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Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10514

Commenced Publication in 1973Founding and Former Series Editors:Gerhard Goos, Juris Hartmanis, and Jan van Leeuwen

Editorial Board

David HutchisonLancaster University, Lancaster, UK

Takeo KanadeCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Josef KittlerUniversity of Surrey, Guildford, UK

Jon M. KleinbergCornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA

Friedemann MatternETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

John C. MitchellStanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

Moni NaorWeizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

C. Pandu RanganIndian Institute of Technology, Madras, India

Bernhard SteffenTU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany

Demetri TerzopoulosUniversity of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Doug TygarUniversity of California, Berkeley, CA, USA

Gerhard WeikumMax Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany

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Regina Bernhaupt • Girish DalviAnirudha Joshi • Devanuj K. BalkrishanJacki O’Neill • Marco Winckler (Eds.)

Human-ComputerInteraction –

INTERACT 201716th IFIP TC 13 International ConferenceMumbai, India, September 25–29, 2017Proceedings, Part II


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EditorsRegina BernhauptRuwido Austria GmbHNeumarkt am WallerseeAustria

Girish DalviIndian Institute of Technology BombayMumbaiIndia

Anirudha JoshiIndian Institute of Technology BombayMumbaiIndia

Devanuj K. BalkrishanIndian Institute of Technology BombayMumbaiIndia

Jacki O’NeillMicrosoft Research Centre IndiaBangaloreIndia

Marco WincklerUniversité Paul SabatierToulouseFrance

ISSN 0302-9743 ISSN 1611-3349 (electronic)Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceISBN 978-3-319-67683-8 ISBN 978-3-319-67684-5 (eBook)DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-67684-5

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017953425

LNCS Sublibrary: SL3 – Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI

© IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2017This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of thematerial is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation,broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or informationstorage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology nowknown or hereafter developed.The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoes not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevantprotective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book arebelieved to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editorsgive a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors oromissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims inpublished maps and institutional affiliations.

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This Springer imprint is published by Springer NatureThe registered company is Springer International Publishing AGThe registered company address is: Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland

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The 16th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human–Computer Interaction,INTERACT 2017, took place during September 25–29, 2017, in Mumbai, India. Thisconference was held on the beautiful campus of the Indian Institute of Technology,Bombay (IIT Bombay) and the Industrial Design Centre (IDC) was the principal host.The conference was co-sponsored by the HCI Professionals Association of India andthe Computer Society of India, in cooperation with ACM and ACM SIGCHI. Thefinancial responsibility of INTERACT 2017 was taken up by the HCI ProfessionalsAssociation of India.

The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) was created in 1960under the auspices of UNESCO. The Technical Committee 13 (TC13) of the IFIP aimsat developing the science and technology of human–computer interaction (HCI). TC13has representatives from 36 countries, apart from 16 expert members and observers.TC13 started the series of INTERACT conferences in 1984. These conferences havebeen an important showcase for researchers and practitioners in the field of HCI.Situated under the open, inclusive umbrella of the IFIP, INTERACT has been trulyinternational in its spirit and has attracted researchers from several countries and cul-tures. The venues of the INTERACT conferences over the years bear a testimony tothis inclusiveness.

In 2017, the venue was Mumbai. Located in western India, the city of Mumbai is thecapital of the state of Maharashtra. It is the financial, entertainment, and commercialcapital of the country and is the most populous city in India. Mumbaikars might addthat it is also the most hardworking.

The theme of INTERACT 2017 was “Global Thoughts, Local Designs.” The themewas designed to let HCI researchers respond to challenges emerging in the new age ofglobal connectivity where they often design products for users who are beyond theirborders belonging to distinctly different cultures. As organizers of the conference, wefocused our attention on four areas: India, developing countries, students, andresearch.

As the first INTERACT in the subcontinent, the conference offered a distinctlyIndian experience to its participants. The span of known history of India covers morethan 5,000 years. Today, India is the world’s largest democracy and a land of diversity.Modern technology co-exists with ancient traditions within the same city, often withinthe same family. Indians speak 22 official languages and hundreds of dialects. India isalso a hub of the information technology industry and a living laboratory of experi-ments with technology for developing countries.

INTERACT 2017 made a conscious effort to lower barriers that prevent people fromdeveloping countries from participating in conferences. Thinkers and optimists believethat all regions of the world can achieve human development goals. Information andcommunication technologies (ICTs) can support this process and empower people toachieve their full potential. Today ICT products have many new users and many new

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uses, but also present new challenges and provide new opportunities. It is no surprisethat HCI researchers are showing great interest in these emergent users. INTERACT2017 provided a platform to explore these challenges and opportunities but also made iteasier for people from developing countries to participate. We also introduced a newtrack called Field Trips, which allowed participants to directly engage with stake-holders within the context of a developing country.

Students represent the future of our community. They bring in new energy,enthusiasm, and fresh ideas. But it is often hard for students to participate in interna-tional conferences. INTERACT 2017 made special efforts to bring students to theconference. The conference had low registration costs and several volunteeringopportunities. Thanks to our sponsors, we could provide several travel grants. Mostimportantly, INTERACT 2017 had special tracks such as Installations, a StudentDesign Consortium, and a Student Research Consortium that gave students theopportunity to showcase their work.

Finally, great research is the heart of a good conference. Like its predecessors,INTERACT 2017 aimed to bring together high-quality research. As a multidisciplinaryfield, HCI requires interaction and discussion among diverse people with differentinterest and background. The beginners and the experienced, theoreticians and prac-titioners, and people from diverse disciplines and different countries gathered togetherin Mumbai to learn from each other and to contribute to each other’s growth. We thankall the authors who chose INTERACT 2017 as the venue to publish their research.

