Download - Library of Congress€¦ · r*/Wmit- .. If _, /¿_i__d_ffâ^Tf^-vlfa^^-l!^ ift.¦... \\\i v- 7.W3, M.W-VORK. MONDAY, JULÏ 2, 18» PRICE FOIH CENTS. WASHINGTON, S\TIRIHVS\\ollkO\Tlin\i{IFHILL

Page 1: Library of Congress€¦ · r*/Wmit- .. If _, /¿_i__d_ffâ^Tf^-vlfa^^-l!^ ift.¦... \\\i v- 7.W3, M.W-VORK. MONDAY, JULÏ 2, 18» PRICE FOIH CENTS. WASHINGTON, S\TIRIHVS\\ollkO\Tlin\i{IFHILL

r*/Wmit- .. If _, /¿_i__d_ffâ̂Tf^-vlfa^^-l!^ ift

.¦... \\\i v- 7.W3, M.W-VORK. MONDAY, JULÏ 2, 18» PRICE FOI H CENTS.

WASHINGTON,S\TIRIHVS\\ollkO\Tlin\i{IFHILLtim: onus <>\ i«o\ __» steel.

*». , ,,.. i." i iii» rH.-.i.i'!'Ti-i-.

| HM___H Attrmpt to Iccrenee the Duty on

Railroad Bars.

Thi* Ral«- LPtttd «. Une <enlPrr Potini!.

H ¡um in ii iron, mm: rim

Rtmcrs of a Veto by the President.


I ,,"


to .

¦ veal

ki t.«


li it to

li Ila» Ila

M, - rete b1

PILI.-. 1.««ïiv_ loi

ai la Mapata,aid Bithoet rD"1 '"

TUB MW A' B1 BILL.11 the

| C"li.-Il.attct

. «t

Tin - BVBBAI ill.« the

i ire aga : u> r«*««it j iu» .. .Hy Um Senate

ml t« t"'-ll

j, Mr.,v í¡«í« :¡t .«feairytag !.. Betel a_-eh ¡s that

aaeeiiea I Til Um ImI t Pr to»' -,

ni j." | iii ii . mbmuHmb le that -Baalland» 1 i

, iililt.

lu . 1 | -. -.¦re

ike I'aiitic Rallia¡hull« imp i.f

«'¦.ii!... --.

.-»P-ll-N - BUBLA I' I-» BO_m «,V!P'L1NV.MM1SI M .1 ¦: Q B. T H. RajM, BBB

\v. (Tui.iu «.-l' ni tbe Fiaetaea'ali t«. .n n.ilin», has Mfectedte t;«- » "ii.iin*.

'.'¦.: tlio poaltioB,ii- i . .1 id turn in Hievet Major Pea.i« 11 ( i... - :. Heas/i that tin« Mata CeareBttoa

last«« lae ta H«i- .n ! [.a.rd l.y the I. '.¦.':-f. ¦_____*> at i:T-««(lm«'ii m ('«ii.rt»«

It atae akeBabad tbe distiaet-OD before txiatiag bj the la«li. ,! li'. ii _Ili ..-. .. B lute «"-

MBB wa tit i rum«-. A» ti..- low no.r »tsiiilfi»I .- ¡- nu«' f'.r«- riliT b io B-4thl

Vstln;ki y >.t «II ¡»:r»'Hi» of BBBM B Hflinittcil la «'«li MBM» - j ii«- Malea ihat

ai.« r.- i «.,. .,»,,!'m lei.ii- !(ni.-ir.!« (¡ti «linen thanI'll, : \ «1 l-'.orn' t«0 Ireedlll« 11 «er«) »hot, Oil»«

aa» .i«,¡ni« by Um poltai «d UM t*>« ri

Be Um rhe dieB-BMaaeea aa al Intr-pa-ta.I» ' Bureau st that piare indicated tbatib. i-- ' I .<;«.. || m red mai timBBMhei of tmpioyéaof tli» Baseae ta _ha Balta- that ofii-eers «>ii duly '¡i '!,«. Buri-,m in « liarle af »i.b-ili. iru-t» BBB

partarn»ilaaaeMatjLibor,aaithal tii«-.r nu':»» allí be_*tt. r parfhf-BBi Bf [--rsonal attciitii.ii than hy Um un. ofaasiatsnts. Soiue office. pby.icsll, dmabled aie. lio»

avn Mari each.TUB RcfSSEAP-fiRI.NSLLI. OMM1T1 .H.

It n reported upon Kood antboril« that the ('«niiiiiiitce__ tbe Grinncl a'nl Iluusacnu afluir will inuko two T«'i»ort»

OBe l»r the t'lisiriiioii. Mr. Npá-nldui«.. and t«vo

either», ib favor of expulsion, wlnle Hogan and «4M ..tti««r.fill r»|H,rt m livor of rensuring both Rouneau and Grin*Bril.

TR-A..CRY RECB1-T*.ibe ciPire nceipta tor the finca) year ».ding Jone HW

mre. li;t_n¡al Revenue, $W7,000,(W.; custom» fgoldi,$H39.tJ(JO,i»«»0, mi«cella_*«iis, $W,_O0,0l'_, total, fW.Ofjfl,.«00.

TREASURY M8BI Kl__l»NT«.The di.burseinenti of the Tremury Drpiriiueut on

aaaBBBtafUM War, Navy and lut»»rii«r Department. forIbeatik. iio'itli. (jiurter »nd year ending to-d.iy wer««:

»»'"J. Sanlk. (Jnmrltr YearW»r ... «"...'.i #<>(,l4<tí. g A4'».... * ?:ii--',449.877J*a»j !,.'|ir..l 4 *-4«»,6'i- 1 '.'*«.. lo., fi. it,: :._Jateriur «. _06,.i«r. :«,__..:;i. ..,u>.3.r.

Te»»l |:ai_3,B« .n.i-i.ivj ¡__.,s«_.c* #:*»4. ______ 4INTERNAL HEVENUB REí'llPT«*.

i '.¦« ¡t* it Litern»! Revenue for the week endingBaiurday, BBB. |l.'»l'»,«iU Jo. The Mai receipt» t-.r theHot*', ve»r « nding »ialiirdar are $_0_,864,ó-J»» :»().

'ile ('«.inin:»».oner of Internal Revenue ha» BJBBleJ ik«v-bbiisiod, free of t»x or h«-en»e, to hold a national ¡»ift c<-n-Wrt .i. »he ,'d ct AagaM in lim (ity for tbe l«eiiefli of lbsBoldieu ami MIlM Orphan» Home Kund.

FRACTIOSAL CCBBEXCV.Hie Hiii.i,e'. ft iractioiial currency rceiv.-d or the

Trcaaiiry ol tlie united sStaUa from the hrM-f Bureau..f the Tri'siury .a tbe w_tk ending June ML !S«_i, wa»

¡UE MIMI OP JCI.T.r'r«n¡a¡l.,ep.JraL««ntbeKosrth of July will h« »err

BJata-taayaBl here. V-ry few Coagreiuuieu have left Um*Jt-T! -BJ .'tlinme. CungreMiwillsiljDi.niovirl>vmtBaaa-f ar»era<><»ns-itilTbur-day. A Isrfte numbersrf uvrinlie ^. nS. «-'.,!je,i __. _oU»_er. are ^oini» to I'hil-.d,l*; -t»e prc-ejitation of tie ~-"'tflnff ofike mtixuea Pmr.Aylr«n_a ra|»imeiit¡»..t«-..r-_r«,^H|h(re mtindgfelelirat-iKtiieltli of Julr^siiapiail »cale. All ti.» elrk- societies in the Di.tnctaid i_n_bU.r.i)K MBBlrj will have a mi_wii|! at the c.pi-toi grounds. Kever«! repreaentatire mea fe*vc .| n)* '. Jdilrt«s the SMrmbly.

"HI U8MOCBATIC ADBRI-n.His Di iiiacraüc AJdr^i will not be issued betöre u>it

Tirsdsy. Ti,, BaMMM «1 Rcrcrdr Johnaon and a fer,'.»hin pravent its being ilgned by tbe entire DemocraticAWifBt»on m b.i_ Uotitet. There are but few dilfe«t)tg

r i« --ii

a* i-i». »r miBen .« will 1».' _>'i:t ti the Senate

la r»»]. L. A. Bania loi Ool-il; 1 Diatrtd si I

i .menti.- .» con-

r t i; Depa lan .. Hierd« *-1" 1¡ ire

t te the Banal»


i: .mdei Iheni Dai i. ayer of Caatonu al

¡ Custotneat WindierKaval Offlc* B. C,|

m r »i o »i fonIt I). Me*i Bidnev,

N ¦» s. i* Alco lerleh C. W Q B.Heap ..ris.ili »t Relfoat; Albert Ktiuile» of PeBBsylvaala,

Ri tiona of Postreaeten

rraeka. Bl Low!-, Ho.]m ' , n. T.i

i.i.i' Homer, N V I! J, Jervis, Cortland Vil-H Newark i C.

