Download - LEO - Amazon S3 · Leo New Moon at 1° Leo Sunday, July 23rd at 5:46 am ire. 7h hakra. Purple. I’m ready to Stand in my Power! ”I am the One who Commits to My Brilliance!” At

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New moon astrology is an inward journey connecting you to the cycles and rhythms Nature offers up each month. The rhythm around you is mirrored back within you. I invite you to join in the dance. - Rev. Michele Grace Lessirard

Each New Moon is a beginning.

It’s a time for introspection.

After listening to the teleclass let the information

cook you for a couple of days leading up the New Moon.

Where in my life am I called to let go, cross into the unknown?

"As a practical mystic I weave magic into my life

in service to my family and community."

”I am the One who Commits

To Living My Brilliance!”

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Fire it up and hone in = let’s play!

Find your GOLD!

This LEO New Moon highlights your issues

with being seen, shining brightly in your world

living your BRILLIANCE.

At the Gemini New Moon

You claimed your Voice and Truth

The Cancer New Moon connected you

with your PAST, to vision the FUTURE.

The Ancestors are still dancing with you!

Now this Leo Energy takes you into your Creative Fire.

Tempering. Desire. De-Light.

What are you ready to create?

Take a risk and give birth too?

What’s calling you?

July, 23rd, at 5:46 am Eastern

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Leo New Moon at 1° Leo

Sunday, July 23rd at 5:46 am

Fire. 7h Chakra. Purple.

I’m ready to Stand in my Power!

”I am the One who Commits to My Brilliance!”

At this New Moon where am I called to let go, to cross into the unknown?

“I have not failed.

I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

-Thomas Edison After listening to the Michele Grace’s teleclass what does my heart want this month, what do I want to create?

Looking at my birth chart what house does 1° of LEO (new moon) fall into? This is where the action is.

Let’s recap the last two New Moons:

The Gemini New Moon activated your shadow issues with speaking up and speaking out. Truth telling: telling your story without blame and judg-

ment, listening and being heard.

The Cancer New Moon last month connected you to deep feeling, the desire to feel safe and protected. Too often as healers, teachers and intui-

tive women we diminish our inner knowing and abdicate our ideas for someone else’s agenda.

Most times it’s the loudest person in the room that gets heard (Gemini again). We didn’t trust our inner guidance; we go quiet for various reasons.

For your inner muse to show up you must have clear boundaries so you can expand safely. You need support with a trusted ally.

The Leo New Moon is taps into your shadow issues with expanding, innovating, taking a risk. Leading up to this new moon,

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Leo and Aquarius are a planetary team, they work in partnership with each other.

Aquarius asks you to be Brilliant, to bring your “spark of mind” an original thought into your community.


Leo asks you to take a creative risk with that original thought. The house in your chart where these two

energies dwell shows you the way. The way is through fear and resistance. Push through it.

1. What house does Leo sit in your birth chart? That’s where the action is this month. You Sun sign is also

activated? When Saturn moved through Leo, July 2005 - September 2007, and September 1975 - July

1978 what life experiences contribute to your brilliance today. Note it may be time for the trauma/drama

to shape shift into something magical. Are you ready?

2. Are you born with Pluto in Leo (1939 - 1957)? You are the elder. What gifts, talents and capacities are

ready to be shared regarding Power. This is a generation of power. People of this generation hold the abil-

ity to use power.

3. What did you seed by intention (aka vision board at the beginning of the year)? What’s not working?

What questions can you ask to bring your BIG dream to fruition?

4.What’s possessing you? Does your story possess you? Where does fear inhibit my inner expression of power? How is that impacting my life?

What if you make a list of the “I can’t because….” then use the clearing statement to destroy and uncreate those limiting beliefs.

5.Look through your SoulCollage® cards and images...does something jump out about your brilliance? What am I called to surrender to at this

lunation? Where is my Light? Is my creative light bright or dimly lit?

6.What am I called to create this month so I can live my Brilliance? As a purposeful entrepreneur how am I LEADING others in my tribe with this

BRILIANCE? Where did I come from, who am I from this ancestral heritage (Cancer)? How am I to serve from this place of legacy?

7.Six months ago at the Aquarius New Moon/Leo Full Moon what happened? Aquarius is about individuality, being a rebel, being out ahead of

Contemplation and a

time to journal . . .

