Download - LENNOX LONGBOARDERS...2015 Club Round Report & Results. Our March Club round was surfed on Sunday the 8th, 40 Members ... Standout longboarder for the day was Dan Croskery winning

Page 1: LENNOX LONGBOARDERS...2015 Club Round Report & Results. Our March Club round was surfed on Sunday the 8th, 40 Members ... Standout longboarder for the day was Dan Croskery winning



April / May 2015 Newsletter

Lennox Longboarders Club

Po Box 152

Lennox Head NSW 2478


[email protected]

CommitteeCommitteeCommitteeCommittee 2015201520152015 PRESIDENTPRESIDENTPRESIDENTPRESIDENT

Steve O’neill Steve O’neill Steve O’neill Steve O’neill


Wayne BoothWayne BoothWayne BoothWayne Booth

PhPhPhPh---- 02 66 87792102 66 87792102 66 87792102 66 877921

MobMobMobMob---- 0423139559042313955904231395590423139559


Gary AlfordGary AlfordGary AlfordGary Alford


MMMMattattattatt DurkinDurkinDurkinDurkin


Mark Preston & Martin FoxMark Preston & Martin FoxMark Preston & Martin FoxMark Preston & Martin Fox


Terry KayTerry KayTerry KayTerry Kay

What’s inside • PRESSO’s Report PRESSO’s Report PRESSO’s Report PRESSO’s Report



• ClubClubClubClub roundroundroundroundssss ReportReportReportReport

• 18181818thththth Lennox Longboard Lennox Longboard Lennox Longboard Lennox Longboard

Classic 2015 notificationClassic 2015 notificationClassic 2015 notificationClassic 2015 notification

• Classifieds, 4 sale 2015Classifieds, 4 sale 2015Classifieds, 4 sale 2015Classifieds, 4 sale 2015 • Odds & BitsOdds & BitsOdds & BitsOdds & Bits

• Email from Dan Croskery to Email from Dan Croskery to Email from Dan Croskery to Email from Dan Croskery to

the clubthe clubthe clubthe club

• Love Lennox Carnival infoLove Lennox Carnival infoLove Lennox Carnival infoLove Lennox Carnival info

And the first confirmed Club sponsor And the first confirmed Club sponsor And the first confirmed Club sponsor And the first confirmed Club sponsor

for 2015 is from Gav & the crew from for 2015 is from Gav & the crew from for 2015 is from Gav & the crew from for 2015 is from Gav & the crew from

Lennox Surf Shop. A Lennox Surf Shop. A Lennox Surf Shop. A Lennox Surf Shop. A big thanks to big thanks to big thanks to big thanks to

them for their continued supportthem for their continued supportthem for their continued supportthem for their continued support

CLUB ROUNDS CLUB ROUNDS CLUB ROUNDS CLUB ROUNDS –––– May, Sunday 10May, Sunday 10May, Sunday 10May, Sunday 10thththth & June Sunday 14& June Sunday 14& June Sunday 14& June Sunday 14thththth

The Green Room, Lennox Beachy The Green Room, Lennox Beachy The Green Room, Lennox Beachy The Green Room, Lennox Beachy

April Club Round some Classic peelers @ Lennox MainApril Club Round some Classic peelers @ Lennox MainApril Club Round some Classic peelers @ Lennox MainApril Club Round some Classic peelers @ Lennox Main

Page 2: LENNOX LONGBOARDERS...2015 Club Round Report & Results. Our March Club round was surfed on Sunday the 8th, 40 Members ... Standout longboarder for the day was Dan Croskery winning



Presso Presso Presso Presso ReportReportReportReport To All Members, Another excellent roll up on

Sunday March Club Round, 35 In total and yes last

round was a club record ye ha !!!!! a good morning

for surfing with a jump in the swell I Would like to

welcome those new members to our friendly club. A

special thanks to the Kiwi connection the Petries for

stepping up to do the kitchen duties the chicken rolls

enjoyed by all. New members the Croskery gave a

helping hand as well, nice work, Gary Alford was

missing this weekend enjoying his birthday in

Sydney. Taking in the sights at the gay Mardi Gras

we believe his first time! glad he had Vicki on his

arm or could of been a quick pick up for someone,

only joking Gaz Ha Ha!!!!!!!! ,We hope you enjoyed

yourself . We had a new Photographer this weekend

,he took some great shots thanks Darin. He was only

working with one wing, had a mishap with his bike

so filled in his time taking happy shots, On that note

stay safe everyone see you next round and happy

surfing .

