Download - LESSON 13 | Bible Pres… · ACORN EXAMPLE • GATHER the children. • SHOW the children the acorn. • ASK, Do

Page 1: LESSON 13 | Bible Pres… · ACORN EXAMPLE • GATHER the children. • SHOW the children the acorn. • ASK, Do

Bible Basis: Joshua 1:1 – 11; Matthew 13:1 – 23

Key Verse: Hebrews 4:12: “The word of God is alive and active.”

Key Question: How do I study God’s Word?

Key Idea: I study the Bible to know God and his truth and to find direction for my daily life.

Resource: Believe Storybook Bible, Chapter 13, “Bible Study” or story script (below)

Master Supplies List ❑ Believe Storybook Bible ❑ PowerPoint slides or printable posters of illustrations ❑ Acorn ❑ Bean, corn, and sunflower seeds seeds (enough for several per

child) ❑ Tree template, Bean template, Corn template, and Sunflower

template ❑ Family Page (one per child)

Optional SuppliesYou will need the following supplies based on which option(s) you choose in STEP 3 | Explore More:

❑ OPTION 1: Paper cups (one per child), small scoop, potting soil, variety of seeds (enough for each child to have several of one kind), water, marker

❑ OPTION 2: Four containers with samples of the four types of soil (described below) found in the parable of the sower, baby wipes

❑ OPTION 4: Crayons or markers, Let’s Color! sheet (one per child) ❑ OPTION 6: Two puppets

LESSON 13 | Bible Study

Page 2: LESSON 13 | Bible Pres… · ACORN EXAMPLE • GATHER the children. • SHOW the children the acorn. • ASK, Do

LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL 2

STEP 1 | Come Together (10 min)

Supplies: Small acorn, Tree template, Bean template; Corn template; Sun-flower template; bean, corn, and sunflower seeds

Teacher Prep: Find a small acorn to bring to class. Also gather a variety of seeds such as corn, beans, and sunflowers. Print the Tree template, Bean template, Corn template, and Sunflower template.

ACORN EXAMPLE• GATHER the children.• SHOW the children the acorn.• ASK, Do you know what this is? (An acorn)• ASK, Did you know that a tree is hiding inside this small acorn?• INSTRUCT the children to come with you to the window to look at

a real tree. If there are no trees visible from the window, use the tree template to show them.

• SAY, An acorn is a type of seed. God uses the acorn seed to grow a great, big tree.

• CONTINUE, We know that an acorn can grow into a tree because we can plant it and watch the tree grow. This is how we know which seeds grow which kinds of plants.

• SHOW the children your collection of seeds.• SHOW each seed, one at a time.• ASK the children if they can tell you what type of plant each seed might

grow into.• EXPLAIN which plant each seed will grow into by showing the chil-

dren the picture of the corresponding plant.

BIBLE• HOLD UP a Bible.• SAY, Planting seeds and watching them grow can happen in our lives,

just as it happens in a garden. As we study God’s Word, which we call the Bible, we grow to become more like God.

• SAY, Today we are going to learn more about studying God’s Word. We are also going to learn a little more about seeds.

REVIEW• SAY, Today we learned that God uses seeds to grow things. We know

which seeds grow which plants because we can study what each seed grows into. As we study the Bible, we learn and grow too.

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL 3

KEY VERSE• REVIEW this week’s Key Verse. You may want to repeat the verse slowly

a few times until the children are able to say the verse from memory.• NOTE: You may also choose to review last week’s Key Verse together.

Hebrews 4:12The word of God (Open hands like a book)is alive and active. (Hold up hands and wiggle fingers)

STEP 2 | Hear the Story (15 min)

Supplies: Believe Storybook Bible (optional), PowerPoint slides or printable posters of illustrations

INTRODUCTION• TELL the children that they will be learning more about seeds and the

importance of studying God’s Word.• SAY, We already learned that God uses seeds to grow things and that

when people study something, they learn more about it.• CONTINUE, We’ll also learn more about how Jesus taught his follow-

ers how things grow and why it is important to spend time each day studying God’s Word, the Bible.

