Download - Lejla Ba na - COSIC · Crypto:&theory&vs&physical&reality& power &ming sound Algorithms are (supposed to be) theoretically secure fault injecon Implementations leak in physical world

Page 1: Lejla Ba na - COSIC · Crypto:&theory&vs&physical&reality& power &ming sound Algorithms are (supposed to be) theoretically secure fault injecon Implementations leak in physical world

Intro  to  side-­‐channel  analysis  

Lejla Batina

Digital  Security  Group  Ins7tute  for  Compu7ng  and  Informa7on  Sciences  (ICIS)    

Radboud  University  Nijmegen  The  Netherlands  

 and  KU  Leuven,  Belgium  

Summer  school  on  Design  and  Security  of  Cryptographic  Func6ons,  Algorithms  and  Devices      

Albena,  July  2,  2013  

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Crypto:  theory  vs  physical  reality  



sound Algorithms are (supposed to be)

theoretically secure

fault  injec&on

Implementations leak in physical world



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•  Implementa7on  of  security  vs  secure  implementa7ons  – Embedded  cryptographic  devices  – Embedded  security  

•  Side-­‐channel  analysis  basics  •  Power  analysis  aSacks  •  Other  side-­‐channels  •  Countermeasures  •  Recent  advances      •  Conclusions  


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Embedded  cryptographic  devices  

Embedded  security:  -­‐  resource  limita7on  -­‐  physical  accessibility  


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RFID  tags  and  alikes  •  Supply  chain  management  •  Product  authen7ca7on  •  Vehicles  tracking  •  Medical  care  •  RFID  passports  •  Mobile  credit  card  payment  systems  •  Transporta7on  payment  systems  •  Spor7ng  events  (7ming  /  tracing)  •  Animal  iden7fica7on  



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(In)security  for  Embedded  Systems   “Researchers have extracted information from nothing more than the reflection of a computer monitor off an eyeball or the sounds emanating from a printer.” Scientific American, May 2009. “Secustick gives false sense of security” April 12, 2007 Security completely broken “You can no longer rely on encryption to protect a BlackBerry.” InfoWorld, October 1, 2010. The data is passed from the device to the computer in a plain, unencrypted form, so it takes 3 days to brute-force the password.


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Our  scope:  Implementa7on  ASacks    

 “Remote  keyless  entry  system  for  cars  and  buildings  is  hacked”  March  31,  2008  -­‐    KeeLoq:  eavesdropping  from  up  to  100  m    -­‐  2  mesages  are  enough  -­‐  Even  SPA  is  possible,  July  19,  2009  

PS3  hack  -­‐  ECDSA  implementa7on  failed  -­‐  resulted  in  PS3  master  key  recovery  

Contactless  Smartcards  with  Mifare  Classic,  DESFire,    Atmel  CryptoMemory,…  


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Embedded  Security  We  NEED  BOTH  

•  Efficient  Implementa7on  –  Within  power,  area,  7ming  budgets  –  Public  key:  1024  bits  RSA  on  8  bit  μC  and  

100  mW  

–  Public  key:  ECC  on  a  passive  RFID  tag    

•  Secure  (trustworthy)  implementa7on  –  Resistant  to  aSacks  –  Ac7ve  aSacks:  probing,  (power)  glitches,  

JTAG  scan  chain,  cold-­‐boot,  …  –  Passive  aSacks:  power  consump7on,  

electromagne7c  emana7on,  sound,  temperature,  …  


Slide  credit:  I.  Verbauwhede  

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Side-­‐channel  security:  before  and  today  •  Tempest  –  known  since  early  1960s  that  computers  generate  

EM  radia7on  that  leaks  info  about  the  data  being  processed  •  In  1965,  MI5:  microphone  near  the  rotor-­‐cipher  machine  

used  by  the  Egyp7an  Embassy  the  click-­‐sound  the  machine  produced  was  analyzed  to  deduce  the  core  posi7on  of  the  machines  rotors  

•  First  academic  publica7ons  by  Paul  Kocher:  1996  (7ming)  and  1999  (power)  

•  Many  successful  aSacks  published  on  various  plahorms  and  real  products  e.g.  KeeLoq,  CryptoMemory,  (numerous)  contactless  cards  

•  Models,  theory,  leakage  resilient  crypto  i.e.  provable  physical  security  


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Concepts  of  side-­‐channel  leakage  

•  Side-­‐channel  leakage  is  based  on  (non-­‐inten7onal)  physical  informa7on    

•  Can  enable  new  kind  of  aSack  •  Oien,  op7miza7ons  enable  leakages  

o  Cache:  faster  memory  access  o  Fixed  computa7on  paSerns  o  Square  vs  mul7ply  (for  PK)  


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Basic  idea  

“Breaking  into  a  safe  is  hard,  because  one  has  to  solve  a  single,  very  hard  problem...”  

