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Your Eternal Reservoir of PowerIn this lesson, you’ll begin your journey with a st ep-by-step guide

to figuring out what you really want in life. You’l l also discover 3

fascinating case studies revealing the hidden power of the human


What’s Your True Potential?

Welcome to the first chapter of our Nine-part multimedia e-book on

understanding and using the power of your mind to create a better, happier, more

fulfilling life.

Let’s begin with a question.

Imagine how you would feel if you had it all…

If something could help you to realize your dreams or to fulfill your potential.

Wouldn’t that be wonderful?

Look at your life—do you have what you really, really want?

Or have you given up on creating the ideal life you once dreamed of?

Nobody has to live a life that is ordinary—yet most people do.

By doing so they miss out on their true potential.

The Silva Life System (/products/offer) is about discovering your purpose in life

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Lesson 1 : Welcome to the Silva Life System online course.

A free course to unleashing the power of your mind by the Silva Method

Lesson 1


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Lesson 1 : The Unlimited You.| Silva Life System

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and using your creative energies to fulfill this purpose. A life built around a

greater purpose is a life that is truly fulfilling and exciting.

Maximize your potential and fulfill your purpose with The SilvaLife System today » (/products/offer)

Silva Method students in Central Asia

A Road Map to Success

Different people have different definitions of success.

For you success could be:

starting a profitable business

starting a loving family

writing a book

owning a beautiful 3-bedroom home in the country

running a marathon

spending 2 years abroad with the Peace Corps

earning your first one million dollars

recovering from a life-threatening illness

No matter what your definition is, it’s important to dream big and set a goal of

what you’re seeking to accomplish.

Once you know what you want, the next step is to manifest it into your life. This is

what this training program (/products/offer)

So …

Let’s begin the lesson now.

What You’ll Learn

This e-book will take you through nine guided lessons involving the written word

and audio recordings.

You will learn to reach deep levels of mind using advanced audio exercises

developed by Jose Silva. While at these levels of mind we will teach you various

techniques you can use to empower yourself and move you toward your purpose

and goals.

Here’s what you will learn over the next few days:

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Jack Canfield on The Silva Method™

Jack Canfield ,Motivational speaker and co-creator of the Chicken Soup

for the Soul

Has my vote

Anything with the name of Jose Silva as theauthor has my vote before I open to page one.Read it with a pen for underlining.

Dr. Wayne Dyer ,Self-improvement guru and bestselling author

of Real Magic

The Multi-Purpose Mind

Before we begin, let’s take a glimpse at what the mind is really capable of accomplishing.

A well known figure once said:

The greatest discovery of the 19th century was nothing in the realm of the

physical sciences,but the power of the subconscious mind touched by faith.

Any individual can tap into an eternal reservoir of power that will enable them

to overcome any problem that may arise. All weaknesses can be overcome,

bodily healing,financial independence, spiritual awakening,prosperity beyond

your wildest dreams. This is the superstructure of happiness.

~ William James

These words were said not by a guru on a mountaintop, nor a self-improvement writer, but

by William James, the Harvard psychologist known as the Father of American Psychology.

To the untrained mind, William James’s statement may seem far-fetched, but modern

discoveries are finding his words to be true.

Let’s look at some examples of what happens when this “eternal reservoir of power” is

harnessed properly.

Try the Silva Life System today! » (/products/offer)

Case #1 – Using the Mind in Sports

Dr. Charles Garfield, former NASA researcher and

current president of The Performance-Science

Institute in Berkeley, California, talks about a

startling experiment conducted by Soviet sports


The study examined the effect of mental training,

including visualization, on four groups of

world-class athletes just prior to the 1980 Olympics

in Lake Placid, New York. The four groups of elite athletes were divided as follows:

Group 1: did 100% physical training.

Group 2: did 75% physical training, 25% mental training.

Group 3: did 50% physical training, 50% mental training.

Group 4: did 25% physical training, 75% mental training.

What the researchers found was that group 4 – the group with the most mental training

– had shown significantly greater improvement than group 3.

Likewise, group 3 showed more improvement than group 2, and group 2 showed more

improvement than group 1.

The results were astonishing. Who would expect that athletes training mentally would be

able to advance further than their counterparts who were training physically?