READ CHAPTER 13• READ aloud the story script below or chapter 13, “Bible Study,” from

the Believe Storybook Bible.• SHOW the illustrations included with this curriculum on PowerPoint

slides or printable posters.

THE STORY OF JOSHUA• When we need directions to a place, we can read a map. When

we need directions in our life, we can study God’s Word — the Bible! Studying the Bible helps us know God better and make good decisions in our lives. When Joshua led God’s people on a journey, he was sure to follow God’s directions.

• After Moses died, God chose Joshua to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land. God gave Joshua directions on where to go. He said, “Your land will stretch from the desert all the way to

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL 4

REVIEW JOSHUA• ASK, What do we use on a trip to show us where to go? (A map or GPS)• ASK, What do we use as a map for our lives? (The Bible)• ASK, How did Joshua know where to lead the Israelites? (God told him

where to go)

REVIEW THE SEEDS• ASK, Jesus said that people who hear God’s Word are like what? (Seeds)• ASK, If you hear the Word of God, study it, and share it, what kind of

seed will you be? (The kind that grows and fills up the whole field)

the sea.” He also gave Joshua directions on how to live. He said, “Follow the laws I gave Moses. Study my words and do not forget them.”

• God told Joshua and the Israelites he would never leave them. He would never give up on them. The same is true for us! God loves us and will always be with us. We can show our love in return by studying the Bible and obeying God.

THE STORY OF THE SEEDS• Jesus wanted people to know and love God. Some people heard

God’s Word, but they didn’t really know and love God. Jesus told them this story to teach them an important lesson: “A farmer scattered his seeds all around. Some seeds fell on the path and were eaten by birds. Other seeds fell on rocky ground. They grew quickly but were burned by the sun and died. Some more seeds fell near thick plants that grew and choked them out. Other seeds fell in good soil. These seeds grew tall and strong.”

• Jesus explained that this story wasn’t really about seeds — it was about people! The seeds that fell on the path and were eaten by birds are like people who hear God’s Word but don’t get to know God. The seeds that fell on the rocky ground are like people who hear God’s Word but don’t keep learning. The seeds that fell near thick plants are like people who let worries push their faith out of the way.

• God wants us to be like the seeds that fell on good soil and grew strong. He wants us to learn and share our faith with oth-ers. We can grow strong by praying and studying the Bible.

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL 5

• PRAY, Thank you, God, for giving us your Word, the Bible, and for helping us to understand it. Please continue to grow us to be more and more like you. We want to grow like seeds grow into plants as we study the Bible and share your story with others. Amen.

STEP 3 | Explore MoreChoose from these activity options, depending on your available time frame, to help the children explore the lesson further.

Option 1: Growing Seeds (15 min)

Supplies: Paper cups (one per child), small scoop, potting soil, variety of seeds (enough for each child to have several of one kind of seed), water, marker

Teacher Prep: Cover a work area with newspaper.

• SAY, Today we have learned a lot about seeds. Now you will have a chance to grow some seeds of your own.

• SAY, Seeds need three things to grow well. Can you guess what they are? (Wait for responses)

• SAY, That’s right! They need good soil, water, and sunlight.• SAY, First I will let each of you come up to the work area and fill a cup

with good soil. Then you can choose which kind of seed you would like to plant. (Be sure to give each child several of the same kind of seed to ensure that at least one seed will grow)

• ASK the children to come to the work area, one at a time. If you have other classroom helpers, you may choose to help several children plant seeds at one time so there is less time for the other children to sit and wait.

• WATER each cup once it is filled with soil and the child’s seeds have been planted.

• MAKE sure to label each cup with the type of seed planted and the child’s name.

• EXPLAIN to the children that you will keep the seeds in a sunny spot so that they will grow and everyone can watch them grow each week.