We received a total of 571 submissions distributed in two peer-reviewed tracks, fivecurated tracks, and seven juried tracks. Of these, the following contributions wereaccepted:

• 68 Full Papers (peer reviewed)• 51 Short Papers (peer reviewed)• 13 Case Studies (curated)• 20 Industry Presentations (curated)• 7 Courses (curated)• 5 Demonstrations (curated)• 3 Panels (curated)• 9 Workshops (juried)• 7 Field Trips (juried)• 11 Interactive Posters (juried)• 9 Installations (juried)• 6 Doctoral Consortium (juried)• 15 Student Research Consortium (juried)• 6 Student Design Consortium (juried)

The acceptance rate for contributions received in the peer-reviewed tracks was 30.7%for full papers and 29.1% for short papers. In addition to full papers and short papers,the present proceedings feature contributions accepted in the form of case studies,courses, demonstrations, interactive posters, field trips, and workshops.

The final decision on acceptance or rejection of full papers was taken in a ProgramCommittee meeting held in Paris, France, in March 2017. The full-paper chairs, theassociate chairs, and the TC13 members participated in this meeting. The meeting

VI Foreword

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discussed a consistent set of criteria to deal with inevitable differences among the largenumber of reviewers. The final decisions on other tracks were made by the corre-sponding track chairs and reviewers, often after additional electronic meetings anddiscussions.

INTERACT 2017 was made possible by the persistent efforts over several monthsby 49 chairs, 39 associate chairs, 55 student volunteers, and 499 reviewers. We thankthem all. Finally, we wish to express a special thank you to the proceedings publicationco-chairs, Marco Winckler and Devanuj Balkrishan, who did extraordinary work to puttogether four volumes of the main proceedings and one volume of adjunct proceedings.

September 2017 Anirudha JoshiGirish Dalvi

Marco Winckler

Foreword VII

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Established in 1989, the International Federation for Information Processing TechnicalCommittee on Human–Computer Interaction (IFIP TC 13) is an international com-mittee of 37 member national societies and 10 Working Groups, representing spe-cialists of the various disciplines contributing to the field of human–computerinteraction (HCI). This includes (among others) human factors, ergonomics, cognitivescience, computer science, and design. INTERACT is its flagship conference ofIFIP TC 13, staged biennially in different countries in the world. The first INTERACTconference was held in 1984 running triennially and became a biennial event in 1993.

IFIP TC 13 aims to develop the science, technology, and societal aspects of HCI by:encouraging empirical research; promoting the use of knowledge and methods from thehuman sciences in design and evaluation of computer systems; promoting betterunderstanding of the relation between formal design methods and system usability andacceptability; developing guidelines, models, and methods by which designers mayprovide better human-oriented computer systems; and, cooperating with other groups,inside and outside IFIP, to promote user-orientation and humanization in systemdesign. Thus, TC 13 seeks to improve interactions between people and computers, toencourage the growth of HCI research and its practice in industry and to disseminatethese benefits worldwide.

The main focus is to place the users at the center of the development process. Areasof study include: the problems people face when interacting with computers; the impactof technology deployment on people in individual and organizational contexts; thedeterminants of utility, usability, acceptability, and user experience; the appropriateallocation of tasks between computers and users especially in the case of automation;modeling the user, their tasks, and the interactive system to aid better system design;and harmonizing the computer to user characteristics and needs.

While the scope is thus set wide, with a tendency toward general principles ratherthan particular systems, it is recognized that progress will only be achieved throughboth general studies to advance theoretical understanding and specific studies onpractical issues (e.g., interface design standards, software system resilience, docu-mentation, training material, appropriateness of alternative interaction technologies,guidelines, the problems of integrating multimedia systems to match system needs, andorganizational practices, etc.).

In 2015, TC 13 approved the creation of a Steering Committee (SC) for theINTERACT conference. The SC is now in place, chaired by Jan Gulliksen and isresponsible for:

• Promoting and maintaining the INTERACT conference as the premiere venue forresearchers and practitioners interested in the topics of the conference (this requiresa refinement of the aforementioned topics)

• Ensuring the highest quality for the contents of the event

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• Setting up the bidding process to handle the future INTERACT conferences;decision is made up at TC 13 level

• Providing advice to the current and future chairs and organizers of the INTERACTconference

• Providing data, tools and documents about previous conferences to the futureconference organizers

• Selecting the reviewing system to be used throughout the conference (as thisimpacts the entire set of reviewers)

• Resolving general issues involved with the INTERACT conference• Capitalizing history (good and bad practices)

In 1999, TC 13 initiated a special IFIP Award, the Brian Shackel Award, for the mostoutstanding contribution in the form of a refereed paper submitted to and delivered ateach INTERACT. The award draws attention to the need for a comprehensivehuman-centered approach in the design and use of information technology in which thehuman and social implications have been taken into account. In 2007, IFIP TC 13 alsolaunched an Accessibility Award to recognize an outstanding contribution in HCI withinternational impact dedicated to the field of accessibility for disabled users. In 2013IFIP TC 13 launched the Interaction Design for International Development (IDID)Award that recognizes the most outstanding contribution to the application of inter-active systems for social and economic development of people in developing countries.Since the process to decide the award takes place after papers are sent to the publisherfor publication, the awards are not identified in the proceedings.

