Download - Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas

  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas



    Breaking news! Defendant Barack Obama defaulted in Grinols et al v Obama et al. Notice of

    Default filed

    Grinols Subpoenas ..Grinols Order, Summons, TRO, Complaint

    .Affidavit of Mike Zullo

    1. Judd v Obama

    2. Farrar v Obama

    3. Taitz v Sebelius

    4. Taitz v Indiana, IN Judge Orders Trial

    5. Taitz v Astrue

    6. Mississippi Filed Complaint Update

    7. Taitz Walters v Sec of State Kansas


    Video: Orly before NH Election Committee

    Dr. Orly Taitz, Esquire

    Defend Our Freedoms Foundation 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita

    CA, 92688 Copyright 2010

    World's Leading Obama Eligibility ChallengeWeb Site

    If you love your country, please help me fight this creeping tyranny and corruption.

    Donations no matter how small will help pay for airline and travel expenses.

    Mail donations to:

    Defend Our Freedoms

    Foundation, c/o Dr.

    Orly Taitz

    29839 Santa

    Margarita Pkwy, Ste


    Rancho Santa

    Margarita, CA 92688.
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    Contact Dr. Taitz at

    [email protected]

    m or

    [email protected].

    In case of emergency,

    call 949-683-5411.

    "It is not the critic

    who counts; not the

    man who points out

    how the strong man

    stumbles, or where

    the doer of deeds

    could have done them

    better. The credit

    belongs to the man

    who is actually in the

    arena, whose face is

    marred by dust and

    sweat and blood; who

    strives valiantly; who

    errs, who comes short

    again and again,

    because there is no

    effort without error

    and shortcoming; but

    who does actually

    strive to do the deeds;

    who knows greatenthusiasms, the

    great devotions; who

    spends himself in a

    worthy cause; who at

    the best knows in the

    end the triumph of

    high achievement, and

    who at the worst, if he

    fails, at least fails

    while daring greatly,

    so that his place shallnever be with those

    cold and timid souls

    who neither know

    victory nor defeat."--

    Theodore Roosevelt,

    April 23, 1910

  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    When the people fear

    their government,

    there is tyranny.

    When the government

    fears the people, there

    is liberty.-- Thomas Jefferson

    During times of

    universal deceit,

    telling the truth

    becomes a

    revolutionary act. --

    George Orwell

    First they ignore you,

    then they ridicule you,

    then they fight you,

    then you win. --

    Mahatma Gandhi

    The articles posted represent only the opinion of the writers, do not necessarily represent the opinion of Dr.

    Taitz, Esq.

    Dr. Taitz, Esq. has no means of checking the veracity of all the claims and allegations in the articles.

    JPG version of the letter from the General Counsel of the House of

    representatives in regards to Subpoenas for the Chair of the Judiciarycommittee and the Chair of the Oversight Committee. They are askingfor more clarification, what do I want them to testify about. Obots areattacking me with FOAD comments. Here is my response.

    Posted on | April 7, 2013 |1 Comment
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas

  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    Here is the letter from the office of the Chief Counsel of the House of Representatives in response to my

    subpoena issued to Congressman Goodlatte, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee and Congressman Issa,

    chair of the Oversight Committee.

    Obamas operatives besieged me with letters and comments, stating that the congressmen will tell me FOAD

    (foff and die). Obamas people sent me dozens of comments with very graphic descriptions, how I shouldFO and Ad.

    First, the General Counsel of the House of Representatives did not state FOAD, they did not refuse to testify,

    they simply asked for more information as to what information I am seeking.

    Furthermore, in case I was not clear before, here is my response: it aint happening, I will not FOAD. I am

    staying and fighting. I posted a few pictures taken in Warsaw a few days ago to illustrate my point.
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    Today is the Yom a Shoa, the day of remembrance of the Holocaust, death of 6 million unarmed women and

    children and elderly, who were slaughtered. This year is also the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto


    The first picture was taken at the memorial of the fighters of the Warsaw uprising. Before the World War II

    Warsaw was a city of one and a half million people, one third of them were Jews. by the end of the war

    nearly all of them were slaughtered, 500,000 perished. On the picture I am holding the hand of the statue of

    one of the fighters, an exhausted young boy, who chose to die fighting. These young boys had courage, but

    they did not have any arms. They fought with kitchen knives and bricks against the assault weapons, the

    machine guns of the SS. How much can you achieve with a brick or a knife against thousands of rounds of

    ammunition? The uprising was led by Mordecai Anilevich. Coincidentally or by the hand of providence, his

    first name was the name of the uncle of Queen Esther.He died and did not see the liberation of the

    Buchenwald or Auschwitz, but his memory lives on: Never Again, Never Again!

    The second picture shows the remnants of the brick wall, which surrounded the Warsaw Ghetto. Today we

    do not have walls of brick and mortar surrounding us, (at least not yet), but we are paralyzed and enclosed

    in the walls of corruption, greed, lawlessness and treason.

