Download - Lighting Calculator excel

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    Tips for using the Lighting Calculator:

    Calculator version (2. !":-.


    #perating system:/.


    $pplication0. T,e Li1,tin1 Cal$ulator a**lie onl! t,e %ollowin1 *ro&i ion 2

    in Volume One3 45.(6a76i786iii7 an" 45.(6976i7845.(6976iii76A7an"

    in Volume Two3 /.-(.0.06a7 an" /.-(.0.0697'

    %sing the Calculator 5.

    T,i &er ion o% t,e Li1,tin1 Cal$ulator wa %ir t i ue" %or u e un"er Part 45.( Arti%i$ial li1,tin1 in Volume One or /.-(.0.0 Arti%i$ial li1,tin1 in Volume Two o% NCC(=-). U*"ate to t,i %ile ma! 9e a&aila9le %rom t,e A>C> we9 ite %rom time to time.T,e %ile name will in$lu"e t,e &er ion num9er. T,e late t &er ion ,oul" alwa! 9eu e".

    A re$or" o% $,an1e ma"e to ea$, &er ion o% t,e Li1,tin1 Cal$ulator a**ear at t,e

    en" o% t,i Hel* e$tion. 6S$roll "own to ee t,e &er ion ,i tor!.7

    T,e Li1,tin1 Cal$ulator ,a 9een "e&elo*e" in t,e Win"ow ? &er ion o% Mi$ro o%tE@$el ?. T,i %ile' in t,e .@l @ %ormat' i uita9le %or u e in t,e (==: an" (=-=&er ion o% E@$el %or Win"ow .

    T,e Li1,tin1 Cal$ulator i not $om*ati9le wit, Goo1le Do$ or imilar alternati&e toMi$ro o%t E@$el.

    All ot,er li1,tin1 *ro&i ion ' in$lu"in1 an! e@em*tion ' are "etermine" 9! t,erele&ant *ro&i ion o% t,e NCC.

    W,en o*enin1 t,e Cal$ulator' t,e %ir t $reen will *ro&i"e i@ na&i1ation o*tionw,i$, are e@*laine" in note : to -( 9elow.

    Main Menu

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel





    +isplaying the calculator forms:-).


    $ddi d h i li hti d t il

    /elp screen:T,i o*tion na&i1ate to t,i *a1e wit, it ti* %or u in1 t,e $al$ulator an" lin+ to

    $reen ,ot wit, e@*lanator! note .

    0or1sheet:T,e wor+ ,eet ,a 9een ma"e a&aila9le to re$or" note or to ma+e ot,er$al$ulation . T,e u e o% t,e wor+ ,eet i o*tional an" re *on i9ilit! %or it $ontentan" $on e uen$e remain entirel! wit, t,e u er

    A""itional in%ormation i *ro&i"e" in a ta9le 9e!on" t,e ri1,t ,an" i"e o% ea$,$al$ulator. T,i i %or in%ormation onl! an" i inten"e" to o%%er t,e u er a 1reaterun"er tan"in1 o% t,e %i1ure in&ol&e" in *ro"u$in1 t,e %inal out$ome &alue . T,e&alue relate to t,e in"i&i"ual row o% t,e relate" $al$ulator 9ut t,e in%ormation i not"e i1ne" to 9e *rinte" out.

    Ea$, $al$ulator %orm ,a 9een "e i1ne" %or &iewin1 a a w,ole B*a1eB wit, -= row&i i9le in t,e li1,tin1 ! tem ta9le w,en t,e E@$el ri99on i minimi e"' a umin1 a

    $reen re olution o% -/55 @ :5; *i@el . At t,i re olution' t,e oom %un$tion 6lo$ate"on t,e to* tool 9ar' un"er View oom' or at t,e 9ottom ri1,t ,an" $orner o% t,eE@$el win"ow ,oul" 9e et to ;= .

