Download - LEVEL WAIT Community, experience re-quired. Email: vscott72@ or drop off re-sume at: 2417 Marine

Page 1: LEVEL WAIT Community, experience re-quired. Email: vscott72@ or drop off re-sume at: 2417 Marine

Happy 75th Mom!

We are forever grateful for your continuedinspiration. We wish you many more

years of health and happiness!

Love Mark &Eileen, Colm & Sonam, Michele & Mike, Rose & Matt, Patrick, Eileen & Frank and your grandchildren John, Julia, Joseph, Elliot, Holly,Mapem, Liam,

Carter, Barclay & Tatum.


✭Serving Halton for over 16 years✭• Ball Hockey Rinks• Batting Cages• Indoor Beach Volleyball• Dinner PackagesCall Now 905-335-8520

MILLER, Bruce Austin- Peacefully at Ian Anderson House, Oakvi l le on Apri l 8, 2008 in his 72nd year. Loving partner of Shirley LeClaire. Father of Karen and Sandra. Grandfather of Joseph. Cher-ished brother of Rebecca Mason; Blake Miller of Edmonton, AB; Sheila and Allan Nei l of Truro, NS, Bertha and Aubrey Densmore of Elmsdale, NS; Robert and Margaret Miller of Shubenacadie, NS; Angus and MaryAnn Miller of Winnipeg, MB; Paul and Elaine Miller of Northfield, NS; Cheryl and Malcolm McLel lan of Northfield, NS; Lida and Wayne Fitzge-rald of Sackville, NS. Predeceased by his parents Ada Odessa Ettinger and Darrell Austin Miller (Sadie). Also predeceased by twin siblings in infancy and his nephew Constable Bruce Miller (2004). Bruce will be greatly missed by his family and friends. A Memorial Service will be held at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Re-ynolds Street, Oakville (905-844-3221) on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 at 7 p.m. Recep-tion to follow. In lieu of flowers, donations to Ian Anderson House, P.O. Box 61034, 511 Maple Grove Drive, Oakville, Ontario L6J 7P5 or Lung Cancer Canada, 1896AAvenue Road, Toronto, Ontario M5M 3Z8 would be appreciated. Condolences may be sent to: [email protected]

MacKENZIE, Winnifred- On Wednes-day April 9, 2008 at the Oakville Trafalgar Hospital in her 80th year. Beloved wife of the late Alexander, loving mother of Marilyn Laquintana (Mario), John (Pat) and Keith (Janice). Grandmother of Tanya (Mike), Mario (Joanne), Jason (Tammy), Vanessa, Trevor (Tiffany), Alexander, Gaelan, Avery and Hol l is. Great Grandmother of Duncan, Matteo and Hailey. A special thank you to the nurses and staff at the Oakville Trafalgar Hospital (3 east) , Dr. Dobson and Yolanda Vanderlaan, pall iative care specialist. Funeral Service to be held at the Glen Oaks Reception Centre on Saturday April 12, 2008 at 4 p.m. On line condolences at

ZILIO,YolandaIn loving memory of a dear Mother and

Grandmother who passed away April 13th, 2001And while she lies in peaceful sleep,her memory we shall always keep.

with loveJanet, Elaine & families


Those wi th c la ims against John Rober t Brooks, late of Oakville, Ontario, owner/ op-erator of Hi-Pac Technologies, who died on February 8, 2008 are notified to send full par-ticulars to the undersigned by May. 15, 2008 after which the Estate will be distributed with regard only to claims received.Dated at Burlington,, April 8th, 2008.The Canada Trust Company 5515 North Service Road, Suite 400 Burlington, Ontario, L7L 6G4Estate Trustee

F/T Accounting Assist-ant. Burlington’s lead-ing Real Estate Compa-ny requires person for deal processing, deal closing & accounts pay-able. Data entry profi-ciency, accuracy, excel-lent organizational/ ana-lytical skills essential. M u s t h a v e p r e v i o u s bookkeeping/ account-ing experience, reliable vehicle. Fax 905-319-0479 email roblandry@

INSURANCE Producer / CSR- Downtown Oakville Insurance Brokerage re-quires R.I.B.O licensed in-dividual for full-time posi-tion. Must have minimum 3 years Insurance exper i -ence. Commercial experi-ence an asset . Work ing knowledge of Power Bro-ker is essential.Please fax resumes to: 905-845-8568 o r e m a i l : c o n t a c t u s @

PERMANENT Part-Time Recep t i on and gene ra l clerical duties. knowledge of microsoft office products and internet. Duties: re-ception, data entry. Com-mun i ca te e f f ec t i ve l y i n E n g l i s h i s m a n d a t o r y. French would be an asset. Resumes to: Model Aero-n a u t i c s A s s o c i a t i o n o f C a n a d a , f a x : 9 0 5 - 6 3 2 -3 3 0 4 , e m a i l : [email protected]