… b r e a k i n g d o w n a problem into two or more sub-problems that are simple enough to be solved directly  


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Side-channel attacks basics


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Concept:  Black  box  model  

Standardized  algor7hms  are  secure  

Cryptographic device Plain text Cipher text


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Sources  of  side-­‐channel  informa7on  •  Timing  (Kocher  1996),  Power  (KJJ  1999),  EM  (UCL  &  Gemplus  

2001)  •  Temperature  (Naccache  et  al.)  

–  informa7on  about  the  device's  malfunc7on  leaked-­‐out  via  its  temperature  

•  Light  (Kuhn)  –  Reading  CRT-­‐displays  at  a  distance  –  Observing  high-­‐frequency  varia7ons  of  the  light  emiSed  

•  Sound  (Shamir  and  Tromer)  –  Dis7nguishing  an  idle  from  a  busy  CPU  –  Dis7nguish  various  paSerns  of  CPU  opera7ons  and  memory  access  (RSA  


•  Photonic  emissions  (TU  Berlin)  


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Leakage  is  explorable  

•  Due  to  the  (dependency  of  leakages  on)  sequences  of  instruc7ons  executed  

•  Due  to  the  data  (even  sensi7ve!)  being  processed    •  Due  to  other  physical  effects  •  …  

•  And  remember:  


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ASack  categories  

•  Side-­‐channel  aSacks  –  this  talk  –  use  some  physical  (analog)  characteris7c  and  assume  access  to  it  

•  Faults  –  see  the  talk  of  J.-­‐  M.  Schmidt  –  use  abnormal  condi7ons  causing  malfunc7ons  in  the  system  

•  Microprobing  –  accessing  the  chip  surface  directly  in  order  to  observe,  learn  and  manipulate  the  device  


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Taxonomy  of  Implementa7on  ASacks  •  Ac7ve  versus  passive    

–  Ac7ve  •  The  key  is  recovered  by  exploi7ng  some  abnormal  behavior  e.g.  

power  glitches  or  laser  pulses  •  Inser7on  of  signals  

–  Passive  •  The  device  operates  within  its  specifica7on  •  Reading  hidden  signals  

•  Invasive  versus  non-­‐invasive  –  Invasive  aka  expensive:  the  strongest  type  e.g.  bus  probing  –  Semi-­‐invasive:  the  device  is  de-­‐packaged  but  no  contact  to  the  chip  e.g.  

op7cal  aSacks  that  read  out  memory  cells  –  Non-­‐invasive  aka  low-­‐cost:  power/EM  measurements  

•  Side-­‐channel  aSacks:  passive  and  non-­‐invasive  


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Analysis  capabili7es  

•  “Simple”  aSacks:  one  or  a  few  measurements  -­‐        visual  inspec7on  

•  Differen7al  aSacks:  mul7ple  measurements  – Use  of  sta7s7cs,  signal  processing,  etc.  

•  Higher  order  aSacks:  n-­‐th  order  is  using  n  different  samples  

•  Combining  two  or  more  side-­‐channels  •  Combining  side-­‐channel  aSack  with  theore7cal  cryptanalysis  


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Devices  under  aSack  •  Smart  card  •  FPGA,  ASIC  •  RFID,  PDAs  •  Phones,  USBs,  ...  •  Actual  products  


Meas. VDD

Meas. GND

RS 232 ASIC Trigger


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Measurement  setup  


analyzing device



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Prac7cal  Issues  

•  Quality  of  measurements  –  Noise  issues    

•  Sources:  power  supply,  clock  gen.  •  Algorithmic,  sampling,  external,  intrinsic,  quan7za7on  •  Averaging  mul7ple  observa7ons  helps  

•  Aligning  the  measurements  –  Due  to  7me  randomiza7on,  permu7ng  execu7on  or  hardware  countermeasures  


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Power  Analysis  

•  Direct  aSacks  •  Simple  Power  Analysis  (1999)  •  Differen7al  Power  Analysis  (1999)  •  Correla7on  Power  Analysis  (2004)  •  Collision  ASacks  (2003)  

•  Two-­‐stage  aSacks  •  Template  ASacks  (2002)  •  Stochas7c  Models  (2005)  •  Linear  Regression  Analysis  (LRA)  

•  Advanced  aSacks:  Mutual  Informa7on  Analysis  -­‐  MIA  (2008),  Diff.  cluster  analysis  (2009),  PCA  (2011),  ...  