IFIP TC 13 also recognizes pioneers in the area of HCI. An IFIP TC 13 pioneer isone who, through active participation in IFIP Technical Committees or related IFIPgroups, has made outstanding contributions to the educational, theoretical, technical,commercial, or professional aspects of analysis, design, construction, evaluation, anduse of interactive systems. IFIP TC 13 pioneers are appointed annually and awards arehanded over at the INTERACT conference.

IFIP TC 13 stimulates working events and activities through its Working Groups(WGs). Working Groups consist of HCI experts from many countries, who seek toexpand knowledge and find solutions to HCI issues and concerns within their domains.The list of Working Groups and their area of interest is given here.

WG13.1 (Education in HCI and HCI Curricula) aims to improve HCI education atall levels of higher education, coordinate and unite efforts to develop HCI curricula andpromote HCI teaching.

WG13.2 (Methodology for User-Centered System Design) aims to foster research,dissemination of information and good practice in the methodical application of HCI tosoftware engineering.

WG13.3 (HCI and Disability) aims to make HCI designers aware of the needs ofpeople with disabilities and encourage the development of information systems andtools permitting adaptation of interfaces to specific users.

WG13.4 (also WG2.7) (User Interface Engineering) investigates the nature, con-cepts, and construction of user interfaces for software systems, using a framework forreasoning about interactive systems and an engineering model for developing userinterfaces.


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WG 13.5 (Resilience, Reliability, Safety and Human Error in System Development)seeks a frame-work for studying human factors relating to systems failure, developsleading-edge techniques in hazard analysis and safety engineering of computer-basedsystems, and guides international accreditation activities for safety-critical systems.

WG13.6 (Human-Work Interaction Design) aims at establishing relationshipsbetween extensive empirical work-domain studies and HCI design. It promotes the useof knowledge, concepts, methods, and techniques that enable user studies to procure abetter apprehension of the complex interplay between individual, social, and organi-zational contexts and thereby a better understanding of how and why people work inthe ways that they do.

WG13.7 (Human–Computer Interaction and Visualization) aims to establish a studyand research program that will combine both scientific work and practical applicationsin the fields of HCI and visualization. It integrates several additional aspects of furtherresearch areas, such as scientific visualization, data mining, information design, com-puter graphics, cognition sciences, perception theory, or psychology, into thisapproach.

WG13.8 (Interaction Design and International Development) is currently working toreformulate its aims and scope.

WG13.9 (Interaction Design and Children) aims to support practitioners, regulators,and researchers to develop the study of interaction design and children across inter-national contexts.

WG13.10 (Human-Centered Technology for Sustainability) aims to promoteresearch, design, development, evaluation, and deployment of human-centered tech-nology to encourage sustainable use of resources in various domains.

New Working Groups are formed as areas of significance in HCI arise. Furtherinformation is available on the IFIP TC13 website at:


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IFIP TC13 Members



Philippe Palanque, France

Vice-chair for Growth and ReachOut INTERACT SteeringCommittee Chair

Jan Gulliksen, Sweden

Vice-chair for Working Groups

Simone D.J. Barbosa, Brazil

Vice-chair for Awards

Paula Kotze, South Africa


Virpi Roto, Finland


Marco Winckler, France


Helen Petrie, UK

Country Representatives

AustraliaHenry B.L. DuhAustralian Computer Society

AustriaGeraldine FitzpatrickAustrian Computer Society

BrazilRaquel Oliveira PratesBrazilian Computer Society (SBC)

BulgariaKamelia StefanovaBulgarian Academy of Sciences

CanadaLu XiaoCanadian Information Processing Society

ChileJaime SánchezChilean Society of Computer Science

CroatiaAndrina GranicCroatian Information Technology

Association (CITA)

CyprusPanayiotis ZaphirisCyprus Computer Society

Czech RepublicZdeněk MíkovecCzech Society for Cybernetics

and Informatics

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DenmarkTorkil ClemmensenDanish Federation for Information


FinlandVirpi RotoFinnish Information Processing


FrancePhilippe PalanqueSociété informatique de France (SIF)

GermanyTom GrossGesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

HungaryCecilia Sik LanyiJohn V. Neumann Computer Society

IndiaAnirudha JoshiComputer Society of India (CSI)

IrelandLiam J. BannonIrish Computer Society

ItalyFabio PaternòItalian Computer Society

JapanYoshifumi KitamuraInformation Processing Society of Japan

KoreaGerry KimKIISE

The NetherlandsVanessa EversNederlands Genootschap voor


New ZealandMark ApperleyNew Zealand Computer Society

NigeriaChris C. NwannennaNigeria Computer Society

NorwayDag SvanesNorwegian Computer Society

PolandMarcin SikorskiPoland Academy of Sciences

PortugalPedro CamposAssociacão Portuguesa para o Desen-volvimento da Sociedade da Informação


SingaporeShengdong ZhaoSingapore Computer Society

SlovakiaWanda BenešováThe Slovak Society for Computer


SloveniaMatjaž DebevcThe Slovenian Computer Society


South AfricaJanet L. WessonThe Computer Society of South Africa

SpainJulio AbascalAsociación de Técnicos de Informática


XIV IFIP TC13 Members

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SwedenJan GulliksenSwedish Interdisciplinary Society

for Human–Computer InteractionSwedish Computer Society

SwitzerlandDenis LalanneSwiss Federation for Information


TunisiaMona LaroussiEcole Supérieure des Communications

De Tunis (SUP’COM)

UKJosé Abdelnour NoceraBritish Computer Society (BCS)