Garfield said, “During mental rehearsal, athletes create mental images of the exact

movements they want to emulate in their sport. Use of this skill substantially increases

the effectiveness of goal-setting , which up until then had been little more than a dull

listing procedure.”

If mental exercises and visualization could have such a profound impacton athletes, what kind of impact could it have on you?

Can you use the same principle to improve your attitudes, confidence and skills? Could it

Lesson 1 : The Unlimited You.| Silva Life System

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How to reach deep levels of meditation with supreme ease.

How to use affirmations to create immediate attitude shifts .

How to accelerate healing and achieve vibrant health.

How to develop your intuition .

The art of creative visualization to manifest dreams .

How to create a life plan.

The art of goal setting and thinking big.

Or if you cannot wait any longer, order The SilvaLife System here (/products/offer)

This program (/products/offer) was developed with the purpose of reminding you

of the latent powers that lie within you; and inspiring you to begin to use them.

I use the word remind because if you found this program you’re probably aware

of these abilities. But like most people, you have waited – procrastinated in

learning to use them.

You will receive nine lessons over the next few weeks. A new lesson will be sent

to you every few days. Each lesson will contain an explanation of a new


The techniques will get more advanced with each new lesson.

By breaking this program (/products/offer)

into several fragments and spreading

them out over a few weeks we allow you

to retain and understand the material

presented better.

This program will show you how to tap into

your latent mental abilities using not just

written text but also specialized audio

recordings developed by Jose Silva. These recordings are designed to guide

you into a state of deep, focused meditation.

During this meditation you will be wide awake but your body will be asleep. Your

subconscious mind will be brought to the conscious level and you will be in

full control over your mental abilities and thoughts.

You can use this time to program your mind to accomplish anything you desire.

This is the Silva Life System. (/products/offer)

Helps The Entire Learning Process

I am interested in Jose Silva’s system because Ifeel it helps the entire learning process. TheSilva Method™ is what I want for all the people Iknow and with whom I work.

Dord Fitz ,founder of Dord Fitz Art Center and NASA

guest speaker

Changed My Life… Nothing Has BeenThe Same Since

In 1972 I changed my life. I went to a class tolearn The Silva Method™ and nothing has beenthe same since. I credit that as one of the mostimportant things I have ever done in my life.Above all, it helped me learn how to use more ofmy mind for a positive, special life.

Neal Boortz ,Nationally Syndicated Radio Host, The Neal

Boortz Show from Atlanta, Georgia

Helped Bestselling Author RichardBach Finish His Masterpiece

Richard Bach, Silva Mind Control graduate andauthor of one of the “hottest” books ever written,Jonathan Livingston Seagull, explains: “Creativevisualization is really what’s behind The SilvaMethod™; that is, whatever you can visualize,you can actualize” That is putting it squarely onthe line. It is putting teeth into the old saw, “Whatman can conceive, he can achieve.” If youconceive of “a good day,”… Need I finish thesentence? Everything works better when youwork; but objective work, as productive as it is, isnot the only work you must do. You must also dosubjective work using ten cycles per second toresonate with other minds and to get everythingto work still better.

Richard Bach ,author of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” from

United States

It Brings Good Energy To Me!!!

My experience has been wonderful. When she(Laura) guides me through and takes me sodeep into relaxation I come out of it totallyenergized and my head is crystal clear. God, Ilove it. It brings good energy to me that lasts along time. I also liked the exercise finding my lifepurpose. That was totally amazing for me. Thankyou so much…

Jenny Cook ,California, US

impact your learning ability; your golf swing; your ability to shed weight and stick to a diet?

The answer is yes. (/products/offer)

We will explore these topics in a later chapter and show you visualization techniques

you can use to improve the quality of your life.

Start your own transformation today with the Silva Life System »(/products/offer)

Author Burt Goldman on The Silva Method

We have all heard many times that anyone can control the direction and pattern of

their lives if they just know how. In The Silva Method, you will learn simple, practical

and safe ways to bring about this control. The Silva Method consists of scientifically

researched, tested, proven techniques which you receive in a step-by-step, learn-

by-doing manner. You will see noticeable results quickly.

Burt Goldman ,Author of the Power of Self Mind Control

Case #2 – Miraculous Healing

The following story will challenge your idea of just how

much your mind influences your body.