    The last picture shows the memorial of Polish resistance. It took some time for Polish resistance to win the

    battle: first against the NAZIs and later against the Socialist dictatorship of the Soviet Union. Many Polish

    freedom fighters were slaughtered in the labor camps of Germany and later Siberia. In 1979 the first Polish

    Pope was chosen by the conclave of the Cardinals. John Paul the Second became a deciding force in the fight

    against the Socialist tyranny. Within nine months of being installed he travelled to Warsaw and spoke to a

    crowd of a million people. His words reignited the resistance and the Solidarity movement grew. (The same

    might happen today with Pope Francis in Latin and Central America). From the shipyards of Gdansk to the

    coal mines of Silesia people rose against the totalitarian regime. The Soviets decided to change their

    strategy somewhat. While in Hungary in the 50s and during the Prague Spring in the 60s, they used the

    Russian tanks to quash the uprising, in Poland they used the local stooge, the local puppet, General Voicek

    Yaruzelski, who flooded Warsaw with an army of tanks and armored vehicles, just as the ones that are beingstockpiled today by the Obama regime in the hands of Frau Napolitano. Lech Valensa and other opposition

    leaders were arrested. However the Catholic church and the West fought back and Yaruzelski backed off and

    Poland became the first country to chip off the Eastern block and move towards Democracy and free


    Our fight is much tougher, as we do not have the West to help us.Wwe are the West and we are in

    distress, however we have to remember one thing: freedom is not cheap, people fought for it. we have to

    fight for our freedom.

    So here is my message to Obamas operatives, who send me messages FOAD (F off and die). It is not

    going to happen. I am standing and I am fighting. I am not going anywhere.

    Let us not forget: if in Germany in 19332-1942, before Hitler took oer the nation, some attorneys were tofight and be persistent, they could have found one honest judge, one honest court, some decent members

    of Reichstag. Lives of millions could have been spared, if people were to open their eyes early on and were

    to fight the concentration of power, the abuse of power, the lawlessness and corruption. We have to fight.

    We might lose a battle, we might lose a dozen battles, but we will win the war. Defeat is not an option.

    I am staying and fighting for as long as it takes, no matter how many corrupt judges, corrupt AGs, US

    attorneys and bureaucrats I will have to go through. Defeat is not an option. I will not FOAD, as I know all

    too well what is the alternative!

  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas

  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    Category:Help Needed,Latest News,Legal Actions,Obama Fraud Gate,Orly Taitz civil rights leader,Orly Taitz doctor and

    attorney,Orly Taitz Obama social Security number,Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate,Orly Taitz subpoena, Other Criminal or

    Suspicious Activities

    As I expected, no new info was provided by Zullo in his interview,

    more promises and now, 2 days later, Arpaio is sending a mass e-mailasking for more money. Tell him: I will donate only after you file thecriminal complaint against Obama. Enough promises, show us a filedand stamped criminal complaint received by the District Attorney.Stop treating your supporters as complete morons, who are happy toget empty promises with no performance!!!

    Posted on | April 7, 2013 |2 Comments

    Sheriff Joe Fighting Recall Campaign Help Defend Americas Sheriffx

    Images are not displayed. Display images below Always display images [email protected]

    Fellow Patriot,

    Sheriff Joe Arpaio is facing an unprecedented recall campaign to remove him from office.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    Why are they are trying so hard to defeat Americas Sheriff? Simply because he is determined to

    enforce the law against illegal immigration.

    My response: tell Arpaio: Obama is the biggest illegal alien, you claim to have all the evidence of

    fraud and felony committed, so file the criminal complaint against Obama before you get any

    more money.


    Marko 10


    Submitted on2013/04/07 at 1:20 pm

    The broadcast was a pep rally to raise cash. Zullo

    claimed new information that confirmed and locked

    down the case, but gave absolutely no details. He

    now has 3 to 6 months for additional pep rallies

    dangling more carrots. Wasted over an hour listening.


    there was an ad of new info being

    provided by Mike Zullo, Arpaios

    assistant. From what I understand there

    was no new information. Did anyone get

    any new information?16View


    East Oakland Counsel for Conservative citizens is booking a bus to goto the April 22 hearing. There are some seats available for you to join,see info below

    Posted on | April 7, 2013 |16 Comments

    Dr. Orly Taitz, Esq.

    29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

    6 April, 2013

    Dear Dr. Taitz:

    The Council of Conservative Citizens and the Defend Our Freedoms Foundation evidently share the same


    We at the East Oakland chapter have been following your case for several years, and we agree that we have

    the wrong president; hes ineligible and should be brought to justice. Anyone with any sense can see that

    just by looking at this impostor. It would have been obvious to anyone who viewed the elections of 2008

    and 2012, that Obama is a shill for other, more evil powers, and has been inserted in power to advance the

    goals of those who would institute a truly anti-American multicultural government who will work against the

    European heritage that we at COCC believe will tear apart this country even more than weve seen since the

    Obama presidency began.

    At our meeting at the East Bay Bible Church in Oakland last night, we voted to support your cause, initially,

    in two ways:

    1) We are working out the details of a fundraiser for DOFF that will allow our members to provide funds for

    your foundation that will rid our once-free nation of the scourge of the current biracial president. We hope to

    raise several thousands of dollars for your non-profit, that can be used to help stamp out the

    multiculturalism that has infected our Whitehouse. As you can understand, most of our members prefer cash

    transactions, so we will bring what we have to bear when we meet.

    2) We have organized a committee that will bring together members to charter a bus that will bring an

    estimated 16-35 people to your trial in Sacramento on April 22, 2013. The bus will carry 60 passengers; if

    we are able to fill it up do you believe there will be room in the court gallery for everyone? It is our belief
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    that the more supporters show up to sit behind you during this important trial, the more knowledge we can

    bring in our mutual purpose of stamping out the darkness that has stained our Whitehouse.

    There are other initiatives that our members have suggested that we would like to discuss with you in

    private, possibly in Sacramento after the trial is over.

    Please let me know via email the exact time and location of the courtroom where the trial will take place. We

    will make the appropriate arrangements to get there and hopefully will have our first fundraising collectionout of the way so we can donate to your cause when we meet in Sacramento.

    I look forward to assisting DOFF as we mutually work towards a purified United States of America.

