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© New Zealand Qualifications Authority, 2017. All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the prior permission of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority.

Level 1 Chinese, 201790868 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken

Chinese texts on areas of most immediate relevance

2.00 p.m. Wednesday 15 November 2017 Credits: Five

Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with ExcellenceDemonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on areas of most immediate relevance.

Demonstrate clear understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on areas of most immediate relevance.

Demonstrate thorough understanding of a variety of spoken Chinese texts on areas of most immediate relevance.

Check that the National Student Number (NSN) on your admission slip is the same as the number at the top of this page.

Listen to THREE passages. You will hear EACH passage THREE times:• The first time, you will hear the passage as a whole.• The second and third times, you will hear the passage in sections, with a pause after each.• As you listen, you may make notes in the LISTENING NOTES boxes provided.• Before each passage begins, you will have 30 seconds per question to preview the questions.• At the end of each passage, you will have three minutes to review your answers.

You should attempt ALL the questions in this booklet.

Answer each question in your choice of English, te reo Māori, and / or Chinese. If you need more room for any answer, use the extra space provided at the back of this booklet.

Check that this booklet has pages 2–10 in the correct order and that none of these pages is blank.





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FIRST PASSAGE: $1JJ§1¥.J1!lr-1i1f*Jg I Li Ming's host family

Li Ming is a Chinese exchange student from Beijing who is staying with a New Zealand student, Sophie, and her family for two weeks. Li Ming and Sophie are getting ready for school. Question One is based on this passage. Answer the question in your choice of English, te reo Maori, and I or Chinese. You now have 30 seconds to read the question.


Chinese 90868, 2017



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Use all sections of the passage to answer this question. Remember to support your answers with evidence from the passage.

(a) How has Li Ming adapted to the food in New Zealand?

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(b) What hospitality does Li Ming's host family show towards him?

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SECOND PASSAGE: tE�:t:lt/ At the school

Li Ming and Sophie have arrived at the school. Question Two is based on this passage. Answer the question in your choice of English, te reo Maori, and/or Chinese. You now have 30 seconds to read the question.


Chinese 90868, 2017



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Use all sections of the passage to answer this question. Remember to support your answers with evidence from the passage.

(a) What is Li Ming's impression of the school grounds?

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(b) Compare high c ools in New Zealand with those in China.

High schools in New Zealand

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High schools in China

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Chinese 90868, 2017




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THIRD PASSAGE: $:$7!/School's over!

Li Ming and Sophie are chatting at the end of Li Ming's first day at Sophie's school. Question Three is based on this passage. Answer the question in your choice of English, te reo Maori, and I or Chinese. You now have 30 seconds to read the question.

Chinese 90868, 2017



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Use both sections of the passage to answer this question. Remember to support your answers with evidence from the passage.

(a) How do you think Li Ming felt at the end of his first day at Sophie's school? Describe in detail.

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Chinese 90868, 2017



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(b) Li Ming and Sophie have different views on studying and playing sport. Explain their views •ssessoR·sUSE ONLY

and provide reasons for them, including possible cultural explanations.

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Chinese 90868, 2017

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Excellence  exemplar  2017  

Subject:   Chinese   Standard:   90868   Total  Score:   21  

Q   Grade  Score   Annotation  

1   E7  The  candidate  demonstrates  thorough  understanding.  There  is  clear  evidence  of  the  implied  meaning  in  the  text,  backed  up  by  details  from  the  text,  which  justifies  the  conclusions  that  the  candidate  has  made.  For  example:  a) Li  Ming  says  he  enjoys  eating  bread  a  lot,  but  the  adaptationis  most  obvious  when  he  says  that  he  didn’t  like  milk  in  Chinabefore,  but  likes  milk  in  New  Zealand  because  it’s  “much  moretasty  and  cheaper  too”.b) Sophie  is  surprised  because  her  mother  “doesn’t  know  how  tocook  fried  noodles”,  but  Li  Ming  then  explains  that  the  hostmother  had  “called  her  friend  to  teach  her  how  to  cook”.  “Thehost  mother  had  generously  learnt  a  new  dish  just  for  theexchange  student”  –  this  clearly  shows  how  the  candidatejustifies  the  conclusion  by  using  evidence  from  the  conversationto  back  it  up.

2   E8  The  candidate  demonstrates  thorough  understanding  and  communicates  most  of  the  implied  meaning  by  providing  supporting  detail  from  the  spoken  text  that  fully  justifies  conclusions.  For  example:  a) “She  also  says  that  even  though  her  school  is  a  mixed  school, there  are  many  boys’  or  girls'  only  schools  in  New  Zealand.  She tells  Li  Ming  that  there  are  about  20-30  students  for  each  class, which  is  far  less  than  Chinese  classrooms.”

The  candidate  did  not  just  do  a  translation  of  the  conversation,  but  stated  the  implied  meaning  of  the  text  at  the  same  time.    

3   M6  The  candidate  demonstrates  clear  understanding  and  unambiguously  communicates  most  of  the  meaning  by  selecting  relevant  information  from  the  spoken  text.  There  is  also  some  inferencing  in  this  answer,  but  the  evidence  in  the  text  is  not  clearly  stated.  For  example:  a) “Li  Ming’s  cultural  background  in  China  has  definitely  taughthim  to  value  study  over  everything.  He  says  that  he  has  to  finishstudying  before  he  plays  sports  even  though  Sophie  mentionedthat  he  could  improve  by  playing  soccer”.    This  clearlydemonstrates  the  candidate’s  ability  to  justify  his/her  answer  butthe  evidence  could  be  more  specific:  “Li  Ming  wants  to  do  hishomework  in  the  library”  is  the  specific  evidence  in  theconversation.This  is  a  solid  M6.  To  achieve  E7-­8,  the  candidate  could  addevidence  like,  “In  the  end  Sophie  agreed  to  go  with  Li  Ming  to


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the  library  first  to  study.  Then  if  there  was  time,  they  could  play  soccer.  This  shows  that  she  has  been  raised  to  value  physical  activities  as  well  as  her  learning  /  This  shows  that  she  is  kind  and  generous  and  is  willing  to  help  Li  Ming  with  his  English.”