Download - Leopard Fitness Summer Newsletter



There is something invigorating about getting up with the sun and greeting the day by overcoming challenges that energize and engage you.

This is what outdoor group fitness training is all about!

LEOPARDNewsletter :: Summer 11/12

In This Issue:EditorialSee ChangeFeature ExerciseSave Your ShouldersDecember ChallengeImportant DatesMonthly Specials

WELCOME TO LEOPARD FITNESS.......Introducing our first seasonal newsletter! Leopard Fitness have had an exciting few months of growth, seen some great results for clients and members and are now forward planning for the coming new year.

Welcome to our first seasonal newsletter. Summer is finally upon us and with it a season of fresh foods and celebrations!

It’s been a exciting few months at Leopard HQ with our outdoor program numbers more than doubling and the opening of the Leopard Fitness studio seeing us reach over 30% capacity for studio members.

Our growth to date is mostly with thanks to our fantastic members and clients who have been sharing their fitness activities with friends and family, inviting others to come along and have a try and by inspiring others with their achievements across a broad range of healthy goals.

This season will see Leopard Fitness commence a new period of growth so that we can secure an increased range of services in the short term. This includes some new promotional activities based around our Personal Training services designed to support

the development of a better structured group fitness service and to commence planning for a move to a more commercial location.

For us all this time of year can be a challenging time to stay on track with our healthy goals. It’s important that, if you haven’t already, you take the time to identify what your broad and specific goals are and make deliberate choices about what you allow yourself to eat. It’s also time to start planning your 2012 New Year’s Healthy Resolution. Did you achieve your goal for 2011? To reach your goal it not enough to simply make a plan, you must also take consistent action.

Thank you again to each of you for your amazing support to get Leopard Fitness off the ground! We extend our gratitude to your families and wish you all a fantastic season!

Damian Fleming.

“I love the outdoors, the

company and the great sessions!”



Life change often happens spontaneously and usually with another event as the catalyst. In many cases a switch to a healthier lifestyle is triggered by a medical condition, an emotional event or we are thriving in the inspiration from another person.

No matter what brings you to your life change, it's important to understand that old habits can die hard. The process of making change starts with loyal enthusiasm, but without the right tools to keep you going, your "drive" may quickly turn to excuses and send you right back to where you started. Understanding how all of this happens and how to maintain your momentum is essential to a successful lifestyle change.

There are many behavioral change practices out there for us to use as a guide and for the most part it's still a difficult thing to comprehend without a guide or facilitator. As with all things, the use of common sense and cutting back to basics is usually the best option.

What is Change?Change can be defined as the transition from one state to another, such as healthy to unwell, overweight to lean, sad to happy. Some changes, like a shift in mood, are acute while other changes, such as chronic illness, can be drawn out and lifelong.

In most cases, the catalyst to change is not initially a choice. It is an event, or a string or circumstances, that is considered to be "pre-change", also known as "Pre-contemplation". In this stage, a change has started but you are not usually a willing participant. The formation of a health issue before diagnosis, your child asking why you puff when you play with them or being invited to your first bodybuilding competition all have potential to be pre-change events.

This leads into the next stage, "Contemplation". It is here that you know something needs to be done but the benefits are still a little unclear. It's very likely for you to be in this stage for some time while you balance out the pros and cons of a lifestyle change. It is also in this stage that you will learn more about who you could be. It is this process that starts to eliminate some of the cons and shifts

the focus to the pros of a behavioral change.

Once all the pros are clear, a choice will be made to initiate the change and a plan made. This is known as "Preparation". Surprisingly, many people skip this stage, not so surprisingly is that their rate of success is much lower. It is in this stage that you create your "honesty". You admit not only to yourself that the change is necessary but you seek the support of others and commit to being responsible for yourself. While there is still a sense of fear over failure here, that will in fact be beneficial in generating internal motivation.

With a plan and the support of peers, friends and family, you are now in the "Action" stage. This stage lasts for around 6 months although if habits have been tempted it can last much longer. It is here that will be following, testing and re-working your plan, exercising, learning how to control old habits, learning about coming back from small slip ups and fighting with excuses to give in. You will also be experiencing improvements in your general health, how you look, how you feel and how others see you. There is a lot of back and forth in this stage and both strengths and weaknesses will be put to the test. It's important that you focus on your commitment to yourself, your family and your support networks to help guide you through tough times.

