Download - Lesson for 8-12 June


Standard 4

1. Conversion of units Strip of paper Paste on the wall

2. Measuring the length of a curved Measure 10 curved objects in the classroom Materials: ruler, strings

3. Measure area using tiles Measure 10 rectangle and square with different size Materials: 1cm cube

4. Measure area using tools and standard units Measure 10 rectangle and square with different size Using ruler

5. Estimating the Area of Irregular Shape Using graph paper Trace their hand of the graph paper

Individual Activity1. Worksheet2. 10 new words 3. Formative Practice 7 and Formative Practice 8

Standard 5

1. Light travel in straight line Metal stand Torch Candle

2. Sources of Light

Students to write what they learn from the video

3. How shadows are formed (1) Three object to explain Transparent, Translucent and Opaque Match the name and description Write it in their book Ejaz

4. Making Shadow Torchlight and objects (5) Use Mahjong paper and paste it at the class to put the shadow Include the experiment for size of shadow and shape of shadow

Individual Activity1. Worksheet2. 10 new words3. Test Yourself 334. Formative Practice 33

Standard 6

1. Make a model for Eclipse of the sun and Eclipse of the moon2. Garden activity3. Section B for Eclipse

Individual Activity1. Worksheet2. 10 new words 3. Unit Practice 25

1. Cotton2. White chart paper3. Marker4. Blue color and green color paper