• NOTE: If you cannot keep the seeds over several weeks (for example, if you share the space with another class or group), you may send the seeds home with the children, instructing them to keep them in a sunny spot and to water them occasionally. The children can report back to

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL 6

the class when they see their seeds start to sprout at home. They can even bring in a picture of their sprouting plant.

Option 2: Soil Identification Game (10 min)

Supplies: One container with a very small amount of dry dirt, one con-tainer with a small amount of dry dirt with rocks mixed in, one container with dry dirt and small twigs or vines mixed in to simulate the thorny ground, one container with good potting soil, baby wipes

Teacher Prep: Have soil samples in containers before class begins. Have baby wipes ready to clean hands after the game ends.

• SAY, In the story today, we learned that the seeds fell on different types of soil.

• CONTINUE, We are going to play a game to see if we can identify the different types of soil.

• REVIEW the types of soil with children: shallow soil, rocky soil, thorny soil, and good soil.

• ALLOW each child to take a turn reaching into a container and feeling the contents with their eyes closed to see if they can guess which type of soil they are feeling.

• CONTINUE until each child has had a turn feeling inside the contain-ers and guessing the different soil types.

• ASK, Which one would you want to plant a seed in? (Wait for responses)

• SAY, That’s right, the good soil!

Option 3: “I’m a Little Seed” Action Poem (5 min)• SAY, In the parable of the sower, we learned that seeds need good soil

to grow in. We also learned that the Bible is like that good soil, and we need it to grow in our faith.

• SAY, We are going to learn a little poem to remind us how we are like seeds, growing in the good soil of God’s Word.

• ASK the children to stand up.• RECITE the following poem with actions until the children are able to

say it with you.

I’m a little seed hiding deep in the ground,(Squat down and cover head with hands and arms)

And the sun shines, and the rain falls, and I pop up my head,(Quickly uncover head and look up on pop)

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL 7

I reach up my leaves,(Begin to stand and stretch arms up)

And I stretch up to the sky,(Stand tall and reach up)

Now I’m a beautiful flower,(Bring hands to side of face)

Blowing in the breeze!(Gently sway from side to side)

Option 4: Let’s Color! (10 min)

Supplies: Crayons or markers, Let’s Color! sheet (one per child)

Teacher Prep: Print and photocopy the Let’s Color! sheet (one per child)

• GIVE each child a coloring page.• PROVIDE a selection of crayons and/or markers for the children to share.• DISCUSS this week’s Key Idea as the children color.

Option 5: Praise and Worship (15 min)

“The B-I-B-L-E” by Lynn Hodges© 1994 by John T. Benson Publishing

CCLI #1516970

“ Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam” by Edwin Othello ExcellPublic domainCCLI #109670

Option 6: Act It Out (10 min)

Study to Know

Use two puppets to act out the following short skit.

Setting: Outdoors



Props: Two puppets

Lilah: Hey, buddy! What do you want to do today?

Jack: I want to play on the tire swing at the big oak tree.

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL 8

Lilah: That sounds fun. Let’s do it!

(LILAH and JACK run over to the big tree nearby.)

Jack: Hey, how do you think this big tree got here in the first place?

Lilah: Oh, don’t you know? It came out of a little seed called an acorn.

Jack: What? No way! How could something so big come out of something so small?

Lilah: It’s a miracle. God did it.

Jack: How do you know it came out of a seed?

Lilah: Well, we know because when we plant a seed, we can watch it grow. Also, people have been growing seeds and studying plants for a long, long time. We can learn by studying what people before us have done.

Jack: So when you study something, you learn more about it?

Lilah: Exactly! It even works with the Bible.

Jack: What do you mean?

Lilah: If you study God’s Word, you will learn all kinds of amazing things about God. We can learn how to grow and become more like him, just like the seeds become plants!

