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  • 7/27/2019 Lignin, Lignocellulose, Ligninase


    Lignin, Lignocellulose, Ligninase

    K-E L Eriksson, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA

    H Bermek, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

    2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    Defining Statement



    Microorganisms Involved in the Degradation of


    Expression of Ligninolytic Enzymes Physiological


    Low Molecular Weight Compounds Play Role in

    Expression of Ligninases and/or Lignin Degradation

    by White-Rot Fungi


    Further Reading

    Glossarybasidiomycetes A large taxon of the filamentous fungi

    that produce club-shaped spores. Many members ofthis taxon are industrially important.

    lignin(s) Highly stable polymers of mostly

    methoxylated phenyl-propanoic residues, synthesized

    as part of the cell wall of vascular plants, constituting the

    second most abundant organic polymer on earth after

    cellulose. The monomeric components in lignins are

    p-coumaryl alcohol (p-hydroxyphenyl unit), coniferyl

    alcohol (guaiacyl unit), and sinapyl alcohol (syringyl unit).

    ligninases Oxidoreductases (phenol oxidases),

    produced mainly by white-rot fungi, that are capable of

    depolymerization and modification of lignins. The most

    studied of these enzymes are lignin peroxidase (LiP),

    manganese peroxidase (MnP), and laccase. Each ofthese three enzymes participates in various ways in the

    degradation of lignins.

    lignocellulose The woody material in plants (trees) in

    which the main components are cellulose, lignins, and

    hemicelluloses. The proportions among these three

    main components vary considerably in different plants


    mediator Low molecular weight organic compounds

    facilitating lignin oxidation reactions catalyzed by


    Abbreviations3-HAA 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid

    ABTS 2,29-azino-big(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-

    sulfonic acid

    CBQ cellobiose:quinone oxidoreductase

    CDH cellobiose dehydrogenase

    EPR Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

    GSH glutathione

    HBT hydroxybenzotriazol

    HO hydroxyl radical

    HPLC high performance liquid chromatography

    LiP lignin peroxidase

    MnP manganese peroxidase

    Defining Statement

    The main structural components of wood are the

    polysaccharides, cellulose and the hemicelluloses, and

    lignins. These substructures are efficiently decomposed

    by wood-rotting fungi employing various enzyme

    systems. The mechanisms of these systems are extremely

    complex and highly interactive. Microbial and enzy-

    matic degradation of lignocellulosic materials is one

    of the natures most important biological reactions.Understanding these mechanisms is therefore of funda-

    mental interest due to their environmental and

    technological implications.


    The energy crisis during the early 1970s turned interest

    toward the utilization of renewable resources lignocellu-

    losic materials in particular instead of fossil fuels, foryDeceased.


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    energy production. To release the solar energy stored in

    various lignocellulosic materials has been a prime target for

    research in laboratories around the world. The tremendous

    efforts devoted to understanding the mechanisms involved

    in the degradation of wood and plant materials particu-

    larly by fungi and their enzymes which are essential for

    the successful utilization of these resources, contribute a

    vast literature.

    It is now known in considerable detail how the three

    main groups of wood-rotting fungi, that is, white-rot,

    brown-rot, and soft-rot fungi attack and degrade lignocel-

    lulosic materials. The enzyme mechanisms involved in the

    degradation of cellulose and the hemicelluloses are inves-

    tigated and known in depth, and also the complex

    mechanisms of lignin degradation are known in some detail.

    Substantial efforts for a technical utilization of this new

    knowledge have been made. Some white-rot fungi, parti-

    cularly those that more or less specifically attack and

    degrade lignin, have been tried for delignification of

    wood chips to save energy in the production of mechan-ical and chemical pulp and also to upgrade straw and

    sugar cane bagasse for feed. However, a full-scale use of

    these possibilities has not yet been realized.

    White-rot fungi were also used in pilot plant scale to

    remove chlorinated aromatic and aliphatic components in

    waste bleach waters. However, before this technology was

    used in full scale, bleaching with molecular chlorine,

    which gives rise to the formation of the highly toxic

    dioxins, was discontinued in most pulp and paper produ-

    cing countries.

    Cellulose degrading enzymes are now produced in

    large scale by several producers worldwide and at very

    low prices. These enzymes have found industrial use in

    food and beverage industries, and huge amounts are used

    in the pulp and paper industry, particularly for deinking

    of recycled paper. When ethanol production from wood

    and other lignocellulosic materials comes into technical

    use, an enormous demand for these enzymes can be

    expected. However, acidic hydrolysis is also an option for

    lignocellulosic material decomposition, and it remains to be

    seen which technique will be used for this purpose.

    Cellulases have also found use in the textile industry,

    particularly for softening of denim in blue jeans production.

    Among the hemicellulose-degrading enzymes, xyla-

    nases have been used at one stage in the bleaching ofwood pulp. The treatment of kraft pulp with xylanases

    cuts down the use of chlorine dioxide, which could be a

    limiting factor in many mills.

    Of the ligninases, only laccase has found a technical

    use, mainly in the textile industry. Laccase treatment

    changes the blue and indigo colors in a desirable way.

    The focus of this article is mainly on the white-rot

    fungi, the only microorganisms that, to any extent, can

    degrade all of the lignocellulosic components. The pro-

    duction and characteristics of the three essential

    extracellular enzymes employed for this purpose are

    described here in some detail.


    Lignocellulose is made up mainly of cellulose, hemicel-

    luloses, and lignins in various proportions. The most

    important lignocellulosic materials are wood and agricul-

    tural wastes, such as straw of various kinds and sugar cane


    The lignin content of angiosperms (hardwoods) and

    gymnosperms (softwoods) varies between 2025% and

    2832%, respectively. Lignins are usually distributed

    together with hemicelluloses in the space between cellu-

    lose microfibrils in both primary and secondary cell walls,

    and in the middle lamellae for cell adhesion as well as

    for reinforcing the cell walls of the xylem tissues. In the

    absence of lignin, the plant does not have the strength to

    stand up, as in the case of the mosses (phylum Bryophyta),where the plant is only millimeters tall. Water-dwelling

    plants float and therefore do not need the reinforcement of

    lignins. Other well-known functions of the lignins are to

    help sap conduction through vascular elements and to

    defend the plant from attackers such as microorganisms

    and insects.

    There are major differences in the structure of the

    hemicelluloses present in hardwoods and softwoods. The

    content of glucuronoxylan is high in hardwoods, while the

    dominating hemicellulose in softwood is galactoglucoman-

    nan. However, there is a great deal of variation among

    different woods, in their chemical composition and also in

    the composition of different types of cells in a tree.