N O R T H E R N P r o v i n c i a l requires inside sales PTmus t have good ve rba l skills & pleasant manner, sales exp. an asset, train-ing provided. Min $10/hr, opportunity to earn $15-$25hr. Convenient Burling-ton location. Call Dave for interview 905-331-0112 or e m a i l r e s u m e d a v e @ n o r t h e r n p r o v i n

HARDSOFT Systems Ltd. has an opening for an out-s i d e S a l e s R e p . T h e qualified candidate will be a motivated, independent, self-starter with an interest in technology sales. You possess excellent commu-nication skills and are fa-miliar with computer appli-cations. E-mail resume: [email protected]

SHUTTLE Bus Driver re-q u i r e d i m m e d i a t e l y b y busy Import Dealership. Pay is $10.00 per hour. Please supply a clean driv-ers abstract with your re-sume subm iss i on . Ea r l Shorthouse, 2016 Plains Road E., Burlington, L7R 5 B 3 . P h o n e : 9 0 5 - 6 3 3 -8811, Fax: 905-633-8815 E m a i l : e s h o r t h o u s e @

BURLINGTON/ Oakvil le/ Mississauga- We are look-ing for high quality com-p a n i o n s , P S W ' s a n d RPN 's f o r a home ca re agency. If you take pride in g i v i n g t h e b e s t q u a l i t y care, than we are inter-ested in you.Please for-ward resume: pdeley@ or fax:905-842-5742.

CERTIFIED Dental Assist-ant required for a state of the art dental practice in Burlington. Located in an aggressively growing area. E-mail: burl ingtondentist or fax resume in confidence to: 905-333-5283.

DENTAL Ass is tant / Re-ceptionist for Oakville of-fice. Harp Certificate, Abel-dent software. Good com-munication skills. Fax re-sume to: 905-461-0249.

DENTAL Receptionist re-quired full-time for Pediat-ric Dental office in Missis-sauga. Dentrix experience preferred. Fax resume to: 905-270-7496

FULL-TIME Dental Recep-tionist, must have dental experience, personable and well spoken, fax 416-352-0176

FULL-TIME Level 1 Dental Assistant required for float-er position, and Part-Time H y g i e n e C o o r d i n a t o r , flexible hours, experience an asset. Fax resume to: 905-849-1989. [email protected]

LEVEL II Dental Assistant for busy west Mississauga office. Experienced, well-spoken. P lease fax to : 416-352-0176.

MEDICAL Secretary (Oak-ville) for medical specialist office, experience required to start immediately. Re-s p o n s i b i l i t i e s i n c l u d e : medical dictat ion, OHIP, bill ing, patient reception. Fax resume to: 905-842-4190.

PART-TIME Medical Of-f ice Assistant Phleboto-mist . A lso needed Par t -Time Medical Off ice Re-ceptionist. Fax resume to: 905-844-8811.

PHYSIOTHERAPY cl inic seeks mature indiv idual w i th super io r cus tomer service and mult i tasking abilities for evening recep-tion, to cover mat leave. Must have background in rehab and insurance bill-ing. Forward your resume b y A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 0 8 t o : [email protected]

PT Dental Recept ionist / A s s i s t a n t . B u r l i n g t o n . HARP Cert. Dentrix. Good communication skills. Fax resume: 905-315-7723

SOUTHERN Ontario Medi-cal is looking for Medical Administration Personnel f o r busy phys io the rapy clinic. Physiotherapy bill-ings and experience is an asset . P lease emai l re -sume: [email protected] or fax: 905-338-2467 or call: 905-337-7342.

APPLE Annie's Kitchen now hiring experienced Pt & FT Wait Staff , PT d i s h w a s h e r s A p p l y within: 645 Plains Rd., Burlington.

CHEF/ Cooks/ Servers: Apply in person: Napole-on's Steak and Seafood 3455 Fairview Street, Bur-lington Call 905-637-7171

C O O K S a n d Wa i t S t a f f needed for a busy Cater-ing/ Cafe. Ful l-Time and Part-Time, experience re-quired. Email: vscott72@ or drop off re-s u m e a t : 2 4 1 7 M a r i n e Drive, Oakvil le, Monday- Wednesday, 1pm- 2:30pm.

C O O K S N e e d e d . T h e Oakville Club has 2 open-ings- full-time. Minimum 2 years experience, able to work all shifts and an en-thus ias t i c t eam p laye r. Please forward resume: lcrone@oakvil or fax: 905-845-3186 no later than Friday, April 18. No phone calls please.

HIRING- Gelato/ Coffee Baristas. Apply at Butterfly Ice Cream Cafe, 77 Bronte R o a d , O a k v i l l e . E m a i l : [email protected]

H O U S E K E E P I N G , a n d L a u n d r y / M a i n t e n a n c e staff required part- t ime/ Ful l - t ime. Weekday and weekend hours. Apply in person with resume: Best W e s t e r n H o t e l , 2 4 1 2 Queensway Drive, Burling-ton, L7R-3T3

J A K E ' S G r i l l & O y s t e r House . Jo in the Crew! Full-Time Line cooks, full-t ime servers & part-t ime dishwashers, evenings & w e e k e n d s . E a r n To p Wages, uni forms & gra-tuit ies. Please bring re-sume to 950 Walkers Line, beside Travelodge. 905-639-4084.