In 1950, a new drug called Krebiozen had received

sensational national publicity as a “cure” for cancer and

was being tested by the American Medical Association

(AMA) and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

One of the researchers involved in this testing was a doctor

named Bruno Klopfer.

One of Dr. Klopfer’s patients, Mr. Wright, was suffering from cancer of the lymph nodes.

All standard treatments had been exhausted, and Wright appeared to have little time left.

His neck, armpits, chest, abdomen, and groin were filled with tumors the size of oranges,

and his spleen and liver were so enlarged that two quarts of milky fluid had to be drained

out of his body each day.

When Wright discovered that Dr. Klopfer was involved in research on Krebiozen, he

begged to be given Krebiozen treatments. At first his doctor refused because the drug was

untested and only being tried on people with a life expectancy of at least three months.

Wright begged so hard, however, that Klopfer decided to give him one injection on Friday,

though he secretly suspected Wright would not last the weekend.

Dr. Klopfer was in for a big surprise .

On the following Monday, Klopfer found Wright out of bed and walking around. Klopfer

reported that his tumors had "melted like snowballs on a hot stove" and were half their

original size. This was a far more rapid decrease in size than even the strongest X-ray

treatments could have accomplished.

Ten days after Wright’s first Krebiozen treatment, he left the hospital, and as far as his

doctors could tell, with no signs of cancer. When he entered the hospital, he had needed

an oxygen mask to breathe, but when he left he was well enough to fly his own plane at

12,000 feet with no discomfort.

Wright remained well for about two months, but then articles began to appear asserting

that Krebiozen actually had no effect on cancer of the lymph nodes. Wright, who was

rigidly logical and scientific in his thinking, became very depressed, suffered a relapse,

and was readmitted to the hospital. This time his physician decided to try an experiment.

Lesson 1 : The Unlimited You.| Silva Life System

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Dr. Klopfer told Wright that Krebiozen was every bit as effective as it had seemed, but that

some of the initial supplies of the drug had deteriorated during shipping. He explained,

however, that he had a new highly-concentrated version of the drug and could treat Wright

with this. Of course, the physician did not have a new version of the drug and intended to

inject Wright with nothing more than plain sterile water.

Again the results were dramatic. The tumor masses melted, chest fluidhad vanished, and Wright was quickly back on his feet and feeling great.

Yet he had been injected with nothing more than sterile water.

Wright remained symptom-free for another two months, but then the American Medical

Association announced that a nationwide study of Krebiozen had found the drug worthless

in the treatment of cancer. This time Wright’s faith was completely shattered. His cancer

blossomed anew and he died two days later.

Wright’s story is tragic, but it contains a powerful

message: When we are fortunate enough to

bypass our disbelief and tap the healing forces

within us, we can cause tumors to melt away


The patient’s mind alone, independent of the

value of the medication, produced his recovery.

This event proves that your mind is so powerful

that it can literally bring wonderful or tragic events to bear within days. Most people do not

learn how to tap into and control this powerful force.

Many people do have their minds working for them, but in negative ways. Doctors call this

psychosomatic illness – an illness caused by a person’s negative belief system.

In this course we will teach you how to create positive belief systems and how you can

use visualization to accelerate your body’s rate of healing and recovery.

Accelerate healing with the Silva Life System » (/p roducts/offer)

A Definitive Path To Self Motivation

Most companies recognize the value of having capable and motivated people on the

payroll. The Silva Method (/products/offer) has provided a definitive way of allowing

people to be self-motivated… The course clearly depicted a way for all to enrich

their lives, to gain better control of circumstances which, in the past, may have

negatively affected them. I am grateful for understanding this rather uncomplicated

way of approaching my job and personal life and I know that RCA Corporation will

come out a winner also for having endorsed such a progressive program.

J.K. Mangini ,Divisional Vice President, Occupational Services, RCA Records

Case #3 – Creating Positive Coincidences

It is an undisputed fact that the mind can influence the physical body but can the mind

influence the world beyond your body?

In other words, can the mind create coincidences and influence reality?

People all around the world have experienced this in their own lives and will say that the

answer is yes – your world can be shaped by your thoughts and beliefs.