    U er $an $,an1e t,e num9er o% row in t,e ta9le 9! u in1 t,e arrow to t,e le%t o%t,e ID ,ea"in1 near t,e to* le%t o% t,e li1,tin1 ! tem ta9le. Fir t et t,e num9er o%row *re%erre" in t,e in*ut $ell imme"iatel! a9o&e t,e ta9le. 6U* to )= row $an 9e"i *la!e" %or t,e re i"ential $al$ulator an" -== row %or t,e non re i"ential$al$ulator.7 T,en $li$+ t,e arrow an" ele$t t,at num9er in t,e "ro* "own li t w,i$,

    o*en . 6T,e num9er et will 9e t,e onl! num9er ,own in t,e li t.7

    S$reen ,ot -

    S$reen ,ot (

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel




    #utcomes reporting:







    I% "ata &ali"ation me a1e *re&ent inten"e" in*ut 6*arti$ularl! in t,e %our $olumnun"er t,e Fi@e" Dimmin1 Per$enta1e ,ea"in1 7' rea" an! error me a1e $are%ull!

    an" $li$+ Can$el in tea" o% Retr!. Rea" t,e in*ut a"&i$e an" enter a uita9le &alue.

    Cal$ulator out$ome $annot 9e "i *la!e" until all in*ut i ue ,a&e 9een re ol&e"6$learin1 an! $olour ,i1,li1,tin1 an" a"&i or! me a1e 7. Se&eral me a1e ma!a**ear in e uen$e %or t,e ame row a i ue are re ol&e".

    T,e out$ome on t,e ri1,t ,an" i"e o% t,e $al$ulator %orm will 9e "i *la!e" wit, a$olour $o"in1 w,i$, i illu trate" on t,e $reen ,ot ,eet. In 1eneral' 1reen i u e"to in"i$ate a Pa an" re" ,i1,li1,t a Failure.

    T,e two &alue re*orte" in ea$, row o% t,e ri1,tmo t $olumn are' %ir tl!' t,e $ontri9ution o% ea$, li1,tin1 ! tem to t,e a11re1ate re ult %or relate" ! tem an"'

    e$on"l!' t,e o% t,e a11re1ate allowan$e u e" 9! t,o e relate" ! tem . Forrelate" ! tem ' t,e %ir t &alue will alwa! a"" u* to -== . T,e e$on" &aluewill 9e t,e ame %or an! o% t,e relate" ! tem .

    Cal$ulator out$ome re ultin1 in a Bti$+B are &ali" onl! i% all o% t,e in*ut "etail$om*l! wit, rele&ant NCC Deeme"8to8Sati %! 6DTS7 re uirement .

    T,e Cal$ulator %orm $an 9e *rinte" u in1 t,e File Print menu or t,e Print 9utton ont,e to* i$on 9ar.T,e *rint area ,a 9een *re et to allow *rintin1 a one or more A) *a1e6lan" $a*e %ormat7' "e*en"in1 on t,e num9er o% row "i *la!e" in t,e %orm. Somemar1in ma! nee" a"#u tment to uit ome *rinter 6*arti$ularl! in+#et 7.

    T,e e Hel* in tru$tion $an 9e *rinte" 6u in1 File Print7 %or rea"! re%eren$e w,ileu in1 t,e $al$ulator %orm .

    S$reen ,ot ) J 0

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel



    Minor e"itorial amen"ment .

    (.== Amen" $al$ulator in re *on e to *u9li$ $on ultation.

    -.==3Fir t *u9li$ i ue.


    Corre$tion amen"ment %or t,e "e i1n $al$ulate" out$ome %or Cla -' ( an" )

    9uil"in1 .Formattin1 amen"ment %or t,e Veran"a, or >al$on! $al$ulate" out$ome %or Cla -'( an" ) 9uil"in1 .

    Amen" a"#u tment %a$tor in t,e Re i"ential Cal$ulator in re *on e to $,an1e in

    NCC (=--. Amen" t,e $al$ulation in t,e Re i"ential Cal$ulator to re%le$t "i%%erent li1,tin1one .

    T,e Au tralian >uil"in1 Co"e >oar" woul" li+e to a$+nowle"1e an" t,an+ t,e*ra$titioner ' in"u tr! 9o"ie an" 1o&ernment a1en$ie w,o a i te" in t,e"e&elo*ment o% t,e Li1,tin1 Cal$ulator. T,i a i tan$e ,a ,el*e" re%ine t,e$al$ulator ' im*ro&in1 it %un$tionalit! an" u er inter%a$e.