Finally we come into "Maintenance". All your hard work has paid off if you have arrived here. After being in the action stage successfully for 6 months or more, you are considered as having made a lasting and embedded change. You not only feel fantastic about yourself, but you have reduced all sorts of medical risks associated to poor health and, most likely, inspired others to do the same.

A change of lifestyle habits is not always an easy thing to do, especially if it's a forced issue. By understanding how change happens, what you will be facing at each step and surrounding yourself with supportive people who understand or have even undergone their own

transformation, you will give yourself the best chance at a successful life


Hot Tips To See Change

Employ "consistency"! Repeating behaviors embed habits and, over time, even the smallest change can generate great rewards.

Hands Up, You're Surrounded! Be proud, stand up and state that you are committing to change. Seek out others to support you to create your network.

Get Real! If you slip up be honest with yourself about it. If a mistake was made identify why and work to build a better coping mechanism for next time.

Have A Plan! Decide what you want, map out how you'll get there and avoid distraction.

Enjoy The Journey! It's not all boot camps and sore muscles, so enjoy what you are doing. Workout with friends, start a walking group, blog about your changes and gain support or even engage with a charity and get sponsors to donate for your efforts.

Be A Friend! Connect with others making their own changes and swap stories. The power of community is alive and well, on a global scale. Lots of people making their own change have the same troubles. Even if you don't want to learn from others, they sure could benefit learning from you.

Damian Fleming


SEE CHANGETake charge of the changes you want to see and avoid the temptation of old ways!

Change is a journey.

Make sure you have a map


Shoulders :: Injury Prevention GuideThe shoulder is a complex joint and in good health it offers mobility and stability. Due to the demands placed upon the joint, and it's structural limitations, the shoulder is a common area of injury. Both acute trauma (occurring quickly and suddenly) and chronic overuse or repetitive movement can result in injury to the shoulder.

Overview ::The shoulder is a ball and socket joint which relies on muscles, ligaments and tendons for stability. The acromion process (a projection on the scapula) covers the shoulder capsule from above and forms an arch that the tendons pass through. The four muscles of the rotator cuff, the pectoralis, the deltoid, the trapezius and the bicep and triceps muscles all surround the joint and control motion.

Shoulder Injuries ::Common injuries to the shoulder include strains, capsule tears, bursitis, tendonitis, and separations or dislocations. Muscle strains can result from acute injury or chronic conditions and are often due to improper biomechanics or overuse. Rotator cuff injuries can be very debilitating and require immediate attention. R.I.C.E is the best immediate treatment. This includes rest, icing, compression and elevation. A physician

evaluation is also recommended to determine the extent of the injury.

Bursitis and tendonitis are chronic conditions that usually result from overuse, improper body mechanics, or muscle imbalance. If the bursa sack or tendon becomes inflamed, it becomes more likely to rub (or impinge) under the acromion and the risk of a chronic injury increases. Education regarding proper body mechanics, and a good flexibility and strengthening program can help decrease injury risk.

Dislocation occurs when the head of the humerous comes out of contact with the glenoid fossa (the ball and socket become separated). A physician should be seen immediately. Proper treatment will prevent further injury to the surrounding tissue and will result in a faster recovery.

Prevention :: Good upper body strengthening and flexibility can reduce the risk of shoulder injuries from sports. The stronger and more flexible your joints, the more likely they are to withstand impact and hold up under repetitive motions. A basic weight training and stretching program 3 days per week is usually sufficient to maintain overall muscle integrity. ref:


Side Shuffle 1. Stand to one side of the box with your left foot resting on the middle of it.2. To begin, jump up and over to the other side of the box, landing with your right foot on top of the box and your left foot on the floor. Swing your arms to aid your movement.3. Continue shuffling back and forth across the box.


“Success is achieved by refusing to stay down each

time you fall.


Featured Exercise


Take advantage of the 3 weeks prior to Christmas with a Leopard Challenge!We all know that even with the best laid plans and intentions we

have a celebratory habit of over eating during the holiday period. Usually we maintain our exercise and fitness routines but then still suffer with increased weight post-celebration. It’s okay to plan on working this off in the new year, but wouldn’t it be great if you could work it off before you put it on?

Leopard Fitness are putting out the challenge for you to take control of your holiday spirit and give it the workout it deserves so that you can earn a little indulgence.

The Leopard Fitness challenge offers three choices of goals. You can take any combination of goals and make it your own. The challenge will force you to work against yourself in order to achieve rather than pitting you against your fellow fitness friends but don’t be mistaken, your will power will need to be tested in order to achieve!