IIP limyri, nu I IS Bl I M i.L .', I*.I _OB "f

| « 1MB ( .¦'i .ti Bl II.-,lilli«»¦I" tin li Ml Bl

H » tori made knowe their deteminarto prevea) maaliaraHon appointed to ahmt» beeeaas

Congrees and sustained the l'.< .-i.l.'i.i. !' o

ti ». re m ,'iini laaplesiaf, bal nil oi M

'¦ OLIO!"' IWli-BIM-

| J '- le li 1 '. '.-t Iii:i- t.r (.

p i -, Ij »even

r Tweatj m raath Hi »._ <>.k 11

District. II I lo Bia E*n gklent'a

' 'I PS! I.I'INli NOT liEI.LSM i'.

i Paj-MBter PsaaUag*! releaas Bee¬lu» «*. .it i still la eeeaody, ewelltag the

.». r« Vi;, ti¡ M'. »ii ;:.i- ieeWoO "! Ihl

in i nsw i ii ni ii | im:\s muk sr.¦ii nara Cobb

la ii ia -»i profriatka bill, at!l; t .'. 11 ..:,!. « ill be.

It » la ni il '.'.ut thii iinaiii rere »i IT' ut dee! of re.. neat,ia* [Ii Baa affairs i" bl

tro. of Hiinv oflceiaea Iks Beatter. wira weeli<1 p.uti as nun h af. if iini I"»'I.

pnooa si,.

M t; Geary Ml f-«r bli boree,a« ii

_J,A!r. iA. « phew <.f tho S, .-. t-y ..!

t oae tlaae J « iwtaij nf Hats, ii fttin» « .ty *¦- !.iy fur Bew-Y« rk, ».hero be « ill laka t

pa, n« bearer of diapetehee ti.m thet ratted stat* » io iii«* Baapesw ed Pnaa ¦

li i« reported ora Mlaleirae. Madrid, fetaP.ii le, baa asked le be naoBed and thal Gea. Bil Use, late«ly appotatad lo Iks Hegae, arlll ]»r»>l»al»ly be lu* aaGea« Oereea Onagra vin be » c.iii.iidnto tur a ¡.

Begee wkea H benenn rareat.OSBBI BnÇBABQSB POOB lili; win BBTAB1 MBB i*.T««*: ir. ;.*:.* Iraki :!.«. Oideeeiii Mee, Wei De

part -i.t-l !, si r- Bl V. It IS Saul tilt!wilkonl .m srm. anti aii'itli.-r w-11 h « u t a leg,

r bare beea erdseed bj :

of \w le repon Iba «1 itj ob Mender. Ma« h dinsta i" two L Ikere bm i m Beert/ tki «i.t :¦

oflea in Ueekeiged -.»¡Uu-rs..1 »II LKAN« li MEt UN...

G a. 0.0. Howard ead Boa. Wa. I Dedfi Isttrandaddnaew oa tes-fenaea bedon s leigo oat-Bon unitinglull t:< re* to day.

.rational BCitEsi- op DBHTB sn« I.Tka bill reci tly r.|",rt«il !t"in tim Bean Committee «.n

tkef-dieiarj t'.t the ntiMI-kaaat "f ¦ Ketioaal B hi ii

oflaaaraaea reakaa tiio liur.-au n-teeotetatag »bileitli. n m- uiity in the Uj.iIUt of h-tamoi br reeal|taf all


companies who may act iin..>r iho law toaepoeil IBl - honda, lae »mount« van ing a ordtag le ti¡» ir «»j.¡.tal «tink. No party is |«i-nintteil to tr.iii.act lir«», manna*ead liât tararean M Um una time. Tee object of theprepeeed legis-stlon is to gira «very company ia «'i;i»*»r-tumty t.» show its solvt-i.i v iu order that the pabUl may

ededif_asl Bead, the j rim .pic betogatreilreta¦»¦. applied le aatlaaal hanking neael ittaaa

A«.mci Li BBAI BBPOBT.'1 h» .1 .i.«» Ngari of th" Agrn ultiiriil Ilcj.aitiiii :.t gin I a

eoraparlaon between Iho earaaal ef ra«' eeMea taintedfoin tho Batted States ¡iii«i Ureat Britain during fourha««ut.,.« «.! last yenr and the lour corresponding monttis ol'UM present year It nandi the quantity imported fMnil.'idih ty ¡ilnio-t lim |kt «ent. and alnn»t«t ex.icth* equalstin-totals from all oiln-r l«>» ¡ilitu «. It is t*«|iiis_l«*nt leMB,7_M hal«»* oi mo panadi nek, Ike lepra, say« MBflBBof hale«, in four BMOlki tad t.'o,<xio,fmo arc leeeeetoeliIgnree ia tia tnia wuk eoe frenea aattan «.san i..r tim

|nlmi«*st days of cotton -hipping from the ports of the[TaHed Stute*.The re|Kirt ultu «hows tim! (»rent Britsui Imy» this sea¬

son ion time« u» m,n ti wheat trom Russia as from ua, and

li oin Fini).« nearly six times as much. Duly a li t tit« moro

than four per ceri! of her »even millions of hundred « i_-!.t»re brough» from the I'mted States.

STATION! HY ( (iNTRAÍ T.'1 he stationer.» contract for supplying the Dip.iitincnt

ol'State han again been swarded bl I'll ii i j» A BolereeM of\V..s'iiii|ft"ii.». LPIIl'RlirS All!» OAÄ AS A «CRK HiR RINDERPEST,


<iC» MHU-BB.A comuiMiiicatiou has ben received at the Department

oí State from our IaOgatiou at IaOiidon, inch-sing tau

pamplilela relating to certain experiments hy Dr. Jam» t

Dew« ef Kirkcaldy for testing tho efficacy of sulphurousa. ni gas as a di«infcrt int. Kesults are cited a hi« h lead totim c«»iiTir!ion that llinderpetf, Pl«*uro-Pneuinonia sml('hulera, and some others tiy which tbo human family aro

n ftli» ted maybe not only very much modified but eton

wholly prevented hy this mean*. Tho of gener-ating the gas is von.' simple and inexpensive. It is onlyuecetstry to have a chafer of old ash cinder*, set a smallcrueib!. into them and drop A piece el1 sulphur atlck ofthe *./." »»f a man s thumb into it. This will fumigate a

Isrgi: »'tie abed or byre in '«.it minutes. The animalsleen t» enjoy it, and it acts as a tonic on man or

beast. The shed or Lyre must he welleoatflotod during Hie fumigation, as veil as before» andafter it, am! sound sanitary rules must be enforced in re¬

paid '.»>. loBB-tan. and the removal of dung heaps. Duringthe prevalence of such epidemics as aro above uameil, theI iBiigation may ho made according to the foregoingditections four or five times a «lny; and not only is thistreatment said to cure the fatal diseases, hut it is statealthat mange, ringworm and lice have vanished before it,and thal greii«e heel« in horses have also been cured by it,while severe cases of phthisis and tubercular affections of

the I i:.(--« have been relieved in human being«. Tho mat¬ter is worthy of study and experiment by our sHnutiDcsud professional men. Dr. Dewor having liberally con¬

sented to the free use of hi« pamphlets, they will he sent

bj the kWrotary of Slate to an appropriate committ»»«* m

Congres*, with a view to their publication ami dig-trili'ittou.





IKH.IioM ANDSLAVKHV.f It :u Our Sgaaili' « orretpnnjent

-Va»him,to» VVcdn**d*7 Jon«'.'7, 1ÍÜ6.A rath'T «musing instance in the national by-play of

praitecti:,- tin* negro took place here a foir days ago.You aro of courac aware thal a fair is being held hore for(lie hern* fit of tho orphau s erf" white soldiers and sailors."Colored children " cant came in." O, co. There maypossibly be a few of the iinreoon»-truet<>d nround, some ofthe chi»alrr looking for a little Presidential pardon-var-iii«!b, and there wag a probability--a rery remote one in-

lied, that they wrm'il ho inlüccl to visit the Pit, mmi aibiliUes vm-re ti, be sa f iUj pre-

-,-rv«-ii fr, in anything Uki i ibock. It waald tbi foo kilo«-; und «perhai I, too,

Lhere was a little oftbe ola leareB Ia tba t<ranallittle*.i inn. I. of t! St I

./ -" inn« li depressing Mi c «r' i»; ni!-"!VV« li, no ted to the \.

eli-iin-iit. It was al! n in,ittcr .«! taste, and theD. Y. perbapi badiii notioae oa IkM potal aewell m

But then the ladiee who had charge of thefair, dear creatures, n,.nid m-u little '?experiiaenl too.