Cheers from Steve Oneil, Preso

Secretary ReportSecretary ReportSecretary ReportSecretary Report At the time of writing this secretary stuff, we had At the time of writing this secretary stuff, we had At the time of writing this secretary stuff, we had At the time of writing this secretary stuff, we had completedcompletedcompletedcompleted 3 3 3 3

rounds with very healthy turn uprounds with very healthy turn uprounds with very healthy turn uprounds with very healthy turn upssss for the club. A big welcome to allfor the club. A big welcome to allfor the club. A big welcome to allfor the club. A big welcome to all

thethethethe new membersnew membersnew membersnew members. The Croskery Family, Matt Purcell & family , . The Croskery Family, Matt Purcell & family , . The Croskery Family, Matt Purcell & family , . The Croskery Family, Matt Purcell & family ,

Adelle & JameAdelle & JameAdelle & JameAdelle & James Foster, Simon & Anna Millicamp & Dennis s Foster, Simon & Anna Millicamp & Dennis s Foster, Simon & Anna Millicamp & Dennis s Foster, Simon & Anna Millicamp & Dennis

Baker. There’s a speil about the club from new member Dan Baker. There’s a speil about the club from new member Dan Baker. There’s a speil about the club from new member Dan Baker. There’s a speil about the club from new member Dan

Croskery,Croskery,Croskery,Croskery, later in this Edition, later in this Edition, later in this Edition, later in this Edition, thanks Dan.thanks Dan.thanks Dan.thanks Dan.

A few members travelled to comps over the A few members travelled to comps over the A few members travelled to comps over the A few members travelled to comps over the Anzac weekend. ToAnzac weekend. ToAnzac weekend. ToAnzac weekend. To

t he Burleigh Longboard dawn surfacet he Burleigh Longboard dawn surfacet he Burleigh Longboard dawn surfacet he Burleigh Longboard dawn surface....

Gary AGary AGary AGary Alford 3lford 3lford 3lford 3rdrdrdrd in the over 45’s Final & Jimmy Baker 4in the over 45’s Final & Jimmy Baker 4in the over 45’s Final & Jimmy Baker 4in the over 45’s Final & Jimmy Baker 4thththth in the in the in the in the

Over 60’s , Consistent efforts guys repeating your efforts from Over 60’s , Consistent efforts guys repeating your efforts from Over 60’s , Consistent efforts guys repeating your efforts from Over 60’s , Consistent efforts guys repeating your efforts from


Gary Alford in green Over 45Gary Alford in green Over 45Gary Alford in green Over 45Gary Alford in green Over 45’s Final’s Final’s Final’s Final

Secretary Report Con’tSecretary Report Con’tSecretary Report Con’tSecretary Report Con’t

Jimmy Baker in green Over 60’s FinalJimmy Baker in green Over 60’s FinalJimmy Baker in green Over 60’s FinalJimmy Baker in green Over 60’s Final @ Burleigh@ Burleigh@ Burleigh@ Burleigh

The 35The 35The 35The 35thththth Byron Malibu Classic 2015Byron Malibu Classic 2015Byron Malibu Classic 2015Byron Malibu Classic 2015. Club members who . Club members who . Club members who . Club members who

fared well at that compfared well at that compfared well at that compfared well at that comp were Scott Channon in the Open 9ft Final were Scott Channon in the Open 9ft Final were Scott Channon in the Open 9ft Final were Scott Channon in the Open 9ft Final

& winning the Over 30’s& winning the Over 30’s& winning the Over 30’s& winning the Over 30’s,,,, Eleanor McCready in the Open Ladies Eleanor McCready in the Open Ladies Eleanor McCready in the Open Ladies Eleanor McCready in the Open Ladies

& Tracy Nobbs again figuring in a final& Tracy Nobbs again figuring in a final& Tracy Nobbs again figuring in a final& Tracy Nobbs again figuring in a final, Ladies over 35’s. , Ladies over 35’s. , Ladies over 35’s. , Ladies over 35’s.

