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Page 2: Let's get ready to humble

1. Quietly passing through Galilee, Jesus and His disciples came to


a. On the way, Jesus foretold His suffering a death a second time

- Mk 9:30-32

b. Also on the way, the disciples disputed who would be the greatest

- Mk 9:33-34

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2. Jesus took this opportunity to teach His disciples the way to true


a. A way involving servitude

b. A way involving humility

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1. "If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all." - Mk 9:35

2. Greatness in Christ's kingdom is different than kingdoms of men

- cf. Mt 20:20-26

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1. Serve others in evangelism

a. Someone led you to Christ, can you not lead another to Him? - Jn 1:35-42

b. Begin by being hospitable, offering acts of kindness and service

c. At the very least: invite to services, offer a Bible

d. Open your home to host lifegroups for winning and consolidation

e. Hone your skills in personal evangelism, seek to improve your ability to share the gospel

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2. Serve others in edification

a. Many have contributed to your spiritual growth, can you help others? - Ep 4:16

b. Begin by being present at every service, greeting every one present.

c. Take special interest in those who are new, encourage them

d. Offer to teach the children, even if only to assist another teacher

e. Volunteer whatever service you can render in the work and worship of the church

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3. Serve others in benevolence

a. Has anyone ever showed you kindness? "Be kind to one another" - Ep 4:32

b. Visit the sick or elderly, at home and in the hospital

c. Render service such as cleaning the home, cleaning the car, errands, etc.

d. Minister to the poor, the hungry, or those otherwise in need

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1. Jesus used a little child to teach the importance of humility - Mk 9:36-37

2. The humility of small children provides an example for us - cf. Mt 18:1-4

3. Like servitude, humility is a cardinal virtue in the kingdom - cf. 1Pe 5:5

4. When we humbly receive others in Jesus' name, we receive both Him and His Father in heaven - Mk 9:37

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1. In the area of evangelism

a. Be open to opportunities to learn how to do personal work

b. Ask others if you can accompany them as they teach others

c. Reach out to those who are different than you

d. Especially those less fortunate than you - cf. Jm 2:5

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2. In the area of edification

a. Gladly accept subservient roles in teaching, preaching, worship

b. Encourage and assist those who teach our children

c. Warmly welcome those below or above your "social status" - Jm 2:1-4

d. Help with mundane tasks


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3. In the area of benevolence

a. Help those less fortunate than you

Lk 14:12-14

b. Perform menial tasks where needed

c. Offer to babysit, provide meals, help with expenses, etc.


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1. It may not seem like much, but the way to greatness is not possible without...

a. A servant heart and servant hand

b. A humble heart and humble hand

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2. Jesus proved the greatness of service and humility by His own example…

a. Coming to this earth in the form of a servant - Php 2:5-7

b. Humbling Himself to the point of death on the cross - Php 2:8

c. Thereby being highly exalted by God - Php 2:9-11


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“For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted." - Lk 14:11

If we desire to be great in the kingdom of God, let us humbly serve one another and those in the world...