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Simple Power Analysis (SPA)


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Simple  Power  Analysis  (SPA)  

•  Based  on  one  or  a  few  measurements  •  Mostly  discovery  of  data-­‐(in)dependent  but  instruc7on-­‐

dependent  proper7es  e.g.  –  Symmetric:  

•  Number  of  rounds  (resp.  key  length)  • Memory  accesses  (usually  higher  power  consump7on)  

–  Asymmetric:  •  The  key  (if  badly  implemented,  e.g.  RSA  /  ECC)  •  Key  length  •  Implementa7on  details:  for  example  RSA  w/wo  CRT  

•  Search  for  repe77ve  paSerns  

conditional operation


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Simple  Power  Analysis  

time axis


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Using  SPA  to  find  a  good  place  to  aSack  


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Insecure  RSA  implementa7on  

RSA modular exponentiation In: message m,key e(l bits) Output: me mod n

A = 1

for j = l – 1 to 0

A = A2 mod n /* square */ if (bit j of k) is 1 then A = A x m mod n /* multiply */

Return A

j < 0

Loop Init

bit j of k = 1?

A = A x m

j = j - 1

Return A A = A2



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SPA  examples  -­‐  PK  


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Intro  to  Sta7c  CMOS  

•  Consumes  power  when  output  makes  a  0  to  1  transi7on  

•  Most  popular  circuit  style!  •  A  power  analysis  aSack  explores  the  fact  that  the  instantaneous  power  cons.  depends  on  the  data  and  instruc7ons  being  processed  

0-­‐>0:  sta7c  (low)  0-­‐>1:  sta7c  +  dynamic  (high)    1-­‐>0:  sta7c  +  dynamic  (high)    1-­‐>1:  sta7c  (low)  


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Correla7on  DPA  (CPA)  

Model of side-channel

Real key Key hypothesis Real side-channel


Real output Hypothetical output

Statistical analysis

Hypothesis correct? [Brier et al.]


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CPA  Example:  AES,  soiware  •  Take  highest  correla7on  value  achieved  by  each  key  hypothesis  (0...255)  

•  The  correct  key  leads  to  the  highest  value  


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Ins&tute  for  Compu&ng  and  Informa&on  Sciences  Radboud  University  Nijmegen,  The  Netherlands  

*[email protected]  


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Prac7cal  aSacks:  plahorms  &  dis7nguishers  

•  Plahorms:    –  4-­‐bit,  8-­‐bit,  32-­‐bit,  contactless  Java  cards,  …  –  ASICs,  FPGAs  

•  All  algorithms:  secret-­‐key,  public-­‐key,  stream  ciphers,  MACs,…  

•  Side-­‐channel  dis7nguishers:  –  Used  as  the  selec7on  func7on  but  also  to  assist  other  aSacks  e.g.  to  find  “interes7ng  points”  in  7me  

–  DoM  with  single-­‐bit  or  mul7-­‐bit,  Pearson  correla7on  coefficient  


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Power  Models  

•  Bit  model:  two  bins  or  mul7ple  bins  •  Hamming  weight  model  

– Typically  for  pre-­‐charged  busses  •  Hamming  distance  model    

– Typically  for  register  outputs  in  ASIC’s  •  Weighted  Hamming  weight/distance  model  •  Dedicated  models  for  combina7onal  circuits  


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Power  consump7on  of  smartcard  µC  

37 37

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Other side-channels


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EM  –  side-­‐channel  

•  EM  field  is  propor7onal  to  current  •  Probe  acts  as  a  coil:  

– a  small  magne7c  coil  is  used  allowing  precise  posi7oning  

•  The  near  field  distance  is  oien  more  convenient    •  However,  EMA  is  usually  more  difficult  than  PA  –  the  issue  of  antenna  posi7oning,  etc.  


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DEMA  -­‐  posi7oning  


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DEMA  –  spectrum  informa7on    


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Also  possible  for  contactless  smartcards  


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Purpose:  destroy  the  link  between  intermediate  values  and  power  consump7on  – Masking  

•  A  random  mask  concealing  every  intermediate  value  •  Can  be  on  all  levels  (arithme7c  -­‐>  gate  level)  

– Hiding  •  Making  power  consump7on  independent  of  the  intermediate  values  and  of  the  opera7ons  

•  Special  logic  styles,  randomizing  in  7me  domain,  lowering  SNR  ra7o  


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Soiware  Countermeasures  •  Time  randomiza7on:  the  opera7ons  are  randomly  shiied  in  7me  –  use  of  NOP  opera7ons  –  add  random  delays  –  use  of  dummy  variables  and  instruc7ons  (sequence  scrambling)  

–  data  balancing  (a  data  element  is  represented  redundantly  to  make  H.w.  constant)  

•  Permuted  execu7on  –  rearranged  instruc7ons  e.g.  S-­‐boxes  

•  Masking  techniques  


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Hardware  countermeasures  •  Noise  genera7on  