Tbey thought after all that they »obM bM apart a earlday, aad sa marti k1 ra tba ¡r cale: .1*. They wouldthe "colored folk.'' Taara bbi b large nubiberoftheI». M. m the City "f " Mag. Dto.,' aad after all a coloredlil J » penn» .* '« ai good m lay other may, ead a a bite

( l.iid would have no it taking It, eren

a "poor darkey ' did perspire a little in the making of it.White children had before reeeired nut appropriated(that's the word) thi «proteedi of Bleak __ea'slabor, aadthere bo Id h no objection to it now. And thea the dearindies aoald b to "iBprore their condltiOBtliule, to sugar-ooal ¡1 few platitudes about education,ninl iteration, and " manifral destinr, a«-., -te, ead

I tbomselres to the task. The dar war« set aside,the nice little «speeches w. re i.ll ready, eat aad dried,ninl tin- m« it conde« Indi) g of imiles wera ¡.li pul oa foithe «occasion. 'lie eat aaa daly annonacetLIt bbi dulj read from 1.' arty er« rj 1 nl| It. it wuk .xten-ilre v sdrertta-d in er rv aewipap« r, ninl tin« cart

id walls were fairly emblazoned Inbigstariwith tbe words, "Orpbana'Fair-The ( olored ¡Polks' Dar,

-. ni.n h, it «¡i» lupposod, vnnild bareg ¡li ! ..n the na ii 1». I.. !.. .1.

day was bul M< id v.waa balmy. There Baa ¡1 baa» bbm erpreparaUoB Inthe Kmr' Buildings that morning. All the lotteriesvi,«re : .-«'I. everything that it waa expectedwould tamp) Ibe '-1.r colored ian" mm

¦eil to the heat adraatage, »:"I a material infoi thév win-1.m .riled rratuitousle, m the "WhitePundi -.mi« 1,:.t¡, i| »te i, ,:.. ti ¦¦ alt« 1 head,I'l'lici-iii.Ti pi maintain ordeff ¡nal Nf-ften to ..»¦ote."lint hen« im uaexpected aad BBfinaiaan diAcelty mee.'I I,.- nests tailed t" make their eppearan« «_ It »u Hamlet«a tb Baale! left ont. The colored folki wew aol m per.iii iil.tiiv BBzioai i«.

' perhaps laeyB« re right, rp ',.> li "'' :¦ k 'h'- whole number of coloredpersons present did ttoadViS-B« What a coes«

mentary on darkeyi m Blan ry sad darke] 1 in baedeelIn Rlarrry, Bach ¦> penalsaion,howeTer gi* loi iii made,

woald hare been a command, and theaa .¡¦¡¦n eridraUysupposed thi ¦ remained after the oil ,tatu»

h,ni li.«, ¡1 deatroyed. In frmrdom, the darkeys, by thereilly baadaomeaad digi I geee tbeeeladies, prored tbemaelrea reall« worthy ol theil indepen*dence, Bach a bored aet ol ladies wers pitiful to looa at'I h il da] , agent ni ia« ¦ ouiased romi

«,f tin- table.engen In the Depg_rtm< ata « hy they badii..f rlsitedthe Kair, and the] seemed RaciallyIke "i. .¦ a by it was di 1tin-in to go on (tai I ¡linn «m .m*, i.tlitr.

XXXIXth congress.FIBfïT >*! B8IO».

si na 11: BTMMMBBBB «I ine-'K". Itta,MTII H'R A BBB WHITE II« » « -K.

Iii Boara iBtfi dm «d 1 ri solatioa, whi« h wai adopted.'ia-, i; .. CoBimi 'i.-«* n ru'« ¡e Build Baa

Grounds to the roprtaty of pun bael »

of Isn't o' li -- than nu arree, near ti |parh und Ute ¡": aP ratta Uansioa.

PRK) Ml UN's IP '«

Mr. W I. "S ill« d ,| ¡I." Fr'«-,lui' n'l Balmoved that thi Renate Inaist on Ita smeodmeBts t«> thebill aad agree to Um C-BMaittoe of Co-fbreacc calPt 1 ti«- ii. -.«

I -.. or !«r, ii.¦ oiata in dl»j ate betwe« b the ..< li

lion 1.i;i'l». Tin II

forbids the surrender ol lands now held byIi:.der «¡eli. r. The bill Bls« all «"it ii«- pn I "V»n> r«

may get possession ol th« .' -ah a» have-ol'! f'.r tin!. ,1 St ite«, IBI


Mr. r.ii.AM» offered B'e» ....

\ 1 tly nominated bj th«« (»residentand confinas I j Ihe Senat of Cae«Mol.ile, 1.«M "Hi".«. o;.«- tiiii«- ninl' r iii«' Latefl

jling apon the Secretary o. the (Masai, It >

Kiadept« I«

joaoaa in rrvu.Mr \V ina tri '«.' '1 «i bill

frr.mtl a'.d petil .lu 1.,h _.-

refi« tel io tin« Coiiinntteo 0:1 '.«-intones.I. v \|> TI ! 1 «.

Ifr. CoaBBM ealtad up a bUl to quiet tb« UUeaofaithin Um eorpoiatioa liaula efUM Citrta B

aida» California, which waa r«al ead

ibbi t«) k tai iaHi li» .Pi:!« k-« an .v LU p. great _____«-> the

f Kaaeas to al4 in l se» -. .--... the saeteara-ranch ol l_a Caioa l'..iti_ Rimvad. abi.b wai

-Tis- g«Ml. to'*LABU T'i MI-8DPRI.

On Mollaa of Mr. Buow». Um Ii 1 ita M rred in r«-r-t nu r« iPiii .liii'-mini.Tita to the bill |T_n_ng leads t«. aid latin* c.'ii-tni« non m I , v tim Iron ^t .nutamRuilf.itd of IfiseoaiL lae bill bow «._""* le thi Pree_»leat,

TRINTIM, I (11 Mi NT».

Mr. Anthony-, .Tom «Hw I otaarittei "¡i Punto.g. re¬

ported ¡1 naoliitkia lor tin* prlaUag "t ip.ih.i copiai of the

rcjlv.t the Praa-deal la tti« raeolatlaa el lae Baaeta,.. fur information as to the departan of Aaitriaa

troop» P.r Mexico.Mr. Tki'mbi" 1. np.vml t.. BBMBd lv striking out " 10,.

O011 and inaertiiig '' I .«Mr«),'* which Baa disagreed ««» hy 11

vote of yeal n, amya v.OBFBBBBCI COIO-fl in.

M_u«r«. Wilaoa, Bowse ead N'.-imili weraappointed the( oIlWT.-Iii «. ('..liilnittee 0:1 tin- Kr.mill.cll « HureuU hill eli

ti..- part of the Senate.INDI IN AI'I'K'H'RI VTION BILL.

At 1 o doel Um Indian Apfeaprtatl »n lull wai taken np,on motion of Mr. Bhenaaa

Tin» bill a» it (Time fr-m Ike Bo-M ia BlMI« iigih, ami iiiakei th»' n-gnlar bbbbbI appropriatloith«- »upp«.rt of the ludion Dcpuriiucul, tin- currying «mt oftreal le», A 1.

The Benate Finance Commit tee recommend«, the fol¬lowing iniieiiiliiient»MC. 2. That ni, fundí tul ,_b*i;.«t to any Indian tri!,.« with

which Henty rrlilloni nut iball Le applied in any manner notaulboriged hy lurb treaty or hy vipreat pruvulunt of taw, imr

. hull moory appropriated to execute » treaty bl iraniferrrd or

.pp i.-il to uny other purpoie.nio. 3. Tint from »nd »ftcr the lilt! d»y i«1 I>»c»i_!'<r IIB

the Secretary of War ihill eirrcue Hie tuperviiory ind »pp. II it» [nweri. and ixnteai tbe Jarudiction now eirrclied »odi>"»ieiicd »)» the He.rrtary of lh» Interior li relit on to «IIthe »cn «>f tbe (.'iiuin.iBsi'i.'ier ol Iiidim Affairi and ibali tlgnnil i»i,ul«itioiit fur lb« adtaoce or payment uf money out ofth» 1 r«saury un Mliioitei or account». luMect to the lameail' iitmrnt cr control now exrrelied ob ii tudar «tin »tri or

aveeount« by the Auditor! and Comptroller» of tLi Trcuury,or either «<f them.

Si c 4 1 hni the f-ecretiry of War ihill be aathoriied,wkenerer in bli opiuion it ibnll promu!» u.r rroaomy and »Hiciciicv ot tb« Indian lemce. to eitablub conveoleiit depart«minti and diitnct« for the proper admlnlitratlon of tb« dalielnow imposed by law on tb» SuperlDteadenti of Indian Affilri,and upon areote and lab-afenU. and to tal,»Pint» fir mu,

lUfx-rint« ii.'inti «od «(«uti, offlcrr» of the army of the t'oltedState«, wbr «ball tie de«i|rtiat«'d for that purpose, and who. hall then bicorne obir.ed with all the dotle» now impoied bylaw upon the luperlnteodenti and ».eut« ibu« «iiperirded. sodwithout additional compensation therefor. Offlerri of tb««ni.) an deiii» natrd iball not be re.j ulred to rire the bondi nowrequired oí dril appointée«, bat iball I,« r««pon«ibl« for anyneglect or mal»dminlitr»tion »ccordiuf to the rule« and sr«liclei of war.