Congrats to you all.Congrats to you all.Congrats to you all.Congrats to you all. Below Scott Channon winnerBelow Scott Channon winnerBelow Scott Channon winnerBelow Scott Channon winner,,,, 0ver 30’s @ 0ver 30’s @ 0ver 30’s @ 0ver 30’s @


Another outing we promAnother outing we promAnother outing we promAnother outing we promote in the year is the pilgrimage south to ote in the year is the pilgrimage south to ote in the year is the pilgrimage south to ote in the year is the pilgrimage south to

Crescent Head over the days that the Annual Crescent Head Crescent Head over the days that the Annual Crescent Head Crescent Head over the days that the Annual Crescent Head Crescent Head over the days that the Annual Crescent Head

Malibu Classic is on , this yearMalibu Classic is on , this yearMalibu Classic is on , this yearMalibu Classic is on , this year the the the the last week of May, starting the last week of May, starting the last week of May, starting the last week of May, starting the

27272727thththth coming up quicker then flin coming up quicker then flin coming up quicker then flin coming up quicker then flin . We as a club have some awesome . We as a club have some awesome . We as a club have some awesome . We as a club have some awesome

positioned camp sitpositioned camp sitpositioned camp sitpositioned camp sites at the caravan park.. A es at the caravan park.. A es at the caravan park.. A es at the caravan park.. A great surfing trip great surfing trip great surfing trip great surfing trip


Crescent Crescent Crescent Crescent HeadHeadHeadHead longboardinglongboardinglongboardinglongboarding Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven

Cheers In Surfing, Club Secretary BoothyCheers In Surfing, Club Secretary BoothyCheers In Surfing, Club Secretary BoothyCheers In Surfing, Club Secretary Boothy

Page 3: LENNOX LONGBOARDERS...2015 Club Round Report & Results. Our March Club round was surfed on Sunday the 8th, 40 Members ... Standout longboarder for the day was Dan Croskery winning



2015 Club Round Report & Results.

Our March Club round was surfed on Sunday the 8th, 40 Members

fronted @ Lennox Main. Increased swell from the previous day with a joggle

on the water surface due to the dreaded overnight northerly on shore, But a

incoming tide, hard to get out earlier but maintaining some reasonable

shape for most of the morning & early post lunch. A sunny hot Autumn Day

& a successful completed round was had. 2nd sign on day for the club.

Welcome to new surfers & their families, Dan Croskery all the way from

Palm Beach on the Goldy, Matt Purcell Adelle & James Foster- Purbrick &

Simon & Anna Millichamp.

Standout longboarder for the day was Dan Croskery winning his round 1 &

winning the Firsts, Displaying some surfing on his longboard that will shake

up a few within the ranks. Good on ya Dan, a great style Tackling Lennox

Main on Sunday & your first for the club.


1sts. 1. Dan Croskery. 2. Angus Kay. 3. Forfar Petrie. 4. Chris Ashdown. 5.

Eleanor Robertson. 6. John Eddy.

2nds. 1. Chris Caine. 2. Andrew Thomas. 3. Grant Ryan. 4. James Foster. 5. Kate

Ashdown. 6. Graig Leete. 3rds. 1. Eleanor Mccready. 2. Wayne Booth. 3. Simon Millichamp. 4. Anna

Millichamp. 5. Wayne Sullivan.

4ths. 1. Greg Gover. 2. Terry Kay. 3. Peter Regan. 4. Steve O'neill.