    Very sincerely,

    Dr. Sam Frances

    Council of Conservative Citizens

    East Oakland Chapter

    [email protected]


    letter to Congressman Luis Gutierrez

    Posted on | April 7, 2013 |5 Comments


    29839 SANTA MARGARITA, STE 100


    ph. 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603

    [email protected]


    Attention Congressman Luis Gutierrez

    by fax 202-225-7810



    Dear Congressman Luis Gutierrez,

    My name is Orly Taitz. I am a civil rights attorney. I just saw your interview with Candy Crawley on CNN.

    You were pushing for a new amnesty of at least 11 million illegals. You swore to American citizens that

    Americans will be considered first for the jobs and there will be stringent verification of the immigration and

    citizenship status.

    Currently I am representing a number of individuals, among them minor Presidential candidates and

    Presidential electors, including electors for Mitt Romney in 2012 election.

    Next court hearing is scheduled for April 22, 2013 in Sacramento, California, before Chief Judge of the U.S.

    District Court Morrison C. England, case #12-cv-02997 Grinols et al v Electoral College et al.

    In my case I provided the court with attached documentation, showing that Barack Hussein Obama posted

    his 2009 tax returns on line in April of 2010 and initially did not flatten the PDF file and the full Social

    Security number 042-68-4425 that he is using became available to the public.

    This number was checked through E-Verify and SSNVS and both agencies showed that Obama is using a

    number, which was never assigned to him. Obama failed both. Additionally I provided the court with 150

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    pages of sworn affidavits from top law enforcement officials and experts showing Obama using a forged

    birth certificate, forged Selective Service certificate, last name not legally his and having Indonesian

    citizenship. So far not one single judge in the nation have seen an original birth certificate, original selective

    service registration or any application for the Social Security number fraudulently used by Obama, and all

    the copies provided to the public were deemed laughable forgeries. Over 50,000 Americans signed my

    petition to the U.S.

    Congress to investigate this issue. So far nothing was done and we have seen nothing but an unprecedented

    level of corruption among members of the U.S. congress, U.S. attorneys and some U.S. judges.

    Please, show us that you are not a corrupt politician, promising people one thing and doing another. On

    behalf of 50,000 Americans, who signed my petition and millions of silent majority I demand accountability

    from you. I demand you to make a public demand on the fellow members of the U.S. Congress to be true to

    their word and start the verification process with Obama, subpoena the original application for the CT SSN

    042-68-4425 that Obama is using, original birth certificate and original Selective Service certificate, demand

    an immediate response from Obama, why is he using a Social Security number, which failed both E-Verify

    and SSNVS. Please, show up at the hearing on April 22, 2013 and address the judge on this case. As of now

    we have seen a situation of passing the buck and kicking the can. Members of Congress are claiming that it

    is up to the courts to decide and judges, including Judge England in the aforementioned case are claiming

    that it is up to the Congress to decide on Obamas forged IDs and his impeachment. Meanwhile the whole

    nation fell through the cracks and is currently under the usurpation by a man sitting in the position of the

    U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief with all forged IDs and a stolen Social Security number.

    I respectfully await your response and most importantly your action. If we continue seeing members of

    Congress covering up this crime, we will be seeking not only removal from Congress of each and every

    member of Congress who is voting for the current amnesty and who is complicit in the cover up of Obamas

    forged IDs, we will persevere until each and every member of the U.S. Congress, who is complicit in this

    cover up, is criminally prosecuted and sent to prison.

    Sincerely/s/ Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ


    ronPaul2012 site joins and investorshub inasking supporters to be in the courtroom on April 22, before judgeEngland

    Posted on| April 7, 2013 |5 Comments

    RON PAUL 2012: AttorneyOrly TaitzRequests That Supporters PoliticsRON PAUL 2012Share

    Shared on Google+.View the post.

    You +1d this publicly.Undo

    21 hours ago RON PAUL 2012 Message Board: [b]Attorney Orly TaitzRequests That Supporters Attend

  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas



    Today I travelled to the Social security office in Stamford, CT wherethe SSN fraudulently used by Obama, was issued. I recorded all theinformation received from them and they forwarded to WashingtonDC all the evidence of fraud provided by me

    Posted on | March 26, 2013 |72 Comments

    Press release

    Attorney Taitz traveled today to Stamford, CT, to the regional Social Security administration office, where

    the CT Social Security number 042-68-4425, fraudulently used by Obama, was issued

    Taitz met with Representative Madeline Mercado, Assistant Manager Mrs. Sheridan (she refused to give her

    first name) and General Manager Mrs. Booker (she refused to give her first name).

    Taitz provided them with a printout of the 2009 tax returns of Obama which he originally posted without

    flattening the PDF file and with a full unredacted Social Security number, as well as a printout of of the E-

    Verify and SSNVS reports, showing that the number used by Obama was never assigned to him. She also

    advised them that according to multiple databases this number was issued in their office in and around

    March 28 1977 to Harry J. Bounel born in 1890. Taitz demanded criminal investigation and a ruling showing

    Bounel to be deceased and the number inactive and therefore the application available for release to the

    public. While Taitz waited, Ms. Booker and Ms. Sheridan contacted Washington DC.

    Ms. Sheridan advised Taitz that she will be contacted by an employee in Washington DC, who will be

    handling this.

