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"Let Us Be Light"

byMax Page


Page 2: Let Us Be Light



GRIFFIN wears a backpack. Walks up to door and KNOCKS. SOLOMON opens.

GRIFFINDid you finish it?

SOLOMONYeah, you?

GRIFFINJust did.

SOLOMONPerfect! Let’s go before it gets too late.

Solomon puts on his jacket and swings his backpack over his shoulder. They head out.




SKYHey everybody! Today, we’re going to be working with Light!

A glorified opera note SFX is sung as if the clouds were opening up. A spotlight shines down on them briefly, then disappears. Sky and kids look around confused.

SKY (CONT’D)What was that?

Kids giggle.

SKY (CONT’D)Okay, so like I was saying, today we’re going to be working with light. And for those of you who want to follow along at home, you’ll need two or more mirrors, and a flashlight or laser pointer. Be sure to ask your parents permission before using this one.

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She shines the laser pointer at the camera.

SKY (CONT’D)Today’s experiment will be testing the reflection qualities of light when it comes in contact with mirrors. Like these.

She holds up two mirrors.

SKY (CONT’D)Now, Jordan, I want you to hold this mirror here. And Avi, I want you to face Jordan holding this mirror here.

Jordan and Avi faces each other with their mirrors.

SKY (CONT’D)What we’re going to do is shine this laser pointer between these two mirrors. If everything works out, it should create a bounce back effect that reflects the light in the opposite direction. Are you ready?


SKYAnd don’t forget, it’s important to dim the lights to make sure you can see the light reflecting back and forth.

Sky holds up her hand.

SKY (CONT’D)Lights please!

The lights in the room dim.

SKY (CONT’D)Okay, Jadriel. Now, very carefully, I want you to shine this light at this mirror.

He shines the laser pointer. The light bounces back and fourth between the mirrors.



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Sky waves her hand between the mirrors to show it shining on her hand.

SKYAnd the more mirrors you have, the cooler the effect. Pretty neat, huh?


SKYWhat do you say we go learn more about the light?


Sky walks the kids out to a sunny spot.

SKYOh, what beautiful weather. Say, can any of you guys spot examples of light or possibly where it comes from?

The kids look around, then Jordan points up--


Camera looks up at the sun.


Simple GFX. 1. The sun shines. 2. Camera pulls back to view the sun at the center of the solar system. 3. Medium shot of the earth as the sun moves in behind it to show relative size.

SKY (V.O.)1. Did you know that the sun is actually a star? 2. It’s positioned at the very center of our solar system. 3. And at about 865,000 miles across, it’s 110 times wider than the earth! Now that’s one big light!


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“Let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth.” Genesis 1:15. Spoken and shown on screen.


GFX. 1. LLOYD dodges a ray of light. 2. Stretching SFX as camera pulls back to an incredible distance. Clock ticks up to eight minutes, once it reaches eight, a light spots him. He flinches. 3. Covering his eyes, the light turns off and the room goes black.

LLOYD1. Light travels at 670,616,629 miles per hour. That’s fast! 2. But because the sun is more than 90 million miles away, it takes over 8 minutes to reach the earth. 3. Without the sunlight, we wouldn’t be able to see and there would simply be no day.


“Then God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light ‘day’ and the darkness ‘night.’ 1 Genesis 3-5. Spoken and shown on screen.


Lloyd dressed like Edison at a desk. He rubs his forehead trying to think. Suddenly he looks up and a light bulb pops up over his head. He leans into desk and begins fiddling with a bulb, filament and tools. He holds up a light bulb that shines.

(V.O.)In 1879 Thomas Edison had an idea. By combining the right metal filament within an airtight glass bulb, he ran an electrical current through it creating a light powerful enough to fill an entire room.


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Sky and kids look up at the night sky with a telescope.

SKYLook at all those stars. You ever wonder how they got up there or what makes them shine like that? I mean, we just learned about the sun, but what makes the moon shine?