© Deborah Koff-Chapin Soul Cards II

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the pack innovating. We either expand or contract in this energy. Leo asks you to be brilliant. How have I challenged or gone against the status-

quo (Aquarius)? Has it worked for me? What challenges arise? What serves me now?

8.What am I dreaming about on this new moon? I express this energy by writing or drawing on the New Moon. . . The Foundation is set, what

are my intentions? Keep in mind this plan may have been seeded 6 months ago at the Full Moon in LEO.

How am I creating, dancing, painting, dreaming. It’s time to create a New Moon SoulCollage® card for this new moon? What’s longing to be ex-


How to create a New Moon SoulCollage® card.

You don’t have to be an astrologer or an artist to work with the New Moon SoulCollage® process. Get a couple of magazines, a glue stick and

some blank paper.

About the New Moon SoulCollage® process: Michele Grace is a trained facilitator of the SoulCollage® process.

Since 2004 she has taught women how to use the journey of the Moon and magic of SoulCollage® to manifest

their BIG dreams so they bring their gifts out into the world by making a difference their communities. It is

through storytelling that your “mess” takes on meaning.

About SoulCollage®: SoulCollage® cards are made either from one’s own art or from images found in materials

which have been bought by or given to the SoulCollage® card maker. These collaged cards are used only for the

card maker’s own inner exploration. SoulCollage® cards are not sold, traded, bartered, or copied (except as a back

-up for the card maker’s own use).

Where SoulCollage® cards are available to be seen by others, it is for the purposes either of demonstrating the SoulCollage® process or of sharing

the card maker’s inner process in the context of community. “SoulCollage® is grateful to the artists and photographers who make this deep

awakening process possible and in all ways SoulCollage® seeks to be respectful of their rights.”

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What has heart and meaning for you NOW in your life? The quest? It’s all about playing with your inner muse, your creativity. Here’s a bit more

about these Leo energies.

I am the One who.... Seeks personal heart connections- romance, children, dating, intense love relationships, giving and

seeking approval.

Embraces my artist within. Leo rules all forms of creativity including enthusiasm, artistic expression,

total subjective involvement, self-actualization, passion.

Gives over to the power of LOVE through loyalty, generosity, bringing joy, encouragement, kindness.

Seeks pleasure and celebration- fun, play, games, parties, vacations, recreational sports.

Is a Risk-taker. I am willing to gamble, roll the dice to make things happen.

Expresses dignity. I desire recognition, being the center of attention, self-confidence, manifest power-

ful individual expression, radiance, benevolence.

Leads. I exclude determination, leadership, concentrated focus, follow through, strength of purpose, resoluteness and stamina. Through the

power of my presence I inspire others.

Fiery and stubborn. Leo is fixed fire, are you the trauma/drama queen of life. In the Leo area of life many of us want to be recognized as the

King or Queen, we want to feel special. Have you carried your being special too far. “I am the King.” “I am the Queen.” I shout look at me. I am

the shadow side of your Leo energy, here I can be willful, boastful, arrogant, prideful. You’ll find me being overly dramatic, self-centered, ex-

travagant, bossy. This shadow side of Leo may be the addict out of control, using power, money and sex for selfish or manipulative means.

(Myss, Sacred Contracts, page 116). Your time as a lone wolf is over.

Working with the Leo New Moon can help restore health to your back and spine, manifesting as exhaustion, heart inflammation.

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Thank you for playing with me on the call and through these journal prompts. I am so grateful for your presence in my life’s work.

Bright blessings,

Rev. Michele Grace Lessirard, Shamanic Teacher, Artist and Healer Michele Grace helps you break

through resistance, stop spinning in doubt so you can come back into balance, make more money and

have a greater impact in the community you serve.

As a walker between worlds she helps you wake up to your shamanic gifts. A certified Money Break-

through Method® coach, spiritual healer and counselor Michele Grace helps you move your dream

from “woo-woo to “who’s who®" in 90 days with heart-centered business building tools. She is known

for her wisdom and humor as a leader, healer and teacher. She mentors clients through her private

coaching, group programs, products and events all over the world.

Unfold your myth at each New Moon and. . .

Follow your mystery!

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List 3 Desires for this LEO New Moon:


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