    Taitz will provide more details at a later time. She is currently in the airport and cannot provide more


    More info on

    Donations to cover travel expenses are greatly appreciated

    Category:HOT ITEMS!,Latest News,Legal Actions,Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz Obama social Security number,Orly

    Taitz ObamaFraudGate,Other Criminal or Suspicious Activities

    New Line of attack: start recall of officials who refuse to take actionand are complicit in the cover up of Obamas forged IDs and a stolenSSN

    Posted on | March 30, 2013 |29 Comments

    A number of years ago we had a successful recall of the Democratic Party Governor Grey Davis and his

    replacement with a Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    The left was successful in a recall of a state senator in AZ. The left came very close to recalling the governor

    of WI. Citizens of New Jersey came close to recalling a U.S. Senator in New Jersey.
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    Recalls work and recalls send a message to officials. We have to send a message: we will not tolerate

    treason, we will not tolerate corrupt officials being complicit in the cover up of the usurpation of the U.S.

    Presidency by a citizen of Indonesia, who is using all forged IDs and a stolen SSN . We have to start a recall

    drive of an official in a conservative state for his complicity to cover up Obamas forged IDs. For example,

    we can recall corrupt state judges, who dismissed eligibility cases with bogus excuses and particularly ones,

    who attacked pro se plaintiffs and attorneys. I remember a judge in Alabama, who attacked Mr. Sorenson

    and did not grant him a right to have a pro hac vice attorney in order to quickly cover up the issue of

    Obamas forged IDs. We can recall any state official, who is complicit: District Attorney, Secretary of State,

    Attorney General and so on. It might be easier to start with a low ranking official, where we need less

    signatures for recall. Succeeding in one state with a low ranking official will give strength and confidence to

    go after other treasonous officials.

    I am asking my supporters to check the state statutes in his own state and let me know how many

    signatures we need to recall a corrupt judge, corrupt AG, corrupt DA, corrupt Sheriff, corrupt congressman,

    corrupt senator, corrupt Secretary of State and a corrupt Attorney General of a state.

    We were able to get nearly 50,000 e-mails and letters sent through petitions to Congress. We can raise

    large numbers. The problem with Congress, is that they are not required to do anything even when the

    numbers are large. However, in states elections we can place a recall of a corrupt judge or a corrupt District

    Attorney or sheriff on the ballot, if we are able to get a speciffic number of signatures. I will check, how

    many signatures are needed to recall Judge Charles Marginis in the Superior Court of California, Orange

    county division, who had in front of him all the evidence of Obamas use of all forged and stolen IDs, and he

    improperly dismissed the case, refused to grant a motion to compel Obamas registration from the

    Occidental college and rewarded Occidental college with $4,000 in attorneys fees for their complicity in the

    cover up. I wonder, how many signatures do I need to recall this judge. Please, e-mail me at

    [email protected] copy on this blog the information and specific statutes. Do not send me a lot of

    material: just small excerpts showing the needed numbers for a recall of corrupt officials.


    Unredacted TYT interview. Please, forward the information. We needone Sheriff or AG or Congressmen with integrity to move with it

    Posted on | March 31, 2013 |26 Comments

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas



    April 1, 2013: Great news, we finally found an honest judge, honestcongressmen, bureaucrats and sheriffs. Sheriff Arpaio and investigatorZullo finally switched from idle talk and fundraising to filing acriminal complaint against Obama with the District Atorney and

    Attorney General. Great!Posted on | April 1, 2013 |50 Comments


    As expected more and more countries drop the US dollar as a reservecurrency, turning the real dollar value equal to the value of the toiletpaper, while our ruling elite is either asleep, brain dead or complicit.

    Whats your pick?Posted on | April 1, 2013 |16 Comments



    Posted on | April 1, 2013 |10 Comments
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas



    22 approved

    Submitted on2013/04/01 at 9:10 am

    Its a good April Fools trick, Orly, but the sad

    part is that some people are so gullible here

    that they fell for it.

    We need strong thinkers, not gullible ones.

    We can not allow ourselves to be so foolish as

    to believe that Arpaio and Zullo will EVER file a

    criminal complaint. They have had over a year

    and one Presidential election to do it. Wont

    happen. They have no courage.

    Its been TWO YEARS since Trump promised he

    was going to release the explosive findings

    his so-called investigators dug up in Hawaii.

    TWO YEARS LATER Trump is still blabbing, but

    has never released a single fact that he didnt

    steal from you first. He is hoping we have

    forgotten about his investigators.

    We all know where Berg, Liberi, Kreep, Farah,

    Corsi, WND are coming from, and going to.


    We don;t need any more gullible people

    believing nonsense. We need strong clear

    thinkers moving from fact to fact, and not

    wasting time on poseurs like Arpaio, Trump,

    Zullo and the non-existent non-corrupt Judge.

    Good April Fools joke, Orly. It has taught us alot.

    April 1, 2013: Great news, we finally found

    an honest judge, honest congressmen,

    bureaucrats and sheriffs. Sheriff Arpaio and

    investigator Zullo finally switched from idle

    talk and fundraising to filing a criminal

    complaint against Obama with the DistrictAtorney and Attorney General. Great!


    National call to action from General Vallely

    Posted on | April 1, 2013 |14 Comments

    Subject:National Call to action

    Release Date: April 1, 2013

    Limited Distribution: By Stand Up America

    Contact:[email protected]


    National Call to Action

    By Paul E. Vallely[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    Our Federal Government continues down the path of destroying America. American Patriots must now Stand

    UP and put America back on the track. The Federal Government has not subsided in sucking the oxygen

    out of America and its people with legislation and without required action to solve our problems

    The National Call to Action of the people begins now! And we call to action all branches of government to

    do your constitutional duties and not be led astray in the cultural and moral decay of America. We have

    witnessed far too many lies, deception and corruption in the Republic.