    Lignin monomer biosynthesis is accomplished via a

    complex biochemical reaction pathway, called the

    cinnamate pathway, by utilizing glucose, shikimic acid,

    L-phenylalanine, and cinnamic acid. This pathway appears

    to be very costly in terms of energy demand and has been

    elucidated using 14C-labeled precursors. The lignin poly-

    mers are formed by the oxidation of the phenolic

    monomers to their corresponding phenoxy radicals by

    the enzymes peroxidases and laccases. These radicals poly-

    merize spontaneously and, as far as known, without the aid

    of any enzyme. It appears that the process of lignin deposi-

    tion within the cell wall during xylem formation is highlycontrolled; it requires initiation sites and a complement of

    cell wall localized enzymes. The process is believed to be

    an example of template polymerization. The nature and

    the role of the initiating sites as well as the roles of the

    enzymes are not totally clear. Besides, the relative roles

    played by the peroxidases and the laccases in the lignifica-

    tion process also remain controversial. However, there is a

    consensus that lignins are synthesized by free-radical poly-

    merization of the three different phenylpropanoid

    structures. Softwood lignins are made up almost entirely

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    of guaiacyl-type (coniferyl alcohol) structures, while hard-

    wood lignins are made of equal amounts of guaiacyl and

    syringyl (sinapyl alcohol) type structures. Softwood lignin

    is a three-dimensional heterogeneous polymer where more

    than 90% of the guaiacyl monomers are connected by

    ether and carboncarbon linkages. The most frequent sub-

    structures present in softwood lignins are guaiacylglycerol-

    -aryl ether linkages (4060%), phenylcoumaran (10%),

    dibenzodioxin (10%), diarylpropane (

  • 7/27/2019 Lignin, Lignocellulose, Ligninase


    compounds constituting environmental hazards. Lignins

    are also an obstacle for efficient bioconversion of cell wall

    polysaccharides in biomass to useful sugars for fermenta-

    tion to liquid fuels. Lignins also limit the digestibility of

    straw and other lignocellulosic materials by cattle and

    other ruminants. On the contrary, degraded lignocellulosic

    materials, lignins in particular, form the bulk of soil humus,

    without which life on earth cannot be sustained.

    Since it is now considered as the next industrial revolu-

    tion, a great deal of research is invested in nanotechnology

    nanobiotechnology. In search of new nanobiomaterials,

    cellulose and lignocellulose appear to have great potential

    since they are ubiquitous and renewable, have nanofibril-

    lar structure, are capable of becoming multifunctional,

    and can self-assemble into well-defined architectures.

    Microorganisms Involved in theDegradation of Lignocelluloses

    Lignocellulosic materials are decomposed in nature by

    microorganisms. However, the conditions must be condu-

    cive to microbial activity, or the degradation process will

    not start or will be interrupted. Fungi, which by their

    hyphae effectively penetrate wood, are also major decom-

    posers of wood. A great majority of the wood-rotting fungi

    that have been identified are white rotters. Most of the white

    rotters colonize hardwood trees with lower lignin content

    and higher hemicellulose content, but many also degrade

    softwoods. Since white-rot fungi are so dominating in wood

    degradation and also are the only ones that to any extent can

    degrade lignin, the focus here will be on this particular type

    of wood-rotting fungi. Their mechanisms of lignin degrada-

    tion will be discussed through the rest of this article.

    Lignin catabolism does not resemble that of other

    polymeric biomolecules. First of all, most natural poly-

    mers such as proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids

    can be synthesized and decomposed by the same organ-

    ism, while lignin cannot be degraded by its producer, the

    plant. Moreover, while most polymeric biomolecules are

    degraded via simple hydrolytic reactions, lignin is

    resistant to this type of degradation. The biological degra-

    dation of lignin is accomplished only by enzyme

    catalyzed oxidation reactions, usually accompanied by

    nonenzymatic rearrangements.The phenomena of wood decay and wood decomposi-

    tion have been studied since the mid-nineteenth century.

    The three main types of wood-rotting fungi are white

    rotters, brown rotters, and soft rotters. The latter two

    mainly degrade wood polysaccharides. In comparison

    with the white-rot fungi, brown rotters seem to be better

    equipped with efficient mechanisms for depolymerization

    of wood polysaccharides and get access to their sugars

    without wasting energy on lignin degradation. They can

    methylate lignin, but do not depolymerize it. Soft-rot

    fungi, however, prefer to grow on more localized plat-

    forms, such as within the secondary cell wall. They slowly

    degrade cell wall polysaccharides in the immediate vici-

    nity of their hyphae. The hyphae may be observed in

    channels within the secondary wall. It is easy to distin-

    guish between white and brown rotters by the color of the

    rotted wood. The ability of white rotters to degrade lignin

    and the difference in color of advanced decay suggest that

    different enzymes are employed by these two types of

    wood-rotting fungi. Color formation around fungal myce-

    lia when phenols and tannins are added to a growth

    medium is one way to distinguish between white-rot

    and brown-rot fungi (Bavendamms test). Only the white

    rotters excrete phenoloxidases and, therefore, convert the

    added phenols to the more strongly colored quinones.

    White-rot fungi commonly decay wood by attacking

    all the cell wall components simultaneously (Figure 2).

    However, there are also others that preferentially degrade

    the lignin component (Figure 3). Originally, the term

    Figure 3 Selective attack on the lignin by the white-rot fungus

    Phellinus pini. Courtesy of RA Blanchette.

    Figure 2 Simultaneous attack on all the wood components by

    the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Courtesy of

    T Nilsson.

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    white rot was used mostly for fungi that preferentially

    attacked lignin. Later, the white rotters were charac-

    terized as white-pocket, white-mottled, white-stringy

    rotters, and so on, depending on the microscopic charac-

    teristics of the attack.

    In the most interesting type of white rot, lignins are

    preferentially degraded within all cell wall layers. Some

    species, such as Phellinus pini, Ganoderma tsugae, and

    Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, seem to cause selective deligni-

    fication always. (Figure 3). When the middle lamellae areextensively attacked, it causes a separation of the cells. In

    a specific attack, lignin is then also degraded in the sec-

    ondary wall, but there are no visible lysis zones, erosion

    troughs, or thinned areas. In a selective attack of the

    lignin, the crystalline nature of cellulose is not destroyed.

    It is well known that degradation of crystalline cellulase

    takes place essentially only when there is a concerted

    action of both endo- and exoglucanases. In-depth studies

    of the plant cell wall degrading enzymes produced by

    C. subvermispora demonstrated that this fungus did notproduce an exoglucanase (cellobiohydrolase).

    In fungal wood degradation, reactive oxygen species

    play important roles. The fungi produce fair amounts of

    H2O2 in well-aerated environments. Since wood contains

    Fe(II), a very active hydroxyl radical (HO_) is formed from

    H2O2 via the Fenton reaction. This radical can virtually

    attack any organic molecule and is also capable of

    depolymerizing lignins. However, since lignin peroxidase

    (LiP), a H2O2-dependent enzyme, was first evidenced in

    1983, the importance of these radicals has been ques-

    tioned and reevaluated from time to time by various

    research groups.