5ths. 1. Sally Petrie. 2. Bob Mills. 3. Tracy Nobbs. 4. Lachlan Hassey. 5. Liz


Surfed the 1st round only Adele Purbrick , Jimmy Baker, Duke Thomas, Ron

Crowther, Angus Gover, Matt Purcell, Tom O'Dwyer.

Kate Ashdown nosing itKate Ashdown nosing itKate Ashdown nosing itKate Ashdown nosing it & New member Dan Croskery (5 over).... & New member Dan Croskery (5 over).... & New member Dan Croskery (5 over).... & New member Dan Croskery (5 over)....

Pics Thanks to Darin NobbsPics Thanks to Darin NobbsPics Thanks to Darin NobbsPics Thanks to Darin Nobbs

APRIL Club RoundAPRIL Club RoundAPRIL Club RoundAPRIL Club Round

Sunday 12th April @ Lennox Main as usual, was the venue for the

April club round for the club. 32 surfaced for the club meet on a clear sunny

day with off shore winds, 2 to 4ft abating swell, low tide early with a

incoming tide & some fun waves. On a square sandbank, peeling fast at


Stand out surfer for the 2nd month in a row was our new member from the

Goldy Dan Croskery, winning the firsts with local Steward, Forfar Petrie

(Back from injury) a very close second. Stand out for the Ladies was Eleanor

Robertson winning the 4ths final, with her style & grace.

Vouchers Thanks to our Club Sponsor Lennox Surf were selected & 3 going

to 1. Jimmy Baker. 2. Kate Ashdown & 3. Tom Silver.

Thanks to Sally P for handling most of the tallying for the round & Will Petrie

for organizing some Bacon & Egg rolls , always a treat on the rounds.. Results:

1sts. 1. Dan Croskery. 2. Forfar Petrie. 3. James Foster. 4. Matt Durkin. 5. Steve O'neill.

2nds. 1. Will Petrie. 2. Dave Spencer. 3.Chris Ashdown.4. Eleanor McCready. 5. Denis


3rds.( Tie breakers plus) 1. Tony Barnett. 2. Gary Alford. 3. Grant Ryan/ Wayne Booth.

4. Bob Mills. 5. Veronica Silver.

4ths. 1. Eleanor Robertson. 2. Peter Regan. 3. Tom Silver. 4. Terry Kay. 5. Philip


5ths. 1. Mark Goodwin. 2. Maz Pentecost. 3. Nathan Durkin. 4. Liz Petterson.

6ths. 1. Kate Ashdown. 2. Tracy Nobbs.

Surf one round. Jimmy Baker, Wayne Sullivan, Adele Pubrick, Ron Crowther.

Pictures thanks to MarkPictures thanks to MarkPictures thanks to MarkPictures thanks to Mark Goodwin Photography Goodwin Photography Goodwin Photography Goodwin Photography & Tony Barnett& Tony Barnett& Tony Barnett& Tony Barnett

Page 4: LENNOX LONGBOARDERS...2015 Club Round Report & Results. Our March Club round was surfed on Sunday the 8th, 40 Members ... Standout longboarder for the day was Dan Croskery winning



Surfboard Storage Solutions.

See them displayed @ the Classic 2015 Jason Shrieves. Mob: 0478718565

Email- [email protected]

Getting Hitched in 2015…..Getting Hitched in 2015…..Getting Hitched in 2015…..Getting Hitched in 2015…..

Call Col Rodrick direct on 0439 463909 EMAIL- [email protected] or fax 02 66875892 to organise supply at members only prices. From … board bags to leggies

FOR SALE FROM THE ED , (Boothy) Modern Retro Mal 9’6” $350.00 Ph mob-0423139559

And for some of you new members out there, On the first And for some of you new members out there, On the first And for some of you new members out there, On the first And for some of you new members out there, On the first

weekend of August. Is the weekend scheduled for our weekend of August. Is the weekend scheduled for our weekend of August. Is the weekend scheduled for our weekend of August. Is the weekend scheduled for our

Annual Lennox Longboard Classic, 2015 to be our 18Annual Lennox Longboard Classic, 2015 to be our 18Annual Lennox Longboard Classic, 2015 to be our 18Annual Lennox Longboard Classic, 2015 to be our 18thththth

year. A committee is set up to coordinate this event. year. A committee is set up to coordinate this event. year. A committee is set up to coordinate this event. year. A committee is set up to coordinate this event.