    Start immediately to cut the government bureaucracy and structure by 25% Eliminate all unnecessary

    departments of Energy, Homeland Security, Education, the Federal Reserve and EPA and return the

    functions to the private sector and the states. Eliminate the IRS and institute a fair or flat tax. Initiate the

    relocation of the United Nations to Athens Greece or a third world country and cut back the funding of this

    corrupt and ineffective institution. Implement an effective national security policy and forward

    strategy to defend Americas interests against the threat of Shariah (Islamic law), a nuclear Iran

    and North Korea, and Islamic terror. Defend our borders and take on the onslaught of the drug

    cartels, illegal immigrants, and terrorists now pouring into our country. Finally, pass term limits for

    Congress, Eliminate all earmarks and pass state assistance programs in one piece of legislation yearly.

    Balance the budget and move to a more effective Federal Reserve System or eliminate it all together. Slice

    deeply all foreign aid programs to countries not deserving of our good will. All countries must earn our aid

    so they will start off with a zero balance each year. Stop the military out of Nation Buildingbut ensure we

    fight to win the battles we must. I could go on with many other recommendations to get our country

    back on track. The above is just a taste of what can be done! Disallow all lobbyists and special interests

    groups. You politicians, the President and all the Federal and State Bureaucracies work only for the People,

    no one else!

    You see, we do not need you other than to represent us, the People, and abide by and protect the

    Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Declaration of Independence states: To secure these rights,

    Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that

    whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alteror to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its

    powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.

    I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. From the Poem Invictus by English

    poetWilliam Ernest Henley(18491903) that was penned in 1875. Yes, America, WE are the

    Masters of our Fate and the Captains of our Soul. on burns and self-destructs before our very

    eyes but now you are starting to awaken. The majority of the country and its citizens have

    experienced and seen our inept and incompetent leadership In Washington! The battle is on and

    we shall not retreat.

    We will not permit the leaders in the White House and Halls of Congress to lead us down a road of

    Progressive Socialism and destruction of the Republic. The Patriotic Revolution that I forecastedwell over a year ago is happening now. We Constitutionalists face a battle that is unknown to our

    generations so we must be aggressive in our collective efforts to continue to turn back the tide. The Fate of

    the country is now in our hands and the plea from the majority of our citizens is to enforce the Constitution,

    severely limit the Federal Government and its out of control spending. There is a growing list of documented

    violations of the Constitution and their Oath of Office by current elected and appointed government officials

    Lincoln issued this warning in his inaugural address, Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the

    power, have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government and form a new one. This is a most
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    valuable and sacred right a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world. Being a

    representative republic, not a democracy, and rising up means other than revolution by use of arms. The

    people must rise up (Stand Up) from the grass roots across this great country as we think of the greater

    good of this and future generations. We are limited in the peaceful transfer of powerresignation, elections,

    and impeachment. That is why the Patriotic Revolution and Patriotic Union must take place to ensure

    survival of the Union.

    The oath is simple and reads:I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the

    United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the

    same, that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will

    faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. Sadly, we have

    seen them violate their oath. Fraud, lying, and corruption are rampant and some have engaged in

    treasonous activities, and they effectively thumb their noses at us and have sold you to the highest bidder.

    The Articles of Confederation were replaced with the Constitution, which granted the federal government

    enough authority to cultivate, promote and secure the Blessings of Liberty. The balance of authority and

    individual liberty was understood. Power was confined to that which was enumerated in the Constitution

    with a certain and meaningful intent for check and balances. We must make it a local imperative and

    movement.of the Peopleby the People and For the People.

    We, the People have had enough. Enough is Enough. The Obama White House and identifiable Members

    of Congress must now depart from a progressive socialist and treasonous death march and bankrupting the

    country beyond expectations. We have watched them violate their sacred oath of office. We, the People

    cannot solely depend on the results of the elections. It is now that many of these public servants (and you

    know who they are) must put the people and country interests above self-interest by resigning and stepping

    down immediately. A civil uprising is still not out of the question as pain grips the country more each day.

    Hopefully, our future will reflect the citizens changed the tide in a peaceful way. This means raising your

    voice now to your neighbors, family, co-workers, and friends. Be the Captains of your Souls. I pray for

    another George Washington to appear within the year and lead us. This is a National Call toAction.

    Paul Vallely is Chairman of Stand Up America.

    Paul E. Vallely MG, US Army (ret)

    Chairman Stand Up America

    [email protected]

    406 249-1091

    Fax406 258 0430


    Sadly a motion of an honest judge, congressman or bureaucratreviewing ObamaForgerygate on the merits, as well as Sheriff Arpaioand Zullo filing an actual criminal complaint with the District Attorneyinstead of idle talking and fundraising is just an April 1 joke. Contact

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    them and demand that they do their job and not turn this great nationinto a one big joke!

    Posted on | April 1, 2013 |4 Comments


    Whats your pick: is it criminally complicit, brain dead, asleep or all ofthe above???

    Posted on | April 1, 2013 |23 Comments

    Bob69 68


    Submitted on2013/04/01 at 1:15 pm

    With Congress Id say its 100%

    complicit, and many of the complicit are

    also asleep and brain dead. All of the

    above would be the correct answer.

    As expected more and more countries drop the US

    dollar as a reserve currency, turning the real dollar

    value equal to the value of the toilet paper, while our

    ruling elite is either asleep, brain dead or complicit.

    Whats your pick?


    Press release: A notice of appeal of the denial of the Default Judgmentagainst Defendant Obama is filed. An Appellants brief will be filed at a

    later date upon an order by the 9th Circuit Court of AppealsPosted on | April 1, 2013 |35 Comments

    Activity in Case 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Grinols et al v. ElectoralCollege et al Notice of Appeal

    Grinols Notice of Appeal and Ex Parte Expedited Motion0001byorlytaitz1

    [email protected]

    10:03 PM (4 hours


    to CourtMail

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  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    other users. To avoid later charges, download a copy of each document during this first viewing.