    Expression of Ligninolytic Enzymes Physiological Demands

    White-rot basidiomycetes degrade lignin more rapidly and

    extensively than other groups of microorganisms.

    However, for lignin degradation to take place, white-rot

    fungi require an additional, more easily metabolizable car-

    bon source. It has not been possible to demonstrate that

    lignin can serve as the sole carbon and energy source for

    any known microorganism. However, degradation of lignin

    enables fungi to gain access to cellulose and hemicellulose.Phanerochaete chrysosporium has been the model organ-

    ism for studies of lignin degradation by white-rot fungi.

    The ligninolytic system of P. chrysosporium is triggered

    mainly by nitrogen starvation, but it can also be triggered

    by carbon or sulfur starvation. The system operates only

    under secondary metabolism. These phenomena for trig-

    gering secondary metabolism are probably true for most

    white-rot fungi, although there are also examples of fungi

    that are not so strongly regulated by nitrogen starvation.

    Such fungi may be found in nitrogen-rich environment,

    such as in cattle dung piles, whereas in fungi growing on

    wood, where they encounter low nitrogen concentrations,

    lignin degradation would be repressed by a high nitrogen

    concentration. In studies with certain fungi, addition of

    organic ammonia or L-amino acids did not appear to

    repress ligninolytic activity. Therefore, ligninolytic sys-

    tems of all fungi are not necessarily nitrogen regulated.

    As mentioned earlier, lignin degradation is an almost

    entirely oxidative process, which is why increased oxygen

    levels enhance lignin degradation considerably in various

    white-rot fungi. Cultures of P. chrysosporium, kept at an

    atmosphere of 5% O2, released only 1% of totally available14C-ring-labeled carbon from synthetic lignin as 14CO2after 35 days of incubation. However, cultures maintained

    at 21 and 100% oxygen, respectively, generated approxi-

    mately 47 and 57% of total 14C-label as 14CO2. The

    maximum rate of 14CO2 evolution is approximately three

    times higher in 100% O2 atmosphere compared to that in

    air. This beneficial effect of O2 on lignin biodegradation is

    probably applicable to white-rot fungi in general.It was originally reported that agitation ofP. chrysosporium

    cultures completely repressed LiP production and lignin

    metabolism (14C-lignin ! 14CO2). However, later conflict-

    ing results concerning agitation and lignin degradation

    appeared in the literature, and it was reported that agitated

    cultures of P. chrysosporium, in which the mycelium had

    formed a single large pellet, readily produced 14CO2 from14C-ring-labeled syntheticlignin.Production of LiP and also

    a complete oxidation of labeled lignin to 14CO2 have later

    been demonstrated in agitated cultures of both wild-type

    and mutant strains of P. chrysosporium. Effects on enzyme

    production of other chemical and physical parameters such

    as pH, temperature, buffers used, or ionic strength vary

    among the studied fungi.

    LiP-, manganese peroxidase (MnP)-, and the H2O2-

    generating systems seem to be the major components of

    the extracellular lignin degradation system in P. chrysosporium.

    Both LiP and MnP are regulated at the gene transcription

    level, for example, by the depletion of nutrient nitrogen or by

    the presence of Mn(II). The promoter regions of MnP and

    LiP genes in most organisms contain cAMP response ele-

    ments to induce starvation. Moreover, expression of some

    isozymes is differentially regulated under starvation condi-

    tions.Meanwhile, laccase production is notrepressed by high

    nitrogen content; in contrast, it can even be stimulated.Laccases can be divided as constitutive and inducible

    on the basis of gene expression. The inducible ones are

    stimulated by copper, ferulic acid, veratric acid, xylidine,

    and so on.

    Following the recent completion of the whole genome

    sequencing ofP. chrysosporium, using a pure whole genome

    shotgun approach, the enzymatic processes of fungal

    wood degradation was demonstrated to be possibly even

    more complicated than anticipated. The genome was

    shown to contain an impressive array of oxidative

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    enzymes such as copper radical oxidases, FAD-dependent

    oxidases, peroxidases, and hydrolytic enzymes that play a

    role in wood decay. The organism utilizes for wood decay

    ten LiP-type and five MnP-type genes encoding for dif-

    ferent isozymes, a gene encoding a different hybrid

    peroxidase that resembles the characteristics of both

    LiPs and MnPs, and a cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH,

    see CDH) gene. Moreover, at least six genes for copper

    radical oxidases and a glyoxal oxidase, at least four dif-

    ferent aryl alcohol oxidases, four multicopper oxidases

    (which are not conventional laccases) and a ferroxidase-

    like protein are also included in the genome. The position

    of these copper radical oxidase genes is suggested to be an

    indication of a functional dependency between LiPs and

    copper radical oxidases. What is even more astonishing is

    the number of the putative carbohydrate-active enzymes.

    The organism contains totally 240 genes, which are divided

    into 69 distinct families: 166 glycoside hydrolases, 14 car-

    bohydrate esterases, and 57 glycosyltransferases. Among

    these, 40 putative endoglucanases, 7 exo-cellobiohydro-lyses, and at least 9 beta-glucosidases are also identified.

    These data are sufficient to emphasize the great complex-

    ity of the machinery employed, thus, a tremendous

    capability of the white-rot fungi for decomposing biopoly-

    mers as well as various other related bioorganic


    Low Molecular Weight Compounds PlayRole in Expression of Ligninases and/orLignin Degradation by White-Rot Fungi

    Wood and other plant cell walls are made up of bulky

    polymers that are difficult to penetrate. Lignins, with

    their complex three-dimensional structures, form a parti-

    cularly difficult barrier for the ligninolytic enzymes to

    penetrate. Therefore, various low molecular weight med-

    iators seem to be important both for triggering the fungal

    production of these enzymes and for facilitating the

    enzyme attack on the polymer itself.

    Mn(II) is usually found in wood in high concentrations.

    MnP is dependent on Mn(II) for its activity, and so is the

    production of this enzyme since the mnp gene transcrip-

    tion is also regulated by Mn(II). Surprisingly, it is also

    observed that LiP levels decrease in the presence of thesame cation. Also, Mn(II) might, in various ways, influence

    the expression of various MnP isozymes. The promoter

    regions of most MnP and LiP genes contain xenobiotic

    response elements and also heat shock elements.

    Therefore, under stress conditions such as in the presence

    of elevated concentrations of H2O2, arsenite, ethanol, and

    other components, MnP production can be stimulated.

    Veratryl alcohol is a secondary metabolite in some

    white-rot fungi associated with their ligninolytic system,

    particularly in those producing LiP. P. chrysosporium has

    been demonstrated to produce veratryl alcohol de novo.

