Download - Leprosy awareness james and arnav


What is Leprosy?

Bacteria of Leprosy, Mychobacterium

• Chronic disease caused by a bacillus, (disease causing

bacterium) Mycobacterium leprae

• Progressive and causes damage to skin and nervous

system and incubation period is five years

• Also called Hansen's Disease after he figured out that the

disease was infectious, not hereditary or by god's will

Risk Factors?

• Areas where leprosy is endemic: China, India, Japan,

and southern parts of Africa

• Physical contact with infected people

• Sometimes genetic defects in immune system

Symptoms• Loss of temperature sensation

• Eye damage

• Numbness

• Skin lesions

• Large ulcerations

• Muscle Weakness

• Progressive Disfigurement


• Person to person by nasal secretions where droplets

enter and do their work

• Other droplets enter through breaks in skin

• From animals and small insects


• Antibiotics such as: dapsone, rifampicin and


• Antibiotics can wipe out the bacteria that

causes leprosy

• Even though the disease is gone,the damage

from the disease would still remain

• Damages from leprosy can be fixed through


Outcomes of Leprosy

• A good outcome: treated at early stage and

avoids tissue and nerve damage

• A bad outcome: If not treated(or treated

too late) it can lead to: you lose feeling in

eyes, hands, feet and parts of the face

• Avoid contact with another person who has Leprosy

• You are 8 times more likely to get Leprosy when you are living

with someone who has the disease

• The disease is not highly contagious 95% of the time(but you

should still be aware)

• Sometimes animals carry this disease, so don't handle these

animals especially if there wild

• Washing hands and wearing glove while dealing with wild animals


Leprosy Can Change Lives


Help People in Need

Please donate as much money as possible for

countries like India so we can help along

with organizations such as the American Red

Cross. Even the smallest of donations are

very much appreciated.

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