The following story describes one such incident – how one man discovered the power of

his mind in creating coincidences. He went on to use this ability to become so successful

that his work is almost a household name in America.

Lesson 1 : The Unlimited You.| Silva Life System

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For the purpose of this story, let’s call this man Scott. His full name will not be revealed

until the end to make this story more intriguing. This story was told in a book Scott wrote in


In the early 1980s, Scott had heard of a process called affirmations from a friend. The

process he learned was simple.

Visualize what you want and write it down fifteen times in a row, once a day,until you obtain it.

Scott was told that the process did not require any faith or positive thinking for it to work.

Even more interesting was the suggestion that the technique would influence the

environment directly and not just make you more focused on your goals. In other words, it

would spawn amazing coincidences to move you toward your goals . The coincidences

could be things that were seemingly unconnected to you and beyond your control.

Scott was very left-brained and logical in his thinking. He had his doubts about the

process but figured that there was no harm in trying.

“Within a few weeks, coincidences started to happen to me.” wrote Scott.

“Amazing coincidences, strings of them. I won’t mention the specific goal I was working

on, as it was a private matter, but within a few months the goal was accomplished exactly

as I had written it.”

But Scott was not yet convinced that affirmations helped. Coincidences do happen on

their own and Scott considered the test inconclusive.

So Scott picked another goal – to make some gains in the stock market. He wrote his

affirmation down every day and waited for some inspiration. It came to him in a dream. He

woke up one night with the words “Buy Chrysler” repeating in his head.

He bought shares in the inspired company during one of its most bleak periods yet it

began to rise soon after and he made some good returns on it. He repeated the

experiment again and managed to pick another successful company, with stock symbol


Armed with this confidence in the power of affirmations Scott decided to apply it to a more

challenging goal – getting into the highly competitive University of California at Berkeley

MBA program.

The problem was that he had already taken the entrance

exam, the G.M.A.T, and only hit the 77th percentile score. He

knew he needed to be above the 90th percentile to at least

have a chance of being accepted.

Scott picked the outlandish target of 94 as his goal and again

applied the affirmation technique.

Despite not being able to go much higher than the 77th

percentile in the practice exams Scott was surprised to learn

that he did indeed hit the 94th percentile for the G.M.A.T –

just as he had written in his affirmations. He graduated with

his Berkeley MBA in 1986.

A few years later he tried pursuing a more serious goal, that of being a syndicated

cartoonist. He knew the odds of his cartoon submission being accepted by a major

newspaper were roughly 1 in 10,000.

He beat those odds and his cartoon was accepted. He was soon earning a decent living

with his cartoon strip but he wanted to achieve something bigger.

He decided he wanted the most successful comic strip on the planet. Scott felt that the

best measure of “most successful”; would be number of books sold.

Lesson 1 : The Unlimited You.| Silva Life System

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In June 1996 his book The Dilbert Principle hit the number-one spot on the hardcover

nonfiction list of the New York Times. It stayed in the top three all summer. In November

his second book, Dogbert’s TopSecret Management Handbook, also made the bestseller

list, giving Scott the number-one and number-two positions simultaneously for one week.

For that brief period of time, Scott indeed had the "most successful" comic strip on the


As you may have guessed, the person I’m talking about is Scott Adams, the creator of the

highly successful Dilbert comic strip. Scott writes about these experiences with

affirmations in his book The Dilbert Future. He does not profess to know why it works but

leaves the conclusion to the reader. You can buy Scott Adams’ hilarious Dilbert books at

any bookstore.

Reporters often ask me if I am surprised at the success of the Dilbert comic

strip. I definitely would be so,if not for my bizarre experience with

affirmations.As it was, I expected it.

~ Scott Adams, The Dilbert Future

Scott Adams’ experience with affirmations makes one wonder is luck within our control ?

We will explore the process of affirmations in chapter 4 of this e-book and we will look at

some basic techniques you can use to manifest your goals.

I Felt Profoundly Enriched

Graduates of the course have been able to achieve whatever it is they want to

achieve in life. And for those who aren’t sure of what they want, there are

techniques to help them find out. Personally, I felt profoundly enriched, as if I had

rediscovered a wealth within myself, as if a door had opened to me that was open in

my childhood, but which had closed over the years.