    Veratryl alcohol is synthesized from glucose using the

    phenyl-alanine pathway. Its production appears to be par-

    allel to that of LiP production regulated by N starvation.

    Addition of veratryl alcohol to cultures ofP. chrysosporium

    has been demonstrated to induce LiP, and so does addition

    of lignin. Surprisingly, the increased LiP activity does not

    seem to give rise to a significant increase in the conversion

    of 14C-labeled synthetic lignin to 14CO2 in this fungus,

    which indicates that LiP is not the sole rate-limiting

    component in lignin metabolism.

    Oxalate, an important metabolite and a major aliphatic

    organic acid, is produced and decomposed by white-rot

    fungi. Upon its decomposition, reactive oxygen species that

    are able to facilitate ligninolysis are formed. Oxalate has

    been shown to reduce the veratryl alcohol cation radical as

    well as Mn(III) and is therefore capable of inhibiting




    LiP (ligninase, EC 1.11.14) was first discovered in 1983 in

    ligninolytic cultures of P. chrysosporium where it seems to

    constitute one of the major components of the ligninolytic

    system. It was, for a long time, believed that the produc-

    tion by P. chrysosporium of both LiP and MnP was clear

    evidence that these two enzymes were necessary for lig-

    nin degradation. However, it has later been shown

    (Table 1) that only about 40% of all studied white-rotfungi produce LiP. LiP catalyzes a large variety of reac-

    tions, such as the cleavage of -0-4 ether bonds and of

    CC linkages in lignins. Cleavage of these bonds is

    essential for the depolymerization of lignins. The enzyme

    also catalyzes oxidation of aromatic C alcohols to

    C-oxo compounds, hydroxylation, quinone formation,

    and aromatic ring cleavage. LiP oxidizes its substrates

    by two consecutive one-electron oxidation steps. Cation

    radicals are intermediates in these reactions. LiP has,

    compared to other phenol oxidases and peroxidases, an

    unusually high redox potential and can oxidize not only

    phenolic but also nonphenolic, methoxy-substituted lig-

    nin subunits. The importance of LiP in the degradation of

    lignin has been demonstrated in several studies. Theenzyme can depolymerize dilute solutions of lignins.

    However, the net depolymerization is not that great,

    since phenoxy radicals are generated in the oxidation of

    phenolic substrates, as well as in demethoxylation and in

    ether cleavage reactions. These radicals readily repoly-

    merize. LiP also oxidizes and degrades in vitroa variety of

    dimers and oligomers structurally related to lignins and

    catalyzes the production of activated oxygen species.

    LiP has a catalytic cycle similar to that of horseradish

    peroxidase (Figure 4). The native Fe(III) enzyme is first

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    oxidized by H2O2 to compound I. One-electron reduction

    of compound I with veratryl alcohol then takes place, or

    H2O2 oxidation results in compound II. Electron reduc-

    tion of compound II by veratryl alcohol returns the

    enzyme to its native form, thus maintaining the catalytic

    cycle. However, in competition with a reducing substrate,

    compound II can react with H2O2 and result in the for-mation of the catalytically less active compound III,

    which is stable but inactivated in the presence of H2O2.

    Compound III can transform back to the native enzyme,

    and the cycle can get restarted.

    It seems likely that the cation radicals of veratryl

    alcohol, the products of LiP catalysis, may mediate in the

    oxidation of lignin. These radicals may also assist in the

    reaction of LiP, compound II, with the reductant

    and, thereby, maintain the active peroxidase cycle.

    Therefore, veratryl alcohol appears to have three separate

    functions for the action of LiP: acting as a mediator in

    electron transfer, completing the catalytic cycle by acting

    as a substrate for compound II, and finally, restoring the

    enzymes activity from the inactive compound III, a reac-

    tion accomplished by the veratryl alcohol cation radical.

    Since their discovery, LiPs from various white-rot

    fungi have been thoroughly studied. The LiP family

    contains multiple isozymes with a molecular weight

    range of 38 00043 000 and isoelectric points range of

    3.34.7. LiPs are glycoproteins of the oligomannose type

    with a number of possible O-glycosylation sites and one

    or more N-glycosylation sites. It is not well understoodwhy P. chrysosporium, and also other white-rot fungi, pro-

    duce so many LiP isozymes. One question has, therefore,

    been, are there specific roles, if any, for the individual

    isozymes in lignin degradation? Also, do the different

    enzymes represent different posttranslational modifica-

    tions of the product of a single gene, or are the isozymes

    encoded by different genes? While there is no answer to

    the first question, all evidence indicates that each enzyme

    is encoded by a different gene. In addition to the mole-

    cular genetic studies of these LiPs, the X-ray crystal

    structure of LiP is known. These studies have, no doubt,

    led to a better understanding of the regulation and struc-ture of the lignin-degrading enzyme system produced by

    P. chrysosporiumand other white-rot fungi. Yet, with all of

    these advances, it has proven surprisingly difficult to

    demonstrate extensive ligninolytic activity using either

    isolated LiP or MnP. In fact, several investigators have

    reported polymerization, rather than depolymerization,

    of lignin interaction with LiP in vitro. So far, there has

    not been any application for this particular enzyme,

    which originally was thought to be an important break-

    through in the understanding of lignin degradation. To

    Table 1 Distribution of ligninolytic peroxidases in white-rot


    Organisms LiP MnP Lac

    Coriolopsis occidentalis ?a

    Phlebia brevispora

    Phlebia radiata

    Pleurotus ostreatus

    Pleurotus sapidus

    Trametes gibbosa

    Trametes hirsuta

    Trametes versicolor

    Phanerochaete chrysosporium

    Perenniporia medulla-panis

    Trametes cingulata

    Phanerochaete sordida

    Bjerkandera sp.

    Ceriporiopsis subvermispora

    Cyathus stercoreus

    Daedaleopsis confragosa

    (Coriolus pruinosum) ?

    Dichomitus squalens

    Ganoderma valesiacum Ganoderma colossum

    Ganoderma lucidum

    Grifola frondosa

    Lentinus (Lentinula) edodes

    Panus tigrinus

    Pleurotus eryngii ?

    Pleurotus pulmonarius ?

    Rigidoporus lignosus

    Stereum hirsutum

    Stereum spp.

    Trametes villosa

    Pycnoporus cinnabarinus

    Junghuhnia separabilima

    Phlebia tremellosa (Merulius tremellosus) ?

    Bjerkandera adusta (Polyporus adustus)


    Coriolus consors ? ?

    a?, Information not given.


    4 Compound ll Fe lV












    Fe3+ O2




    Compound lCompound lll Fe lV (P)+


    Fe2+ O2


    Figure 4 The five redox states of lignin peroxidase.