Si _. That all oontracti for trimportition connerted withthe ludían »rrrlre iball bereifter be made in the atnie tninner

and at tbe lame time provided for tranvportitiob for tbe dmof tbe army.¦BO »'« That the Secretary of War shall be aotborned to

withbofd »II iperlil lioeii*ri from trader», »na an.rr rernli-lloni to be by him prescribed to provide the time» and placeiat which all trader» complying therewith m«y preient them«telrrt for Imigain, Patter «lol richanre wuh the lererel In¬dian tribe« according to tbe Itwi of tbe United Bute« regula¬ting th» «ame.Mr. SiiF.KMAN explained the object of the abovo amend¬

ment» and their neceMity. It could not lu« intended s» areflection upon tho presont Secretary of the Interior, lie-can«e the proposed chango would not take place until De¬cember next, and few month« lat.-r the present ¡»locre-tory would tie s member of die S.'iiii'e. 'It was not knownwho would be hi» BBBOOesar, and therefore no perionulr.-ilr. tim,« could h«> intend««d in making the change. Itwould be more economical to bare the Indian Depart¬ment a branch of the War Office. Tho places of the urn»eut civil einplo) en of the Bureau could I"« tilled by oUn ern

of the army, »ixl their lalanes could bo «sved hy tho Hov-ernmeu». Mr. Sherman dwelt upon other provision«« ofthe ahovs nmendunut, helieviug tho uropoiod changewould be benebcisl ss well as economical.Mr. DooLiTiiBiaid there were many reaions for mak¬

ing the proposed tr.i: «!'. r, but there were more and strong»er ones sguinat it. He dwelt briefly on tho res«oni forand against the smendment.Mr. 8T-WAUT advocatod the proposed amendment, sfter

which further _efe____B__B of too hill wa» |»OMtpoii.'(iuiiiil Tuesday, and, on motion of Mr. Doolittlb, theS'1.ate, at.'! o'clock, went into Executive iciniuu, andloon after adjourned.


Mr. K\f_oy, on leave, in(roduced a Joint reiolution ex-tendiiiK for "ii.- y.-ur tim time for coiiipletiu. the Agri¬cultural College in Iowa, under the Agricultural Collegeb 11,The re«x.|u»i.»n w 1« read three time» and pa»»ed.

HALE <>K A MILITABY Rl MERV .Tint-.Mr. DoN-H-LLT, from the Committee on I'ublie I_nd»,

rejiorted back the Senate bill suthonnng the Comtnu-iionerof the General I-ind Office to sell at public auctionthe unsold lo?« on the Kort Howard Military Reservation,in Brown County, which was read throe tunes and passed.

..LI'IKRS' IIOBRJ-TEAM.Mr. I)on"__li.Y »!»o reported the House joint resolution

to permit soldier! _pr whoa homestead» bad been selected

witkonl ti »-ir peraoaa! eaareiaetioa, to ehaaaa such home-with them, In the «ame land district.

paid in the t.rst .¡¡«'¡¡¡'¡ci' to applj to t!.«- secondion.

I h«» ti .««'lutiiin WM read a third time and passed.AORtCI i. URAL OOUBBB BILL.

Mr. Doxaaur also reported kdrerral' I B te hillsd eeetton2 of the Agriealtoml í .

n the tuhlt*.I, stn MBTBtOTB.

Mr. ff'T'll"" R» Bore Hi" Itee, reportada bill ter the orgai ration of lead dlstriets la -risées»

-. DtaJb and Muntum, »hu b an read Baretiara and

MONT INS A H7BTBI1BB DISTRICT.Mr. c.i.o«s*BRFSNKR ¡ii.««i r«'|«.rt»..i n bill ereetiag the Ti r»

t' Montana lato s asperate surveying dittnct.kfter debate, Mr. PucBoppoelng, ana Mr. amil. I of

Oklo sutaining tka hill, ibeoOl w <t«i pasead.LOCATION OB LAND SS \ RIANT*..

Mr. Kcki.ev, Ben tka nan Coaualttee, reported beek.drereelj the Boera bill ellowtogfra years further time

rtha l.',...t¡.m of Lead warranta iaaned bj Virginia t.» herofficers ami soldiers nf the Virginia line. Leid <»n theto de and report ordered to be pilotad.

LANDS TO OREGON._a« F.i KI.F.T also reported, witkamendmenta, the Senate-»antill.' lead to the stat«- ot Oregon, to aid ia ther.i tinn of a military road fron Albany, Oi'«*gon, lo

ih -saetera boaadarr of tka BUM.Ti:«* ansaBnaati wt ra ia ian! t", ami Ike bul neeed«Mr. Va Ki EY al».» report..I, a ith MimiliB-SBll. til" Senate

lull graatii f lands to the Biala ofOngoa lo n-l ia tkatraction of a military road from Carrawa le the

A' .ninia Bar.1'he nu,»:.nin.n! waa agreed to, nd the bill i ',

« onoouBAi mo lAire 01 rronaat No the tin« Lead Oflfa «

rida, Louisiana ami ArK. poiata»elected tor theloeatioa of the '.'1 n_-<*a are

..-'tni'iv, a lu.. TaHahaeaw, Un., Kew-Orleoae, La»¡l.ittjc K". t»'. Ask., .iii.l .ft. keon, Mi»*..

II..SII ITBAM in Nins »li XHLO SN'ii AIUZoVA.Al-«», Hu- Hou«.- bill entitling to ike beaoftla of the Pr»

neetloe ead Besaeateed is ÍOssaa "f ih« Uailed Btateara* ding m tetras n vUlagee of Boa -Mci.and Iriseaa,

0 ii.'.l"' .It, ». ¡it ii: ir landa Of Hi«* l nit* d Stale«.¡¡iii! arc tin» bona Ide owensofibe laaproreiaeBts ikereoa,

bo igk Mu >¦ ara oat ti aiding and bara bo. reeldi .1 obtlic lands. It na»« r. ad three liSBM ami | ii.«-' d.

R.uLRusDLABBB inchreoaniA.« !n..-..'-, ii a Puñete bill graatii g sid for

the. '»¡'»'ruction of b railroad ni <l telegra] 1» line nom K«>1-m.iii to pi ..inri iii«', i al. Tka areeada greed tom,d tka billABTBBsa BBroan raoa m pcblio lam», oom«

MITT-i.. m

Mr. neutre Ben tke rame Committee, the following erara Tke Ho -¦ bill to mead

.s ¡¡ii.I lo« a''»,» "I «Maiupril'iKiil landa; memorial of the Legislature .,!

W a l n It« ;. n lati a lo i oromon a boots; ike»,' '.¦',r sad Legislatara of Utah Territory

g tor » donation "t lo« n litea tot f b» »l parpen »

Ibe petition of the National Normal Behool Association,prating grant« of! nd toeetabliah Kiata Normal Bekoola;

the ear igattau of I M tetaeipm Hirerat Bl. Rael and Mianeapolu the petition ef c_ua_na ofHádalo, N. Y.. t« r« .. -. Is f,,r tne In toro

ment o' Iii.¡.-I. Hail., r, l.aki» Buperior. Mr. Rollrd that the advene report! In tke Iwo la'ter eean

I.- ii.'iu i.ost.M'i to ti.- prop altioi -. bal be-prorition waa made is tka li sr sad Harbor Hillrrert la ikes« nan. 1 Irenen porta ai re ...i

il'l".mopes op mnrBlina.

si li».i sus. aleo fren ree aaara Conmittee reportedbaa I» the li..!.«.* bill ;» antboriae '. partore from Ike <.«-

- .r»., » m.- i:¡ the 1 ¦¦: New-Si. \ o end Art/on.i.

I»i re| explained that the 1,11 «a«

i.y ti,.' c« ii.:» isa n «;. ii f '!-. i«ii!., ,i: ,i «aa render .! b«wi mi] bj tke Inegaler eon»n.» irai Ion of the Itiy. Tka bill «u«

pean a.I SMi Till.! - IN I Sl.IKOHSI V.

Mr. .ii an. ii. in ti,, mae Commlttc«, np n. .1 beek,sis, the Senate bill to gran! lead titles in

« ll.'iorc the ra a.L. g i>t tli« bill wa* completedanlag bow 1*; in I and 'li" bill w« Di orei li

«lal nit.TKRIIITORT OP MS« fit».

Ml S.MILEV (»!.:.. IL'Hi !!»'* I I

reported the Howse bill ia próvida a leragerarj Oorern«I. rnt» ry of I.In oin, «aLull w.i.i ord« r« .1 t«.

I»«* i tileI ni «I r.minitta _Laid is ii'N»ini' run r____o_Ara line«.

i> -i...ti..¡i of Mr. Ani.v tke Beanie lull t" aldtofkeconstruí tina of teh graph 11n«. *», ami to aoean to

r .!. military mid Otheria takes from ike Bpeaker'a table, reed!wira

l*,»«-4»tt!i. ( iiiiiiittec'

A PARK NEAR SI _g_ IM. ,,s.