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    LIGHTING CALCULATOR FOR USE W ITH 45.(6a7 VOLUME ONE AND /.-(.0.0 VOLUME TWO 6Fir t i ue" wit, NCC (=-)7

    Num9er o% row *re%erre" in ta9le 9elow -=

    +escription Type of spaceLocation

    $d,ustment -actor #ne



    ! -! (! /! )! 0! 5

    ! :! ;! <! -=

    =.= mK

    (as currently isplaye !

    -loor areaof thespace

    +esign Lampor

    )llumination*o'er Load

    A"#u tment Fa$torOne

    Dimmin1Per$enta1e De i1n


    Fa$tor o% %ull*ower


    '" ENTER -UILDING NAME AND DESCRI.TION -ELOW / identi01in2 t*e 3articular 3art$s% co4ered 51 t*is assess6ent"

    A"#u tmentFa$tor

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    Cla i%i$ation

    $d,ustment -actor T'o C$LC%L$T + #%TC#M S


    A"#u tment Fa$torTwo

    Dimmin1Per$enta1e De i1n



    Lam* or Illumination PowerDen it! S! tem S,are o%

    o% A11re1ate Allowan$e U e" o% %ull*ower S! tem Allowan$e

    S! temDe i1n

    VOLUME TWO $First issued )it* NCC #+',% Hel* $reen

    A"#u tmentFa$tor

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    Cla i%i$ation

    $d,ustment -actor T'o C$LC%L$T + #%TC#M S


    A"#u tment Fa$torTwo

    Dimmin1Per$enta1e De i1n



    Lam* or Illumination PowerDen it! S! tem S,are o%

    o% A11re1ate Allowan$e U e" o% %ull*ower S! tem Allowan$e

    S! temDe i1n

    VOLUME TWO $First issued )it* NCC #+',% Hel* $reen

    A"#u tmentFa$tor

    tralia. All Ri1,t Re er&e"

    en$! *arameter . W,ile t,e A>C>t an! re*re entation or warrant! o%tin1 Cal$ulator i entirel! at !our

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    LIGHTING CALCULATOR FOR USE W ITH 45.(697 VOLUME ONE 6Fir t i ue" wit, NCC (=-)7

    Num9er o% row *re%erre" in ta9le 9elow -= (as currently isplaye !


    $d,ustment -actor #n


    )+! -! (! /! )! 0! 5! :! ;! <! -=


    -loor areaof thespace

    *erimeter ofthe space

    -loor toceilingheight

    +esign)llumination*o'er Load

    A"#u tment Fa$torOne


    o% %ull*ower


    '" ENTER -UILDING NAME AND DESCRI.TION -ELOW / identi01in2 t*e 3articular 3art$s% co4ered 51 t*is assess6ent"

    IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER IN RESPECT OF THE LIGHTING CALCULATORT,e Li1,tin1 Cal$ulator ,a 9een "e&elo*e" 9! t,e A>C> to a i t in "e&elo*in1 a 9etter un"er tan"in1 o% li1,tin1 ener1! e%%i$ien$! *Li1,tin1 Cal$ulator' i% u e" $orre$tl!' will *ro"u$e a$$urate re ult ' t,e $al$ulator i *ro&i"e" Ba i B an" wit,out an! re*re entation or*ur*o e or o% mer$,anta9le ualit!' or %un$tion a inten"e" or at all. our u e o% t ,e Li1,tin1 Cal$ulator i entirel! at !our own ri + an"

    A"#u tmentFa$tor

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    LIGHTING CALCULATOR FOR USE WITH 45.(697 VOLUME ONE 6Fir t i ue" wit, NCC (=-)7

    Num9er o% row *re%erre" in ta9le 9elow -= (as currently isplaye !