    Reproduced from Renganathan V and Gold MH (1986) Spectral

    characterization of the oxidized states of lignin peroxidase, an

    extracellular heme enzyme from the white rot basidiomycete

    Phanerochaete chrysosporium. Biochemistry25: 16261631.

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    make matters even more confusing, an increasing number

    of studies have indicated that the value ofP. chrysosporium

    as a model organism for lignin degradation might be

    limited, since the majority of species within the group of

    white-rot fungi do not produce LiP.


    MnP is another heme-containing extracellular fungal per-

    oxidase. It was first identified in ligninolytic cultures of

    P. chrysosporium as an Mn(II)- and H2O2-dependent oxi-

    dase. It has then been purified and characterized from

    many other white-rot fungi. The mechanisms of MnP

    catalysis have been studied in detail. The catalytic cycle

    of the enzyme resembles very much that of LiP (Figure 4)with the only difference being that MnP can accept Mn(II)

    for transformation to compound II from compound I

    instead of being dependent on another reducing substrate.

    Finally, to revert to the native ferric form, the enzyme has

    to oxidize another Mn(II). Thus, in a mixture with Mn(II)and H2O2, MnP oxidizes Mn(II) to Mn(III), which in turn,

    oxidizes lignins, phenols, phenolic lignin model com-

    pounds, and high molecular weight chlorolignins. For

    Mn(II) to diffuse away and oxidize MnP substrates, it

    must be sufficiently stable and able to disassociate from

    the active site of the enzyme. Organic acids, metabolic

    products of white-rot fungi, form complexes with Mn(II).

    These complexes are stable entities and allow for

    dissociation from the active site of the enzyme. Most of

    these chelators are carboxylic acids such as malonate,

    oxalate, and lactate. H2O2 may function to induce MnP

    gene transcription. In P. chrysosporium, MnP is induced 1.6-

    fold upon the addition of Mn(II) and H2O2 compared to

    that in their absence. However, induction of MnP by

    Mn(II) does not seem to be a general trait in white-rot

    fungi. In Phlebia radiata, another white-rot fungus, high

    concentrations of Mn(II) had no influence on the induced

    levels of MnP, LiP, or laccase. It was also demonstrated

    that high Mn-containing cultures exhibited less efficient

    mineralization of synthetic lignin.

    As mentioned earlier, H2O2 required for the activity of

    both MnP and LiP can be provided by fungal systems.

    The enzymes responsible of producing H2O2 are fungal

    oxidases. Among them, glucose oxidases, glyoxal oxidases,

    aryl alcohol oxidases, and methanol oxidase could belisted as important examples. Most of these enzymes

    contain flavin cofactors or copper sites.

    The crystal structure of Mn(II)-bound MnP has been

    elucidated at 1.45 A resolution. The active site contains a

    His-ligand hydrogen bonded to an Asn residue and a distal

    side peroxide binding pocket formed by a catalytic His and

    Arg. The Mn(II)-binding site is at the propionate end of the

    heme, Mn(II) being hexacoordinated by an Asp, two Glu

    residues, a heme propionate, and two water molecules.

    Trivalent cations, such as lanthanides were shown to

    mimic Mn(III), thus inhibiting Mn(II) oxidation. Besides,

    Cd(II) exhibited a ligation geometry similar to that of

    Mn(II), however, acting as an inhibitor.

    Each MnP molecule was also found to contain five

    disulfide bridging elements and two Ca(II) ions, which are

    believed to have a structural role. It has also been shownthat

    the thermal stability of the enzyme depends on the presence

    of these Ca(II) ions. Thermal inactivation appears to be a

    two-step process, and loss of Ca(II) decreases the enzyme

    stability. If excess Ca(II) is added to the medium, the enzyme

    can be reactivated. However, inactivation, caused by the loss

    of the heme component, cannot be reversed.

    Both MnP and laccase can oxidize phenolic lignin sub-

    structures but not nonphenolic lignin structures. However,

    both enzymes can attack nonphenolic lignin substructures

    in the presence of certain low molecular weight organic

    compounds, which act as mediators. It has, thus, been

    found that MnP, in the presence of glutathione (GSH),

    could efficiently oxidize veratryl alcohol, anisyl alcohol,

    and benzyl alcohol. The mechanism for this oxidation isthat the formed Mn(II) oxidizes thiol to a thiyl radical,

    which abstracts a hydrogen from the substrate to form the

    corresponding aldehyde. This substrate oxidation was at

    least twofold higher under anaerobic conditions com-

    pared to that under aerobic conditions. It has also been

    demonstrated that, in the presence of long-chain unsatu-

    rated fatty acids, Tween 80 or other lipids, MnP Mn(II)

    could oxidize a -0-4 lignin model compound without

    the need for H2O2. This mechanism, by which lipid

    peroxy radicals are generated, is called MnP-mediated

    lipid peroxidation. The peroxy radicals easily abstract

    hydrogen from MnP substrates. Therefore, the biogenic

    peroxyl radicals may be considered as agents in lignin

    biodegradation. As can be seen from the above informa-

    tion, radical formation is a very important concept in

    MnP-catalyzed substrate degradation. Phenoxyl and ami-

    noxyl radicals are also formed by basic hydrogen

    abstraction, and aryl cation radicals are produced from

    nonphenolic substrates. The spontaneous interaction of

    O2 and alkyl radicals, formed by the reaction of chelates

    of Mn(III) with carboxylic acids, give rise to new reactive

    oxygen species.

    Several other extracellular fungal enzymes are produced

    simultaneously with MnP and appear to work in accord

    with this enzyme. Laccase, which coexists in culturesof various fungi, was shown to work in concert with MnP

    in the degradation of lignosulfonates and solubilization of

    lignins. The highest degradation rates were obtained when

    the enzymes were working together. Similarly, an

    interaction between MnP and CDH, both produced by

    Trametes versicolor, was also proposed. It is obvious that

    CDH can support MnP in different ways. (1) CDH oxidizes

    cellobiose to cellobionic acid, an efficient Mn(II) chelator.

    (2) CDH returns insoluble MnO2 to the soluble Mn pool in

    the form of Mn(II) and Mn(III). This reaction not only

    380 Applied Microbiology: Industrial | Lignin, Lignocellulose, Ligninase

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    facilitates MnP production but also provides extra Mn(II)

    for MnP catalysis. (3) Quinones are reduced to their corre-

    sponding phenols by CDH. These phenols are substrates

    for MnP as explained in CDH below.

    Several white-rot fungi, including P. chrysosporium and

    T. versicolor, are able to degrade lignin and to bleach kraft

    pulp. There is a strong correlation between these abilities

    and the MnP activity in the culture solutions. The ability

    of MnP to increase brightness and decrease pulp kappa

    numbers has been well established. MnP purified from

    cultures of T. versicolor was found to cause most of the

    demethylation and delignification of kraft pulp when

    compared to the effect of the complete, cell-free culture

    solution. It was also demonstrated that MnP bleached

    kraft pulp brown stock, thereby releasing methanol.

