Download - Liberi v Taitz Opposition to Taitz Motion Document 144-7 Adams Affidavit Exhibit 2

  • 8/8/2019 Liberi v Taitz Opposition to Taitz Motion Document 144-7 Adams Affidavit Exhibit 2



    eri\Opp. to Def. Taitzs Motion for Plaintiff Liberis D.L.

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    Liberi, et al\Affidavit of Evelyn Adams 1

    Law Offices of:PHILIP J. BERG, ESQUIRE555 Andorra Glen Court, Suite 12Lafayette Hill, PA 19444-2531 Attorney for: PlaintiffsIdentification No. 09867(610) 825-3134


    LISA LIBERI, et al,Plaintiffs,


    ORLY TAITZ, et al,



    Assigned to Honorable Eduardo C. Robreno

    Case No.: 09-cv-01898-ECR


    I, Evelyn Adams am over the age of eighteen (18) and am a Plaintiff in the within

    action. I have personal knowledge of the facts herein and if called to do so, I could and

    would competently testify under oath.

    I declare as follows:

    1. My name is Evelyn Adams (aka MommaE) and I am one of the Plaintiffs in this

    Case. I reside in the state of Oklahoma and I am definitely over the age of 18, as I

    will be 72 years of age next month.

    2. Our Case was filed with this Court on May 4, 2009 and the Crux of this Case is

    NOT Obama and his eligibility to be President, nor is it Plaintiff Liberis address.

    The Crux, Body, Heart, Soul and Teeth of this Case is what the Defendants did to us

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    Liberi, et al\Affidavit of Evelyn Adams 2

    PERSONALLY . Since the filing of this Case, the Defendants have attempted to re-

    write the case and have the world believe the case was filed for other reasons.

    3. In our original Case filing we offered and filed a portion of our proof, which was

    in the form of the e-mails we had received, Defendants Internet postings and

    transcribed radio show transcripts. We filed our own Affidavits, as well as

    Affidavits of some of our Witnesses, who were also harassed and threatened on radio

    shows, as they stated and asked for their identities not be revealed to the Defendants

    for fear of retaliation.

    4. I was in Philadelphia, PA for the hearing held in the U. S District Court, onAugust 7, 2009, before the Honorable Judge Eduardo Robreno. The purpose of that

    hearing was for injunctive relief to stop Defendant Taitz from further publishing

    Plaintiff Lisa Liberis Social Security number and other private information.

    5. Defendant Taitz, had posted Plaintiff Liberis full Social Security number, place

    of Birth, maiden name, address information; Mothers maiden name; Fathers

    name; and other private information all over the Internet, sent it out in mass

    emailing to thousands upon thousands of people and news agencys including


    6. At the hearing on the 7 th of August, 2009 Plaintiff Liberi showed the Honorable

    Judge Robreno her Drivers License, Safe at Home Cards and other personal

    identifying information. The Court did not keep the documents, nor did they take a

    copy of them. I saw Plaintiff Liberis Drivers License, Safe at Home Cards, birth

    certificate, marriage license and her Social Security Card. I can and do

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    Liberi, et al\Affidavit of Evelyn Adams 3

    TRUTHFULLY state, Under Penalty of Perjury, that Plaintiff Liberis Drivers

    License is not from California, or Texas .

    7. I will not state where it is from as Judge Robreno did state that the hearing and

    documents filed that day WOULD be SEALED. The only reasons Defendant Taitz

    is attempting to obtain Plaintiff Liberis drivers license is to publish it as Defendant

    Taitz has published all of Plaintiff Liberis confidential information. And, Defendant

    Taitzs wants to get a hold of Plaintiff Liberis drivers license to verify Plaintiff

    Liberis address to carry out her threats to get rid of her (Plaintiff Liberi).

    8. The Plaintiffs request was denied a second time and we then filed an Appeal withthe 3 rd Circuit Court of Appeals. While Defendant Taitzs states that the Transcript

    was NEVER SEALED, we tried to get it, as the Appeals Court wanted it. What we

    finally received was a letter stating that we had to have a Court Order from the Judge

    to get it, since it was Sealed. See Joan Carrs letter to the Third Circuit Court of

    Appeals attached as EXHIBIT A . The date of the letter is after we had asked the

    3rd Circuit Court of Appeals to withdraw our Appeal and send our Case back to the

    lower Court, to get it out of Suspension and either get our case moving or transferred.