United Arab EmiratesGhassan Al-QaimariUAE Computer Society

USAGerrit van der VeerAssociation for Computing Machinery


Expert Members

Dan Orwa University of Nairobi, KenyaDavid Lamas Tallinn University, EstoniaDorian Gorgan Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaEunice Sari University of Western Australia, Australia and UX Indonesia,

IndonesiaFernando Loizides Cardiff University, UK and Cyprus University of Technology,

CyprusFrank Vetere University of Melbourne, AustraliaIvan Burmistrov Moscow State University, RussiaJoaquim Jorge INESC-ID, PortugalMarta Kristin

LarusdottirReykjavik University, Iceland

Nikolaos Avouris University of Patras, GreecePaula Kotze CSIR Meraka Institute, South AfricaPeter Forbrig University of Rostock, GermanySimone D.J. Barbosa PUC-Rio, BrazilVu Nguyen VietnamZhengjie Liu Dalian Maritime University, China


Masaaki Kurosu, Japan

Working Group Chairs

WG 13.1 (Education in HCIand HCI Curricula)

Konrad Baumann, Austria

WG 13.2 (Methodologiesfor User-Centered System Design)

Marco Winckler, France

IFIP TC13 Members XV

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WG 13.3 (HCI and Disability)

Helen Petrie, UK

WG 13.4/2.7 (User InterfaceEngineering)

José Creissac Campos, Portugal

WG 13.5 (Resilience, Reliability,Safety, and Human Error in SystemDevelopment)

Chris Johnson, UK

WG 13.6 (Human-Work InteractionDesign)

Pedro Campos, Portugal

WG 13.7 (HCI and Visualization)

Peter Dannenmann, Germany

WG 13.8 (Interaction Designand International Development)

José Adbelnour Nocera, UK

WG 13.9 (Interaction Designand Children)

Janet Read, UK

WG 13.10 (Human-CenteredTechnology for Sustainability)

Masood Masoodian, Finland

XVI IFIP TC13 Members

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Conference Organizing Committee

General Conference Chairs

Anirudha Joshi, IndiaGirish Dalvi, India

Technical Program Chair

Marco Winckler, France

Full-Paper Chairs

Regina Bernhaupt, FranceJacki O’Neill, India

Short-Paper Chairs

Peter Forbrig, GermanySriganesh Madhvanath, USA

Case Studies Chairs

Ravi Poovaiah, IndiaElizabeth Churchill, USA

Courses Chairs

Gerrit van der Veer, The NetherlandsDhaval Vyas, Australia

Demonstrations Chairs

Takahiro Miura, JapanShengdong Zhao, SingaporeManjiri Joshi, India

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

Paula Kotze, South AfricaPedro Campos, Portugal

Field Trips Chairs

Nimmi Rangaswamy, IndiaJosé Abdelnour Nocera, UKDebjani Roy, India

Industry Presentations Chairs

Suresh Chande, FinlandFernando Loizides, UK

Installations Chairs

Ishneet Grover, IndiaJayesh Pillai, IndiaNagraj Emmadi, India

Keynotes and Invited Talks Chair

Philippe Palanque, France

Panels Chairs

Antonella De Angeli, ItalyRosa Arriaga, USA

Posters Chairs

Girish Prabhu, IndiaZhengjie Liu, China

Student Research Consortium Chairs

Indrani Medhi, IndiaNaveen Bagalkot, IndiaJanet Wesson, South Africa

Student Design Consortium Chairs

Abhishek Shrivastava, IndiaPrashant Sachan, IndiaArnab Chakravarty, India

Workshops Chairs

Torkil Clemmensen, DenmarkVenkatesh Rajamanickam, India

Accessibility Chairs

Prachi Sakhardande, IndiaSonali Joshi, India

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Childcare Club Chairs

Atish Patel, IndiaSusmita Sharma, India

Food and Social Events Chair

Rucha Tulaskar, India

Local Organizing Chairs

Manjiri Joshi, IndiaNagraj Emmadi, India

Proceedings Chairs

Marco Winckler, FranceDevanuj Balkrishan, India

Sponsorship Chair

Atul Manohar, India

Student Volunteers Chairs

Rasagy Sharma, IndiaJayati Bandyopadhyay, India

Venue Arrangements Chair

Sugandh Malhotra, India

Web and Social Media Chair

Naveed Ahmed, India

Program Committee

Associated Chairs

Simone Barbosa, BrazilNicola Bidwell, NamibiaPernille Bjorn, DenmarkBirgit Bomsdorf, GermanyTorkil Clemmensen, DenmarkJosé Creissac Campos, PortugalPeter Forbrig, GermanyTom Gross, GermanyJan Gulliksen, SwedenNathalie Henry Riche, USAAbhijit Karnik, UKDave Kirk, UKDenis Lalanne, SwitzerlandAiri Lampinen, SwedenEffie Law, UKEric Lecolinet, FranceZhengjie Liu, ChinaFernando Loizides, UKCélia Martinie, FranceLaurence Nigay, France

Monique Noirhomme, BelgiumPhilippe Palanque, FranceFabio Paterno, ItalyHelen Petrie, UKAntonio Piccinno, ItalyKari-Jouko Raiha, FinlandDave Randall, GermanyNimmi Rangaswamy, IndiaJohn Rooksby, UKVirpi Roto, FinlandJan Stage, DenmarkFrank Steinicke, GermanySimone Stumpf, UKGerrit van der Veer, The NetherlandsDhaval Vyas, IndiaGerhard Weber, GermanyJanet Wesson, South AfricaMarco Winckler, FrancePanayiotis Zaphiris, Cyprus