    Maximal bleaching effect was observed in cultures of

    T. versicolor when MnP production and activity were at

    their peak values.

    Hybrid peroxidasesExcept for the MnP and LiP described above, some white-

    rot fungi are reported to produce hybrid (versatile) perox-

    idases that exhibit the characteristics of both MnPs and

    LiPs, such as oxidation of both phenolic and nonphenolic

    lignin structures. Some Pleurotusand Bjerkanderaspecies are

    such examples. The enzyme appears to act like a LiP, yet it

    contains an Mn-binding site near an internal heme propio-

    nate and binds by the carboxylates of three acidic residues

    to directly transfer electrons to one of the heme propio-

    nates. However, nonphenolic substrates are oxidized at the

    protein surface via a long range of electron transfers utiliz-

    ing a surface tryptophan residue. Thus, while the enzyme

    can oxidize nonphenolic substrates via aromatic radicals, it

    also oxidizes Mn(II) to Mn(III). The oxidation occurs at the

    binding site near the heme cofactor. These hybrid enzymes

    seem to work on substrates that neither MnP nor LiP can

    efficiently oxidize.


    Laccase was first identified in the 1880s as a proteinaceous

    substance that catalyzed the lacquer curing process. With

    one of the defining reactions catalyzed by the enzyme,

    that is, the ability to oxidize hydroquinone, the name

    laccase was implemented in the 1890s.Laccases are ubiquitous in the fungi. Laccases have

    also been found in a large variety of plant species, in

    insects, and, also in a bacterium, Azospirillum lipoferum.

    The combination, in white-rot fungi, of laccase with LiP

    and/or MnP seems to be a more common combination

    of phenoloxidases than the LiP/MnP pattern found in

    P. chrysosporium (Table 1). Laccases can function in dif-ferent ways, such as participation in lignin biosynthesis,

    degradation of plant cell walls, plant pathogenicity, and

    insect sclerotization. In contrast to LiP and MnP, laccases

    are not strictly extracellular; high intracellular levels have

    also been demonstrated in certain fungi. In T. versicolor

    and P. ostreatus, for example, laccases were found to be

    associated with the cell wall.

    Laccases (benzenediol: oxygen oxidoreductase; EC are 6070kDa glycoproteins with an average pI

    of 4.0. They catalyze the oxidation of a variety of phenols,

    simultaneously reducing dioxygen to water. Not only

    p-diphenols, but also o-diphenols, polyphenols, polyamines,

    aryldiamines, aminophenols, and hydroxyindols as well as

    some inorganic ions may be oxidized by laccases.

    Differentiation between laccase and other phenol oxidases

    is not a trivial matter, due to the relative nonspecificity of

    laccases in terms of their substrates. Therefore, to distinguish

    between laccases and other oxidases such as tyrosinases or

    catechol oxidases, it is best to study the pure enzymes and to

    calculate kinetic parameters using high-affinity laccase sub-

    strates like 2,29-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic

    acid) (ABTS), syringaldazine, and low affinity substrates

    like tyrosine. Specificity of laccases for a wide variety ofsubstrates has been investigated. 2,6-Dimethoxyphenol,

    ABTS, guaiacol, syringaldazine, vanillic acid, hydroquinone,

    sinapic acid, syringic acid, polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-

    bons, pentachlorophenol, dihydroxyphenylalanine, gallic

    acid, pyrogallol, protocathechuic acid, orcinol, resorcinol,

    and so on are only a few of such substrates studied.

    Laccases can also act like MnP, since, in the presence of

    organic acids such as pyrophosphate, malonate, or oxalate,

    they can oxidize Mn(II) to produce Mn(III)organic acid

    complexes. The organic acids possibly facilitate this catalysis

    by decreasing the high redox potential of the Mn( II)/Mn(III)

    couple. Substrate specificity of laccases is often quite broad

    and also varies with the source of the enzyme. The enzyme

    is inhibited by a variety of general inhibitors of metal-con-

    taining oxidases such as cyanide, sodium azide, or fluoride.

    Laccases are members of the blue copper oxidase

    enzyme family. They are monomeric, dimeric, or tetra-

    meric glycoproteins. Members of this family are

    characterized by having four cupric (Cu(II)) ions distributed

    in three different redox centers, where each of the known

    magnetic species (type 1, type 2, and type 3) is associated

    with a single polypeptide chain. The Cu(II) domain is

    highly conserved in the blue oxidases, and gives the enzyme

    its characteristic deep blue color. Although white and

    yellow laccases lacking type 1 copper center have alsobeen reported to exist, it is controversial to call them

    laccases. It would be more appropriate if the definition of

    laccase is limited to blue copper oxidases (Figure 5).While the crystallographic structure of a laccase is yet

    to be published, the crystallographic structure of ascorbate

    oxidase, another member of the blue copper oxidases, has

    been a valuable model for the structure of the laccase

    active site. Recently, the crystal structure of the type 2

    Cu-depleted laccase from Coprinus cinereusat 2.2 A resolu-

    tion has been reported.

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    Laccases produced by white-rot fungi are believed to

    participate mainly in the degradation of lignin, while

    laccases from other fungal species can serve different pur-

    poses. Fungal laccases can have different characteristics,

    such as carbohydrate content, redox potential, substrate

    specificity, and thermal stability, depending on the fungal

    species. The problem in assigning a role for laccase to

    substitute for the roles of either LiP or MnP in lignindegradation has been its low redox potential. The redox

    potentials, around 450700 mV, of laccases studied so far,

    have not been high enough to extract electrons from non-

    phenolic aromatic substrates. Temperature optima of

    laccases usually range between 50 and 70 C. However,

    lower optima have also been observed for these enzymes

    from some organisms.

    Laccases alone cannot oxidize the predominantly non-

    phenolic structures of lignin, which make up for 90% of

    lignin structures. However, it was demonstrated in the

    1980s that laccase could oxidize a nonphenolic aromatic

    compound, rotenone, in the presence of chlorpromazine.

    It was further demonstrated that laccase in the presence of

    syringaldehyde could oxidize methoxylated benzyl alco-

    hols. However, it was only when researchers at the

    Canadian Pulp and Paper Research Institute showed

    that two artificial laccase substrates, ABTS and remazol

    blue could act as redox mediators, which enable laccase to

    oxidize nonphenolic lignin model compounds also, that

    the possible importance of laccase in lignin degradation

    was realized. When the same laboratory later demonstrated

    that kraft pulp could be partially delignified and demethy-

    lated by laccase from T. versicolorin the presence of ABTS,

    the importance of these findings became obvious. German

    researchers were then, in the mid-1990s, the first to apply

    the laccase mediator concept to pulp bleaching in pilot

    plant scale. The redox mediator, they used was l-hydro-

    xybenzotriazol (l-HBT).