    9. I have not been on the Internet or the Radio since November 30, 2009, as I have

    been very ill and undergoing treatments. I am now almost fully recovered and I have

    been kept abreast of our Case by weekly phone calls from my Attorney Phil Bergs

    Office. I have also been kept abreast of the case by the harassing and threatening

    phone calls from followers of the Defendants all day and night. I am truly disgusted

    with the distortions of truth and lies in Defendant Linda Belchers letter claiming I

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    Liberi, et al\Affidavit of Evelyn Adams 4

    have been harassing her, as I would never do that and it is impossible for me to have

    done that.

    10. I asked Phil Berg to file a Law Suit against Ed Hale, Caren Hale, Plains Radio,

    KPRN and Bar H Farms, for all of the slander, harassment, defamation of character

    and outright lies and malicious attacks that had been going on for over a year, against

    not only me, but him and both of us together. Mr. Berg informed me that he would

    be happy to, if he could combine Lisa Liberi and Lisa Ostellas suit against Taitz,

    Sankey and Belcher/Starr, as he didnt have the time to try two huge cases. I agreed

    immediately when I found out that Taitz, Belcher/Starr and even Sankey had decidedto include me in their lies and accusations. I told Mr. Berg that if they were willing to

    join the suit they wanted to file, with the suit I wanted to file that would be fine, since

    the Hales had decided to join Taitz, Belcher/Starr and Sankey and start slandering,

    harassing and defaming Plaintiffs Liberi and Ostella also.

    11. I have attached the Belcher/Starr letter to Radio Show Host Jeff Kuhner posting

    from Defendant Taitz web site as EXHIBIT B , where she states that I originally

    started this. There is also a posting there by Neil Turner that is attached as EXHIBIT

    C , that shows the continued slander, harassment and defamation of Plaintiffs Berg

    and Liberi. Neil Turner is also sending this garbage with Plaintiff Liberis picture

    and a purported address of Plaintiff Liberi and the untrue statements about us to

    White Supremacy and Militia Groups to incite them. If someone does not stop the

    Defendants soon, if not immediately, I fear that someone is going to be killed or

    seriously hurt .

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    Liberi, et al\Affidavit of Evelyn Adams 5

    12. I want to inform the Court once again, that Lisa Liberi DOES NOT do the Fund

    Raising for Phil Berg , I DO! NO one has access to anyones Credit Card

    information, and Plaintiff Liberi does NOT handle credit cards, as the donations are

    made through PayPals secure site. PayPal sends a receipt with the name of the

    person, how much they are donating, the date and sometimes an address , NO Credit

    Card numbers are on the receipts. Defendant Taitz and Belcher/Starr know this as

    they all have and have had PayPal Buttons on their web sites in order to receive


    13. I feel it is very important that this Court be aware, that Defendant Taitz washeavily promoting an event which she was setting up in Texas. In so doing,

    Defendant Taitz was telling people to call her or L.S. Defendant Taitzs volunteer,

    and give their credit card information (I will supply L.S. full name under seal to the

    Court, if the Court feels they need it). In the alternative, Defendant Taitzs told people

    to fill out a form and email it with their credit card information to either Defendant

    Taitz or L.S. So, as this Court can see, it was Defendant Taitz and her volunteers

    obtaining and handling peoples credit card information.

    14. In fact Defendant Taitz has a PayPal Button now and is begging for donations

    from her followers and the Public to pay for the $20,000.00 Sanction she received

    from Judge Land and the Georgia District Court. In fact she informs them that they

    should have to pay for it, as she is working for them.

    15. The Honorable Court made honest mistakes in his first order splitting the case and

    transferring it to California and Texas. When I noticed it I contacted Phil Berg and he

    was already aware of it and was filing to have the order corrected. Judge Robreno

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    Liberi, et al\Affidavit of Evelyn Adams 6

    checked the records and documentation filed with the Court and amended/corrected

    his Order.

    16. Your Honor, I have to ask when is enough, enough? For over a year now the

    Plaintiffs have asked for help from the Court to stop these Defendants and have

    received NO relief. Now they are still filing with the Courts in Pennsylvania the

    same falsified garbage they have been filing since we filed the original Case in May

    of 2009. This Case, according to the Orders I have received from the Court in June of

    2010, states that the case is being transferred to California and Texas and closed in

    Pennsylvania, yet they continue to be allowed to send in frivolous filings stating thatLisa Liberis address is the Crux of the Case now.