–  hw  noise  generator  would  include  the  use  of  RNG  –  total  power  is  increased  (problem  for  handheld  devices)  

•  Power  signal  filtering  –  ex.:  RLC  filter  (R-­‐resistor,  C-­‐capacitor,  L-­‐inductor)  smoothing  the  pow.  cons.  signal  by  removing  high  frequency  components  

–  one  should  use  ac7ve  comp.  (transistors)  in  order  to  keep  pow.  cons.  rela7vely  constant  -­‐  problem  for  mob.  phones  

–  detached  power  supplies  -­‐  Shamir  •  Novel  circuit  designs  

–  special  logic  styles  


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•  Random  masks  used  to  hide  the  correla7on  between  the  power  consump7on  and  the  secret  data  

•  Two  types  of  masking    –  Boolean  masking-­‐  use  ⊕,    –  Arithme7c  masking  -­‐  use  addi7on  and  subtrac7on    modulo  2w  (where  w  is  the  digit  size),  e.g.  

–  The  conversion  from  one  type  to  another    •  Costs  for  an  example  plahorm  (Motorola  card,  T.  Messerges)  –  cycle  count:  factor  1.96  –  RAM:  6.27,  ROM:  1.36  

xrxx ⊕=ʹ′

wxrxx 2mod)( −=ʹ′


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Masking  AES    

•  A  masking  func7on:  – *  addi7ve  or  mul7plica7ve  masking  

•  AES  includes  all  linear  transforma7ons  except  S-­‐boxes  

•  several  solu7ons:  – Re-­‐computa7on  of  masked  S-­‐box  s.t.    – Mul7plica7ve  masking  – Masking  in  tower  fields  

f (x,m) = x∗m

S(x +m) = S(x)+ !m ≠ S(x)+ S(m)

Masked S(x +m) = S(x)+mS(x) = A× x−1 + b


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Issues  with  masking  

•  A  TRNG  is  required  •  Masked  implementa7on  leak  due  to  glitches  

–  More  in  the  talk  of  Svetla    

•  Masking  public-­‐key  algorithms    –  Many  algorithmic/arithme7c  op7ons  



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Hardware  countermeasures  –  details  in  the  talk  of  Ingrid  

•  Dynamic  and  differen7al  logic  (pre-­‐charged  dual  rail)  • Duplicate  logic  • Bits  are  encoded  as  pairs,  e.g.  0  =  (1,0)  and  1  =  (0,1)  

• Circuit  is  pre-­‐charged,  e.g.  to  all  zero  (0,0)  •  Each  DRP  gate  toggles  exactly  once  per  evalua7on  

– The  number  of  bit  flips  is  constant  and  data  independent  


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secure WDDL insecure


Doesn’t  work  for  small  devices!  

CMOS  vs.  WDDL  (Tiri,  Verbauwhede  2004)  

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Some new directions


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Can  we  do  more  to  protect  against  SCA?  •  Besides  more  conven7onal  methods  i.e.  hiding  and  masking  schemes  can  we  add  some  addi7onal  but  intrinsic  protec7on  against  DPA?  

•  In  block  algorithms  S-­‐boxes  are  the  main  source  of  confusion  

•  In  2005,  E.  Prouff  introduced  new  property  of  S-­‐boxes:  transparency  order  that  is  related  to  the  resistance  of  S-­‐boxes  to  DPA  aSacks  

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Evolu7onary  computa7on  •  Evolu7onary  computa7on  techniques  draw  inspira7on  from  the  process  of  natural  evolu7on  

•  Used  in  the  past  for:  – evolving  Boolean  func7ons  (op7mizing  on  nonlinearity  and  autocorrela7on)  

– evolving  S-­‐boxes  •  Preserving  bijec7vity  

– can  we  also  use  it  to  improve  transparency  order?  

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In  short  •  Finding  balanced  S-­‐boxes  with  high  nonlinearity  and  low  transparency  order  is  hard  problem  

•  There  exist  no  algebraic  methods  for  solving  this  problem  

•  For  example,  AES  S-­‐box  has  transparency  order  of  7.86  (the  worst  possible  value  is  8)  


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Conclusions  and  open  problems  

•  Physical  access  allows  many  aSack  paths  •  Trade-­‐offs  between  assump7ons  and  computa7onal  complexity  

•  Requires  knowledge  in  many  different  areas  •  Combining  SCA  with  theore7cal  cryptanalysis  


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SCA:  Recent  developments  

•  Theory  – Framework  for  side-­‐channel  analysis  – Leakage  resilient  crypto  

•  Prac7ce  – Even  more  advances  in  aSacks:  algorithm  specific  (combined  with  cryptanalysis)  

– Machine  learning  methods  – Similar  techniques  apply  to  traffic  analysis  – New  countermeasures  – New  models  (going  sub-­‐micron)  


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