XVIII Conference Organizing Committee

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Julio Abascal, SpainJosé Abdelnour Nocera, UKSilvia Abrahão, SpainAbiodun Afolayan Ogunyemi, EstoniaAna Paula Afonso, PortugalDavid Ahlström, AustriaMuneeb Ahmad, AustraliaDeepak Akkil, FinlandSarah Alaoui, FranceKomathi Ale, SingaporeJan Alexandersson, GermanyDzmitry Aliakseyeu, The NetherlandsHend S. Al-Khalifa, Saudi ArabiaFereshteh Amini, CanadaJunia Anacleto, BrazilMads Schaarup Andersen, DenmarkLeonardo Angelini, SwitzerlandHuckauf Anke, GermanyCraig Anslow, New ZealandNathalie Aquino, ParaguayOscar Javier Ariza Núñez, GermanyParvin Asadzadeh, UKUday Athavankar, IndiaDavid Auber, FranceNikolaos Avouris, GreeceSohaib Ayub, PakistanChris Baber, UKCedric Bach, FranceNaveen Bagalkot, IndiaJan Balata, Czech RepublicEmilia Barakova, The NetherlandsPippin Barr, DenmarkOswald Barral, FinlandBarbara Rita Barricelli, ItalyMichel Beaudouin-Lafon, FranceAstrid Beck, GermanyJordan Beck, USARoman Bednarik, FinlandBen Bedwell, UKMarios Belk, GermanyYacine Bellik, FranceDavid Benyon, UKFrançois Bérard, France

Arne Berger, GermanyNigel Bevan, UKAnastasia Bezerianos, FranceSudhir Bhatia, IndiaDorrit Billman, USAPradipta Biswas, IndiaEdwin Blake, South AfricaRenaud Blanch, FranceMads Bødker, DenmarkCristian Bogdan, SwedenRodrigo Bonacin, BrazilClaus Bossen, DenmarkPaolo Bottoni, ItalyNadia Boukhelifa, FranceNina Boulus-Rødje, DenmarkJudy Bowen, New ZealandMargot Brereton, AustraliaRoberto Bresin, SwedenBarry Brown, SwedenEmeline Brulé, FranceNick Bryan-Kinns, UKSabin-Corneliu Buraga, RomaniaIneke Buskens, South AfricaAdrian Bussone, UKMaria Claudia Buzzi, ItalyMarina Buzzi, ItalyFederico Cabitza, ItalyDiogo Cabral, PortugalÅsa Cajander, SwedenEduardo Calvillo Gamez, MexicoErik Cambria, SingaporePedro Campos, PortugalTara Capel, AustraliaCinzia Cappiello, ItalyStefan Carmien, SpainMaria Beatriz Carmo, PortugalLuis Carriço, PortugalStefano Carrino, SwitzerlandGéry Casiez, FranceFabio Cassano, ItalyThais Castro, BrazilVanessa Cesário, PortugalArnab Chakravarty, India

Conference Organizing Committee XIX

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Matthew Chalmers, UKTeresa Chambel, PortugalChunlei Chang, AustraliaOlivier Chapuis, FranceWeiqin Chen, NorwayMauro Cherubini, SwitzerlandFanny Chevalier, FranceYoram Chisik, PortugalEun Kyoung Choe, USAMabrouka Chouchane, TunisiaElizabeth Churchill, USAGilbert Cockton, UKAshley Colley, FinlandChristopher Collins, CanadaTayana Conte, BrazilNuno Correia, PortugalJoelle Coutaz, FranceRui Couto, PortugalCéline Coutrix, FranceNadine Couture, FranceLynne Coventry, UKBenjamin Cowan, IrelandPaul Curzon, UKEdward Cutrell, IndiaFlorian Daiber, GermanyNick Dalton, UKGirish Dalvi, IndiaJose Danado, USAChi Tai Dang, GermanyTicianne Darin, BrazilJenny Darzentas, GreeceGiorgio De Michelis, ItalyClarisse de Souza, BrazilRalf de Wolf, BelgiumAndy Dearden, UKDmitry Dereshev, UKGiuseppe Desolda, ItalyHeather Desurvire, USAAmira Dhouib, TunisiaInes Di Loreto, ItalyPaulo Dias, PortugalShalaka Dighe, IndiaTawanna Dillahunt, USAAnke Dittmar, GermanyAndre Doucette, CanadaPierre Dragicevic, France

Steven Drucker, USACarlos Duarte, PortugalJulie Ducasse, FranceAndreas Duenser, AustraliaBruno Dumas, BelgiumPaul Dunphy, UKSophie Dupuy-Chessa, FranceSourav Dutta, IndiaJames Eagan, FranceGrace Eden, SwitzerlandBrian Ekdale, USALinda Elliott, USAChris Elsden, UKMorten Esbensen, DenmarkFlorian Evéquoz, SwitzerlandShamal Faily, UKCarla Faria Leitao, BrazilAva Fatah gen. Schieck, UKCamille Fayollas, FranceTom Feltwell, UKXavier Ferre, SpainPedro Ferreira, DenmarkSebastian Feuerstack, BrazilPatrick Tobias Fischer, GermanyGeraldine Fitzpatrick, AustriaRowanne Fleck, UKDaniela Fogli, ItalyAsbjørn Følstad, NorwayManuel J. Fonseca, PortugalRenata Fortes, BrazilAndré Freire, UKParseihian Gaëtan, FranceRadhika Gajalla, USATeresa Galvão, PortugalNestor Garay-Vitoria, SpainRoberto García, SpainJose Luis Garrido, SpainFranca Garzotto, ItalyIsabela Gasparini, BrazilCally Gatehouse, UKSven Gehring, GermanyStuart Geiger, USAHelene Gelderblom, South AfricaCristina Gena, IrelandCristina Gena, ItalyVivian Genaro Motti, USA