SUPPORT YOUR OWN Classic……. SUPPORT YOUR OWN Classic……. SUPPORT YOUR OWN Classic……. SUPPORT YOUR OWN Classic……. GetGetGetGetThoThoThoThosesesese

entrentrentrentries ies ies ies in….in….in….in….

Gareth Donovan 2014 Lennox Longboard Classic Gareth Donovan 2014 Lennox Longboard Classic Gareth Donovan 2014 Lennox Longboard Classic Gareth Donovan 2014 Lennox Longboard Classic 2012012012015555 LENNOX LONGBOARD ClassicLENNOX LONGBOARD ClassicLENNOX LONGBOARD ClassicLENNOX LONGBOARD Classic Aug 1Aug 1Aug 1Aug 1stststst & 2nd& 2nd& 2nd& 2nd


ACCOMMODATION Lennox Head [email protected]

Page 5: LENNOX LONGBOARDERS...2015 Club Round Report & Results. Our March Club round was surfed on Sunday the 8th, 40 Members ... Standout longboarder for the day was Dan Croskery winning



THE 32ND MALFUNCTION @ Rainbow Beach, Gold Coast, 16th -17th May 2015 Entry Forms Out.

THE CRESCENT HEAD MALIBU CLASSIC 2015 @ Crescent Hd, Thursday May 28th- Sat 30th Entry out.

2015 WINTER LONGBOARD CLASSIC @ Alexandra Headland , 6th, 7th, 8th June. Entries out

Wrecks & Relics 2015 Malibu Event, @ Noosa June 13th & 14th . Entry Forms out.

31ST LOGGERHEADS Malibu classic 2015 @ Scotts Head 17th , 18th, 19th. July. Entry Forms out

The 18th ANNUAL LENNOX LONGBOARD CLASSIC 2015 @ Lennox Head, 1st & 2nd

August. Entries out.

More NewsMore NewsMore NewsMore News, , , , Odds & BitsOdds & BitsOdds & BitsOdds & Bits

Email from New Member Dan CroskeryEmail from New Member Dan CroskeryEmail from New Member Dan CroskeryEmail from New Member Dan Croskery To all the Lennox head longboard club members,

On behalf of Donna, Sahdarna and myself I want to thank everyone at the club for their warm welcoming manner. You guys have a great

club and attitude that represents what longboarding is about. You guys are a mirror image of my home town club in Gisborne NZ known

as the Moananui Longboard club. I’ve been involved in a few clubs in Qld and Northern NSW over the years but none had what I was

looking for and by far the Lennox club has the best vibe for family's the best crew over all that take the time to talk to you and everyone

was so friendly and approachable. You guys should be proud of yourself and your club so keep up the good work and We look forward

to helping out within the club anyway we can. I'm proud to be apart and a new member of the Lennox heads longboard club. See ya all at

the next club round

All the best in surfing

Dan, Donna & Sahdarna CROSKERY family

Pilates for the aging LongboarderPilates for the aging LongboarderPilates for the aging LongboarderPilates for the aging Longboarder

From Una Fahey (Durkin)From Una Fahey (Durkin)From Una Fahey (Durkin)From Una Fahey (Durkin) ….Alison Lucas from Lifeworks Pilates is aiming to grow their Mens Stretch class, so has

offered a free first class to any men interested. It's fantastic for stiff older fellas who would like to keep surfing long

after their peers have had to stop! CWA Hall (behind community center) 6pm Tuesday. Contact Alison or

myself (I teach the class) if interested.