If you want results you’d better buckle up for the ride!

Here’s the categories and the rules ::Weight Loss Challenge ::

In the weight loss challenge you will need to work towards one of two options. 1) Lose 2 kilograms or 2) Lose 2% of your

current weight.Endurance Challenge ::In the endurance challenge you’ll be asked to run a 5 or 10 kilometer circuit. Your improvements will be

measured in time taken.Strength Challenge ::

In the strength challenge you’ll be invited to Leopard Studio to undertake a workout consisting of squats, bench press and lat pulldown. Your weight will be recorded against a fixed number of sets and repetitions.

Testing will occur weekly along with tips for improvements.

Are You Ready For The Challenge?December is notorious for celebrations that involve rich foods and alcohol.

Beat the holiday bulge and get a head start on the new year with a Leopard Fitness challenge!


Lose 2kgs or 2% from your current

body weight.

Run or cycle a 5 or 10km circuit.

Results measured in time taken.

Complete squats, bench press and lat pulldown exercises for fixed sets and


Choose to believe you


DECEMBER CHALLENGEWith printable tracker!


My Challenge Tracker :: Week One









Test Day Results

Instructions :: Each day you should perform an activity to help promote your goal success. Choose one of our activity tips from the tips sheets for morning and evening activities. Remember that your studio or outdoor session counts as an activity, so write it down on your tracker. Remember to bring this tracker with you to each session and show your trainer. Be accountable for your decision to take up the challenge.

Weight Loss Challenge :: • Walking x 20 minutes at a pace that

makes you puff followed by 3 sets of 25 sit ups.

• Interval sprint training. Start with 5 minutes warm up jogging then complete 30 seconds of sprints followed by 30 secs of jogging for 10 rounds.

• Body weight circuits. Perform a maximum number of push ups, squats, crunches and burpees one after the other in 30 second intervals with 30 seconds rest. Perform for 6 rounds.

Endurance Challenge ::• Run, walk, run pattern. After

warming up for 5 mins, run for 30 secs, walk for 60 secs and repeat for distance. Each day reduce the walk time and increase the run time by 5-10 secs until you are running for the full distance.

• Block runs. After warming up, run for 5 minutes then walk for 1 min. Increase the running block while maintaining the walk block.

• Intervals. After warming up, sprint 30-60 secs, jog 30 secs and repeat for distance.

Strength Challenge ::• In a circuit, perform maximum

pushups, maximum squats and maximum monkey bar chin-ups for three rounds.

• Lift heavy once a week. Perform supporting exercises with heavy weight and low repetitions.

• After a warm up, complete 60 intervals of planks, squat holds, half down hold push up and half way down hold chin up.

• 20 minute power walk.

General/Weight Loss Food Tips :: • Eat 4-6 meals each day.• Reduce or eliminate processed

foods, bad fats (good fats are okay) and added sugars from your diet.

• Include one serve each of protein (approx. 150gm serve of lean meat), carbohydrate (3/4 cup) and green leafy vegetables (1 cup) at each meal.

Endurance Challenge ::• Eat protein and carbohydrate 1 hour

pre-session for energy.• Eat again after training for recovery

and to support exercise adaptation.• If running 10kms, consider a sports

gel or similar to use at the halfway mark for continued glycogen supply and to prevent nausea.

Strength Challenge ::• Eat 1 hour prior to the workout and

include a serve of protein and carbohydrate.

• Eat post workout to fuel recovery.• If appropriate, consider vitamin C

supplements to assist with any potential cortisol build up.


My Goal Is :: ________________________________________________

My Challenge Tracker :: Week Three









Test Day Results

Instructions :: Each day you should perform an activity to help promote your goal success. Choose one of our activity tips from the tips sheets for morning and evening activities. Remember that your studio or outdoor session counts as an activity, so write it down on your tracker. Remember to bring this tracker with you to each session and show your trainer. Be accountable for your decision to take up the challenge.

My Goal Is :: ________________________________________________

My Challenge Tracker :: Week Two









Test Day Results

Instructions :: Each day you should perform an activity to help promote your goal success. Choose one of our activity tips from the tips sheets for morning and evening activities. Remember that your studio or outdoor session counts as an activity, so write it down on your tracker. Remember to bring this tracker with you to each session and show your trainer. Be accountable for your decision to take up the challenge.