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    U.S. District Court

    Eastern District of California Live System

    Notice of Electronic Filing

    The following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 4/1/2013 at 4:03 PM PDT and filed on 4/1/2013

    Case Name: Grinols et al v. Electoral College et al

    Case Number: 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD

    Filer: James Grinols

    Keith Judd

    Thomas Gregory MacLeran

    Edward Noonan

    Robert Odden

    Document Number: 104

    Docket Text:NOTICE of APPEAL by James Grinols, Keith Judd, Thomas

    Gregory MacLeran, Edward Noonan, Robert Odden. (Taitz, Orly)2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Notice has been electronically mailed to:

    Edward A Olsen , GOVT &nbsp &[email protected],[email protected],

    [email protected],[email protected]

    George Michael Waters &nbsp &[email protected],[email protected]

    Orly Taitz &nbsp & [email protected]

    2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Electronically filed documents must be served conventionally by the

    filer to:

    The following document(s) are associated with this transaction:

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    Dr. Orly Taitz ESQ

    29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100

    Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

    Counsel for Plaintiffs



    Grinols et. al., )

    Plaintiffs ) Case # 12-02997

    V ) Hon Morrison C. England Presiding

    Electoral College et. al., )

    Defendants )




    PARTIES PENDING ADJUDICATION OF THE APPEAL WITH THE 9TH CIRCUIT[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    This court is hereby notified that plaintiffs filed an appeal with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals of an order

    by this court to deny the motion for Default Judgment against Defendant Barack (Barry) Soetoro, aka

    Barack Obama Soebarkah, aka Harrison (Harry) J. Bounel, aka Barack Hussein Obama (Hereinafter Obama)

    as well as a Motion for Reconsideration of the Denial of the Motion for Default Judgment against Defendant

    Obama. The District Court denied the Motion for the Default Judgment, claiming that Defendant Obama had

    to be served at his residence and not through the U.S. Attorneys office. In the Motion for Reconsideration

    Plaintiffs provided new evidence: two sworn affidavits of process servers, attesting to the fact that Obama

    refuses to be served at his residence and demands to be served through the U.S. Attorneys office, as well a

    ruling from a previous related case, where U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carter demanded Obama to be

    served through the U.S. Attorneys office and refused to grant a default judgment due to the fact that

    Obama was not served through the U.S. Attorneys office. As such, two U.S. District Judges denied a default

    judgment against Obama for diametrically opposite reasons: one judge DEMANDED that Plaintiffs serve

    Obama through the U.S. Attorneys office, while another judge refused to grant the same default judgment,

    stating that Obama CANNOT BE SERVED THROUGH THE U.S. ATTORNEYS OFFICE. As such adjudication by

    the 9th Circuit is essential to resolve diametrically opposite rulings by two District Courts within the same

    circuit. This is particularly important, as currently such dismissals of cases against Obama with diametrically

    opposite rulings placed Obama above the law and outside the law, whereby he simply ignores any courts,

    shows contempt towards the whole nation and continues occupying the position of the President and

    Commander in Chief while using a stolen Social Secuity number, forged Selective service Certificate, forged

    Birth Certificate, last name not legally his and a foreign citizenship. Plaintiffs state that the District Court in

    the case at hand erred and abused its judicial discretion by refusing to consider the fact that service of

    process at Obamas residence was impossible, that Obama consented to be served through the U.S.

    Attorneys office and the precedent from the U.S. District Court in Barnett, Keyes et al v Obama et al. 09-cv-

    082. Plaintiffs assert that refusal to grant the Default Judgment and take into consideration paramount

    public interest and the interest of national security in relation to provided evidence of Obama using a stolen

    Social Security number, forged IDs, a name not legally his and a foreign citizenship, makes the FederalCourt complicit in the cover up of the usurpation of the U.S. Presidency by an individual using forged and

    fraudulently obtained IDs. This possibly makes Federal court complicit in treason against the United States

    of America by allowing the usurpation of the position of the U.S. President and Commander in Chief.

    Additionally Plaintiffs seek a stay of all further proceedings in this case pending adjudication of the appeal at

    hand by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.



    Under local rule 144 and FRCP 6 Plaintiffs are bringing this ex parte expedited motion seeking a stay of all

    further proceedings in this case pending adjudication of the appeal.

    Ex Parte motion and expedited ruling is warranted for a number of reasons:1. An oral argument on defendants motion to dismiss is scheduled for April 18th, only two weeks from

    now. There is a danger of conflicting rulings by this court and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. A

    regular noticed motion for STAY on a regular 28 day schedule will end up being heard after the

    Defense motion to dismiss and will end up creating conflicting rulings. As such a motion to STAY

    FURTHER PROCEEDINGS should be reviewed by this court on an expedited ex-parte basis PRIOR TO


    2. Defendant Obama is the main defendant in this case. Decision by the 9th Circuit on the appeal

    regarding Defendant Obama will affect the decisions in regards to other defendants. If argundo this

  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    court rules in favor of the defendants, but the 9th Circuit rules that this court erred in not taking into

    consideration the sworn affidavits of two process servers and not taking into consideration the

    impossibility of serving Obama at his residence, as well as Obamas consent to be served through the

    U.S. attorney office, and reverses the ruling in regards to the motion for Default Judgment, then the

    decision by this court in regards to other Defendants will end up being reversed as well.

