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  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    Developing Marketing

    Strategies and Plans


  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    2-2 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

    Figure 2.2 The Strategic Planning,


    and Control Processes

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    Strategic Planning

    Strategic Planning is the process of developing and

    maintaining a Strategic fit between the organizations

    goals and capabilities and its changing marketing

    opportunities. Strategic Planning involves-1. Defining the corporate mission

    2. Setting objectives

    3. Designing business portfolio

    4. Coordinating functional efforts

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    2-4 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

    Corporate Headquarters

    Planning Activities

    Define the corporate mission

    Establish strategic business units

    (SBUs) Assign resources to each SBU

    Assess growth opportunities

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    1. Defining the corporate Mission

    Missionis a statement of the organizationspurpose- what

    it wants to accomplish in the larger environment.

    It seeks to provide a sense of purpose, direction and

    opportunityTo define the mission, the company should address the

    following questions:

    What is our business?

    Who is the customer? What is of value to the customer?

    What will our business be?

    What should our business be?

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    2-6 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

    Characteristics of Good Mission


    Focus on limited number of goals

    Stress major policies and values

    Define major competitive spheres

    Take a long-term view

    Short, memorable, meaningful
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    2-7 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

    Table 2.3Product vs. Market Oriented Mission

    Company Product Market



    We run a railroad We are a people-

    and-goods mover

    Xerox We make copying


    We improve office


    Standard Oil We sell gasoline We supply energy

    Columbia Pictures We make movies We entertain


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    2-8 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

    2. Establishing Strategic Business


    Strategic Business Unit is a unit of the company that has

    a separate mission and that can be planned independently

    from the rest of the company. It can be a company

    division, a product line within the division, and sometimes

    a single product or brand.

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    Characteristics of SBUs

    It is a single business or collection of

    related businesses

    It has its own set of competitors

    It has a manager responsible for

    strategic planning and profitability

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  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    3. Assigning Resources to Each


    The purpose of identifying the company's strategic

    business units is to develop separate strategies and assign

    appropriate funding.

    Two of the best-known business portfolio evaluation

    approaches are -

    1. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Approach

    2. The General Electric (GE)Approach

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    Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Approach

    2-11 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

    The growth-share matrix is divided into four cells

    based on market growth rate and relative market


    Figure:BCG Growth-Share Matrix

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    Boston Consulting Group (BCG)


    Stars are high-share businesses or


    Cash cows are low-growth, high-share

    businesses or products.

    Question marks are low-share business

    units in high-growth market.

    Dogs are low-growth, low-share businesses

    or products

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  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    SBU Strategies

    1.Build/Invest- Question Marks

    2. Hold/Maintain- Stars and strong Cash


    3. Harvest- Weak Cash Cows

    4. Divest- Dogs

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  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    The General Electric Business Screen was originally

    developed to help marketing managers overcome the

    problems that are commonly associated with the Boston

    Matrix (BCG).

    The GE approach introduces a three by three matrix. It

    utilizes industry attractiveness as a more inclusive

    measure than BCG's market growth and substitutes

    competi tive positionfor the original's market share.

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    General Electric (GE) Approach

  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    General Electric (GE) Approach

    2-15 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

    Market attract iveness depend s


    Size of market.

    Market rate of growth.

    The nature of competition and

    its diversity.

    Profit margin.

    Impact of technology, the law,

    and energy efficiency.Environmental impact.

    Comp et it ive pos i t ion depends


    Market share.

    Management profile.R & D.

    Quality of products and services.

    Branding and promotions


    Place (or distribution).


    Cost reduction.

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    General Electric (GE) Approach

    The GE matrix is divided into nine cells, which in turn fall into three


    upper left corner

    lower left to upper right corner

    lower right corner

    The three cells in the upper left corner indicate strong SBUs in

    which the company should invest or grow. The diagonal cells

    stretching from the lower left to upper right indicate SBUs that are

    medium in overall attractiveness. The company should pursueselectivity & manage for earnings in these SBUs. The three cells in

    the lower right corner indicate SBUs that are low in overall

    attractiveness. The company should give serious thought to

    harvesting or divesting these SBUs.

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  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    3. Planning New Businesses

    The company plans for its existing businesses allow it to project total

    sales & profits. If there is agap between future desired sales and

    projected salescorporate management will have to develop or acquire

    new business to fill it.

    2-17 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

    Strategic Planning Gap:

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    3. Planning New Businesses

    Three options are available to fill up the strategic planning


    The first is to identify opportunities to achieve further

    growth within current businesses (Intensive growth


    The second is to identify opportunities to build or acquire

    businesses that are related to current businesses

    (Integrative growth opportunities)

    The third is to identify opportunities to add attractive

    businesses tat are unrelated to current businesses

    (Diversification growth opportunities)

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    Intensive Growth Strategies

    2-19 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

    2000 Prentice Hall

    Three Intensive Growth Strategies:

    Ansoffs Product/Market Expansion Grid

    Three Intensive Growth Strategies:

    Ansoffs Product/Market Expansion Grid

    4. Diversification2. Marketdevelopment


    1. Marketpenetration




    3. Productdevelopment



  • 8/13/2019 Lecture on Strategic Planning


    Integrative Growth strategies

    1. Backward integration (integration with

    the suppliers)

    2. Forward integration (integration with

    the distributors)3. Horizontal integration (integration with

    one or more of the competitors)

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    Diversification Growth


    Diversification growth makes sense when good

    opportunities can be found outside the present

    businesses. Three types of diversification are


    1. Concentric diversification strategy ( new

    products, new market, technology or marketing may

    be related)

    2. Horizontal diversification strategy (new products,

    new/current market, technology unrelated)

    3. Conglomerate diversification strategy (new

    products, new market, new technology)

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    2-22 Copyright 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

    Figure 2.5 The Business Unit

    Strategic Planning Process

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    SWOT Analysis





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    Porters Generic Strategies

    Overall Cost Leadership



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    Marketing Plan Contents

    Executive summary

    Table of contents

    Situation analysisMarketing strategy

    Financial projections

    Implementation controls