LOVE LENNOX CARNIVAL IS ON AGAIN SatLOVE LENNOX CARNIVAL IS ON AGAIN SatLOVE LENNOX CARNIVAL IS ON AGAIN SatLOVE LENNOX CARNIVAL IS ON AGAIN Saturdayurdayurdayurday 6666thththth JuneJuneJuneJune We as a clWe as a clWe as a clWe as a club had a displayub had a displayub had a displayub had a display last year & welast year & welast year & welast year & we’’’’re repeating it this repeating it this repeating it this repeating it this year. SSSShowcasinghowcasinghowcasinghowcasing Longboarding in LennoxLongboarding in LennoxLongboarding in LennoxLongboarding in Lennox

Page 6: LENNOX LONGBOARDERS...2015 Club Round Report & Results. Our March Club round was surfed on Sunday the 8th, 40 Members ... Standout longboarder for the day was Dan Croskery winning


presentspresentspresentspresents The The The The 18181818thththth Annual Lennox Longboard ClassicAnnual Lennox Longboard ClassicAnnual Lennox Longboard ClassicAnnual Lennox Longboard Classic

1st & 2nd August 2015 @ Lennox Head, Northern NSW 8 8 8 8 DIVISIONSDIVISIONSDIVISIONSDIVISIONS

� Juniors( Under 18, male or female)

� Open 9ft

� Over 30’s, Over 40’s, Over 50’s , Over 60’s

� Ladies Open & Best Ladies Over 50’s

� Old Mal/ Loggers


Age as of the 31st

July 2015

ALL CONTESTANTS MUST JUDGE: surf your heat - miss a heat - judge a heat.


Cheques payable to Lennox Longboarders Inc.

Electronic Payment: Account Name, Lennox Longboarders Club, BSB-722744, Account No- 88090 Include your name on bank reference,post or email entry form

POST ENTRIES TO: Secretary Lennox Longboarders. PO Box 152, Lennox Head NSW 2478 ENQUIRIES TO: Wayne Booth (02) 66 877921 /mob-0423139559. Club Email- [email protected]

Competition draw will be placed in the clubs website- 1 week prior

SATURDAY NIGHT: lucky door prizes, band, Lennox Hotel

SUNDAY ARVO: presentation Lennox Hotel







Divisions (in order of preference) 1)__________ 2)__________ 3) ___________

T-shirt Size (circle one): S M L XL XXL


� I understand and acknowledge that surf activities are dangerous and that there are inherent risks which may result in serious injury to myself, and that waves/ocean can act in a sudden and unpredictable (changeable) way.

� I declare that I do not have any medical or physical conditions that would affect my participation in the activity. (e.g. please advise the club manager of asthma, previous broken bones, dislocated joints, diabetes, allergic reactions, wear contact lenses/hearing aids, any disabilities, etc. That may affect your safety and the safety of others)

� I agree not to drink alcohol or take prohibited drugs before or during surf activities. � I authorise the Club to arrange medical or hospital treatment as necessary and I agree to pay for all associated costs. � I understand that my signature to this document constitutes a complete and unconditional release or all liability of the Club and its employees and agents to

the greatest extent allowed by the law in the event of me and/or the children under my care, suffering injury or death � I have read and understood and agree to abide by the Boardrider Club Code of Conduct. Signature: ___________________________________ Date: ________________________

Parent / Legal Guardian Consent: (applicants under 18 years of age). I have read and understood and agree to the declaration of this application and consent to the declaration for the applicant.

Page 7: LENNOX LONGBOARDERS...2015 Club Round Report & Results. Our March Club round was surfed on Sunday the 8th, 40 Members ... Standout longboarder for the day was Dan Croskery winning


ACCOMMODATIONACCOMMODATIONACCOMMODATIONACCOMMODATION----Lennox HeadLennox HeadLennox HeadLennox Head----Options.Options.Options.Options.