Mi Rica Matee! ialredaeed a MU tor the estai ishnenta i.!.|.c park in tke District of Col

.. ¡1 wt» No1 « u a aad 1*1 r:c'l t«.' Ikl I :.imi"-

|«JI er» «lo! liloII!, li\fli TaRIFV Hl M..

h» Bean «. b1 lan Conmitt« a ni tke who], oe'.. ol 'h'* l BiOB, Mr. S norn Lp iii the chair, aidI :¡«i leration ¦.! tke Tariff Lill.

Mr. A-E* SBO-ei »I io :,, mara tin* «Inly on SqaS-,or Iron caarked foi mmnrlng ma «.x to t.n enfs perpeaad

Mr. iialdin«) lil. .p: «ed I sadmeat ead nid iianaM be better to pat $JOO,l)00,OU. out of Ike lr«a*ury to

..-tit tin*» bill wasdeelgoed thaa topantin« hil.Tin san adinna! ~a» wiifcdnwa.Mr. Mom ill mored to mci. .»¦ a it»" i t j- sa neerea ef

steel or iron Burked for tot Baal lag Ram mi to innocentsa Bon d.

.itr iiAiii'iNii'iil protested againet the principle of tax-

lag the people wika \\ -t f.»r tin- beneBi "i Baaeara amaa>facturer*.

Mr. Kelly r«pii"l that ikeqoesttonofprotectionkentu-dnv h .1.« miiicntly a question of proteettoa to th*

grew« «»I win».it tlum t.« tti" iiiiiiiufactiiii'r of any taiiric.\ir. .m.-okiii ah Pana.) argned generally that tke

amount of daty laid oe arttdes had eot tka afloat of ia«¦ 1 egtfcelr.¡.st, illia.'tratmgtkaargnaraatAjtkensa«*r-tioii ti at saearra «»t «t»« 1 m beagar now tina -hey were

when iii" duly an l- reMr. Oaidimi ,111.) ridicule«! the argananl ami < -lied f'»r

n relucho,. 01'duiics for the In in-lit of tin* pople of tin*West. Ile saul ili«t if tke duly »ni cut nail* was taken offtber « nld be arada mack ekeagi r.

Mr. Dawn referred to eat awls tkal withm tin« rseel»i»-ctioi. of .Mr 11 ffdtag » in'" antier the laleeen ..r thenoteettra principle, ¿al aaile kad fitllea la pri"* aatiltiley wert» BOW pincha««!.le forOBO'fO-ltk of «hat tiley

I nea Mean «ears «go. ii«»! h not hen tor pnteetloa theiM'iiple ot tin«, t-oiiii'ry would In* lo-.lav ISgOB-hOl uponKngl*inl and ihe old prii e* aamltl kin l" I"' pani. I'ndcrtin« »yaieiii of prut"! ti»,ti 1 oii)|i'titi,,11 hod sprung up andbransrkl the » mala arti« le "t sal nail» lena t<> one-fourth«i i, it it woiii«! karo Brae had Boo»trade beeaeaeoar««aged ami the mouopoly of the innrket hit tu Kugluiid.Ae p,mil'!«* waa the »¡tun» m regard to every other arti-Sin 'I he Tariff Hill could Le Inimeu on one <«f two prill-rlpl.-a a|.»iii» <»n Um principle of laying the duty on theraw material, or of la) mg it on tim manufactured articleThe !:..! t of the tarin be oin« of two thing*. Itmust hntig in the manufactured artnlc, or it must hrmgin the laborer In um« It It must iii port ihe lekenr or Ikelabor. 1'lie article inns' he inaiiiifn ti.r« ii mi this »nie ofthe water or on the other »itle. If on Iks other side, thelaborer will »tay tlnrn, if on this «ni", the laborer willcome her«« and i-nrieh lae country, Hie gentleman's (Warding'*) St.ita- more than any other part. If Illiuoia wantedwealth, she must have l.ibonr«; and laboréis «be couldhave If «he «oui«! permit thom to baie employment onthis sid«« of the water, rather than on the stBQT. 11" lolied Ibe g.-ntli'iiuiii or any one else to form a system oftariff on auy other than one of tlicio two principles.Mr. MoKBli.L'a amendment, increasing the duty on

square* of steel and imu to '.1 tents a pound was adopt«««!.On motion of Mr. Allison, tim raee-Ba duty ou table

cutlery wa« reduced from II lo I'.' cents per deem(In motion of Mr. Dawes, a puragraph wa* inserted

taxing wardrobe loi Is. \t. 1.' MBtS p«*r ih .1 u ami In jmrcent, ad »alorctii.On motion of Mr. CiitiswoLi«, a Bangnpk was inserted

taxing horse ami mule shoe« I tint» pi r peaad.Mr. Morrill neeed le meed Ike paragraph about rail

road iron, sons le read: *' On all Iron imported in bar« forrailroads «ml inclined plane», made to pattern and titledto bo laid «loa u on such roads ami planes a ithout furthermaaaaartare, i eeal per peaad."Mr. Wilson »Iowa) moved to amend the amendment

b» making Ihe duty seventy rants peroue hundred pound«.He sai«! be wa* uliuo*t «lisp« sed to recommend the fruin Pi-nnsylvHiiiii (Kelley) lo th« appaiiuting poweras bead of the Agricultural Department, on accotiut of thoideas he had put Mik.-M which the farmers of the Westhavo much difficulty ia coinpn*h«*ndiiiif unless they comein some «pecial form. He (Wilson) fourni by a statementbefore kim that the amount of internal tax taken off railroad iron was|H IO per ton, and sa Big iron «$.! Id. Hothought that ought to be regarded us a suificicut advan¬tage U» the iron rollors.Mr. Obiswold stated that the mnuiif_.cturcrs of railroad

iron ha been losing money tor the last three or lour years.They could not compete to-day with Kuglish manufac¬turers.Mr. .«.ii*«» dow«) aeked Mr Briewold totafornkka

how :ir,ii h lin« manul'actiiH rs of railroH«) iron had lout.Mr. (¡aisv.oi.1», »vitbout anssvi-ring the questiou, asked

Mr. WUioii whether he considcri'd that striking at thogreat mninifactutini; interests of the country wa* the wayt«) ».-i ur. thu general prosperity mid interest I The ,-o<t of.¡still, i.y rinlrtiails was from $-10,(100 to $.iO,(H)0 ¡ternilli), wh le the diffurenco betwoen thepr»«ent dutv on ironand tia»* i'ro|Hi»e«l iltity was only $l.'i'i per mile. That wa*the whole of it. Speaking of the Free Trade League ofNew-York, b* said that nut one among it* nflicer* or coun-

sellors w«h iibniiUiHl with the industrial interests of theI'ltitrd Mates; but they wcro almost without excoptioni»tentifle«l directly <»r indirectly -»ith the Kuirlish trade.

Mr. liAVMONDsan! that thu waa a «implo question ofdetail. The iron rolling mtereft of the country was en¬titled to pmte« tiou also. The duty on railroad iron waaraised lut year from $1. 40 per tun to $15 75, expressiv forthe reesan that the internal «W. amounted to $8 IO. Thatinternal duty had been taken On, and yet it was proposed

i,. B to ra|M i!.«' '1 i'v- M ¡mi or'« d 1MB '" .-'-' 50, cijiiival.-nt to an on reeee ef |'« 75 in additi« n to the $8 M of in¬ternal f.»x ia.;., n «:!', bciag ;.!) iaereaaed protecUoa of|l5 15pertuB. That waa « r< f large iaereeai lathii.ita «,f d',ty (,*i railroad broa, iron Imported under theBraisai law ln»«l to pay now a daly or $!¦'» 75, ia gold |mightehergea, eanal to$5S6oi mi¦¦¦¦

atmissioas amounting to *'i mop makingla .ill «BB r j m gold, orfSB t. In -anency, to tx paid on

every tun of railroad iron brought bore from Kn«Aü'i iihw u a to inereaaa the «lnry *'i la¦old or 110 ia cu'.rciv, eo that .viy railroad eompaarthat bought h ton of iron would .'¡av.* to [my when landed,m loud, $|M m cuiT.-ucv, ov.-r und ¡ilove tin* cent of tli.-arti« le al road. The great oiuplainl le asada agalitoet-oa weaaotthatu ««.is wroag ka principle,hat thatthere «B-l li" ml t" it. -lhey had 1" BB told IB the b< gin¬ning that protectioa would only be acedad for a mw

y.-u-s, lind then ti at the m¡an__ct__-racoi 11 standalone, ii.ey Lad been adding on momoro protecUoa for the l..-1 IO .,r ni reen, ami stilltim auuiufaetaren asked fbr Mia Ti.«« X'tv-York( 'Titi.¡I ¡o,d Mile Railroad« employed together fin!iii.' - BMN ipital than .¡11 Uta P« ling'Billi in the I'l.P «1- at! i, disbumng tan limes ns mai h nosey te work them.BB I »ii|iporlni_ tea tune. BB luiii'.y ('Copie. TkCM two road»Manead usually one-titiii of their iraak araryyear, ra

quiring, aa» b of them, 90.0-0 tuns of railroad i r« ¡i. At thei':«-nt rate ol duty lae aaty ob thal wan|773,900; at theincreeaed rate prepeecd It would be ÉU.5,0.0- that ii t«>