Simple GFX. 1. The moon is shown in comparison to the earth. 2. Camera pulls back to show it orbiting the earth. 3. The sunlight shines on the moon, reflecting it down on the earth.

SKY (V.O.)1. Did you know that the moon is only a quarter the width of the earth? 2. But because the moon orbits the earth, 3. it’s able to reflect the sunlight and shine down on us to see at night.


‘Let these lights in the sky shine down on the earth.’ And that’s what happened. God made two great lights, the sun and the moon - the larger one to govern the day, and the smaller one to govern the night.’ 1 Genesis 15-16. Spoken and shown on screen.


Solomon and Griffin continue on their trek. They’re looking for something.

SOLOMONIt’s starting to get dark. I can barely see.

GRIFFINHere, I know.

Griffin reveals a flashlight from his backpack. He shines it on the path and they continue on.


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ANGELA opens the Bible and tells the story of the three wise men to the kids.

ANGELAToday we’re going to be reading the story of the three wise men and the night star. The Bible tells us the three men were from somewhere in the far east. And one night they saw a star brighter than all the rest of the night sky.

A simple animation of three wise men. They look up to see a bright star.

WISEMAN #1Look, a star!

WISEMAN #2Wow, that’s bright.

WISEMAN #3It must be a sign!

ANGELA (V.O.)And so, the three wise men packed up their camels with gifts and followed the star in search of the great king that was to be born.

The three wise men follow the star, riding on camels. They stop to talk to a man.

ANGELA (V.O.)Every night they traveled through town after town in search of the King that the Bible foretold to be born under this night star.

WISEMAN #1Have you seen a baby king?


I dunno.

ANGELA (V.O.)When King Herod overheard of the Wise men’s search, he got anxious and called them to him.

Herod and a few men stand before the three wise men.


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HERODBaby King? What baby king! I am king. Bring him to me!

ANGELA (V.O.)But because they were so wise, the three wise men knew King Herod in his jealousy, meant to harm the baby, so they left in the middle of the night to go and find him.

ANGELA (V.O.)And after a long voyage, finally the three wise men reach a house.

The three wise men notic a house with the star above.

WISEMAN #1Look, the star!

WISEMAN #2It’s above that house.

WISEMAN #3We’ve made it!


ANGELAAnd after months of traveling, their journey finally came to an end.

Angela closes the book and looks at the kids.

ANGELA (CONT’D)Isn’t it just amazing that the star guided them all that way? Can you imagine how they would have found it without the light to lead them?


Simple GFX. Light bulb turns on.

A bunch of candles dimly lit.

The light bulb overpowers the candle light. High and mighty happy music as the light bulb zooms front and center.

(V.O.)The invention of the light bulb significantly changed the world.



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Instead of using candles to light the night, light bulbs created a brighter and lighter way to see the world around us. And ever since, the light bulb has been identified as one of the greatest inventions of all time.


Sky tells verse as it’s shown on screen behind her.

SKYBut Edison’s light bulb wasn’t the only light that changed the world. In John 8:12, the Bible says, “Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, ‘I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”

Again she is spotted with a spotlight and an opera note plays over then disappears. She looks around confused.

SKY (CONT’D)Okay, seriously, where is that coming from.

Kid GIGGLES O.S. Sky looks over...


Angela opens the Bible and finishes her story.

ANGELASo now that we’ve seen how the light guided the three wise men, let’s finish the story and see where it took them... Once they reached the house with the star high above, they went inside.

Simple GFX of a small house with a star high above.

ANGELA (CONT’D)And inside the house was the young Jesus himself. The wise men bowed low to the young king and offered him the gifts they had brought with them on their long journey.


(V.O.) (CONT'D)

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The three wise men surround Jesus and his family. Each of the three men offer their gifts.

WISEMAN #1Here, have this!

WISEMAN #2And mine too.

WISEMAN #3For you, my great king!