- Lennox Beach Resort. 7 Park Lane Lennox Head, Tel: 66180000Lennox Beach Resort. 7 Park Lane Lennox Head, Tel: 66180000Lennox Beach Resort. 7 Park Lane Lennox Head, Tel: 66180000Lennox Beach Resort. 7 Park Lane Lennox Head, Tel: 66180000

EmailEmailEmailEmail---- [email protected]@[email protected] Web. Web. Web. Web----


- Lake Ainsworth Caravan Park, Pacific Pde, Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877249. Lake Ainsworth Caravan Park, Pacific Pde, Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877249. Lake Ainsworth Caravan Park, Pacific Pde, Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877249. Lake Ainsworth Caravan Park, Pacific Pde, Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877249.

- Ballina Headlands Leisure Park,Lot Ballina Headlands Leisure Park,Lot Ballina Headlands Leisure Park,Lot Ballina Headlands Leisure Park,Lot 2 Skennar Head Rd Ballina/lennox, Tel: 02 66877450, or 1800 181 2 Skennar Head Rd Ballina/lennox, Tel: 02 66877450, or 1800 181 2 Skennar Head Rd Ballina/lennox, Tel: 02 66877450, or 1800 181 2 Skennar Head Rd Ballina/lennox, Tel: 02 66877450, or 1800 181

208. Web: Web: Web: Web:

- Flat Rock Tent Park, Coast Rd, East Ballina, Tel: 02 66864848.Flat Rock Tent Park, Coast Rd, East Ballina, Tel: 02 66864848.Flat Rock Tent Park, Coast Rd, East Ballina, Tel: 02 66864848.Flat Rock Tent Park, Coast Rd, East Ballina, Tel: 02 66864848.


- Lennox Head Beach Cottage B&B, 3 Lennox Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66875305.Lennox Head Beach Cottage B&B, 3 Lennox Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66875305.Lennox Head Beach Cottage B&B, 3 Lennox Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66875305.Lennox Head Beach Cottage B&B, 3 Lennox Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66875305.

- Lennox Head Beachfront Apartments,77 Ballina Str Lennox, Tel: 02 66877209. Lennox Head Beachfront Apartments,77 Ballina Str Lennox, Tel: 02 66877209. Lennox Head Beachfront Apartments,77 Ballina Str Lennox, Tel: 02 66877209. Lennox Head Beachfront Apartments,77 Ballina Str Lennox, Tel: 02 66877209.

Web: Web: Web: Web:

- Lennox Point Holiday Apartments, 20Lennox Point Holiday Apartments, 20Lennox Point Holiday Apartments, 20Lennox Point Holiday Apartments, 20----21 Pacific Pde, Lennox Head, Tel: 02 6687590021 Pacific Pde, Lennox Head, Tel: 02 6687590021 Pacific Pde, Lennox Head, Tel: 02 6687590021 Pacific Pde, Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66875900



---- Lennox Lodge, 20 Byron Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877210, Lennox Lodge, 20 Byron Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877210, Lennox Lodge, 20 Byron Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877210, Lennox Lodge, 20 Byron Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877210,

- Santa Fe Motel & Holiday Units, 8 Byron Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877788.Santa Fe Motel & Holiday Units, 8 Byron Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877788.Santa Fe Motel & Holiday Units, 8 Byron Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877788.Santa Fe Motel & Holiday Units, 8 Byron Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877788.

Web: Web: Web: Web:


- Lennox Head YHA, 3 Ross Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877636.Lennox Head YHA, 3 Ross Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877636.Lennox Head YHA, 3 Ross Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877636.Lennox Head YHA, 3 Ross Street Lennox Head, Tel: 02 66877636.

- Travellers Lodge Ballina,36 Tamar Street Ballina, Tel: 02 66866737.Travellers Lodge Ballina,36 Tamar Street Ballina, Tel: 02 66866737.Travellers Lodge Ballina,36 Tamar Street Ballina, Tel: 02 66866737.Travellers Lodge Ballina,36 Tamar Street Ballina, Tel: 02 66866737.


Proudly Presented by the Support Your club sponsors, Surf that deep blue, Take your turn & enjoy till next edition…. Cheers In Surfing Boothy (ED)….