«,iv. ti.« -'. tw road v, nuiil pay about f-,000,000 bj of[¦.".. it,on. They had Mud l'-'.v «i 11,.,'."'««. n a»

interna! tax. I_enmas. beaa ead to tint.tiny nil_Ol sPiml -nch ¡i pp *»i,r««. 1 'le M WC-B OBly two railr.'.i.l"!i.|'-i!:,.-H. All tin» railroad __a_pe__-i «t the i nitedHatei had pani last ».. m Uttk leas laaa |tf,O0B^00 tor ia*ternal «tax, and now it wai ara need to pal apoa th«'mI i,000,000 "t -fo.iHjO.uoO moi,- in the Bhape of protection.ile ¡li brad to ace the Uaae comb wheatheea -iiniifaota..lag '-,-' ihl «*lu:.< ni«) would ban t-oi footing noagk M pao»te«-* th. h,m im a. At any rate ha did no1 like la lee Utiralkoadsof the eoantry saddled «with laora-oai taxationmerel] for the protection ol ii:«- iron . nt« nat, whichw;in now amply mt. b (LMr. (ikinwotn ,i«ki d vt hellier the gentleman BayMOnd)

ignored'he tact tlm.t liol,:.« competition WM the -tire-t

way, not only In theory bal m aetaal experiment, t<>

cheapen production I lae iron-rolling millitrv, with a upo ity to produ« «. ¦.<<"»,« »«.o tuna annually, pro*:'ici lau year onJr 3-0,ihm to 100,000 tarn, heeaaaa thelovr grad«sot English Iron «oold be sold bera eheapar tlmuAn.« ric in raUroed iron. No breach of Industry ia lin¬gi.uni had erer eoatributed «-<. reach to the natioaslwealth and proBp-rity ai the great Ina iatereet Bl ;.|-apfjaalsd lo Bia eoileag-e Baymond not to per-Bit ayajudgment tohewaxpeu hy the futile and ipeciouaargu**

r latin:Bled la railways or

foreign _Mn____t__i -,

Mr. W r_aOB (Iowa Mid II w. ¡11 ban beea nott

lai-p.ry if the gentleman Ori-wold inetead of dealing Inj, m pi« a. lad i oBM «I"»* ii i" «1« tails, lad «ml liow

iiiM' li the Iron manufacturen badloal la their business.Thi« w.m limply legislation in furor o_ keeping ay highpriées, i.'i n M i. ire i o cih.-r effect,

Mr. ( 11) .«¡nil thai o ti ixed M it «badalready beeaoa bef iron, then |asUec r inured thal dary

ron. It c-ai -lu»-" the «na ii t«) bmBsa tun ««I r;iur.._'i Iron aa .t did .i toa o» ecaiaMM t it Iron.lie «letiiuiiii« d.tbat the Iron Inti reets 11 Un o iBtn «1 ould

ten np ind destroyed hythe inter-»i« m foreignm.up.fa turersa li«' Birminghamimt'hf.i-rtthneta-tury .nal¡m, laed E__lia__eal thal n«:,,ml,i ', bj ctedtosuchr-Striijbrerir aacars the iroa trade to l agtaad. ttmt s

th.- purpose and policy ol Ureat Britain. Those who de«. '. rat Britain ihould roi « ead in the) p lb

vote for the pr. poaiUoa of the geatk man frOM I"vra iMr.\\ Ima), la li-Oabillwai actually latroduced uko theBritiah Pari batereryln nill la Amen. ¦

ihoald i"- '¡«'tip llshi d, Baal li aaly li« kel h. rotei ef being(¡irri'il. ¡it a propoaition wai carried that no Iron-mlDsh«,nid be erer erected and bo tnp-hanimer nm bywatMpnwrr ahoakt he ara« rd in Um coloaiea of J__aertaa I heyn. ghi | r hP.i the r.m material and sh.p it to longland fori., .lu of but whenerei they jr« peeed lo aten beroad...nd Make f'T tin ¡i m«1v - « i..' non taey ! aeded, lae Bim*ii. -ii.un smiths wi 11 pto Pariiaiaeat aakiag IhraM ii -igto-ianob u should torerer Beran «the trade n «Um people efOreat Britain. I tort ef iaeae .___«

Mr. DoOOB argU'd in pt r «d _B8BMMd prote« liou to

railroad iroa,pr dioiiag t:...t aadari|»Billiwoaklop all or r lae w..t. i.'.t oal*ta__alM aaa rails but t«>

r« -roll old on.«-, ami t" j» rp' Inala m Ihl chiaposlpostants the rxtstei ee ead progress of railroad- We.tuanl.

Mr. AU-BOB Ipi «.' n Biri r of n-,Im lag the duty 01 rai'-

road io n. Befogged geaUesen abo aeia iB-Mtliii on

protection bo! l nip) uee that thone who were opp«>-<*<l to

to«, mu« li | ri'teciii.n «ere tr'«-tr,ider.. He was willing to

give t,, him.e,i facturer» ¡iii the prottciiou which UMexigency raqaired, bal ae n ara. Be knew afaa iron millin I'eiiiintlv-nnv which, «>u a o.ipitul of $.1)0,000, bud paidlast year *,.'lo 0>i of mu-rmil tax and he did n.-t suppose

¡ it had be« n running at a lo.«». He found that the iroa.roiltag Iatereet bad I- <-n growiag d irii | the y. ,,r,ai:,l thatthe mm-mil!» of Pi nan u ¡ina bad paid atan Internaiisraaea tot the mat Bsoata thaa they had ; si I dnriag thepr.« diag y« sr,aad yet titty 'i*k' d an _dditio___ n,p lion<>»$»" a tun after bariag beea retteted of *H in internaltai. Besideathat, other hgnlatiou had ben MBit hi

ii. ir lei..iii «¡nil a» requiring all the Pacifc Railroad( nuil .tin.» to purchaaa Iroa t Amen«-.m mai ifa-turera.Ile thought that th.- iron iBtCMBt ought to Le jiiii h s.ttts-!.. .1 with 'h' ii »¦ t tr.ff.Mr. Hen lAMIJl gfn*3 the | r. MBl daly on in

iron TI«, »'ittiiieiitiv high as a protectioa to that laterrM.Mr. SltVKNn riiiid' all this.« lie. -trad.- «1<k that

naaaw located along the M:sM«-.ppi, w".,re soeaa feenay»dawa farther Benth, I ha«l h§ped that tl.ey ».

pBBged-TOM the fr« e, indastrial inainuacturing Northluit I B-l urnt.ikui. Whatever « Ne they do, 1 uyi veryMffry thal lae South han nut taken awoy with it all iii.«-.»p.mi.¡ii« ,1 eti nee. thirty yean age, btfaae tkeaa we_e

rolling null- In Penna] levui.t foi iron ban of thin kind, the

price ofthe article latradaeed ùbm England vu«, immiCall thnc lilian |t «TBI live Venin age» Before thewar, the rein. Uea wai iu»< d r». ii 111y i y protecting Aa_»r*taaaiatereato,eadeaabUuthe iron nulls to b_ud Baatruie, »mi «.«t, tkeaa paatteSMB (ai:in,t see it or under¬stand it; thev ure binni to vervthiug Im» theory, whichi- .i un re ti.« on-, mut never mu 1,,- reduced topi Iv« iihont eraahiag all the lataceeti M Ike b tau trv. Do not¦aatk-Maa k¡ ««-a tint the p-non why Hacha- au tarniher ;r«>Ii «>v««r here ¡in nhe iloea i- becaune the pnev of labori» .mil Aboii* «aae third abai ¡t i» hen* ? The [ince of mmi« «teil Beeertalaed to Bstat "i obi »tweaUeth pall ofcap¬ital and uinctet*ii-t»t«!i!it lL» at labor. It i. (¡t labor, thor«'lor.-, iii o theos _' iitl*»iiit n ¡«re »tiikiug It i» !«bur Whichthe Kre«-tiude !.. ague troiji ',»b_o a¡«¿ Bttemoting to gnnd.|_t_4ttat«thBViae.tradi f-seaueol -Taw-Yort baa,withm.ich lilifTn*('«ri(»e. put (¡\>'«n __ it» list of BMBIgera the

' u.tmeo! the geutleiiian fPOM Ohio i !lr. KABBBB«)Mu. Bru NS sbrOpUy eieeed hi» remark» at that ptiiut,

laving that ha waa too -Xhaeeted toBreeeed.^lr. Ka--0.h î-.tiil " I ¡in glad that the gCBtleBMB from

