"Northrop AbNdU1ffi IHClhtt:Nls vl1mo/3 St~t11ey Amos, Wood . !~H(~aIf {foel .It(1t1t Etliheh !lbtHn 'rhos iff'. 'f/alker Jaobb~t d"et1tltrdl:th H o:ji i/~r " 'Washburn Jadtib .

, ,( RUsh ~1t\dbh 1'ylsr UChh .vIh:lt$ ft(j1t::lttttJt1:

013 Q-\,lI'n Eli shtt ..... Whi tlot1 k vbhi1 )(_,}- . JD}J:!.ah Stblighto!1 John XVl1rt SOhlib.tJk HIt Datdtll Staht! l~;iio!3 Y't\le t1tidttil

.. ;,. ,.... Seley L\JttJlie! XWil1iatrts Dah Jt'. Yat't'itlgttH1 b~u1fl,~Rd~k~f·m1i~dB 5Mbih zlb! . XWood A~t'Dh Yale ~homa.}kt;> ',II , Rltf~U8 Smith GldttHHi u-t'~ -,)" Elia.s Ut'.

{~Bers:l.Va.l· m1:laha ilhoUgJl'Loh tut'Y> ) "\·r/faY' ~r:t.tTlothy'!Patt~l;l3oti,uoh1i Scott / /' Wright Joseph'. <,Pi-estlo' Asa StoUghtl;)h Gutjtet~us r'thelpley William

" ... \


.... l' ~~:~_f.·_·~i?·'..j·'~{~{~~F.~.

LEliOX d11t1RdH REq'bRbs ,:,.ri~o1A R i Oi 'R(j~tvIELils 061'11 ," :_, '. '':-:;?jli~,,",, .' . ' , ' . ,l,,:: .~,~ ..,••••• ' • _.", •• ' ' •• ' o •• ' ~;:::,,"''''.' '

~_~_, ~._., F~~mLand' R~t"b~fj ~t pf ttati bia . " .... 0 •• ~;';t.

, . ., [ . ' , ... ,. ! ,;J' .. 1st, Dfj~d . 11it; dtHtc1 ,8f1i:t'tI' b'f iijt 01' fBiti"Be1.aing .Ol:t.V~r; of (Jiitii:it)~1 Ct d .Mar '28-1774--tt3no:l'Majl' £1.:t11~1

.Bryant A.ti~u~,t1..~e i Ca~,~l·:n, ct,' tab' 'i..1173 It, r.8'6 ',lS=1't7S , .. ~.;Blin.Ep~rs.!m,,tf ~r'rr1~ngt.on~"C1~.•... MaY ,18,••1168 H Sdp, 2~;:1111 .". ,"

-:~lanChgrd Thebt1b~e Salis Dury, Ct.Apl a.1183 ,If :t:i~d 6-1iifS4 ~'d1dtiiitU~jBooth L~tnuel Stratford, Ct.•. May 19..•1183. 'If Ati.g,31~17M '

':"Booth ItHHic ," H' It; ,:' , 'May 19 ••1"/83 '/1 H tI H " '.' , ..iL'But1er tTeth1'o" dtifiWB1 ,.', Jari S5.•1792.1 .., cooper ASg. N~+JI 1t#!~f}t1 dt. odt 14-1712~.Culver Cal~b.Wt111ifig£brd f ct 6 Api . 6•.1770

~ 'Christopher Citf't1ffight' !okunt0\ff3ep 28 ••.1768'~." H If If F~""b')ag't"H64}'/". ' _ . l: \:J {.~ ~t£i£ .

l;fi,,' It ,...., ..•• ,.' ,Su~r~on Apl 15•..-11e~f;::,Curtis T:t~ti~· . SttJ~kbt'idtP ~ah 14-17G1--Lenox May 8-17711 Churchill Jahha Farmington Ct 6 Api 15-1115 •• Mar ..24•.1177lr'Dickit1~o~El~~~1" Stodkbr1dga Oct 24-1750 R!ohmb.tid M~~,22-1~79 .i;, Dunbar' S!1tJ1Ut:!1 ttai1ingfbrd \ ' ct. Jan 21-1711--Lenox Od t 19-1'171 oii 11g1~Dwight Jo~bphdt'jGt BBr~ington Oot 8-1710 ,If No~ 15~179~~tDibbleCharlaEt Richmond ' May 13 •.1773 ij June 11.•1776./ Dewey tl:\t'~H~l Jr. G-bBat'r ingtort .t Ma.y 31 .•1'1'11 (?;Jl~Demirig,Elitlit' Pi ttbt':I.eld . S~p 6.J.1'67 It I Apl 1a ••1712';;;~Foa,ter ttotiathati Vtt111ingford t Ct,S~p 10-1166 ..• ~. ~ii 24 ..•111g~fiBher LtiK~SQi±bbUry, Ct. Ap1 21-1168 K Nb~ 11~1112c,'" -( It ".', ." t·.'- •.t"•• 1H '}!;~'';'!~'.'" ' . "" "- I1H9 .. WJ:Ay 8 - I 84 ~ " '.