XX Conference Organizing Committee

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Rosella Gennari, ItalyWerner Geyer, USAGiuseppe Ghiani, ItalyAnirban Ghosh, CanadaSanjay Ghosh, IndiaMartin Gibbs, AustraliaPatrick Girard, FranceVictor Gonzalez, MexicoRohini Gosain, IrelandNicholas Graham, CanadaTiago Guerreiro, PortugalYves Guiard, FranceNuno Guimaraes, PortugalTauseef Gulrez, AustraliaThilina Halloluwa, Sri LankaMartin Halvey, UKDave Harley, UKRichard Harper, UKMichael Harrison, UKHeidi Hartikainen, FinlandThomas Hartley, UKMariam Hassib, GermanyAri Hautasaari, JapanElaine Hayashi, BrazilJonas Hedman, DenmarkRuediger Heimgaertner, GermanyTomi Heimonen, USAMattias Heinrich, GermanyIngi Helgason, UKWilko Heuten, GermanyUta Hinrichs, UKDaniel Holliday, UKJonathan Hook, UKJettie Hoonhout, The NetherlandsHeiko Hornung, BrazilAxel Hösl, GermanyLara Houston, UKRoberto Hoyle, USAWilliam Hudson, UKStéphane Huot, FranceChristophe Hurter, FranceHusniza Husni, MalaysiaEbba Thora Hvannberg, IcelandAulikki Hyrskykari, FinlandYavuz Inal, TurkeyPetra Isenberg, France

Poika Isokoski, FinlandMinna Isomursu, DenmarkHowell Istance, FinlandKai-Mikael Jää-Aro, SwedenKarim Jabbar, DenmarkIsa Jahnke, USAAbhishek Jain, IndiaMlynar Jakub, SwitzerlandYvonne Jansen, FranceCamille Jeunet, FranceNan Jiang, UKRadu Jianu, UKDeepak John Mathew, IndiaMatt Jones, UKRui José, PortugalAnirudha Joshi, IndiaDhaval Joshi, ChinaManjiri Joshi, IndiaMike Just, UKEija Kaasinen, FinlandHernisa Kacorri, USASanjay Kairam, USABridget Kane, IrelandShaun K. Kane, USAJari Kangas, FinlandAnn Marie Kanstrup, DenmarkEvangelos Karapanos, CyprusTurkka Keinonen, FinlandPramod Khambete, IndiaMunwar Khan, IndiaNamWook Kim, USAYea-Seul Kim, USAJennifer King, USAReuben Kirkham, UKKathi Kitner, South AfricaSøren Knudsen, DenmarkJanin Koch, FinlandLisa Koeman, The NetherlandsUttam Kokil, USAChristophe Kolski, FrancePaula Kotze, South AfricaDennis Krupke, GermanySari Kujala, FinlandDavid Lamas, EstoniaEike Langbehn, GermanyRosa Lanzilotti, Italy

Conference Organizing Committee XXI

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Marta Larusdottir, IcelandYann Laurillau, FranceElise Lavoué, FranceBongshin Lee, USAMatthew Lee, USABarbara Leporini, ItalyAgnes Lisowska Masson, SwitzerlandNetta Livari, FinlandKiel Long, UKVíctor López-Jaquero, SpainYichen Lu, FinlandStephanie Ludi, USABernd Ludwig, GermanyChristopher Lueg, AustraliaEwa Luger, UKStephan Lukosch, The NetherlandsJo Lumsden, UKChristof Lutteroth, UKKris Luyten, BelgiumMiroslav Macik, Czech RepublicScott Mackenzie, CanadaAllan MacLean, UKChristian Maertin, GermanyCharlotte Magnusson, SwedenJyotirmaya Mahapatra, IndiaRanjan Maity, IndiaPäivi Majaranta, FinlandSylvain Malacria, FranceMarco Manca, ItalyKathia Marçal de Oliveira, FrancePanos Markopolous, The NetherlandsPaolo Masci, PortugalDimitri Masson, FranceStina Matthiesen, DenmarkClaire McCallum, UKRoisin McNaney, UKIndrani Medhi-Thies, IndiaGerrit Meixner, GermanyJohanna Meurer, GermanyLuana Micallef, FinlandTakahiro Miura, JapanJudith Molka-Danielsen, NorwayNaja Holten Moller, DenmarkGiulio Mori, ItalyAlistair Morrison, UKAske Mottelson, Denmark

Omar Mubin, AustraliaMichael Muller, USALennart Nacke, CanadaAmit Nanavati, IndiaDavid Navarre, FranceCarla Nave, PortugalLuciana Nedel, BrazilMatti Nelimarkka, FinlandJulien Nembrini, SwitzerlandDavid Nemer, USAVania Neris, BrazilMaish Nichani, SingaporeJames Nicholson, UKDiederick C. Niehorster, SwedenShuo Niu, USAManuel Noguera, SpainNicole Novielli, ItalyDiana Nowacka, UKMarcus Nyström, SwedenMarianna Obrist, UKLars Oestreicher, SwedenThomas Olsson, FinlandJuliet Ongwae, UKDympna O’Sullivan, UKAntti Oulasvirta, FinlandSaila Ovaska, FinlandXinru Page, USAAna Paiva, PortugalSabrina Panëels, FranceSmitha Papolu, USAHugo Paredes, PortugalSusan Park, CanadaOscar Pastor, SpainJennifer Pearson, UKSimon Perrault, SingaporeMark Perry, UKAnicia Peters, NamibiaKevin Pfeil, USAJayesh Pillai, IndiaMarcelo Pimenta, BrazilAparecido Fabiano Pinatti de Carvalho,