    Laccases have gained interest in various industrial

    applications. Examples are bioremediation of industrialwastewaters; in food and beverage industries, for removal

    of phenols from alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages; in

    textile industry, for decolorization or synthesis of textile

    dyes and bleaching of denims; for utilization in a wide

    variety of organic syntheses; nanobiotechnologic applica-

    tions such as biosensors to detect phenolics, catecholamines,

    morphine, codeine for use in electroimmunoassays; for

    cosmetic and dermatologic preparations. All these examples

    are only a few headings of the many applications.

    With the rapidly developing interest for laccase-based

    bleaching of wood pulp, investigations regarding the role

    played by laccases in lignin degradation by white-rot

    fungi were started at the University of Georgia. To iden-

    tify white-rot fungi producing large amounts of laccase,

    extensive screening was undertaken. Pycnoporus cinnabarinus,

    a white-rot fungus isolated from decaying pine wood in

    Queensland, Australia, was identified in this screening. It

    turned out to be an ideal candidate for in-depth studies to

    investigate the importance of laccase in lignin degrada-

    tion. This fungus produces only one isoelectric form of

    laccase, small amounts of an as yet unidentified peroxi-

    dase, and neither LiP nor MnP. The rate of lignin

    degradation by P. cinnabarinus is comparable to that of

    P. chrysosporium, despite the lack of both LiP and MnP.

    Contrary to what was initially thought, P. cinnabarinuslaccase had the same traits as practically all other laccases

    from white-rot fungi. The redox potential was not any

    higher, the molecular mass, 76 500 Da, was comparable to

    that of other fungal laccases, and spectroscopic character-

    ization with Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)

    technique showed a typical laccase spectrum both in the

    UV and in the visible regions. These studies also con-

    firmed the presence of four Cu ions typical for an intact

    active center of a laccase. Glycosylation of this laccase

    was about 9%, just about average for fungal laccases.



    His 396His 64

    His 454

    His 66 His 109

    His 458 Phe 463

    His 395

    His 400

    His 111His 452













    4 Sub

    T2 T3




    4 Sub

    Cys 453


    Fully oxidizedcopper cluster

    Fully reducedcopper cluster


    Figure 5 (a) Model of the catalytic center of the laccase from

    Trametes versicolor. Type 1 (T1) copper is the site of substrate

    oxidation, while type 2 (T2) and type 3 (T3) copper form a

    trinuclear cluster, where reduction of molecular oxygen and

    release of water takes place. (b) A representation of a laccase

    catalytic cycle producing two molecules of water from the

    reduction of one molecule of molecular oxygen and the

    concomitant oxidation (at the T1 copper site) of four substrate

    molecules to the corresponding radicals. Sub, substratemolecule; Sub?, oxidized substrate radicals. Reproduced from

    Riva S (2006) Laccases: Active site structure and catalytic cycle.

    Trends in Biotechnology24(5): 219226.

    382 Applied Microbiology: Industrial | Lignin, Lignocellulose, Ligninase

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    Comparison of the N-terminal amino acid sequences of

    this laccase with those of other fungal laccases showed the

    closest similarity to a laccase from T. versicolor (86%).

    High similarity was also found with laccases from other

    white-rot fungi, while, in contrast, the N-terminal

    sequences of laccases isolated from nonwood-rotting

    fungi were significantly different. These results seem to

    demonstrate that the lack of LiP and MnP does not

    exclude lignin degradation by a fungus producing only a

    laccase. These results were also taken as support for the

    possible production by the fungus P. cinnabarinus of its

    own laccase redox mediator system, allowing for the

    oxidation of nonphenolic lignin structures. Such a redox

    mediator system was also found, and it turned out to be

    3-hydroxyanthranilic acid (3-HAA). It was demonstrated

    that P. cinnabarinus laccase, in the presence of 3-HAA,

    could oxidize also a nonphenolic lignin model dimer.

    This laccase redox mediator system was also able to

    depolymerize synthetic lignin into low molecular weight

    oligomers.The importance of laccase for lignin degradation by

    the white-rot fungus P. cinnabarinus was further demon-

    strated by production of laccaseless mutants of the fungus.

    It was shown that these laccaseless mutants were greatly

    reduced in their ability to metabolize 14C-ring-labeled

    synthetic lignin. However, 14CO2 evolution could be

    restored in cultures of these mutants, to levels comparable

    to those of the wild-type cultures, by the addition of

    purified P. cinnabarinuslaccase. This clearly demonstrates

    that laccase is absolutely essential for lignin degradation

    by this fungus.

    Although a laccase mediator system could be both an

    interesting and a promising method for environmentally

    benign pulp bleaching, there are certain hurdles to be sur-

    mounted for such a system to be applied in pulp mills. The

    laccase mediators found so far are still too expensive; the

    effect of laccase mediator systems in pulp bleaching is still

    not satisfactory; and the mechanism for lignin degradation

    by the laccase mediator system is yet unclear. To screen for

    more efficient laccase mediators, researchers at the

    University of Georgia have developed a fast screening sys-

    tem. Monitoring the oxidation of compound I to compound

    II, Figure 6, by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) was found to be useful for a fast screening of

    potentially effective laccase mediators (Scheme I). A ligninstructure, such as the ketone II, is easily degraded by hydro-

    gen peroxide under alkaline conditions. This would

    depolymerize lignin macromolecules in pulp treated with

    an efficient laccase mediator system, followed by treatment

    with an alkaline solution of hydrogen peroxide. This was

    also demonstrated to be true, and substantial efforts to find

    effective laccase mediators have been made in many


    To investigate the importance, not only of laccase

    mediators, but also of laccases per se, several laccases

    were studied for the redox-mediated oxidation of the

    nonphenolic lignin dimer I in Scheme I. In the presenceof the redox mediators l-HBT or violuric acid, the oxida-

    tion rates of dimer I by different laccases were found to

    vary considerably. In the oxidation of dimer I, both l-

    HBT and violuric acid were consumed, to some extent.

    The redox mediators were simply converted to inactive

    components, such as benzoltriazol in the case of l-HBT.

    Also, both l-HBT and violuric acid inactivate the laccases.

    However, the presence of dimer I, or any other lignin

    model compound in the reaction mixture, slows down thisinactivation. The inactivation seems to be due mainly to

    the reaction of the redox mediator free radicals, created

    by the laccases, with certain amino acids in the laccase

    molecule. With the present state of the art, it seems

    unlikely that laccase plus a redox mediator could evolve

    as an efficient pulp bleaching stage.