;Fali.ey.~.S~utiUb1 m~tf':leltl S~p 9-17'12 •• '; Feb 17•.17,71,~t~rd(lch~~bd .. Nbffiibh,. Ct. Apl ,,1717 tt \ AUg 14-1784>1.G.()odr:l.tih:~lieHPittsficld Jtily ~6 1768 it MtH' 5-1114 . I,'~;G~aY~E.dWai\t::1 Sbuth pl'lH:int Duttihol'SC. June 21-1169 Lenox Apl,61oL1110 .' )~£Gilba~t·gbb ,Pittstiu1d o~t 9-11B1--~hox~ab 11-179~ ' .5;Grb\fet' biHH.t1 ttt1:lbl1 Ct, t~b 1..•1784--L~rtt)x Atig 31••1784 .'~:,f!~titiAtlibrbIHq Aliil!h11a 'p1~ecinct Dlitche~s C•. ~LY', JUi1~ 16-17eB Yok\ihstowkt.,1.1'<"",' ; 6 0, u~ b .-;•••17•.•.;;""" ..,,,, .., ' ,. , ' PlQo1 t) 0"*

.,'file'ynt Jbhtl rtt)~"Hl1h~ .Ct ~ Api 5":1'168--tehox Mt\~ 25 ••1111

...Hb\tltuid Jliliioa a~~t1atab1t: Api 12-1773 . ft. V\i1y- 18 ••1714 .~!g~),i~fiter1E~h~t:d.lli, 14aj.~'bt Northirtgtbrt Hat't~~. Go ~ Ct, Mat ~lilOi113

'~c;,t:t'" / .\ 'I. ->- LlH10X J\1tie 1~1114,~l.ra:'miih I~M.bbd H:i~b.~tibit· ", May 31-17?4 ...-teti~x jUrt& 4 ••1191pH\ibbard"·~itt~r:t~h·;' D~~ 26 ••1794 ~. Sl!p ~5~lB04 .

'~:Hyde AthH~e~ L~bc;U10h~ Ch~ ~ m~•.1??9 .', .. -"'~~,:I~beli '~ah 'SEilisbui'y; c ~~ Oct 6-1 ?G?--Lenox ~o\i 16•..i712 .\.rhga11a J'~i!H3 \1!iBhirtgt~b. O~,t 20-1800 " oot c20••.1803" . '., ,':Ive~ \T....hrt Li.\i1~~ AI-\l lo.1?13· W'al1i~H'?fo~ ct. Feb 15-1181 called 'John l~i,·;.,, v ~ 1" ,''0, ~M,1


(,.. -----------



i&Hox.;;_dr1~01ib~ fR01i ~ .• d oJ 1:tdanEtL I~' d{!j'~'

\ .... ....-' ...


._n __ . _ ... _ -~._--_.- .

c'/dttdi~st1tni1e1iip·:ttts£im1d~,... '~ '~i' ~2a11S6,<)"i'Ke~ler'~'Dartfl,11:1dgef1~la§ C-b,Apl . '1a171tJ,\.J"':"Ii, /'.' .:·;.ifae~:i;.. ' ~ '1.110\1' sa••:1.'1S8

"~':'jhidet's Tl1om" ,St(iljkbridgto OCf~ 15-.11.1.1~~:1.Affihg11a~11John lTOfl1iOh; at .. Aug, 2.1119qH.~t1isi!eda.d. 1al"mington f ct & Ap~111&iil111

, ~..i.Lbt'd ~lishtJSalHtbUry. Cb;, A1'1· .2.1'183Mattoon CHiafiles WaterbU!'2!~ Ct .•Sep 11~17S8