ANGELAAnd after the three wise men delivered their gifts to Jesus, they packed up their things and headed home. It was truly a special occasion. Isn’t it just amazing to see how all this was brought together because a light led the way?


ANGELACan you think of what else light helps us to do?


Sky lists off all things that use light, they pop up on screen next to her as she says them along with their accompanied SFX. Camera flashes and blinds her when she mentions “camera.”

SKYWith light being so helpful it’s no wonder its used in so many things, like... Lamps, car headlights, phones, streetlights, cameras, and lighthouses!


Simple animation. Ancient looking lighthouse with fire atop.

Lighthouse shines down on the treacherous rocks so that the boat doesn’t crash and safely docks.


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Several lighthouses pop up on a map around the US.

SKY (V.O.)Lighthouses can be dated back to the third century B.C. when fire was used to alert the sailors at sea. They helped direct boats away from dangerous and rocky areas as well as guide them to safe places to dock. Modern day lighthouses can be found all along the coast of the United States to this day.


Lloyd anxiously looks over a list. LENNY appears with a big smile. The timer starts.


LLOYDOh, hi, Lenny. You look happy today.

LENNYWell of course, today is a happy day. Do you want to know why?

LLOYDWell sure, but first, we have a lot of things to get through today, so we better learn our words of the day before the timer runs out.

LENNYOh yes! Today is all about La Luz!

“Light” and “la luz” pop up on the screen. It illuminates the room.

LLOYDWow that’s bright.

LENNYThat’s right!

LLOYDWell, what other words deal with la luz?

LENNYHmmm, el sol!


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“El sol” and “sun” pop up on screen and shine as well. It blinds Lloyd.

LLOYDWow, el sol is really bright too.

LENNYAnd don’t forget, La lampara y amarillo!

“La Lampara” and “amarillo” pop up on screen along with their English counterparts.

The backdrop turns yellow and more bright objects blind Lloyd.

He covers his eyes trying to block it out.

LLOYDLampara and amarillo?! How do you say sunglasses?

LENNYSSunglasses es, anteojos de so--


LLOYDWell, I think that just about does it for today. Thanks for the tip, I better go buy some anteojos de sol. Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta run...

Lloyd takes off, Lenny tries to stop him.

LENNYWait! I never got to tell you why today is so special.

Lenny looks down sad.

LENNY (CONT’D)Hoy es mi cumpleanos.

The word “birthday” pops up next to her.


Solomon and Griffin journey through the night. Flashlight leading the way.


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SOLOMONHow much further?

GRIFFINWe’re almost there.


Sky speaks to camera. Holds up a Bible.

SKYSo far we’ve seen plenty examples of light. But the word light has another meaning to it as well. The Bible tells us that we can be lights. Meaning we are to shine before others by our good deeds.


“You are the light of the world - like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where is gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5: 14-16.

Spoken and shown on screen accompanied by a simple animation of a bright city on a high hill. It gets covered by a basket which knocks out the light. The basket is removed and the light shines on the homes below. Little people walk out of the city and shine on the homes as well.


Lloyd frantically goes over a list in his hand. He bumps into Sky.

SKYWhoa. Slow down. Are you okay?

LLOYDHuh? Oh yeah, I guess. I just have so much to do. Look at all these things I have to pick up for tonight. I just don’t have enough time to get it all done.

Sky looks over his list.


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SKYWell, I free for the next hour. Why don’t I help you get a few of these done while you get the rest?



LLOYDUh, you would do that for me? I can’t believe you would take time out of your day to help me with my problems.

SKYI’d be glad to help. Now come on, we’ve got work to do.

She takes the list and heads O.C.

Lloyd is left astonished. Looks at the camera.

LLOYDWow, just knowing that Sky was willing to help makes me feel so much better. She really brightened up my day!


“Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” Philippians 2:4. Spoken and shown on screen.


Angela walks into the kitchen to find the kids working with markers, glue, glitter, scissors and crafts.

CHRIS wear an apron covered in flour. He’s flustered.