GermanyClaudio Pinhanez, BrazilStefania Pizza, ItalyBernd Ploderer, AustraliaAndreas Poller, Germany

XXII Conference Organizing Committee

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Ravi Poovaiah, IndiaChristopher Power, UKGirish Prabhu, IndiaDenise Prescher, GermanyCostin Pribeanu, RomaniaHelen Purchase, UKXiangang Qin, DenmarkVenkatesh Rajamanickam, IndiaDorina Rajanen, FinlandRani Gadhe Rani Gadhe, IndiaHeli Rantavuo, SwedenNoopur Raval, USAJanet Read, UKSreedhar Reddy, IndiaChristian Remy, SwitzerlandKaren Renaud, UKAntónio Nestor Ribeiro, PortugalMichael Rietzler, GermanyMaurizio Rigamonti, SwitzerlandKerem Rızvanoğlu, TurkeyTeresa Romao, PortugalMaki Rooksby, UKMark Rouncefield, UKGustavo Rovelo, BelgiumDebjani Roy, IndiaHamed R-Tavakolli, FinlandSimon Ruffieux, SwitzerlandAngel Ruiz-Zafra, UKKatri Salminen, FinlandAntti Salovaara, FinlandFrode Eika Sandnes, NorwaySupraja Sankaran, BelgiumVagner Santana, BrazilCarmen Santoro, ItalyVidya Sarangapani, UKSayan Sarcar, JapanSomwrita Sarkar, AustraliaChristine Satchell, AustraliaMithileysh Sathiyanarayanan, UKAnthony Savidis, GreeceSusanne Schmidt, GermanyKevin Schneider, CanadaDirk Schnelle-Walka, GermanyRonald Schroeter, AustraliaVinícius Segura, BrazilAjanta Sen, India

Audrey Serna, FranceMarcos Serrano, FranceLeslie Setlock, USAAnshuman Sharma, IndiaPatrick C. Shih, USAShanu Shukla, IndiaGulati Siddharth, EstoniaBruno Silva, BrazilCarlos C.L. Silva, PortugalMilene Silveira, BrazilAdalberto Simeone, UKJaana Simola, FinlandCarla Simone, FinlandLaurianne Sitbon, AustraliaAshok Sivaji, MalaysiaKeyur Sorathia, IndiaAlessandro Soro, AustraliaOleg Spakov, FinlandLucio Davide Spano, ItalySusan Squires, USAChristian Stary, AustriaKatarzyna Stawarz, UKJürgen Steimle, GermanyRevi Sterling, USAAgnis Stibe, USAMarkus Stolze, SwitzerlandSelina Sutton, UKDavid Swallow, UKAurélien Tabard, FranceMarcel Taeumel, GermanyChee-Wee Tan, DenmarkJennyfer Taylor, AustraliaRobyn Taylor, UKRobert Teather, CanadaLuis Teixeira, PortugalPaolo Tell, DenmarkJakob Tholander, SwedenAlice Thudt, CanadaSubrata Tikadar, IndiaMartin Tomitsch, AustraliaIlaria Torre, ItalyNoam Tractinsky, IsraelHallvard Traetteberg, NorwayGiovanni Troiano, USAJanice Tsai, USARobert Tscharn, Germany

Conference Organizing Committee XXIII

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Manfred Tscheligi, AustriaTruna Turner, AustraliaMarkku Turunen, FinlandPankaj Upadhyay, IndiaHeli Väätäjä, FinlandPedro Valderas, SpainStefano Valtolina, ItalyJan van den Bergh, BelgiumThea van der Geest, The NetherlandsDavy Vanacken, BelgiumJean Vanderdonckt, BelgiumChristina Vasiliou, CyprusRadu-Daniel Vatavu, RomaniaShriram Venkatraman, IndiaNervo Xavier Verdezoto, UKHimanshu Verma, SwitzerlandArnold P.O.S. Vermeeren,

The NetherlandsJo Vermeulen, BelgiumChi Thanh Vi, UKNadine Vigouroux, FranceJean-Luc Vinot, FranceDong Bach Vo, UKLin Wan, Germany

Xiying Wang, USAYi Wang, USAIngolf Waßmann, GermanyJenny Waycott, AustraliaGerald Weber, New ZealandKurtis Weir, UKBenjamin Weyers, GermanyJerome White, USAGraham Wilson, UKHeike Winshiers-Theophilus, NamibiaWolfgang Woerndl, GermanyKatrin Wolf, GermanyAndrea Wong, USANelson Wong, CanadaGavin Wood, UKAdam Worrallo, UKVolker Wulf, GermanyNaomi Yamashita, JapanPradeep Yammiyavar, IndiaTariq Zaman, MalaysiaMassimo Zancanaro, ItalyJuergen Ziegler, GermanyGottfried Zimmermann, Germany

XXIV Conference Organizing Committee

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Sponsors and Partners

Silver Sponsors

Gala Dinner Sponsor

Design Competition Sponsor

Pitney Bowes

Education Partners

Interaction Design Foundation (IDF)