    17. Defendant Taitz is also saying that Plaintiff Liberi is a resident of California,

    which is NOT true and because of that Diversity is destroyed, which is nothing but

    more of Defendant Taitzs lies. Diversity is NOT destroyed, as the Court is well

    aware of . Plaintiff Liberis residence is NOT in the State of California or Texas and

    is NOT the Crux of our case and the Defendants know it. The Case is about what

    they have done to us, our families and lives personally and if they would read the

    Case they would know it and maybe file something with the Court that is actually

    about the Case we filed against . Instead they continue filing the same thing over

    and over, sending out the same garbage and pictures and changing each filing

    with different wording in order to see if they can make their lies stick.

    18. Your Honor, since this Case is in transfer mode, isnt it OBSTRUCTION of

    JUSTICE, by Defendant Taitz to be sending all of her filings to the very Court our

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    Liberi, et al\Affidavit of Evelyn Adams 7

    case is being transferred to, or been received by?? As noted on Defendant Taitzs

    service page of her filing, Defendant Taitz has sent her falsified documents to:

    Chief Judge Audrey B. Collins and

    Judge David O. Carter U.S.D.C., Central District of CA, Southern Division411 West 4 th St.

    Santa Ana, CA 92701

    The very Court, our case is being transferred to.

    17. It appears to me that Defendant Taitz is trying to influence the Court into refusing

    to hear our Case, when they finally do receive it. She is also sending copies of her

    filings to the people below and I for one would like to know what they have to dowith the Case the Plaintiffs filed?

    Philadelphia District Attorneys' office3 South Penn square

    Philadelphia, PA

    US Attorneys' officeEastern District of PA

    615 Chestnut str, ste 1250Philadelphia PA 19106-4100

    James SecordAssistant District attorney

    San Bernardino County316 North Mountain view

    San Bernardino CA 92415-0004909-387-8309

    San Bernardino County, CAProbation Department

    175 w. Fifth Str. 4th floor San Bernardino, CA

    US Commission on Civil Rights624 Ninth Street, NW

    Washington, DC 20425 C

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    Liberi, et al\Affidavit of Evelyn Adams 8

    Public Integrity SectionDepartment of Justice

    950 Pennsylvania Ave, NWWashington DC 20530-0001

    Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human Rights DefendersThe Honorable Mrs. Margaret Sekaggya

    Palais des NationsCH-1211 Geneva 10, SwitzerlandInternational Criminal bar Hague

    United Nations Commission for Civil Rights Defenders

    Orsolya Toth (Ms)Human Rights Officer

    Civil and Political Rights SectionSpecial Procedures DivisionOffice of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

    tel: + 41 22 917 91 51

    18. The above people have nothing to do with Our Case and should have never

    received any of Defendant Taitzs distorted filings. This is a perfect example of what

    Defendant Taitz does when the Courts do not do what she wants them to, as she has

    done this same thing in every Case she has ever filed.

    19. These Defendants are getting away with what they are doing to the Plaintiffs and I

    implore the Court to stop them, by telling them enough is enough.

    20. Defendant Taitz needs to have Criminal Charges filed against her by the Court for

    Obstruction of Justice, for trying to influence the California Courts for sending her

    filings to them on a Case that they have not received yet and, as well as perjury. I am

    asking that this be done. The Court should also file disbarment proceedings with the

    California Bar Association for her Illegal and Criminal activities in regards to this


    email: [email protected]

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    Liberi, et al\Affidavit of Evelyn Adams 9

    21. I am now asking the Court for relief for the Plaintiffs once again and that the

    proper steps are taken by the Courts in filing Criminal Obstruction of Justice charges

    and perjury against Defendant Orly Taitz and that proper steps are taken with the

    California Bar for her disbarment in connection with these charges.

    I declare under the penalty of Perjury of the laws of the United States that the

    foregoing is true and correct. Executed this ____ day of September 2010.

    __________________________ Evelyn Adams, Plaintiff

    State of Oklahoma )

    County of ______________ )

    On this ______ day of September, in the year 2010, before me _____________________ Notary Public Name

    a notary public, personally appeared Evelyn Adams, and proved on the basis of

    satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and

    acknowledged he executed the same. Witness my hand and official seal.