    When the fungus Coriolus (Trametes) versicolorwas grown on

    lignin agar plates supplemented with cellobiose or cellulose,

    Figure 6 Structures of mediator and lignin model compounds.

    Reproduced from Li K, Helm RF, and Eriksson K-EL (1998)

    Mechanistic studies of the oxidation of a non-phenolic lignin

    model compound by the laccase/l-HBT redox system.

    Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 27: 239243.

    Portland Press on behalf of the IUBMB.


    H2O LaccaseOX


    1-HBT dimer ll

    dimer l


    Scheme 1 Proposed mechanism for the laccase mediator

    oxidation of nonphenolic lignins. The number 3 in the scheme

    refers to compound 3 in Figure 6. Reproduced from Li K, Helm

    RF, and Eriksson K-EL (1998) Mechanistic studies of the

    oxidation of a non-phenolic lignin model compound by the

    laccase/l-HBT redox system. Biotechnology and Applied

    Biochemistry27: 239243. Portland Press on behalf of the


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    but not with glucose, quinone formation was suppressed.

    This phenomenon led to the discovery of a new FAD

    enzyme, cellobiose:quinone oxidoreductase (CBQ, EC Another enzyme, cellobiose dehydrogenase

    (CDH, EC, with similar reaction patterns, was

    later isolated from P. chrysosporium. However, CDH is dif-

    ferent from CBQ since it was found to be aflavocytochrome enzyme containing both FAD and heme

    as prosthetic groups.

    Despite their direct and indirect important functions in

    lignin degradation, CBQ and CDH are not considered as

    ligninases. The well-understood function of CDH is

    to withdraw two electrons from certain oligomeric sugars

    to convert these substrates to their corresponding lactones.

    The electrons are transported to quinones, phenoxy radi-

    cals, dioxygen, and chelated Fe(III) and Cu(II).

    The joint effects of CDH and MnP were explained

    above in MnP. In addition to these joint effects, CDH

    can also directly modify lignins, raising the question ofwhether or not it should be characterized as a lignin degrad-

    ing or modifying enzyme. Studies with the nonphenolic

    lignin model compound 3,4-dimethoxyphenyl glycol

    showed that CDH can modify lignins by (1) breaking -

    ether bonds, (2) demethoxylating aromatic structures, and

    (3) introducing hydroxyl groups in nonphenolic lignins

    through hydroxyl radicals produced by CDH. MnP does

    not normally oxidize nonphenolic substrates as mentioned

    above. However, in the presence of cellobiose and H2O2,

    when the substrates are pretreated with CDH, the forma-

    tion of hydroxyl radicals may enable MnP and laccases to

    further oxidize the modified lignin substrate

    (Table 2)However, it is not yet known whether a completedegradation of lignin is possible with a CDHMnP or a

    CDHlaccase system. If it is found to be possible , then

    CDH may, in addition to its other functions, be considered

    as a ligninase.

    See also: Cellulases; Enzymes, Industrial (overview);

    Wastewater Treatment (not infectious hazards);


    Further Reading

    Ayers AR, Ayers SB, and Eriksson K-EL (1978) Cellobiose oxidase,

    purification and partial characterization of a heme protein from

    Sporotrichum pulverulentum. European Journal of Biochemistry

    90: 171181.

    Dean JFD and Eriksson K-EL (1994) Laccase and the deposition of

    lignin in vascular plants. Holzforschung 48: 2124.

    Eggert C, Temp U, and Eriksson K-EL (1997) Laccase is essential for

    lignin degradation by the white-rot fungus Pycnoporus cinnabarinus.

    FEBS Letters 407: 8992.

    Eriksson K-EL, Blanchette RA,and Ander P (1990) Microbialand Enzymatic

    Degradation of Wood and Wood Components. Berlin: Springer Verlag.

    Glenn JK, MorganMA, Mayfield MB, Kuwahara M, and Gold MH (1983) An

    extracellular H2O2-requiring enzyme preparation involved in lignin

    biodegradation by the white rot basidiomycete Phanerochaete

    chrysosporium. Biochemical and Biophysical Research

    Communications 114: 10771083.

    Higuchi T (2006) Look back over the studies of lignin biochemistry.

    Journal of Wood Science 52: 28.

    Kirk TM and Farrell R (1987) Enzymatic combustion: The microbial

    degradation of lignin. Annual Review of Microbiology 41: 465505.

    Li K, Helm RF, and Eriksson K-EL (1998) Mechanistic studies of the

    oxidation of a non-phenolic lignin model compound by the laccase/l-

    HBT redox system. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry27: 239243.

    Martinez D, Larrondo LF, Putnam N, et al. (2004) Genome sequence of

    the lignocellulose degrading fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium

    strain RP78. Nature Biotechnology 22(6): 695700.

    Renganathan V and Gold MH (1986) Spectral characterization of the

    oxidized states of lignin peroxidase, an extracellular heme enzyme

    from the white rot basidiomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium.

    Biochemistry25: 16261631.

    Riva S (2006) Laccases: Blue enzymes for green chemistry. Trends in

    Biotechnology24(5): 219226.

    Sethuraman A, Akin DE, and Eriksson K-EL (1998) Plant-cell-wall-

    degrading enzymes produced by the white-rot fungus Ceriporiopsis

    subvermispora. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry27: 3747.

    Tien M and Kirk TK (1983) Lignin-degrading enzyme from the

    hymenomycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium burds. Science

    221: 661663.

    Viikari L (2003) Lignocellulose modifying enzymes for sustainabletechnologies. In: Mansfield SD and Saddler JN (eds.) Applications of

    Enzymes to Lignocellulosics. Washington, DC: American Chemical

    Society ACS symposium series, vol. 855, pp. 3044.

    Westermark U and Eriksson K-E (1974) Cellobiose: Quinone

    oxidoreductase, a new wood degrading enzyme from white-rot

    fungi. Acta Chemica Scandinavica B28: 209214.

    Table 2 Summary of oxidative lignin modification reactions

    Enzyme system Substrate(s) Products

    LiP H2O2Laccase O2 mediators

    Phenolic lignin substructures Phenoxy radicals

    MnP H2O2 Mn(II) mediatorsNon-phenolic lignin substructures Aryl cation radicals or

    cation radicals


    O2 Phenolic lignin substructures Phenoxy radicalsMnP H2O2 Mn(II)

    Non-enzymatic reactions

    Homolytic or heterolytic cleavage of side chains and aromatic rings

    Products of O2 attack on carbon-centered radical intermediates

    Products of nucleophilic attack by H2O or ROH on aryl or C cations

    Reproduced from Higuchi T (2006) Look back over the studies of lignin biochemistry. Journal of Wood Science 52: 28.

    384 Applied Microbiology: Industrial | Lignin, Lignocellulose, Ligninase