Judith Glassman ,FORUM Magazine

Your Lesson 2 – The Silva Centering Exercise

In our next lesson we will take a look at how you can apply your mind to achieve your

goals, to accelerate healing and to make dramatic attitude shifts.

The technique we will teach you will be part of what many say is the most advanced set of

mind training techniques developed. Jose Silva developed these techniques over a period

of 40 years with some several millions dollars worth of funding and tens of thousands of


The email with the lesson 2 will be sent to you tomorrow.

The subject will be the The Silva Centering Exercise.

Please look out for it.

This next email will show you how to establish the correct level of mind to start

accomplishing some of the things we discussed in this chapter.

We will help you attain this correct level of mind using a powerful guided meditation

exercise developed by Jose Silva.

You will listen to this exercise through your computer speakers.

Get ready for an exciting experience.

Watch out for our next email tomorrow where we’ll send you the popular Silva Centering

Lesson 1 : The Unlimited You.| Silva Life System

6 sur 12 10/12/2013 17:49

Exercise Audio.

The Famous Silva Centering Exercise Download ItNow

The Centering Exercise is the Basis for the Entire Silva

Training System (/products/offer). It’s a Guided Meditation

system Jose Silva spent decades perfecting. You’ll get to

listen to the audio via your computer and the voice of our

Narrator, Ed Bernd Jr, will guide you into the Alpha Level.

It’s a journey you’ll love!

Can’t Wait? Get started today visit this link (2-meditation) toDownload and Play the Silva Centering Exercise Today.

Sources for this Lesson:

Charles A. Garfield, “Peak Performance: Mental Training Techniques of the World’s

Greatest Athletes”,; (New York: Warner Books, 1984), p.16.


Bruno Klopfer, “Psychological Variables in Human Cancer”,; Journal of Prospective

Techniques 31 (1957), pp. 331-40.


Scott Adams, “The Dilbert Future”, (New York: HarperBusiness, 1998), p.245-251.3.

Silva Life System (/products/offer)4.

The Silva Life System is our bestselling multimedia home

training program that trains you to awaken your mind’s full

potential. In it you’ll find a time-tested system of active mind tools

and insights that over 6 million people – including CEOs,

athletes, bestselling artists and medical professionals – use to

realize their peak potential every day.

And in 2012, 5 years after launching the original p rogram,

we’ve updated The Silva Life System to a new versio n, with

a brand new framework and optimized tools and techn iques

for better results and a more engaging learning exp erience.

Maximize your potential and fulfill your

purpose with The Silva Life System today »


Experience the personal evolution system usedby everyone from award-winning celebrities to scientists

to your next door neighbor

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Add a comment559 comments

Katherine Butler Johnson · Chambersburg

My mother went somewhere to take Silva training...We didn't know what for but she brought home a bumper sticker that I put on my bedroom door. Yearslater we found out that she at 35, had cervical cancer but had no surgery, no chemo, no was gone....they she at age 48, had breast cancer,but she had no surgery, no chemo, no radiation, no cancer...but it was gone....then she at age 60, had colon cancer, again no surgery, no chemo, noradiation..its gone...she just celebrated the birth of her 17th great grandchild...she is still here at age 80....I know it was the training!

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · April 7, 2012 at 4:35am

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Cedar Cat · · Top Commenter · Wise Woman Center

Rose, my friend O was diagnosed with Terminal Stage 4 muscle cancer in 2009 with an 11 cm tumor in her chest, the tumor actually piercedher heart. She also had metastisis on both adrenals, one the size of a tennis ball...She did the chemo and 33 radiation treatments as well as anumber of nourishing herbs and foods. She also did work with healing stones and oils, reiki, and the hydrogen peroxide therapy, as well asNAC. Please contact me if you want to learn more from my experience as an herbalist intimately involved in another's dance with cancer.