,t,Jl$rriitn Stt!ph$i11·n1!111:lngford f dt .• No1t 13 •.•17f)7 Lst102t Atig 14-17'10\ ..f\jU!11erMO~e·tJ Pittsfield Oat 25-1182 H uan S·111S:L'·ffMaOkef,Al~xtthd~~Amsmi~ F~aoirtdt~.Y .•June 7.17f)6 Lerta~Oat 24-1766':.:M!iltbyJon£u . <1ogpen~ ·ct. 'uUhG 13-1781 Leno;t Mar 91•.•1782' 'I'',tatHrt()n Stttnual ifitJIbUrty Fob 9 ••1791._ tt. May 26.1791

~'~,;Neti()11 troe iah tir 6 F'a%'mingtoh' dt 6 Api' 2:3-1777:>§.Of3born Jbb:t~h Ridgefield t dt .• JUly 8-1771 LSh02t MaY' 24a177a'\iy'tl'ertJi"!\l ~liShG Sat1dwi~ h " l~pl 12 •..177:3 at JulY' 18 ••1774,j)~iPhelpOTElatuwrHatb~Ot1i d+'/I JUt1S 10 .•.1803 H Api la ...1BOa~f',~uitla;Y>S~tt1.1 Jr! a~~ton ' oct 9••1787 ,"'Root 01i Vt31" CC111nan, Ct.' bae 16""1780 Lenox Oelt 811017sa .. '~..;~'cf.1i '1\bupen'Gt Ha:!'1"ingtoL 'JUly 3••1764 II Ap120 ..•17"18 . ,.

,i;J';-;Ylw:Stbddart1':A11.thol1Y EaEit HOtd.Hltlk Fab 19.•1773 /' ~if~~,"~i,~bscat'sDaVid So, precinot.butcheS9 Co& N,Y. Dee lS ..•1770, LotiOX Sep B3 ••3.171" ..~~,}:~~{atat11oiY',~AnitH~11t\ftford. Ci,j& NdV ~m.17t36 Lonox May 31-1711 . lot "I'S.~0~slrtith',\Wtd.t·' VJ~ttarto\'ttl~ CHi. Api 121101788 tt Jut!.e a2 •.•17B4

1!;-i:C~'i'S0dg1tiCk"A~h~~\'taahington Sep 25-1804 Hartford, Ct. May 1••1790~' .···~~ShO\'tMbge~ "Coh\'thY' Nov 13 •.•1791 .' . ,; ..

:':, j~~i~c,~t,..t.".'.'.'f.~,.•......Dn·.·\tid .nidge 'fili!1d ~ c: t & Dec ::)1••1773 ()fRidge fi e 1d Oc t -19.·1~8e tOt!'hi •..:,".•.•..j..:.;..' ."'~'ff" 'c ft 0•.•.h_"" '" ,of'c '_'_ D 1.1. Ala y \I.~.' "',J'",,~

,}1~i~~~:';:1d~,'J1' ~' . Ot~t 18-1786 as ab()~e (land lot 1773 of a,. \t111i'''');s~r1'Jl1Iilbencz(u~ N. WUl£otdt ct.. Apl.1S-1768 Lenox M~ 30w.11t3e .. '",/!>i:

au~;; .Il'homas ShE\l'Oh ~ c t, ' Ap1 ::.?3-17t3a ' :,",:,.\)~t,i"l':tmothy 'tOltuhioWh 'Mny 29 ••1763 ' ','

i.!~j~~F>';;.' ~.:' ShQrrie ld June e...1765 Lenox May 30 ••1768

~ah~_.'N~hetniah Atahfo~dt Ct. JUly 3••1770 I \I Apl 20-1776 ~"F~?~:!:llard';~:ti~s f.H..~nkbti1dl!9n,iay 8 •.1765 It Aug 20••.17'7 .',;Sr!;

lJ';fW~ight"~~tftUel L~tta cg GOt;heh~ Ct~ ho~ of }Uehmond (Lenox) Sep lB ••1~G··'y,fWh.1tlt)ck ijohh lat~ of Ridger1eld~ Ct. no'Vt of Lenox Aug 30·1769' . ,(1"

~~b7)!t;l"':':~.. \:·.\t: , R:hl~fi~lcl ~ ct, Ap1 7•..1770 Lenox Mar 3-17'12litl~~k.2;t)htl Jr--,», \~ N¢V' 25~1768 .••. Dee 8.•.1772:~;:,..•;:

di:,+~ht.'A~flh~l taX'ttlihgtoh) ct~ Api 15••1775 ••, Mar 24••.1777-:{;,-;1' '''.'


