Download - Lesson 2. Government The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.

Page 1: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.


Lesson 2

Page 2: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.


The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules.





Page 3: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.

Levels of Government Federal

Makes laws for the entire country. Handles relations with other countries. Resolves disputes between states.

StateMakes laws for one state. Resolves disputes between citizens within the state.

Local- County, Town and Township, Municipality, Special District,

School DistrictMakes laws for a small area within a state. Enforces local laws and ordinances.

Page 4: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.

Responsibilities of Government

National:- U.S. military - Passports and visas

- Coining money - International trade

- Interstate highways - Federal income tax

- Social Security - Interstate commerce

Page 5: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.

Responsibilities of Government

State:- State Police - Automobile registration and

driver’s licenses

- Property - Intrastate commerce

- State highways - State sales tax

- Welfare - Education

Page 6: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.

Responsibilities of Government

Local: - Police and Fire - Voter registration

- Planning and zoning - Recreation

- Local roads - Property tax

- Trash collection - School districts

Page 7: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.


A list of values and basic ideas that explain how a nation is to be put together and what rights citizens will have under that government.

Page 8: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.

Branches of Government Executive Branch

Attends to the daily operations of government○ Includes such things as enforcing the laws of the


Legislative BranchMakes, amends (changes) and repeals or throws

out laws. Judicial Branch

Made up of a system of courts who interpret and apply the laws○ This is where conflict and disputes are settled

Page 9: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.

Checks and Balances

designed to limit power a single individual or body of government

provide a harmonious relationship of the people and all parts/individuals of government or other social institutions

No one branch can have too much power

Page 10: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.

Example of Checks and Balances

Page 11: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.

Political Parties/Elections

Political organizations that try to get and keep political power within the government, usually by backing/supporting candidates in electionsAn electorate is a person that is entitles to

vote in an election because they have reached the age to vote

Each party has a viewpoint or ideology that represents the interests of the

people and groups within the party

Page 12: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.

Example- Types of Political Parties (in the United States)

Republican Democrat

Role of Government Less government / taxes More government / taxes

View of War Root out and destroy terrorist groups wherever found! Nations that harbor or support terrorists "face the full wrath" of the United States. No “U.N. Permission Slip” required!

“Global Test” will be required seeking permission from foreign governments before any pre-emptive action protecting America… thus “Iraq is the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Healthcare Maintain private health care with tax breaks to individuals.  Reform Medicare.

Nationalize health care. Expand Medicare in numerous ways.

Traditional Values Promote fair, traditional American values and work ethic.

Affirmative Action and special rights for minorities and "different points of view"

Page 13: Lesson 2. Government  The organization set up with the power to protect the community, provide services, and enforce its rules. Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship.

Other Parts of Government Infrastructure

All the internal items that are needed to keep a country running or functioning.○ Highways, postal service, water supply, power

plants, telecommunications, government buildings, etc.

National DefenseEverything that a nation uses or produces to

safeguard its survival.○ Armed forces, political power, and economic