    3. Ex-Parte expedited ruling is warranted due to the enormity of Public interest in stopping theusurpation of the U.S. Presidency by a foreign citizen using a stolen Social Security number, forged

    Selective Service certificate and a forged birth certificate. There is an enormous public interest in

    declaratory relief on the matter, adjudication of the matter and criminal prosecution of all high

    ranking federal and state officials, who are complicit in forgery, election fraud, Social Security fraud,

    usurpation of the U.S. Presidency and usurpation of the position of the Commander in Chief and

    possibly treason. This makes the case at hand akin to U.S. v Nixon 418 U.S. 683 (1974).


    Based on all of the above Ex parte expedited motion to STAY all further proceedings pending a ruling by the

    Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals of the Appeal at hand is warranted and should be granted.

    /s/ Orly Taitz

    Counsel for Plaintiffs03.31.2013

    Cc Congressman John Goodlatte-

    Chair of the Committee on the Judiciary U.S. House of Representatives

    2309 Rayburn HOB

    Washington, D.C. 20515

    Phone: (202) 225-5431

    Fax: (202) 225-9681

    CC Congressman Darrel Issa-

    Chair House Oversight Committee

    2347 Rayburn House Office BuildingWashington, DC 20515e Buo2347 Rayburn House Office Building

    Washington, DC 20515

    Phone: 202-225-3906

    2347 Rayburn House Office Building

    Washington, DC 20515

    Phone: 202-225-3906

    Fax: 202-225-3303

    Fax: 202-225-3303

    Proposed order


    FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIAGrinols et al ) Case # 12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD

    V ) ORDER

    Electoral College et al )

    Plaintiffs filed an appeal of the order by this court to deny the Motion for Default Judgment against

    Defendant Barack (Barry) Soetoro, aka Barack Obama Soebarkah, aka Harrison (Harry) J. Bounel, aka

    Barack Hussein Obama (Hereinafter Obama) as well as a Motion for Reconsideration of the Denial of the

    Motion for Default Judgment against Defendant Obama.

  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    Plaintiffs are seeking a stay of all further proceedings in this case against all defendants pending

    adjudication of the appeal. Plaintiffs argue that the defendant Obama is the main defendant in this case and

    the ruling by the 9th Circuit in relation to Obama will affect all other defendants and there is a possibility of

    conflicting rulings if the stay is not granted. This court agrees. Motion to STAY all further proceedings is

    GRANTED. This court orders all further proceedings in this case STAYED pending adjudication of the Appeal

    with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.



    Category:HOT ITEMS!,Latest News,Legal Actions,LINKS,Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz 9th circuit,Orly Taitz Obama

    birth certificate,Orly Taitz Obama social Security number,Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate,Supporting Documentation,


    I have a serious concern, what do you think?

    Posted on | April 2, 2013 |47 Comments

    There is one issue that really concerns me: why in light of evidence of forgery would plaintiffs seek a

    certified copy of Obamas birth certificate and not examination of the original?

    Originally there were 45 attorneys and hundreds of pro se plaintiffs, who filed election challenges and legal

    challenges. At the end, people got frustrated, overwhelmed and aside from me only one other attorney has

    a case, and he recently filed an appellants brief in AL. The brief is seeking an appeal of the denial of the

    Petition of writ of mandamus, an order for the Secretary of State to seek a certified copy of Obamas birth


    Probably there is no person in the country who wants this case to be heard on the merits and succeed more

    than I do, I hope this case is heard on the merits, however I am concerned about a couple of problems.

    One, of course, is the notion by the Secretary of State that she has no duty to seek the certified copy and

    that it is moot. Lets say 2 out of 3 judges on the panel rule for the plaintiffs (there are 7 judges in this court

    and we do not know if Roy Moore will be on the panel of 3 who actually hear this case), lets say the court

    grants requested relief, which of course is very unlikely. What happens next? I am extremely concerned that

    the same registrar from the state of HI, who was complicit for 4 years now will certify another copy of the

    same forgery and this will be used as a big victory by Obama over the birthers. Obama will claim that this is

    the ultimate proof. Why are attorneys in AL asking for a certified copy instead of the examination of the


    Rule 1003. Admissibility of DuplicatesA duplicate is admissible to the same extent as the original unless a genuine question is raised about the

    originals authenticity or the circumstances make it unfair to admit the duplicate.

    This is a federal rule, which is similar to the rules of evidence in every state. Why aren;t they asking

    examination of the original?

    This happened twice before. Rules of civil procedure require production of the original in light of the

    evidence of forgery. Any attorney knows that. However, Secretary of State of KS Chris Kobach and
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    Secretary of State of AZ, Bennett, requested certified copies, Alvin Onaka certified the same forgery and not

    only this did not help, it actually hurt the case, as all the media trumpeted that Conservative Secretaries of

    state Kobach and Bennett announced that they are satisfied with the certified copies. This caused Obama

    media machine to attack me 10 times more, calling me names, saying: how come Attorney Orly Taitz is

    continuing the fight, she must be a racist. I am afraid that the same can happen in AL and it will only hurt

    us. Moreover, I am concerned about the fact that in their case they only provided one affidavit from Arpaio

    and no other affidavits. In my cases I have 150 pages of affidavits from law enforcement and experts. The

    court might state that if Arpaio were to believe that a crime was committed in his state of AZ, he had a duty

    to file a criminal complaint with his District Attorney. If he did not do this, it indicates to the court that he is

    not sure that the crime was committed. I do not know, why didnt they include other evidence. The

    complaint talks only about Arpaio, who never filed a criminal complaint, which a sheriff would normally do if

    a crime is committed, and they are talking about Corsi, who is just a journalist. I do not know, why the

    complaint does not include, for example, a sworn affidavit of Jeffrey Stephan Coffman, who is a retired Chief

    Investigator of the special investigations unit of the U.S. coast guard. Coffman sent to Arpaio the results of

    his findings regarding Obamas forged Selective Service certificate. Arpaio only confirmed those findings,

    just as he confirmed other findings. If one does not have a valid Selective Service certificate he cannot work

    in the executive branch, meaning he cannot work as a U.S. President.