'.,., tFiNdX

" "

:·:'tE1t6x dHUhdFf~ifi!8b·itJ~"rttdM HI d 6 ":I{(j~KilELtI"S,:r881'1

.:; :.", -

..f.iiibt Itgtf(j~dtJ i/df, '.1 PA ,3:50 "l1p1i:11 3iJ179i. '.Lists ~t dHr1st!atls df d5ffer~nt denbrnifi~tfons in th~ ~bWtt we~egiVen arid read and bY Votd ~e~~rgllygC~aptsd,Epi~d(j{i~~Mmf!fJb1tii.J1h:t~l(JC~, 'B~njttmin C10hklingf 1saac C. Gboa~!d&fJlzarial1 Egles,tbiq rh~ddlH!ijrhbinpboIii John Willa:t'di S~UntiSl QUindff­

Samuel Vurthar§ V~~1d Dtihb1~§ nMhfel Dtihb~~fEdWa~d ~~tindal~j,Isaac ~bBdfSamti~l rallYs !saad Seg~S1 rh6mas QtiihdY, ~idtidH S~!tH.'iHl1iam. ~elltJf..;Al~tHi Mt;ttLl~ff ,uort~thtui Hobby, Dfitt1tl HobbYf' ·J.':tttidthyffal1 ,Etibdh vt, ~hi:tyet'r j(jE).,jpH iftidker4 Wait 9~:tth, Dttt1iel W111iattt~t

'.. CEilVirt Sestls§ Nathart Rossiter jiiq.JUstus ~akeftf EliJtih ~tHt1tUIj ,Gamaliel B', Ylhi tihg ~ Y/il1.1a.m \"bod~uff, AtrtasHt Glettsdti t· dt111:t.titJ't . ,.jdhn Tylerf SiWStih w~Oat Edw~~d Ma~tindal~ Jr" Sa~ah SfflitH, ~tHtirt

- Storte, Jc;11t1 jJdV~, Will:iW11 P~t1t1ttt1d !sa!1~ Palttt~~. ,I dertify .tWit tht:1 rtEtme~ \1t:1ttts crt this list ar~ tJf the titHibtrl1H!1titHi

of ChristiarHj ~a11ad gp:t.rcbpalint18, and thnt th~y db [tshattal1y tittetit1tin tHe irl!3trUt1titm or T@h<:jhetts tlf tllht !Jottomihhtibn •.. . A~attitth 1!JgltHd~ortt dbttttttit.ttHf·

Bt\ptdtit~i.i·;"Ahdre\1 Hyde, Jr,;rtes Rich~t'dlJ, Samuel JUddlBt:1ttjamitt tturtt.,uohItHUht. Llitae~ B!1terrtt:ln~ bf1vid Satira, Samuel v/he PlaYl ..-.,--..--~Rathb\irtl, -d'~tl:ltH.ah rb~te!', William Gootlspeed, !ttaad \Vii iatnst .',{'ElehzsrWt1.11httis ~ Paul Dt:w~y. r:ttUt:1 Pl:1~ker Jr, LUtly Lv.c~t & JU1t1il\1W

Hyde .J~, ,'c~~tifi~tit. itt s~m~ form a~ abb~a nnd aignetl~ Attd~eW l~de a~,~ dbm,

r .

'~,"Matl1bdi~~t4t ?Hl1iatrt Whit).rlg~ Jl3aae Me~'Iih~ Nathaniel' \'I. au~tort" "

,,Ctniirtsl Jbsaph Bakeft Jahiea Atitle~o()h.t James Cnt'ttol. Dt:\\t:t.ti '\;"'JHftlite'Shffiliel H ~ki:t~ Rbbe1't P~tt:!~a, .

'~)o cet'tity 'tlH:rt ,1;h(9 nbo\i~ por8~ha ltpotl the MeUibtllbt. Pt'eb.~hirtg;(fa'nd,1t:HHftl':lbltt~ to thei~ t:\lp~brt," , swnuel Ct)llins~ Ct)nu\\:ltt~~