    $d,ustment -actor #n



    -loor areaof thespace

    *erimeter ofthe space

    -loor toceilingheight

    +esign)llumination*o'er Load

    A"#u tment Fa$torOne


    o% %ull*ower


    '" ENTER -UILDING NAME AND DESCRI.TION -ELOW / identi01in2 t*e 3articular 3art$s% co4ered 51 t*is assess6ent"

    A"#u tmentFa$tor

    Co*!ri1,t (=-) 8 Au tralian Go&ernment' State an" Territor! Go&ernment o% Au tra

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    Cla i%i$ation

    e $d,ustment -actor T'o C$LC%L$T + #%TC#M S


    De i1nLumen


    A"#u tment Fa$torTwo

    Dimmin1Per$enta1e De i1n



    S! temIlluminationPower Loa" Allowan$e

    Li1,tin1 S! tem S,are o% o% A11re1ate

    Allowan$e U e" o% %ull*ower

    NE $First issued )it* NCC #+',%Multi*le Li1,tin1

    S! tem Cal$ulator Hel* $reen

    A"#u tmentFa$tor

    lia. All Ri1,t Re er&e"

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel



    Item De $ri*tion

    (a" For $orri"or li1,tin1

    (3" W,ere26i7 at lea t :0 o% t,e %loor area o% a *a$e i $ontrolle" 9! one or more motio6ii7 an area o% le t,an (== mK i wit$,e" a a 9lo$+ 9! one or more "ete$to

    (c" W,ere u* to 5 li1,t are wit$,e" a a 9lo$+ 9! one or more "ete$tor

    (d" W,ere u* to ( li1,t are wit$,e" a a 9lo$+ 9! one or more "ete$tor

    Li1,tin1 timer ina$$or"an$e wit,Specification 45

    Motion "ete$tor ina$$or"an$e wit,S*e$i%i$ation 45

    Manual "immin1! tem 6Note -7

    (e" W,ere at lea t :0 o% t,e %loor area o% a *a$e' in ot,er t,an a ole8o$$u*anCla ) *art' i $ontrolle" 9! manuall! o*erate" "immer

    W,ere at lea t :0 o% t,e %loor area o% a *a$e' in a ole8o$$u*an$! unit o% ai $ontrolle" 9! manuall! o*erate" "immer


    Main Menu

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    (m" Li1,t wit,in t,e *a$e a"#a$ent to roo% li1,t




    ). Fi@e" "immin1 i w,ere li1,t are $ontrolle" to a le&el an" t,at le&el $annot 90.


    A @ 6 > Q 6- 8 > 7 ( 7


    A i t,e lowe t a**li$a9le illumination *ower "en it! a"#u tment %a> i t,e e$on" lowe t a**li$a9le illumination *ower "en it! a"#u t

    Da!li1,t en or an""!nami$ li1,tin1$ontrol "e&i$e ina$$or"an$e wit,Specification 45 8"imme" or te**e"

    wit$,in1 o% li1,ta"#a$ent "in o"s

    (l" Li1,t wit,in t,e *a$e a"#a$ent to win"ow ot,er t,an roo% li1,t %or a "i tan"e*t, o% t,e %loor to win"ow ,ea" ,ei1,t.

    Manual "immin1 i w,ere li1,t are $ontrolle" 9! a +no9' li"er or ot,er me$,manuall! ele$te".Pro1ramme" "immin1 i w,ere *re8 ele$te" $ene or le&el are automati$allo$$u*an$! en or.D!nami$ "immin1 i w,ere t,e li1,tin1 le&el i &arie" automati$all! 9! a *,otoa&aila9ilit! o% "a!li1,t or t,e lumen "e*re$iation o% t,e lam* .

    T,e illumination *ower "en it! a"#u tment %a$tor i onl! a**lie" to li1,t $ontr

    to tun1 ten ,alo1en or ot,er in$an"e $ent our$e .