    ___________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC

    SEALMy commission expires: _____________


    13th Donna J. McCarty


    Received by fax, see the attached

    Received by fax, see the attached

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    Case: 09-3403 Document: 003110023894 Page: 1 Date Filed: 02/17/2010Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER Document 144-7 Filed 09/14/10 Page 13 of 24

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    Liberi, et al\Affidavit of Evelyn Adams 11


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    HomeAppeal of Carter CaseFrom reader CarolQuo Warranto Filed and ServedUS state dep is paying to restore mosques around the world

    Dr. Orly Taitz EsquireDefend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100, RanchoSanta Margarita CA, 92688 Copyright 2010

    World's Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site

    Your donations to the cause are much appreciated.





    - Thomas Jefferson

    The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers, do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, ESQ, and Dr. Taitz, ESQ has no means of checking the veracity of all the c laims and allegations in the articles.

    From Veteran and Community leader Neil Turnerand from Political Corruption Researcher LindaBelcherPosted on | September 6, 2010 | Comments Off

    Flag this message

    Veteran and Community leader Neil Turner and from Political Corru...

    NOTE - Linda Belcher's email is on page 3Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER Document 144-7 Filed 09/14/10 Page 16 of 24

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    RE: Obama Birth Certificate Philip Bergsassociation with a convicted documeMonday, September 6, 2010 12:45 AMFrom:This sender is DomainKeys verifiedNeil Turner

    View contact details

    To: [email protected]:


    Aside from just making money, does my analysis that Berg is also trying to preserve Hillarys reputation so he

    can help make her President (and perhaps become Attorney General)?

    From Hawaii Born to Native Born, and finally to Natural Born, the Usurpers apologists havecome a long way in their world-wide Obfuscation* Tour.

    * Obfuscation is the concealment of intended meaning in communication, making communication confusing,intentionally ambiguous, and more difficult to interpret.

    And if the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is a red herring** here (no matter where in the universe he was born,Obamas admitting that his father was not a U.S. citizen, openly concedes that he [Obama] does not meet theArticle II requirements for the Office of President and Commander in Chief), then attorney Philip Bergsarguments, actions, and employees are blood-red herrings !

    ** Red herring (logical fallacy), a deliberate attempt to change a subject or divert an argument

    Berg , an admitted life-long Democrat, was, and still is, a Hillary Supporter, and, when he didnt get hisway by having her as the Democrat Presidential candidate in 2008, he stayed in the game of Obamas noteligible in order to:

    1. Make money with his half-truth argument (being born on soil not under U.S. jurisdiction would alsomake Obama ineligible);

    2. Keep his Hillary for President hopes alive (and an eventual appointment as U.S. A/G perhaps);

    3. Destroy other attorneys who might have a better case for Obamas removal, and might justimplicate Hillary in the deception, fraud, and the treasonous altering our form of government byunconstitutional means.

    Below is an expose of the blood-red herring employee that Philip Berg has kept on in his employ as hisnumber one assistant

    as he beats the drum for the Kenyan birth-only (listen as he denies the both parents must be U.S.citizens argument here:PHIL BERG DENIES de VATTELs BOTH PARENTS MUST BE CITIZENS TO BE A NATURAL

    Veteran and Community leader Neil Turner and from Political Corru...

    Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER Document 144-7 Filed 09/14/10 Page 17 of 24

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    Check it out at 1 minute, 10 seconds, when Phil Berg says that it is not necessary for both parents to beU.S. Citizens for Obama to be Natural Born!

    JEFF KUHNER SHOW w-Phil Berg-Neil Turner questions March 8-2010.wmv Time: 1:49JEFF KUHNER SHOW w-Phil Berg-Neil Turner questions March 8-2010 ;

    refuses to explain why he has a convicted forger and a felon assisting him in promoting his Kenyan birth documents;LISA LIBERI (cropped).jpg

    and continues his relentless legal attack on the one attorney who has been the most successful inchanging the red-herring argument from Hawaii-Born to Native-Born, and finally to Natural Born.


