Download - Lessons from my work on


How to get lost in your own country

Multiple times

Use Google Maps

About me

Veselin Nikolov


About me

Background as MS SQL DBA

Currently trying to keep things simple in a team of 10

Lessons from working on

WordCamp Romania 2014

What happened with the MySQL talk

One month ago

The reception

The questions

How do I make WordPress secure

What are your tips for secure WordPress

How do I chose save plugins and themes

How do you manage to work remotely?

Are there any other Bulgarians at Automattic?


There are no mistakes,only lessons.

... telling stories this time.

Story #1 The ID

7 year old legacy code

Entire table described in the code

We have items with ids 5 and 6. We need to add 7.

The 5 and 6 were repeated 135 times in the code.

Story #1 The ID

One new object

A few helpers

135 removed magic numbers

One changeset

0 unit tests

What could possibly go wrong?


(I broke stuff)

Story #1 Lessons

Pleasepleaseplease, no magic numbers

Atomic commits, please!

Long functions are hard to understand

Stats monitoring

Legacy is code for which we don't have tests

Story #2 The Notification


1+ million emails

1+ million discount coupons (10-ish previously)


What could possibly go wrong?

Story #2 The Notification

Queries that work with small tables:SELECT * FROM table

SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY whateverLIMIT 200, 100

Story #2 The Notification

Queries that don't work with large tables:SELECT * FROM table

SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY whateverLIMIT 200000, 100

Story #2 The Notification

Fetching big amounts of data breaks things

Offsetting breaks things

The coupons weren't really used in the past and didn't really work

Repeating millions of anything means a lot of time


Launching big things on Friday


SELECT * FROM ...WHERE `id` > 1093029ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 20

SELECT `deadline` FROM ...WHERE `date` BETWEEN '2014-06-20' AND ...


SELECT * FROM ...WHERE `id` > 1093029ORDER BY `id` LIMIT 20

SELECT `deadline` FROM ...WHERE `date` BETWEEN '2014-06-20' AND ...


SELECT * FROM `table` JOIN ( SELECT `id` FROM `table`ORDER BY `whatever`LIMIT 5000,50

) as `b` USING `id`

Story #3 The A/B Test

A/B test is showing different things to users and measuring effect

We use Kissmetrics

We've had 5 different A/B testing classes

Story #3 The A/B Test

Feature-rich classes

Many levels of abstraction

Expressive names

Many filters and actions

What could possibly go wrong?

Story #3 The A/B Test

class Server_Side_Experiment_Visitor extends Server_Side_Experiment_Base {...

Story #3 The A/B Test

Wrong results, no one knows why.

Story #3 The A/B Test

Wrong results, no one knows why.

Story #3 The A/B Test

A new colleague joins and writes this:ab_test('test-teh-button',array('orange','blue',


);// return 'orange'

Story #3 Lessons Learned

KISS. Simplest solution worked

Kissmetrics rocks

A/B test everything

Story #4 Barry

howdy hi, did I break anything? your blog looks hacked

Story #4

Unique passwords

2-factor auth

Come to WordCamp Europe and maybe watch Barry live :-)



KISS. Simple queries. Simple code.

DRY. Repetition fails.

A/B test. Unit test. Test!

Launch your next project on Friday at 7pm.

My name is VeselinI code for food.

Ask me anything!