Jack: Wow. So if I read God’s Word, the Bible, I will become more like God? I can’t wait to start reading!

Lilah: Yeah, it is exciting to study God’s Word and to think about his love for us.

Jack: When we get done playing on the tire swing, will you help me study and read my Bible?

Lilah: Sure! That sounds fun.

STEP 4 | Going Home (5 min)

Supplies: Family Page (one per child)

Teacher Prep: Print and photocopy the Family Page (one per child).

• GIVE each child a copy of this week’s Family Page.• SAY, Give this page to your family when they pick you up. It will

remind you to tell your family what you learned about studying your Bible and the story of the sower and the seeds.

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL 9

• HAVE the children practice telling you about the parable of the sower and studying God’s Word.

• REVIEW today’s Key Verse as well as this week’s story and Key Idea from the Believe Storybook Bible as you wait for the children to get picked up.

• MAKE sure each child remembers to take home any activity sheets or craft projects and the Family Page.

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Lesson 13

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Lesson 13

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL | Tree Template

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL | Corn Template

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL | Bean Template

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL | Sunflower Template

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL

Let’s Color! Name:

[Coloring page to come]

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL

FAMILY PAGE | Lesson 13: Bible Study

Bible Basis: Joshua 1:1 – 11; Matthew 13:1 – 23

Key Verse: Hebrews 4:12: “The word of God is alive and active.”

Key Question: How do I study God’s Word?

Key Idea: I study the Bible to know God and his truth and to find direction for my daily life.

Resource: Believe Storybook Bible, Chapter 13, “Bible Study”

How to Use This PageThis week, your family can either read the story from the Believe Storybook Bible or read the Bible Basis passage from your Bible to help your child remem-ber the lesson. Use the Table Talk questions below to start a discussion around the dinner table, while driving in the car, or just about anywhere. The Living Faith activity is designed to remind your child of the Bible lesson through a drama or other engaging activity. The Extra Mile idea provides interactive ways for your child to connect with the story.

Table Talk

1. When Joshua was leading the Israelites, what did he use for direc-tions? (He listened to God’s words)

2. If your family has a Bible study or devotion time, ask your child, What do you like about our family Bible study? Our family devotion time?

3. If not, how do you think studying God’s Word together would help your family grow closer together and closer to God?

Living Faith

Option 1The story of the sower and the seeds is a great story to act out at home. To act out this parable, review the story of the sower and the seeds, and then provide your child with a few seeds to plant outside in a garden or inside in a pot. Go on a nature walk, if weather permits, to discover the different types of soil described in the parable.

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LESSON 13: Bible Study | PRESCHOOL

Option 2As another option, read the story of the sower and the seeds to your child, and then help your child find an online time-lapse video of seeds sprouting and growing. Explain to your child how when we study God’s Word, we are like the fast-growing seeds. We grow by learning God’s Word and bringing glory to God.

Extra Mile

• Practice this simple action poem called “I’m a Little Seed” together, act-ing out the words as you read the poem aloud.

I’m a little seed hiding deep in the ground,(Squat down and cover head with hands and arms)

And the sun shines, and the rain falls, and I pop up my head,(Quickly uncover head and look up on pop)

I reach up my leaves,(Begin to stand and stretch arms up)

And I stretch up to the sky,(Stand tall and reach up)

Now I’m a beautiful flower,(Bring hands to side of face)

Blowing in the breeze!(Gently sway from side to side)

• Explain to your child that sowing seeds for God means sharing with others what we have learned when we study the Bible. Encourage your child to share things he or she has learned from the Word of God with someone this week.

• During family prayer time, make sure to mention the importance of sharing the good news about Jesus with others, just like the sower planted his seeds.

• This would be a great week to really focus on your family Bible study time. Use the Believe Storybook Bible or another children’s Bible to discover some of the many great Bible stories. Help your child become excited about exploring Scripture by making it a special one-on-one reading time during the day, after a meal, or before bedtime.