I'eiinnylvania lian MBBBed bfal snggenlion tiiitt 1 am a ticetinder. I am glad «if it for two parpoaea trat, thal I tunyHate what kimi of dilmon exists on the purt of principleswhich divido the Heaaa as they do Um country oa thiimihjc.t. Then» ia, OB UM ase hand, the absolutely free,trader, who WilkietoebeMah Cuttom.houses, and let thoui.irket» of tho -«.rid bo n» Ire«« a» the market.« of our owncountry. At the antipode» fuuii here i« a man who callshimself h pr«'iecti«,iii»t, but who i» a prohibit.on-i»t; aud who Maa ef them, a particular friendof »he distinguished gcLtlemsn from Pennsylvania),t"ld Mt he would build np a Chi-COl wall between theBallad Stat«a and every otLer part of the world. BetweenUMBI two extrem.¦ are two other one of themwi«hes »imply to foriti-r the infantile industries of Americauntil they «re able to ttke care of thein.elvei in free com¬petition with the energies sud industries of foreigneo-Btfiee. To that tb»»s of IBM traders I belong. Theother is a chu.'« of men who sino cull themselves protec-tionuts, who wmh to build np monopoliei in tbo countryat the I'ipciine of the couiumer and at the expense of otherindustries in winch they are not concerned. I do cotpretend to «y to which of these four clssses sny member«if this House belongs except myself, but I do distinctly«flinn, and io know« the Free Trade League of New-York, and any other Free Trade League that ressrds meas committed to their lutcrents, that 1 Hand for the fostering of the infantile interc.ti ot America. But when thevhave oktalBed their maionty, and can itaud alone, 1 would«ay, '¦ Uandi off," and 1 would then open to the people ofthe country the privilege of buying where they could buy«lie.ii-.iit, and selling »hen* they could sell highest. I amPt defensive sgsimt the aggression of othercountne« on the interests of our own ; nut I am not foraiiuitnlatiug the privilege of a free people entirely to bsvea eoMpetttMB iu the markets in which tbey are compelledto buy and sell. If that ii to be a free trader, I glory inthe word. The millions of people lu the West cannot seeit when you tell thom tbst tbcv aro selling their railroadiron cheaper, with the sxtrs duty on it, than they got itpreviously.The debate was further continued by Messrs. Keller,

Orinwold, Morrill and Hale.Mr. Halb said the cheapness of iron in this country be¬

fore the war, and which would exist to-dar but for the in¬flation caused by the wsr, was the result of a protectionto home industry, of building up American interests, ofdiscriminating lu faror of oar own labor, so ti to give themarket to borne producers. If the horne manufsctarerswere struck down, the people would be left at tbc mercy offoreign importer«.At !e!¡gili the debate was closed on the paragraph andthe Committee proceeded to vot» on the smeudment.Mr. WiLSoa's amendment reducing the duty,to 70 cents

per 10«» pound» (the present rate), was agreed to by a voteof 50 to 49.

Its opponents, however, rallied on the next vote, andMr. Morrill a amendment, to which Mr. Wilson s wassu smendmeut, wa» rejected by 48 to 5_, thus leaving thoparagraph as in the original bill, making the duty 1 centp<«r pound.

\ lirions motion! were made to smend it further, but theysll failed.

Mr. liCNDr moved to incre._e the duty on old scrap-iron from $5 to fio per ton. I «**

< »n mot ¡.m of Ifr. DotxiB, ten per rent ad vslorem wasadded to the duty on iron «vire.

Mr. II ile mured to increase the duty on all cast orshear iteel from four and one half couti a pound to brocents a (mund. Rejected.On motion of Mr. OkiswoLD, s paragraph wss inserted

putting a duty of four eenie per pound ou railway frogi,MA

( hi motion of Mr. Asir.« t «i« el «as incrc<i*«_Irotn 45 to HO p.*r i.t.Mr. Hídridos irr a paragraph as followa*Oa nil bonds, eertiftcatee of atock or orara evidence o'

Indebtedarae of ti." DaitedBtatra «i ¡my Ktate, keaagMback <»r returned fal |avmeut. sale »t "ll-ition ba-lor*ii ., IB p.r c.'iitui'i ad v lion m.o ti tiiotmii of Mr. Iioiiit. the duty am crinoline wire .

waa i:.« reasad from 7 to IO nata p.r j» und.Mr. o Null moví d lo iBcrene i.,f «luty on hardware

from I.", t«. t>«i per MBtam ad talogaS-. !«« j.cted.Mr. Hcbbabd, of fonn. ti ut. u ored lo strike oat th«

per ¡graph oe copper ore In pur a uiuut ad valorem.Without disposing "I 'I" HUicnilmviit the Committee

rose.The portion of Iks lull, tem i .i.c», diageesd of fo-dsy,

Is ns follows:Ob chains asede of iron reds le«* than onr-foorth ot an inch

la Haast lill, ead lilli ! " ~ ire frange. (Ive cent» per<»n chain» m»de ot Iron rod« les« than No. O wire

puniré, five cents p« r pound nt. I in ni l:ü.ui t'ereto 20 per«eut un «d valorem *n«l on b ack-inttb*' hammer», .t«>n« ham-uii'is mid tleilgc* i)f a I «I»»«» ipliutt» a I.«,1,y nr partially Iii«

mir cent» per pound. (Ja nrOSgM iron washer» and.nail». wLolIy or partially iinisbed, ot «¡1 description*, puncbs.1or nupuoctied. :i| aeeta i»r peaad. o. »crew», aamearae/called wood screw», two laefcea or over in tteeak eigii casts

per isir.nd; lett than two inchet in lei.gth. II eentl per namad.On «11 other »crew» of iron not herein eniiu-erateil, ¡uniongcrevr« of any other nietol than iron, -te. pi r centum .<! val 'irr*,

«in wrouirlit irnn tub«* of all ¿etcrtiulon«. four cent* perjaiund. (in wrought iron Intime» of a.I detention» «nil bed«»i r<~« (nreeatapar pound. <»n g.tlTiiii/"d iron of all de¬scription ti cent» per pom:«!. Cn anvil* of all description«,fotir easts per pOBMi uncut nail* and »pike* of eil da-scrip-«¡on«, twoeeatsper Bpeali onirilb%r.d*a*«i*no*oT«r-4 inche«in length. Bl .'Al per «I«»*-n and 30 cent im od valortat, over

».»4 mel aw in lenrth. »: SO por Isa n «ml .u addition thereto X1

per Matam alvalere«| oa *n buck «aw» aot exceeding iofnilie» in length. I» I per o/-: ¡ii.d in addition thereto 3-1per centum ad val.ireoi; over lu inches in lt*ngth B-"-'-1) perBOOBA ainl in mid lion iii »et.i 3t) per cent'.m nd valor-m un

aqaerea f Steel niaik«d ht uieatunng. Btae «en!» per pound.and in addition thereto J«) per centum ad valoren); on needle*of all kind*, fir «ewing, darning and knitting. 40 p«r eenuinnd valurent; on needle* fir knitting or tewing maelilnery |1per 1.1 «IO. aud in additiou thereto -5 penentum ad valorem; on

table cutlery, with keary, peail nr metal handle», |l perdosen, and 4") pel Beaten ad valorem on table tut lei»with other tliHii hear, p««rl or n.etal hardie». i_ cents

per do/en. ami in addition thereto 19 r tentum ad i'«lor««!on butcher kuive*. cools' and «Lue knues and apatula« **dpalettes, li per ym-eami in addition Hereto SO per centuma«l raletami on cutlery of all kind«, no1 im lading pocket i ui-

lei v nut I.. lein etherwtaa ptuiiibd fur. .".) per centum ad »a-

Ionia, nn peehal knue« iinil pocket cutlery of all kind*, valuedat not nvt r |j per ii»»/ .:. ~ô , all C1 <!> n. ad in a'blitlon'lu Ti ta» M l^r centum ¡,»l galen m, valuetl at over IS perd, seo,»! per dn/en. antlin sddtlloa tberem 5«i p.r centum Adíalo-rem¡ on steel skat"» i.:« or les» per pair. IO wahil»er ¡a.iir; ci¥tu y nvcr 20 eentl p»r pair 4' per centum ad ra-

lol :¡., nn pad)»* I.« and i any comb* of every de.crlptioo, andof whatever material composed, IS erata pradeña «nd iaiiddition thereto, 13 percent ad valorem on cb« it drawer.till, cBpboerd, ead waldra** ! eke of every ikeerrptioe andón

d «I» ittcr botts Bad m I'li-'lit iron i!ra»er«, 1*.' cent» per¦ 1 r.'ii liol in ini.'r; io I erato I l M I tat .¡n ad valorem¡ on

ills, all kind* 7 o t« i«i poaad¡ on mtia. k»."¡ «¡i igr, not ex '. ding »uteen u ¡ikcj to the ttoiitaad,

nor loee tbaa aaatber IS wi»e guage 4 eeata per pound; le»sm ñn ti,ni number li', .m: nut lev* than number '_.» wiieguage, ^1 «*enfs i»er p«'ii:,ti, |t»s than number _-'. snre guage, hcents ¡ht pound, and II p*-r cciituii) ud vaiorem On wire

loira!iorBitere tpriaga, a. < ata per peeedi on locomotive nr«<»f ¡ron or bar» rand ead tut for »nch u*e». of whateverI »ngth. Jl ent« tier pound on locomotive i»r bars ruledfor such u»e*. of steel or of iron, r«-h: «1 v Ihe BeaaaaBW pro-

l . .-nts per pound, on al! paddled an 1 list« red ti* el. «ndnn eil tteel other tli'ii BBM or ihect «tcel la bart, sheet«,slabs, plate*, coil», »ile«, tire, ard parts of mu hinri » forg