Friends of INTERACT

Ruwido GmBH, Austria Oxford University Press Converge by CauseCodeTechnologies

Sponsors and Partners XXV

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International Federation for Information Processing

In-cooperation with ACM In-cooperation with SIGCHI

Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay HCI Professionals’ Association of India

Computer Society of India IIT Bombay

XXVI Sponsors and Partners

Page 25: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10514 - Accueil - Inria


Digital Inclusion

Contextualizing ICT Based Vocational Education for Rural Communities:Addressing Ethnographic Issues and Assessing Design Principles . . . . . . . . . 3

K.P. Sachith, Aiswarya Gopal, Alexander Muir, and Rao R. Bhavani

Enhancing Access to eLearning for People with Intellectual Disability:Integrating Usability with Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Theja Kuruppu Arachchi, Laurianne Sitbon, and Jinglan Zhang

Identifying Support Opportunities for Foreign Students: DisentanglingLanguage and Non-language Problems Among a Unique Population . . . . . . . 33

Jack Jamieson, Naomi Yamashita, and Jeffrey Boase

PersonaBrowser: Status Quo and Lessons Learnedfrom a Persona-Based Presentation Metaphor of WCAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Alexander Henka and Gottfried Zimmermann

Women in Crisis Situations: Empowering and Supporting WomenThrough ICTs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Tara Capel, Dhaval Vyas, and Margot Brereton


Effects of Image-Based Rendering and Reconstruction on GameDevelopers Efficiency, Game Performance, and Gaming Experience . . . . . . . 87

George E. Raptis, Christina Katsini, Christos Fidas,and Nikolaos Avouris

Exploring in-the-Wild Game-Based Gesture Data Collection. . . . . . . . . . . . . 97Kiyoshi Oka, Weiquan Lu, Kasım Özacar, Kazuki Takashima,and Yoshifumi Kitamura

From Objective to Subjective Difficulty Evaluation in Video Games . . . . . . . 107Thomas Constant, Guillaume Levieux, Axel Buendia,and Stéphane Natkin

Improved Memory Elicitation in Virtual Reality: New ExperimentalResults and Insights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

Joel Harman, Ross Brown, and Daniel Johnson

Page 26: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10514 - Accueil - Inria

Practice in Reality for Virtual Reality Games: Making Players Familiarand Confident with a Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Jeffrey C.F. Ho

Human Perception, Cognition and Behaviour

I Smell Creativity: Exploring the Effects of Olfactory and AuditoryCues to Support Creative Writing Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

Frederica Gonçalves, Diogo Cabral, Pedro Campos,and Johannes Schöning

Night Mode, Dark Thoughts: Background Color Influencesthe Perceived Sentiment of Chat Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184

Diana Löffler, Lennart Giron, and Jörn Hurtienne

Subjective Usability, Mental Workload Assessmentsand Their Impact on Objective Human Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202

Luca Longo

What is User’s Perception of Naturalness? An Explorationof Natural User Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224

Sanjay Ghosh, Chivukula Sai Shruthi, Himanshu Bansal,and Arvind Sethia

Information on Demand, on the Move, and Gesture Interaction

Presenting Information on the Driver’s Demand on a Head-Up Display . . . . . 245Renate Haeuslschmid, Christopher Klaus, and Andreas Butz

Seeing Through the Eyes of Heavy Vehicle Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263Markus Wallmyr

TrackLine: Refining touch-to-track Interaction for Camera MotionControl on Mobile Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Axel Hoesl, Sarah Aragon Bartsch, and Andreas Butz

Understanding Gesture Articulations Variability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293Orlando Erazo, Yosra Rekik, Laurent Grisoni, and José A. Pino

Watching Your Back While Riding Your Bike: Designing for PreventiveSelf-care During Motorbike Commuting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315

Tomas Sokoler and Naveen L. Bagalkot

XXVIII Contents

Page 27: Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10514 - Accueil - Inria

Interaction at the Workplace

FeetForward: On Blending New Classroom Technologies into SecondarySchool Teachers’ Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327

Pengcheng An, Saskia Bakker, and Berry Eggen

Human-Building Interaction: When the Machine Becomes a Building . . . . . . 348Julien Nembrini and Denis Lalanne

Investigating Wearable Technology for Fatigue Identificationin the Workplace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370

Christopher Griffiths, Judy Bowen, and Annika Hinze

Leveraging Conversational Systems to Assists New HiresDuring Onboarding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381

Praveen Chandar, Yasaman Khazaeni, Matthew Davis, Michael Muller,Marco Crasso, Q. Vera Liao, N. Sadat Shami, and Werner Geyer

RemindMe: Plugging a Reminder Manager into Emailfor Enhancing Workplace Responsiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392

Casey Dugan, Aabhas Sharma, Michael Muller, Di Lu,Michael Brenndoerfer, and Werner Geyer

The Cost of Improved Overview: An Analysis of the Use of ElectronicWhiteboards in Emergency Departments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402

Morten Hertzum

Interaction with Children

An Interactive Elementary Tutoring System for Oral Health EducationUsing an Augmented Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413

Mitali Sinha and Suman Deb

Empowered and Informed: Participation of Children in HCI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431Janet C. Read, Matthew Horton, Daniel Fitton, and Gavin Sim

Gaze Awareness in Agent-Based Early-Childhood Learning Application . . . . 447Deepak Akkil, Prasenjit Dey, Deepshika Salian, and Nitendra Rajput

Puffy: A Mobile Inflatable Interactive Companion for Childrenwith Neurodevelopmental Disorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467

Franca Garzotto, Mirko Gelsomini, and Yosuke Kinoe

Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493

Contents XXIX