    6cept in a Class or Class ! 3uilding ' a ma@imum o% two ot,er illuminati$an 9e a**lie" to an area. W,ere more t,an one illumination *ower "en it! aan area' t,e! are to 9e $om9ine" u in1 t,e %ollowin1 %ormula3

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    OR A CO


    =.< n "ete$tor or




  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel




    a"#u te" 9! t,e u er.

    tor an"ment %a$tor.

    e %rom t,e win"ow e ual to t,e

    ani m or w,ere t,ere are *re8 ele$te" $ene t,at are

    l! ele$te" 9! t,e time o% "a!' *,otoele$tri$ $ell or

    ele$tri$ $ell to eit,er *ro*ortionall! $om*en ate %or t,e

    olle" 9! t,at item. T,i a"#u tment %a$tor "oe not a**l!

    on *ower "en it! a"#u tment %a$tor %or a $ontrol "e&i$e"#u tment %a$tor 6ot,er t,an %or room a *e$t7 a**l! to

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    Multi*le Li1,tin1 S! tem Cal$ulator

    Enter Dimen ion

    T,e ,i1,e t illumination *ower loa" 6H7

    T,e *re"ominant illumination *ower loa" 6P7

    T,e time %or w,i$, t,e ma@imum illumination *owerloa" will o$$ur' e@*re e" a a *er$enta1e 6T7

    #nter this value into the Desi2n

    Multi3le Li2*tin2 S1ste6 Calculator

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    %sers7 'or1sheet:his "or'sheet has &een a e for recor ing notes an $a'ing calculations ("here esire !.

    o $aintain the integrity of the Calculator) this sheet is protecte causing so$e unavoi a&le restricti All cells &elo" ro" * are accessi&le for user input) e iting an for$atting) su&+ect to the li$itations Use o0 t*is )or7s*eet is o3tional and res3onsi5ilit1 0or its contents and conse8uences re6a

    Return to Main Menu

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    ons on the functions availa&le. ue to protection.

    ns entirel1 )it* t*e user"

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    .+isplaying the calculator forms:

    To change the si8e ofthe form on screen:

    In t,e oom 9o@ 6on t,eView ta97' $li$+ t,e*re%erre" i e or enter a$u tom num9er %rom -=to )== .To change the num3er of

    ro's displayed (step 2 of 2":

    Cli$+ t,e arrow in t,e re" %ille",ea"in1 a9o&e an" t,en ele$tt,e onl! num9er in t,e "ro*"own li t. 6T,i num9er willalwa! mat$, t,e num9er in*ut%or te* -.7

    To change the num3er of ro'sdisplayed (step of 2":

    In*ut t,e re uire" num9er o%row ,ere an" *re Enter. 6T,i$ell will not a$$e*t num9er t,atwoul" $au e row wit, "ata to9e ,i""en.7

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    ,creenshot sho"s the -esi ential calculator

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    2.$dding and changing lighting details:

    Room $spect Ratio:

    In*ut "ata %or t,e e two$olumn i nee"e" onl!w,en inten"in1 to u et,e Room A *e$t Ratio

    A"#u tment Fa$tor.


    U e t,menu9uil"in

    Navigation 3utton:

    Lin+ to a "etaile" li t o% A"#u tment Fa$tor .

    Navigation 3ut

    Lin+ to $al$ulatli1,tin1 ! tem

    9$d,ustment -actors9

    menu:Item li te" in t,e "ro*"own menu relate tot,o e in Ta9le 45.(9.

    9Space9 menu:

    S*a$e li te" in t,e "ro*"own menu mat$, t,o ein Ta9le 45.(a.

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    ,creenshot sho"s the on -esi ential calculator

    %ser7s 'or1sheet:

    T,e wor+ ,eet on t,ita9 $an 9e u e" %ornote or u**lementar!$al$ulation 6i% "e ire"7.

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    . rror and alert messages:.

    Missing data highlight:

    Colour %ill ,i1,li1,t mi in1 A"#u tment Fa$tor "atamentione" in in*ut alert tot,e ri1,t.

    +ata highlighting:

    Data wit ,out an e@*erelate" &alue i ,ore" 9ol" itali$ %ont. 6$a e' t,e relate" Fa$mi in1.7

    Missing data:

    Mi in1 in*ut %or $olumn to t,ele%t o% t,e A"#u tment Fa$tor$olumn are not $olour %ille" 9utare i"enti%ie" in t,e in*ut alert 9!$olumn name.