My Goal Is :: ________________________________________________

IMPORTANT DATES ::Don’t forget to add our important dates to your calendar!

Contribute/AdvertiseIf you would like to contribute or advertise in our seasonal newsletter, please contact Damian on 0401318930 or via email at:[email protected]

Thank you to our clients and members for their continued support. We are looking forward to having a big 2012!

To Stop Recieving Our NewsPlease contact us at [email protected] and we will remove you from our mailing list.

Image Creditswww.PixMac.comwww.Bodybuilding.comDesign (C) Leopard Fitness 2011

LEOPARD FITNESS21 Windlass AveMooroopnaVictoria, 3629

Find Us On


Leopard Fitness End of Year Function

To Be Confirmed

Outdoor Group Fitness Wraps Up for 2011

23 December 2011

Studio Closure for Christmas 26 & 27 December 2011

Outdoor Group Fitness Commences for 2012

9 January 2012

Happy Holidays To All Our Amazing


December Special!3 x 30 min Personal Training for

$50.00all sessions expire 31 jan 2012. offer Expires 23 dec 2011

January Special!1 month outdoor fitness for

$30.00Valid only on monthly membership. Expires 9th Jan 2012

february Special!refer a new joining member &

get 2 weeks free!referred person must join on a monthly membership for the offer to qualify.

offer Expires 23 dec 2011

summer Special!1 free outdoor session valued at

$5.00Valid only new attendees. Expires 31 Jan 2012. Bookings Required



Leopard Fitness offer a private free weight studio environment for our members to train using programs. All memberships include assessments and programming. Bookings are essential and memberships are limited.

Available From :: Bonus :: Appointments From ::

from just $30 per month for a Limited Studio M’ship

Contact Damian on



OUTDOOR FITNESSRunning at Ferrari Park, Mooroopna, sessions include cardio and strength

circuits using bodyweight and a variety of portable

fitness equipment to give

you a great workout!

STUDIO LIMITEDJoin us in our private studio

to get a great workout with

our free weight equipment! Programs and assessments are included.

PERSONAL TRAININGGet your results faster with

your own personal trainer. Session times are





6-7amOutdoor Fitness Ferrari Park5:45-6:45



Outdoor Fitness Ferrari Park5:45-6:45



Outdoor Fitness Ferrari Park5:45-6:45

7-8am Studio


Limited Closed Studio



8-9am Studio

Limited Closed Closed Closed Studio


9am-5pm Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed

5-6pm Studio

Limited Closed Closed Closed Studio


6-7pm Studio






7-8pm Studio






8-9pm Studio




Limited ClosedBookings Required All


Bookings :: 0401.318.930 ::





1 Memberships Monthly Casual 5 Pass 10 Pass 20 Pass

Outdoor Fitness $60.00 $7.50 $25.00 $50.00 $100.00

Studio Limited $30.00 $5.00 $12.50 $25.00 $50.00

Leopard Plus[Studio+Outdoor]

$70.00 NA NA NA NA

Personal Training Casual 3 Pack

30 min5 PassSave 5%

10 PassSave 10%

20 PassSave 15%

1-on-1 $50 $50 $237.00 $450.00 $850.00

2-on-1 $25.00* NA $118.00* $225.00* $425.00*

3-on-1 $16.65* NA $79.00* $149.00* $283.00*

VIP Members#Discount 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%

MONTHLY M’SHIPNew to Leopard Fitness this summer are our limited

Memberships. These are

available pay-as-you-go or as a direct debit.We also offer VIP M’ship. For more information on

qualifying, please contact us.

PASSES & PACKSTake control of your training costs with our casual passes or session

packs. Casual passes are a

great for the occasional session while packs allow

you to pre-pay for what you

plan to use.

OTHER FEESLeopard Fitness offer our services without minimum

terms or joining fees.

If our payment options do

not satisfy your needs please speak with us. We

are flexible and here to help

you enjoy getting active.

Bookings :: 0401.318.930 ::

* Personal Training (PT) pricing is displayed based on per person rate. Leopard Fitness offer PT rates based on a single per session fee of $50 which is then pro-rata for the number of participants and

discounted to reflect our appreciation for your commitment and support.# VIP Membership status is available for qualifying members and offers year round discounts on services and products of 10%, including other memberships. For more information on this please contact Leopard

Fitness.All services are provided in accordance with our Terms & Conditions of Service. To obtain your copy please

contact Leopard Fitness.