MOUNT Nemo Restaurant requires all FT/ PT/ Sea-sonal positions, must have experience. Email: reser vat [email protected] or fax 905-319-6438

OAKVILLE Fine Restau-rant requires Full-Time and P a r t - Ti m e S e r v e r s a n d B u s P e r s o n s . F a x R e -sume: 905-469-2641.

PART-TIME Line Cook re-quired by Kaareli's Restau-rant . No exper ience re-qu i r ed .App l y i n pe rson w/resume to 1504 Elg in St., Burlington.

QUIZNOS: 3500 Fairview @ Wa l k e r s F T a n d P T, M o n d a y - F r i d a y. E m a i l [email protected] or apply in person

RISTORANTE Julia is hir-ing F/T Line Cook, Prep Cook and d ishwashers . Contact Carl or Anthony 905-844-7401 or fax: 905-844-1776 Email: info@juliasris

WA I T S t a f f a n d L i n e Cooks, 5 years minimum experience. Dishwashers, no experience necessary. Zarcone's Ital ian Eatery, Burlington. Fax 905-319-2202. Emai l : gmccrae@

ESL Teachers needed for International teenagers in Hal ton Region Ju ly and August. Must have Provin-c ia l Teacher Cer t i f i ca te a n d T E S L e x p e r i e n c e . Send resume to : i n fo@

EUROPEAN house clean-ers. Professional, reliable. Services available weekly, bi-weekly, monthly. Oak-ville/ Burlington area. Syl-via, 647-889-2593.

RAINE Or Shine Cleaning. Cleaning lady available for residential and small com-mercial businesses. Call for a free quote. 905-541-1972

RELIABLE Professional Cleaners available to clean any size home in Burling-ton and surrounding area. Reasonable rates. Refer-ences available. Call Josie 905-332-9438 and leave message.

620 landscaping

JEFF 'S Comp le te Ya rd Maintenance- Help out a hard work ing student to pay for University! Avoid high landscaping prices! Call for information 905-580-1927.

SPECIALIZING in Fram-ing, Drywall & Taping. No job too small! 17 years ex-perience. Basements, Ad-ditions, Hardwood floor re-finishing, Finish Carpentry. Call 416-566-0492.

1-877-JUNK-TWO-GO. 1-877-586-5896 Same day j u n k r e m o v a l s e r v i c e Senior discount. Call & get it done!

JUNK & rubbish removal. Great rates. We do all the heavy l i f t ing . 416-655-8 2 6 0 1 - 8 8 8 - 8 j u n k b o y s

LISCENCED Plumber- All plumbing work, reasonable rates. Free estimates. Call 416-417-4332.

GARDENING by Heart 's Content. Beautiful garden designs, planting, pruning & maintenance. Lindsay [email protected]

G A R D E N I N G - S p r i n g C l e a n - u p s , P r u n i n g , Mulching to Full Design/ I n s t a l l a t i o n S e r v i c e s . Gardens, Patios, Ponds, & Lighting. www.peacelove l a n d s c a p i n g . c o m , 905-466-3354.

751 house& pet sitting

PETSITTER, experienced. Exceptionally loving and "motherly". My home, Oak-v i l l e ( p l u s s u r r o u n d i n g areas). No cages. Fenced yard. References. Booking now for summer. L inda, 905-469-1659.



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Dave Andreychuk

Chris Campoli

• Dave Andreychuk• Adam Munro• Chris Campoli

• Scott MacDonald• Doug McKay

POWER SKATING - We will be placing a daily 1 houremphasis on specialized powerskating techniques.PUCK HANDLING AND PASSING - Innovative drillsare utilized to develop passing and receiving skills at aintensity level.SHOOTING - To provide individualized instruction toimprove balance, power and shooting accuracy. Thetechniques of how and when to use wrist, backhand, snap andslapshots are demonstrated.CHECK STRATEGY - Proper body positioning whenplaying a man while utilizing strength and intelligence;explanation of anticipation and angles when checking incorners, slot area and along boards.TEAM PLAY & BREAK-OUT SYSTEMS - Execution ofpositional play in offensive, neutral and defense zones; powerplay and penalty-killing strategy.GOALTENDING - Specialized instruction in lateralmovement; use of hands, stick, legs and body for catching andblocking. Challenging drills will be given to improve agility,movement time and hand/eye coordination.

Adam Munro

SESSION 1 – BURLINGTONMon. July 21 - Sat. July 26, 2008Appleby Ice Centre (1201 Appleby Line)

TO REGISTERCall and leave message(905) 634-7035

Brochures available at Appleby Ice Centre, Play It Again Sports & Brant Cycle







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Classified Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm E-mail: [email protected]

Community NoticesCommunity Notices

OAKVILLE BEAVER, Saturday, April 12, 2008 39