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LICH Native Plant Initiative���2012 Aloha Arborist Association Palms Workshop

Chris Dacus Landscape Industry Council of Hawaii

LICH Initiatives

n  Invasive Species List and Guidelines (2005)

n  Native Plant Initiative (2007)

n  Irrigation Water Conservation (2010)

n  Plant Nursery Guidelines (2011)

LICH NPI Background

n  The LICH Native Plant Initiative began in 2007.

n  Incorporated as an element of the Hawaii Resource Conservation Initiative

n  2009 Hawaii Conservation Conference presentation

n  Delayed for federal funding

n  Gained critical mass in 2010

Native Plant Initiative

n  Build environmental responsibility and resources to collaboratively restore our cities and neighborhoods with Hawaiian flora for future generations.

The Big Picture n  Reverse the decline of

native plants by promoting the responsible use of native plants in their original range of distribution.

n  The 30 year 30% goal.

n  Compliments existing conservation efforts.

Diffusion of Innovations Diffusion of Innovations, Everett M. Rogers, 1962

State of Native Plant Use in Hawai’i

The Challenges n  Few ‘bulletproof’ native plants

n  Limited distribution

n  Few built examples

n  High new product development & marketing costs

n  Lack of technical resources

n  Low consumer demand

n  Lack of urgency


n  The LICH Native Plant Initiative features four core goals with a total of 69 objectives:

n  Increase supply and selection

n  Create greater awareness

n  Foster environmental responsibility

n  Nurture future stewards


n  Christopher Dunn (Lyons) n  Liz Huppman (Lyons) n  Steve Connolly (Lyons) n  Nellie Sugii (Lyons) n  Rick Barboza (Native Nursery) n  Jeff Preble (Native Nursery) n  Joel Lau (Botanist) n  Cliff Morden (UH Botany) n  Josie Hoh (Waimea Valley) n  Amy Tsuneyoshi (HBWS) n  Daniel Rubinoff (UH CTAHR) n  Carl I. Evensen (UH CTAHR) n  Ken Leonhardt (UH CTAHR) n  Heidi Bornhorst (Horticulturist)

n  Ryan Peralta (DLNR) n  Susan Ching (PCSU/PEP) n  Vickie Caraway (DLNR) n  Steve Seiler (PCSU/US Army) n  Garrett Webb (HI Palm Society) n  Jane Beachy (US Army) n  Josh Sand (Foster Gardens) n  Leland Miyano (Native Specialist) n  Donald R. Hodel (UCLA) n  Adam Williams (KWMP) n  Richard Quinn (LICH) n  Chris Dacus (LICH/HDOT)

LICH NPI Pilot Project Rick Barboza

Hui Ku Maoli Ola

Pilot Project n  Pilot for one of the 69

objectives - produce viable native plant propagules for the built environment.

n  Develop the methodology for the use of native plants in built environment utilizing Oahu’s Pritchardia species.

Pilot Goal

n  Protect in situ plant populations by developing inter situ and ex situ plantings of known provenance in an appropriate manner to ensure genetic biodiversity, minimize illegal collections of wild seeds and produce guidance for plantings in developed areas to minimize genetic contamination to extant wild populations.

Pilot Components n  Target Species

n  Research & Information Compilation

n  Site Selection

n  Collection Activities

n  Curation

n  Propagation

n  Standards & Guidelines

n  Distribution & Preservation

n  Maintenance of ex-situ plantings

Target Species

n  Oahu's Pritchardia

n  Pritchardia martii

n  Pritchardia kahukuensis

n  Pritchardia bakeri

n  Possible future efforts

n  Pritchardia kaalae

n  Pritchardia lowreyana

Research & Information Compilation:

n  Population viability analysis for biodiversity requirements.

n  Reproduction Biology for cross pollination research.

n  Genetic Analysis for cross pollination and biodiversity.

n  Research Compilation of target species.

Site Selection

n  Choose sites that assist in replanting their original range and sites from a preservation perspective.

n  Genetic Diversity goal of 30 parent plants

Collection Activities

n  Collect for biodiversity of nursery stock & preservation

n  Tissue samples for genetic research

n  Data collection


n  Collect data for research, preservation and curation purposes.

n  Reporting using the HRPRG Rare Plant Field Data Form.

n  Share with DLNR.


n  Propagate to one gallon size for distribution.

n  Seeds being propagated at Hui Ku Maoli Ola and Jeff Preble’s native nursery.

Embryos of P. bakerii at Lyon’s Arboretum (courtesy N. Sugii)

Standards & Guidelines n  Industry native plant BMPs,

guidelines and standards

n  Concise identification

n  Responsible use & range of distribution

n  Curation requirements & plant tag requirements

n  Pritchardia workshop

Distribution & Preservation

1.  Botanical gardens for preservation and education

2.  Publicly accessible sites for perpetual seed collection with rat control and promotion to minimize illegal wild collecting.

3.  Conservation out plantings for in situ out plantings

4.  Industry distribution as seed stock with curation, best management practices and workshop attendance.

Ex Situ Maintenance n  Maintenance and

monitoring of the ex-situ plantings

n  Rat baiting

n  Competing vegetation

n  Promoting responsible seed collection

Progress Report

Species Parent Plants

Seeds Collected

Tissue Samples

P. martii 17 540 61

P. bakeri 3 22 39

P. kahukuensis 0 0 5

TOTAL 20 562 105

Questions? Chris Dacus

Landscape Industry Council of Hawaii