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Teaching Emphasis, Grouping and Pause to First Grade

Lesson plan

Teachers: Deyanira Mora, Mitzy Glenn and María Fernanda González Level: First Grade

Date: Monday, March 11th, 2013. Contents: Emphasis, grouping and pause

General objective: Students will be able to identify the emphasis and pauses in sentences in order to improve their listening and speaking skills.

Time Content Specific Objectives: Procedures Materials

8 minutes Vocabulary: Fox, box, house, mouse, ham, eggs, Sam, goat, car, train, dark, rain, tree, boat,

Students will be able to identify the target vocabulary.

Students will be able to match the word with the picture.

Pre- Task: The teacher will have the target words printed inside plastic eggs and some pictures related to the vocabulary on the whiteboard. Students will take an egg and read the word that is inside of it, and then they will look for the picture that matches the word.

14 Plastic eggs

A basket

Target words: Fox, box, house, mouse, ham, eggs, Sam, goat, car, train, dark, rain, tree, boat

Pictures of the words above

Masking tape

10 minutes Emphasis: old information, new information and

Students will be able listen to the story “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr Seuss and

Task: Teacher will introduce the book “Green Eggs and Ham” By Dr.Seuss with Sam’s puppet.

The book: Green eggs and ham by Dr.Seuss

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15 minutes


Punctuation marks: period, comma, question mark, exclamation mark.

identify the words that are pronounced louder in order to recognize the difference between the new information and the old information in a sentence.

Students will be able to recognize “pauses” in the reading.

Students will be able to repeat sentences to practice the emphasis and pauses in the sentences.

Students will be able to reproduce sentences with emphasis and pauses.

Teacher will remind students to pay attention to the words that are pronounced louder and also to listen carefully to the pause.

Teacher will explain that a pause is a little stop, we make at the end of the sentences or thoughts. It usually has a punctuation mark at the end or we say the name of a person.

Students will listen to the story: “Green eggs and ham” by Dr Seuss.

Exercise 1: Students will listen to a sentence with question mark and repeat after teacher.

Exercise 2: Students will listen to some sentences; and identify the words that are pronounced louder. Teacher will explain about the old information and new information in a sentence. Teacher will read some sentences in a flat way, students will read them correctly.

Exercise 3: Students will read some sentences saying the underlined word louder.

Exercise 4: Teacher will review “pauses” with some examples. Students will repeat after teacher. Remind students the punctuation marks and

Sam´s puppet.

Power point presentation of the book

10 minutes Students will be able to create their own book

Post Task: In groups of 3, students will create a book by writing sentences with

Color sheets

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by writing sentences with emphasis and pauses.

Students will be able to read their own book to the class.

emphasis in old/new information and pauses. Then the students will read the book to the class. The teacher will provide all the materials needed for the activity.


Color pencils