    I do not know if any changes can be made in AL cases in this late stage, after the Appellants brief was

    already filed, but I am concerned that it might backfire. What do you think?


    Congressman Bob Goodlatte, Chair of the Judiciary Committee, wassubpoenaed to appear at April 18,2013 hearing before Judge MorrisonEngland and testify, whether he knew that he was represented by theUS Attorneys office in this case, whether the U.S. attorney Ed Olsenforwarded to him pleadings and exhibits in this case prior to filing anopposition to stay certification of Obamas electoral votes and prior tofiling the motion to dismiss and whether he agreed to do so in spite ofevidence of Barack Obama using forged IDs and a stolen SocialSecurity number

    Posted on | April 2, 2013 |26 Comments

    Press release

    Law offices of Orly Taitz

    Congressman Bob Goodlatte, Chair of the Judiciary Committee, was subpoenaed to appear at April 18,2013

    hearing before Judge Morrison England and testify, whether he knew that he was represented by the US

    Attorneys office in this case, whether the U.S. attorney Ed Olsen forwarded to him pleadings and exhibits in

    this case prior to filing an opposition to stay certification of Obamas electoral votes and prior to filing the

    motion to dismiss and whether he agreed to do so in spite of evidence of Barack Obama using forged IDs

    and a stolen Social Security number
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    More information on this case is at

    Notices2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Grinols et al v. Electoral College et al


    U.S. District Court

    Eastern District of California Live System

    Notice of Electronic FilingThe following transaction was entered by Taitz, Orly on 4/2/2013 at 11:32 AM PDT and filed on 4/2/2013

    Case Name: Grinols et al v. Electoral College et al

    Case Number: 2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD

    Filer: James Grinols

    Keith Judd

    Thomas Gregory MacLeran

    Edward Noonan

    Robert Odden

    Document Number: 106

    Docket Text:NOTICE of subpoena for Congressman Goodlatte, Chair of theHouse Judic iary Commit tee to appear at 04/18/2013 hearing and testifywhether the U.S. Attorneys office forward to him the pleadings andexhibits in th is case and whether he knew that the U.S. Attorneys officeopposed the injunct ion and filed for dismissal of the case in spite ofevidence of Barack Obama using forged IDs and a sto len Social Securitynumberby James Grinols, Keith Judd, Thomas Gregory MacLeran,Edward Noonan, Robert Odden re [84] Minute Order,,, Set/Reset MotionHearing,,. (Taitz, Orly)2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Notice has been electronically mailed to:

    Edward A Olsen , GOVT [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

    [email protected]

    George Michael Waters [email protected], [email protected]

    Orly Taitz [email protected]

    2:12-cv-02997-MCE-DAD Electronically filed documents must be served conventionally by the

    filer to:

    The following document(s) are associated with this transaction:

    Document description:Main Document Original filename:n/a Electronic document Stamp: [STAMP

    dcecfStamp_ID=1064943537 [Date=4/2/2013] [FileNumber=6068039-0]



    Category:HOT ITEMS!,Important Contacts,Latest News,Legal Actions,Obama Fraud Gate, Orly Taitz Obama birth

    certificate,Orly Taitz Obama social Security number,Orly Taitz ObamaFraudGate, Orly Taitz subpoena,Other Criminal or

    Suspicious Activities
  • 7/28/2019 Letter From the Chief Counsel Od the U.s. House of Represntatives in Response to Subpoenas


    Judge England is wrong is every way and if you read his decisioninvolving service, Judge England really provides nothing that justifyhis decision.

    Posted on | April 2, 2013 |3 Comments

    johnApril 2, 2013 at 10:00 am john(Quote)#

    Under Federal Law 4e Orly Taitz has PROPERLY served Obama:

    (b) leaving a copy of each at the individuals dwelling or usual place of abode with someone of suitable age

    and discretion who resides there;

    Orly had process servers go to Obamas usual place of abode with is the White House (Remember Obama is

    also the President, so this is his dwelling place.) and serve Obama.

    There are 3 problems however:

    1. The Secret Service, who would be considered of suitable age and who do reside at the White House

    REFUSED to accept Service. Orly cant FORCE the service upon these individuals.

    2. The Secret Service demanded Obama be served through the US Attornys office which was done.

    3. The Carter Case makes precedent that Obama can be served through the US Attorneys office.

    Judge England is wrong is every way and if you read his decision involving service, Judge England really

    provides nothing that justify his decision.


    Posted on | April 3, 2013 |6 Comments

    G Michael

    Cleland 10


    Submitted on2013/04/03 at 5:40 am

    The rules of service has been and will be used not to assure

    that an individual is properly served but conversely to

    prevent service. We are seeing consistent actions by a

    corrupt legal system that does not want to address difficult

    cases that affects the privileged ruling class.


    Judge England is wrong is everyway and if you read his decision

    involving service, Judge England

    really provides nothing that

    justify his decision


    Appeal fee received in an appeal of a decision by Judge England,where Judge England denied default judgment against Obama, whenObama failed to answer within 21 days, as required

    Posted on | April 3, 2013 |6 Comments

    U.S. District Court

    Eastern District of California Live System