    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2010 11:16 AMSubject: Re: Obama Birth Certificate Philip Bergs association with a convicted docume


    I am the person who actually convinced Berg to file the first suit. Everything Orly said in this email to youabout Berg and Liberi is true. While I was a close insider with Berg and Liberi, I began learning many thingswhich disturbed me greatly as evidenced by my statements to the courts in PA. They might even face somesort of criminal prosecution for some of their activities. Because I told the truth, that Liberi resides in NMand not PA as they falsely allege, I was included in the suit against Orly to retaliate against me. Adams beganthe smears openly, while Liberi started using aliases, but she messed up. I wont say how unless it goes tocourt, but I will make sure that the truth comes out eventually. Orly, the Hales, Neil and I will all bevindicated. Someone with more integrity (ie not using a convicted felon as a paralegal handling evidence andgossiping about clients private business) should be prosecuting the eligibility issue. Id have never tried toconvince Berg to file the first suit if Id known. I have been through the process of exposing politicalcorruption before and you just dare not go into such a project with employees with unclean hands handlingevidence or confidential matters. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    No one lied about Liberi having an extensive criminal felony history. Berg and Liberi are submitting falsesworn affidavits to the courts. Liberi does have access to donors credit card info in violation of the terms of her probation. We are gathering the evidence proving our allegations. Liberi resides at 2983 Plaza Blanca,Santa Fe, NM. The address she and Berg claim she resides at in PA is Bergs law office.

    I have good reasons to suspect Berg and Liberi are using this cause as nothing more than a massive fundraising scheme to line their own pockets. I am so disgusted I brought this issue to Berg. While I believe ingiving credit where it is due, how can I give Berg credit for the good hes done when he is doing so much eviland harm to people just because we were honest and told the truth to alert his donors whose creidt card infoLiber has obtained and might use in some nefarious way? Failure to warn the public of what we knew wouldmake us liable if there are any financial crimes against his donors credit cards. Liberi and Berg and Adamshave been smearing me with the vilest of lies to obfuscate the fact I told the truth, Liberi is a convicted felonof the crimes of theft, forgery, forgery of an official government seal and I dont remember all her other crimes.

    Veteran and Community leader Neil Turner and from Political Corru...

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    Official Facebook Page

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    Advertisement / Sponsors

    Vote Dr. Orly Taitz for CA Secretary of State

    Click the picture below to visit the campaign website.

    --------------------------------------Make a donation to Dr. Orly Taitz for CA Secretary of State 2010 Campaign--------------------------------------

    Veteran and Community leader Neil Turner and from Political Corru...

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    Liberi, et al\Affidavit of Evelyn Adams 12


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    HomeAppeal of Carter CaseFrom reader CarolQuo Warranto Filed and ServedUS state dep is paying to restore mosques around the world

    Dr. Orly Taitz EsquireDefend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100, RanchoSanta Margarita CA, 92688 Copyright 2010

    World's Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site

    Your donations to the cause are much appreciated.





    - Thomas Jefferson

    The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers, do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr. Taitz, ESQ, and Dr. Taitz, ESQ has no means of checking the veracity of all the c laims and allegations in the articles.

    From Veteran and Community leader Neil Turnerand from Political Corruption Researcher LindaBelcherPosted on | September 6, 2010 | Comments Off

    Flag this message

    Veteran and Community leader Neil Turner and from Political Corru...

    Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER Document 144-7 Filed 09/14/10 Page 21 of 24

  • 8/8/2019 Liberi v Taitz Opposition to Taitz Motion Document 144-7 Adams Affidavit Exhibit 2


    RE: Obama Birth Certificate Philip Bergsassociation with a convicted documeMonday, September 6, 2010 12:45 AMFrom:This sender is DomainKeys verifiedNeil Turner

    View contact details

    To: [email protected]:


    Aside from just making money, does my analysis that Berg is also trying to preserve Hillarys reputation so he

    can help make her President (and perhaps become Attorney General)?

    From Hawaii Born to Native Born, and finally to Natural Born, the Usurpers apologists havecome a long way in their world-wide Obfuscation* Tour.

    * Obfuscation is the concealment of intended meaning in communication, making communication confusing,intentionally ambiguous, and more difficult to interpret.

    And if the BIRTH CERTIFICATE is a red herring** here (no matter where in the universe he was born,Obamas admitting that his father was not a U.S. citizen, openly concedes that he [Obama] does not meet theArticle II requirements for the Office of President and Commander in Chief), then attorney Philip Bergsarguments, actions, and employees are blood-red herrings !