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    ,creenshot sho"s the on -esi ential calculator

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    .#utcomes reporting: (Residential calculator"

    $dvisory Note:

    Note e@*lain t,at a11re1ate allowan$$al$ulate" w,en t,ein*ut %or li1,tin1 !"i%%erent Lo$ation .

    Locations for reporting:S! tem in t,e t,ree "i%%erentLo$ation in*ut in t,ie@am*le are e*aratel!a e e" an" re*orte" in t,eOut$ome $olumn .

    $llo'ance column:Te@t an" %ill $olour in t,i$olumn mat$,e t,e%ormattin1 o% t,e BS! teS,areB $olumn on t,eri1,t o% t,e ta9le.

    Space #utcomes:

    Re" %ont on w,ite %ill,ow t,at a ! tem

    e@$ee" t,e allowan$e%or it S*a$e w,en t,ea11re1ate %or t,eLo$ation till Pa e .

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    ,creenshot sho"s the -esi ential calculator. ,croll o"n for the on -esi ential calculator.

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    .#utcomes reporting: (Non Residential calculator"

    Total +esign )llumination*o'er Load:T,e um o% all Loa"re*orte" ,ere $an 9e$om*are" wit, t,e um o% all

    Allowan$e at ri1,t.

    Total )lluLoad $ll

    T,e umre*orte"$om*areLoa" atin"i$atele t,an


    Re" %o,ow t

    e@$ee"%or it Sa11re1Pa e

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    ,creenshot sho"s the on -esi ential calculator.

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    Main Menu Hel* $reen

    $dditional information ta3le:

    A ta9le to t,e ri1,t o% t,e $al$ulator %orm*ro&i"e a""itional in%ormation a9out t,eim*a$t o% an! a"#u tment %a$tor u e" %orin"i&i"ual li1,tin1 ! tem .S$roll ri1,t to ee t,e ta9le.

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    $lternative 8oom settingoption:

    U e ;! oom to ee %ullwi"t, o% t,e %orm wit, -=row on a -/55 @ :5;re olution $reen.

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    Main Menu Hel* $reen

    fication menu:

    e "ro* "ownto ele$t t,e1 Cla i%i$ation.

    Calculated #utcomes:

    Out$ome are "i *la!e"*ro1re i&el! a li1,tin1

    ! tem are a""e" to t,eta9le' *ro&i"e" "etail %orea$, ! tem are $om*lete.Re ult ma! $,an1e a more

    ! tem are a""e".


    or %or multi*le.

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    Hel* $reenMain Menu

    )nput $lerts:

    In*ut alert a9out mi in1"ata ma! a**ear in t,eOut$ome area o% t,eli1,tin1 ! tem ta9le.

    $te"n inIn t,itor i

    $dvisory Notes:

    A"&i or! note ma!a**ear a9o&e t,e ta9lein re *on e to omeli1,tin1 ! tem in*ut .

    #utcomes reporting:

    Out$ome are not"i *la!e" w,en in*ut

  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel



  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    Hel* $reenMain Menu

    Tic1 < Cross 3o6:

    A Pa %or t,e o&erall"e i1n i in"i$ate" 9! ati$+ 6on 1reen %ill7 in t,i9o@. A Failure i ,own

    System Shares and$ggregate #utcome:T,e Hel* $reen e@*lain ,owto inter*ret t,e e &alue .Green %ill in"i$ate a Pa %ort,e a11re1ate o% all S! tem int,e li te" S*a$e ..

    #utcomes /eading:

    Out$ome area ,ea"in1 te@tan" %ill $olour $,an1e toin"i$ate w,et,er t,e o&erall"e i1n Pa e or Fail .7

    mination *o'er'ance:

    o% all Allowan$e i,ere an" $an 9e" wit, t,e um o% allle%t. Green %illt,at t,e total i not,e total Loa".

    nces column: t on w,ite %ill

    ,at a ! tem t,e allowan$e

    *a$e w,en t,ete "e i1n till


  • 8/19/2019 Lighting Calculator excel


    9! a $ro 6on re" %ill7.