Reply · · Like · July 20, 2012 at 11:37pm



Rose Snape · Works at Polypipe

Hi katie,Your story touched me because my own mother has just found out that she has cancer for the second time and its truly heartbreaking to evenimagine my life without her, she's the only person that I can rely on to be there for me no matter what. I could'nt get through life without her. Iam desperate to do whatever I can to help make her well again. She's an amazing person who has never had much herself but nevercomplains and just wants the very best for others and I love her so much. I hope that by turning to Silver I can find the way to healing her sothat she can live hapily for many years to come with all her loved ones around her, she deserves this more than anyone else I know includingmyself. Please help make this possible if you can

Yours sinserelyVicki x

Reply · · Like · July 23, 2012 at 1:35pm12

kambharaj (signed in using yahoo)

Hello Katie, your story about your mother is very amazing and inspirational, please can you share more.

Reply · · Like · August 20, 2012 at 11:32am7

Jo Moreno · Works at Avis,Chs apo

I frist heard about this from my grand mother when I was a little girl.I didn't know the name of it.She told me to say every day[ EVERY DAY IN EVERYWAY I'M GETTING BETTER AND BETTER}.Much of what she said I see in this method.She only had a 4th grade education.She taught her self and wasa very smart lady.

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · September 11, 2011 at 8:17pm

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Adele Bantle · · Top Commenter · Univiesity Of Metaphysics · 321 subscribers

You lucky lady, having such a far sighted grandmother. We have so much information at our fingertips, it is sometimes easy to forget that ourancestors had just the same intelligence but perhaps less of the resources available!

Reply · · Like · December 10, 2011 at 9:41am



Melanie Joy Vertalino · Top Commenter · Certified Law of Attraction/Life Coach at Quantum Success Life Coach at QSCA Christy Whitman


Jo, my mom use to say those EXACT words everyday too. She told me they were from Florence Schovel Schinns book, which I believe wascalled "The Game of Life and How to Play it." She said that was the first impressionable book she read. It was nice to read what you wrote. Ikind of felt like she was with me again, just reading your words. So, thank you.

Reply · · Like · July 17, 2012 at 9:27am19

Geri Greene · · Top Commenter

Melanie Joy Vertalino I HAVE that book, and like to many others, I am going to locate it and dust it off!

Reply · · Like · November 25, 2012 at 9:01pm



Elizabeth Amos Sayers · State Enrolled Nurse at Barwon Health

To actally know that we can control our minds, and are not at the mercy of our random thoughts is absolutely life changing! Amazing and awesome stuff!:)

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · March 27, 2011 at 8:54am79

Febrianto Hidayat · · Manajer at U.D. Trah Sejati

Absolutely, Conquering yourself is the most grand victory.

Be kind because everyone you meet is facing a greater struggle.

With the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.

Kindness unites people who love each other even though they are in good scolding and hate.

Reply · · Like · March 28, 2011 at 3:29pm



Denise Baptiste · Eldo senior comp.

you are absolutely right everyone are facing their own fears and struggles but of couse with lots of love and silva centering of our mind we canovercome anything and everything if and only "if " we put our mind to do so.

Reply · · Like · April 13, 2011 at 2:03am19

TeIvan TeMauko · Club No.1 - Jedinica

im new but i think that "s the stuff im looking for :)

Reply · · Like · August 29, 2011 at 9:42am4

Marilyn King

Awesome Silva Method, you can achieve your goals. I enjoy affirmations, repeating in a positive way what you are and who you are in Christ Jesus,reminding yourself that you are a new creation in Christ Jesus. Not "I want to be...." but "I am...." in the present. See yourself move in the direction of yourgoals for life. Ministry or what ever you desire to do or become in your career...

Reply · · Like · Follow Post · April 6, 2011 at 7:22pm54

Lesson 1 : The Unlimited You.| Silva Life System

9 sur 12 10/12/2013 17:49


0Margaret Klipstein






0( Quaid (






0marileen L. Maglaque









Comments (108)Sort by: Date Rating Last Activity

· 112 weeks ago

Very interesting! MBK

· 96 weeks ago

I am a newcomer to Silver Mind Control methods. I just completed lesson 1. I read through the numerous comments, very inspiring. I

truly hope this is what I have been searching for.tq

· 81 weeks ago

were is the first FREE LESSON ? for me to study so I can see if this is for me. Caringly Chrystyne J.

2 replies · active 59 weeks ago

· 61 weeks ago

Starting a small business can be stressful. This is where the Silva system comes in. The path of least resistance.