! lag«, a duty of _' ceuti per pound am all cast and »bear steelin uorr, ingot«, (bereit, «Un«, plate», coils, axle, tire, and part«of machinery forging«, valued at 7 cent* perponrd <»r Its, a duli of Ij cents per pound; on «IIcasi and »bear «te« 1 in han, lngnti, »Leets, »lan«, plat««, toil..Bike, tina and | ait» ¦ f ¡¡.at¡aim-ri fu:g¡ugi and wire exceed¬ing , of *u un ti in diameter, raleea al :¦' « I '¦ eera. ;¦« I pound,a duty of but 3 cent* per pound and 1" per cent ad valorest;

| on «tee) rod* and »te» 1 a ire not exe ednig j if in inch in di¬ameter, and not le«* than in wiri* irau^e. j cent* per prniud,ead lu addition lin per cent ad valeren - U liner than nuni-

ber I'» wire gauge, n cent« |iei pound aid .i' percent ad velo.rem ; «on metal converted, east or made from Bee bl the Beste-mere nr pn- lunatic procett. of whatever form or detcription.except ra.Kay bar*, w nether invoiced a« tteel I iron, or other-wi»e, J cent» per pound. -J cents p«r tuoaiand; exceeding«ixteen per round, on wrought iron rivet«, bolt», spike* andnails, lest ni sise than twenty-penny, 4 ewla per piui.d, ou illother wrougnt iron calla or (pike* Dot herein otherwi»e provided for, 3 cent* per pound, on bort« anil mai* »hoe», 'I oes,sper pound; on railroad »pine bar« or than», punch«*«, or un

punched. '.'; cent« per pound; on iron bar* for railroad» or in.t liaad pi «ne«, made to pattern ready to lay down. 1 ccot | erpound, on iron, known as ancle iron* whether in shape« calledT. I., and II., or any other »hope than roand, *», .iro or lil,not bert in otherwise specified. '.'1 cent* per pound, on ulaimi ap iron. B'iper ton,» provided t'int nothing thal' be de» meiti,l 1 iron that I.** not been in », lu.I we, and is lit only to bamanufactured by reheating and rolling nr weMBBgi on ironwire, bright coppered, galvanised or tinned, draan ami

! finished, noi more than one fon:n nf aa iaahle »luaicter, ontrailroa 1 bars, made in whole or in part 1'¦ Mt I «»»rcer cr

pneumatic (.roces*, and steel railway on» made in B n0 «nu

part by any other proce»*. -j ci nt* per pound on »tcelcarriage »pring». H cent» per peendi on lailroad frous, fiogpoint», l-l» bait and Lnger bars, 41 cents perpound; on »te.l, in any form, and on man'.fact »irr«

of aron description. not otherwise Inr-'in pro-Tided for, 00 per centnn ad valorem; on crino¬

line steel wire, dattened and tempered, whether covered or

other«I.e. 10 cent» tier pound; on crotr-cut .taws. H cent* perlineal toad; on mil! pit and drag sa«» not over nine incMawide, li cent* per lineal foot, over nine inchc» wide, .__¦ ceul«

per lineal foot; on hardware tool«, in pleno ui», ftfogmtotrttools, vises, braces, b.tts. tiie tnngt and sliovelt. hou»ebu:ldinghardware not other*is* heieiti protMad for (heave*. MOttAinstrument* for medical and turgicel uses, and like fiaUbed ai

ticlncf steel, whoil» or in pair, or of inn, braas, cpperoioib 'r metal, and whether w*ibed. plated o( gilt, 4* per centumad valorem; vu all b^L .-, __aa twiol.rt' hardware. -0 peicentuunil ml-TíBi on mtiakei». line*, fowlinr-plece*. pittol*.auuaT. other llre*rnis, IS p rcriium advtlorem¡ on »wor«isand sword blade*. _B cents each blade, and in addition thereto19 per centum ad valorem, on planter*' or other boes, whollyor tn part of steel or iron, f : per dozen. On ble*, file bunk«.ii«¡« ¡iinl .Liai* mt exceedinc five inches in length. 40 cent«

pardean over hie inches ami not exceeding »evtn loche*. Wcent* per doten; over teven inches sod not over nine in» he.«

Bl pei dosen; over nice lochet and not over eleven luches.t ii, per d. ten. over 11 incnet sod not over M inchet, B- perdoxeii; oser lil incli.t and not otet Id inchc*, I«' TO per dozes;over 15 inches io lengll«, ft i'|»erdi»s«n. .


CVBTtnOATBS OF lOBoB. ..**_Mi. Xewkli. offered a lesoiution. whit'iw.i» aalopted,

te.iticstiu^ Ihe Post Oltuc fommitfee to .iiquirc into Ih«exjt. ii .»ii» of authorizing tka .\.ljutiiiit-«GccernI of New-ietffj to ili«trib;tte thr.»ii_rh (he moil. Cres of postigo, aer-

tsin «ertiücatcs of honor swarded hythe Legislature t«i«oldieit ol that -State.

I -.*¦ TUS PARIS UrOSlTIO».Mr. .Uni, iii»fn the f««uiuiittee of Conference on the

Pan* Imposition bill, made a report recommending 'hsttho House agree to the Senate amendments, with amend¬ments striking out the vron!» '. lu com where they oa-enr,and the words " and return' ami " going and returning. '

He eiplained that they made the appropriation in currencyiastead ol m gold, and would reduce the aaeroarietteefrom $.115,000 to $1>Î,000. The Hoiisc bill had providedtor uatioual vessels on which to freight tbe goods, butthaSenate, upon the representations of the Navy Depart mem,had changed that, and. instead, appropriated |.V>.000 forfreighting expenses. The Committee recommended eon»enrrence in tnat.Mr. Kora proposed that aition on the report should be

delayed until the return of his colleague, Mr. Washburn,who was absent from sickness.The proposition amused the Route, es Mr. Washbnra

had fought the bill in all its stages, but, nevertheless, itwas not acceded to.Mr. Lawhakib (Ohio) moved to lav (be report oa i be

table. Kejected.The report was then sgreed to.vess, Î3; nsys, .1 and

then, at t 30 o clock, the House adjourned.lorvnin. is».«a.


BAILKOAU CO.tVESTInX.MCBDKBS.Al oitiA. Os (Saturday. June 30, ISIS

The freedmen conferred wuh the Inferior Court to-da»on the subject of education. The Court proposed loestablish schools, with the same rules and regulation«which govern white schools. The inclinen are to sendfor Northern teachers. Th«' .lodges made kind and con¬

ciliatory statements, and the fr*e_mer: replied in the same

spirit. The Court adjourned, giving time for the furtherconsideration of the suhiect.

Iks «Savii««-* Herald Bays that certain new-comeiaare planting on an extensive scale in that section, and pay¬ing the frtj-edmen in valuables, jewelry end trinkets. Aparty has gone North for a further supply to meet the nextpayment. The freedmen are discovering the swindle.sradissatisfied, and threatened to lear« without fulálling theircon tract.The Railroad Convention meets st Columbus ob the

11th of Julv for completing (be Memphis and SavannahRoad.

Dr. H. Eaton waa murdered by the freedmen in Can¬den County. The civil authorities arrested the murderers,but tbey were successfully resisted by a negro mob.There was a horrible murder at Station No. 15, Georgia,

on Wednesday night. Two freedmen butchered Mrs. R<> and her two children and a negro girl, killing the for¬mer and leaving tbe latter without hope «f recovery. Unaof th« murderer* wat arrested at Boston.

A Philadelphia Fire (eaapaar al, «io» .lu y 1. '.re*.

The William Peun Fire Company of Philadelphia,which arrived hera sbout 8 o clock last night, was receivedat the depot by the Holton Fire Department, and escortedthrough several of the principal streets to the UnitedStates Hotel, where a collation was partaken of. Tbeywere subsequently escorted to their quarters at theHancock House. The reception wai quit«» an oration,thousands of people turning out to welcome the Phila-«lelphian^ ami cheers and firework« and other pleasingdemonlHaliont greeted them oa the march. The fes¬tivities closed elx.ut midnight.To-day tba William Penn C'ompanv attended dinna

services at Grace f ¡mr, b. To-morrow forenoon tbey visit

Charlestown, and in tbe afternoon proceed to ¡Helen,where a splendid reception awaits them.

Pie aigaa al the 0**t*i«*i.FatTMtB Point «lu!» 1, MM M a «s.

Thcre are no signs of (be steamer Dau.iiaens from Liver¬pool, June '.'I.