    ** Red herring (logical fallacy), a deliberate attempt to change a subject or divert an argument

    Berg , an admitted life-long Democrat, was, and still is, a Hillary Supporter, and, when he didnt get hisway by having her as the Democrat Presidential candidate in 2008, he stayed in the game of Obamas noteligible in order to:

    1. Make money with his half-truth argument (being born on soil not under U.S. jurisdiction would alsomake Obama ineligible);

    2. Keep his Hillary for President hopes alive (and an eventual appointment as U.S. A/G perhaps);

    3. Destroy other attorneys who might have a better case for Obamas removal, and might justimplicate Hillary in the deception, fraud, and the treasonous altering our form of government byunconstitutional means.

    Below is an expose of the blood-red herring employee that Philip Berg has kept on in his employ as hisnumber one assistant

    as he beats the drum for the Kenyan birth-only (listen as he denies the both parents must be U.S.citizens argument here:PHIL BERG DENIES de VATTELs BOTH PARENTS MUST BE CITIZENS TO BE A NATURAL

    Veteran and Community leader Neil Turner and from Political Corru...

    Case 2:09-cv-01898-ER Document 144-7 Filed 09/14/10 Page 22 of 24

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    Check it out at 1 minute, 10 seconds, when Phil Berg says that it is not necessary for both parents to beU.S. Citizens for Obama to be Natural Born!

    JEFF KUHNER SHOW w-Phil Berg-Neil Turner questions March 8-2010.wmv Time: 1:49JEFF KUHNER SHOW w-Phil Berg-Neil Turner questions March 8-2010 ;

    refuses to explain why he has a convicted forger and a felon assisting him in promoting his Kenyan birth documents;LISA LIBERI (cropped).jpg

    and continues his relentless legal attack on the one attorney who has been the most successful inchanging the red-herring argument from Hawaii-Born to Native-Born, and finally to Natural Born.


    From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2010 11:16 AMSubject: Re: Obama Birth Certificate Philip Bergs association with a convicted docume


    I am the person who actually convinced Berg to file the first suit. Everything Orly said in this email to youabout Berg and Liberi is true. While I was a close insider with Berg and Liberi, I began learning many thingswhich disturbed me greatly as evidenced by my statements to the courts in PA. They might even face somesort of criminal prosecution for some of their activities. Because I told the truth, that Liberi resides in NMand not PA as they falsely allege, I was included in the suit against Orly to retaliate against me. Adams beganthe smears openly, while Liberi started using aliases, but she messed up. I wont say how unless it goes tocourt, but I will make sure that the truth comes out eventually. Orly, the Hales, Neil and I will all bevindicated. Someone with more integrity (ie not using a convicted felon as a paralegal handling evidence andgossiping about clients private business) should be prosecuting the eligibility issue. Id have never tried toconvince Berg to file the first suit if Id known. I have been through the process of exposing politicalcorruption before and you just dare not go into such a project with employees with unclean hands handlingevidence or confidential matters. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    No one lied about Liberi having an extensive criminal felony history. Berg and Liberi are submitting falsesworn affidavits to the courts. Liberi does have access to donors credit card info in violation of the terms of her probation. We are gathering the evidence proving our allegations. Liberi resides at 2983 Plaza Blanca,Santa Fe, NM. The address she and Berg claim she resides at in PA is Bergs law office.

    I have good reasons to suspect Berg and Liberi are using this cause as nothing more than a massive fundraising scheme to line their own pockets. I am so disgusted I brought this issue to Berg. While I believe ingiving credit where it is due, how can I give Berg credit for the good hes done when he is doing so much eviland harm to people just because we were honest and told the truth to alert his donors whose creidt card infoLiber has obtained and might use in some nefarious way? Failure to warn the public of what we knew wouldmake us liable if there are any financial crimes against his donors credit cards. Liberi and Berg and Adamshave been smearing me with the vilest of lies to obfuscate the fact I told the truth, Liberi is a convicted felonof the crimes of theft, forgery, forgery of an official government seal and I dont remember all her other crimes.

    Veteran and Community leader Neil Turner and from Political Corru...

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  • 8/8/2019 Liberi v Taitz Opposition to Taitz Motion Document 144-7 Adams Affidavit Exhibit 2


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