· 62 weeks ago

I am very pleased to use your method theree's many time I want to meditate correctly I can't arrive i am awaiting the chapter to Thank'a

a lot

· 95 weeks ago

HI my name is Richard, i'd received few days ago a sample of your meditation software( the second lesson ) and i decided to try it. The

results are amazing because in the next morning I noticed a little change in me, it is like if my brain was bigger, I was more awake. But I

wonder if you have something more powerfull to sale, I'm thinking about a delta wave software.

Thank you for this great demo I will use it every day.

Best regard.


1 reply · active 66 weeks ago

· 70 weeks ago

You wonderful people in the Silva Life System are gifts from God..

You are all messengers from the Almighty an instrument for people who ned to know how to live their lives to the fullest.

great job..

God bless and more POWER!!!!!

1 reply · active 70 weeks ago

· 70 weeks ago

I have read it all, Now am ready for my FREE LESSON, Now.

· 79 weeks ago

God bless you.It is really amazing. Thanks for sending me your lessons. I hope I will be benefited a lot by following Silva methods.

Sincerely yours,


· 79 weeks ago

Seems right up my alley and what I am looking for. I always do the free stuff first before getting over excited and investing money into

bs. True. So far, I agree. Looking forward to lesson two when I actually learn a technique to try. Thanks all for commenting. Helpful.

· 80 weeks ago

Surely this will help me a lot for I"m always interested in Meditation... gonna find more time in reading this.

Lesson 1 : The Unlimited You.| Silva Life System

10 sur 12 10/12/2013 17:49






0gayathri India






0Kenneth george


0Birrell Walsh






+1Manuela Sousa



· 83 weeks ago

I want to thank you very much for you generous offer.

· 85 weeks ago

I am a Silva mind control graduate since 1981. I look forward to reconnect with the Silva Life System.

· 88 weeks ago

Tnk you , really it is a very good course.

· 90 weeks ago

dear laura,

thank you for this very helpful guide you sent me as I have written you, I have meditation experience already but with your guide it will

be more enhanced and become more effective,i need this enhancing to improve my mental capacity especially increase my memory

retention and recall, how my alpha level function and be effectve . I'm looking forward to your next lessons.thanx

· 90 weeks ago

tnx for ur lessons,I really need some useful help to rebuilt my life.....

· 96 weeks ago

I took this course back in 1966 I believe.I had forgot about it. But I believe I still retained some knowledge. My wife's has died and I have

found another and I intend to get into this and I sure it help me again

· 96 weeks ago

I'm looking forward to part 2 also. I've gotten all sorts of ads but not any more lessons. It does not bode well for the integrity of the silva


· 110 weeks ago

I have COPD. I am strong and mentally healthy in other ways. I also have a lung infection that is a killer. Can the Silva method help with

these two diseases? I need help now. I am 75 years of age with a few years of meditation. I just don't know to survive this alone. I am

depressed and lacking inspiration for life itself.

Thank you,

Joni Raydon

3 replies · active 98 weeks ago

· 100 weeks ago

Greetings to you, Ms. Laura as well as your entire staff!

Thanks a lot for sending me your online lessons. GOD bless you and.....

A blissful 2012 to us all!

Sincerely yours,

JennY from Cotabato City, Philippines

· 101 weeks ago

I am very happy to be part and learn more about Silva Method, thank you for sending me this powerful resources, looking forward to

learn more and change my life around... God Bless and Happy 2012!!!

Manuela Sousa

· 102 weeks ago

Lesson 1 : The Unlimited You.| Silva Life System

11 sur 12 10/12/2013 17:49


+1M. J. Lee






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I have been familiar with meditation and affirmanations for some time now,even though i have not been consistent with it, but i have

found it working in my life in many areas of my life a little bit. Thank God for your program i promise to committ this time and see how far

i will get

· 102 weeks ago

I have experienced unusual coincidence many times in my life. Some have been rather extraordinary and others more ordinary, but

all that I can recall have worked for my betterment. However, I have never successfully meditated although I must admit I haven't

worked all that hard at it either. I am old, basically happy with more good days than not. However, I'd like to up those averages since

I suspect I have the capability. I still have things I want to achieve.


· 106 weeks ago


· 108 weeks ago

Cant wait to get started.

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Lesson 1 : The Unlimited You.| Silva Life System

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