ANGELAHey, what’s going on you guys?

CHRISOh, they’ve been working on an art project all day.

Angela looks it over.


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ANGELAVery good. I like it. And what about you?

CHRISI must have burned over three batches of cookies today. I just can’t get this baking thing down.

Angela rolls up her sleeves.

ANGELAWell, maybe I can help. Ya know baking is one of my all time favorite hobbies. I’ll show you one of my favorite recipes.

CHRISReally? You would do that?!

ANGELAOf course! Now, first things first, we’re gonna need some ingredients.



Sky stands before a snapshot of Angela and Chris baking.

SKYDid you see that? Angela was able to help Chris with his baking project. Sometime being a light can be as easy as sharing the gifts that we have. Chris didn’t know how to bake, but Angela did. We don’t always have to give actual gifts to make others happy, sometimes it’s just the gifts that make us who we are.


“God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” 1 Peter 4:10. Spoken and shown on screen.


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Lloyd speaks to the camera.

LLOYDYou see, sometimes we can learn so much from those around us. By doing good deeds and setting positive examples like helping others...

Griffin walks by and drop his wallet without noticing.

LLOYD (CONT’D)Hey, you dropped this.

GRIFFINOh, thanks!

Griffin walks O.S.

LLOYDOr saying something nice...

Sky walks by with a big hat.

LLOYD (CONT’D)I really like your hat.

SKYWhy thank you.

She walks O.S.

LLOYDOr even just a smile.

Angela walks past with a big grin and then O.S. Lloyd perks up.

LLOYD (CONT’D)You see, we can all be lights in the lives of others to help brighten up their day. In Ephesians 5:8-9, the Bible tells us to reflect the light of Jesus. It says to live as people of Light!

The verse pops up on screen and illuminates.

LLOYD (CONT’D)This light within you produces what is good and right and true.


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Lloyd narrates animation. The sun shines it’s light down on the earth. Plants pop up all around. The sun sets and shines it’s light on the moon which reflects it down on the earth. Compare to Jesus’ light. Jesus’s light shines down onto the earth filled with people. Each of their hearts get bigger. Jesus’s light reflects off one of the people and onto the others, growing even more hearts.

LLOYD (V.O.)Remember how we learned about the sun shining it’s light down onto the earth? And from that, how all life is able to grow? And remember how when the sun goes down, we’re still able to have light on earth because the moon reflects it? The Bible tells us to act in similar ways. You see, Jesus is the light that shines down on all the people on earth. From His light, people are able to grow and feel good. In the same way, we’re supposed to reflect that light on others. The light that we share will help others in need, and spread the love that helps them to grow.


LLOYDSo you see, just important as it is to have actual lights in our daily lives, it’s even better to be a light in each and every day. By helping others, giving a kind smile or comment, we can help shine that love deep within us. Go ahead, take a look around you. Who is in need? How can you brighten up someone’s day today?

Lloyd looks at his watch.

LLOYD (CONT’D)Oh, speaking of, I’m late, I better go...


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It’s dark. Solomon and Griffin finally find the house. The lights are on.

SOLOMONThat’s it!


They rush down, open the door and head inside.

Just then a car pulls up, the headlights turn off.

A hand reaches for the door.


From inside we see the door swing open.

A flick of a light switch and the lights turn on.


It’s a surprise birthday party for Lenny.

Lenny is shocked.

The kids hold up their art project. It’s a big banner that reads Feliz Cumpleanos Mom!

KIDSHappy Birthday Mom!

Chris and Angela hold up a cake and baked goods.

Lloyd and Sky throw streamers, balloons and blow whistles.

Solomon and Griffin unpack their backpacks and offer their presents three wise men style.

Lenny is flabbergasted. She doesn’t know what to say.

LENNYAww, you did remember.

A series of shots:

1. Everyone exchanges laughs.

2. Positive encouragement.


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3. Helping each other slice a piece of cake and passing it to the next person.

All in all, a bright and cheery party.


