Download - Lecture 7 – Form processing (Part 2) SFDV3011 – Advanced Web Development 1.



Lecture 7 – Form processing (Part 2)

SFDV3011 – Advanced Web Development


Validating Form Data First check that form data was submitted, usually by

using array_key_exists() to check for the submit button name

Creating functions can be helpful for validation, especially when the validation needs to be done in different places or on forms:

<?phpfunction validate_price($value) { // Ensure that $value is a valid price if( !isset($errors)) $errors = array(); // init array if not defined

already if( !is_numeric($value) ) $errors['not_number'] = "not numeric"; if( $value - round($value, 2) != 0 ) $errors['not_dollar'] = "not a

dollar amount"; if( $value < 0 ) $errors['not_non-negative'] = "price cannot be


return $errors;}?>


Validating Form Data Often it is convenient to make an error array global so that it

is accessible inside and outside of functions. Note how no return values are needed here.

function validate_price($value){ // Ensure that $value is a valid price global $errors; // init array if not defined already if(!isset($errors)) $errors = array(); if( !is_numeric($value) ) $errors['not_number'] = "not

numeric"; if( $value - round($value, 2) != 0 ) $errors['not_dollar'] =

"not a dollar amount"; if( $value < 0 ) $errors['not_non-negative'] = "price cannot

be negative";}


Validating Form Data Validation can be a bit subtle at times given that values from

forms are always passed as strings. Here's how you would test that a number input as a string is actually numeric:


Why won't is_int($a) work here? is_int( $integer_type) will only return true, if the TYPE is int, not the value

ctype_digit( $string_type) will only return true if the TYPE is string, and its value is int


Different input types

Text Password Hidden Radio Checkbox Submit Button Reset

In addition, the compound types: <select> <textarea> <listbox>


Passing Hidden Post values

To pass a value from one page to another you can use the hidden input typeo Only string values can be passed =>

must convert everything to a stringo The urlencode(), serialize() functions

may be useful for converting compound values such as arrays into stings.

o Use urldecode(), unserialize() to recover the original value from the string passed into the $_POST or $_GET array


Hidden Input Type

<?php $purchase = array('thing one', 'thing two'); ?>

<form action= "<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method='POST'>

<input type='hidden' name='secret' value=96>

<input type='hidden' name='purchase' value='<?= urlencode(serialize($purchase)) ?> ' >

<input type='submit' value='Submit'>


After submitting…

$_POST['secret'] = ???

$_POST['stuff'] = ??

$purchase = unserialize(urldecode($_POST['purchase'] ));



Information from a web server is made available through

EGPCS Environment, GET, POST, Cookies, Server

PHP will create arrays with EGPCS information $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS, $HTTP_GET_VARS,


The 'HTTP' and '_VARS' can be dropped if desired

These arrays are 'global' even inside functions

PHP also will define $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] that refers to the current script file which is useful for self-processing forms


Server Info

A ton of information about the server and current browser is made available in the $_SERVER array








Review: Request MethodsThere are two basic methods for

getting data from an HTML form into PHP GET and POST

What's the difference? GET will encode all data into a query string that is passed with

the URL to the action page. This allows data to be bookmarked by the user.

POST will pass data via the server’s environment variables. Data is not seen directly by the user


HTTP Basics

Web pages are requested by a browser by sending HTTP request messages Includes a header and a bodyUses a method such as GET or POSTAsks for an address of a file (usually a

path)Sample HTTP request:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1


Header Modification

Sometimes you will need to intercept and modify the GET HTTP request before it is processed. Use the header() function to do this

Be sure no output is displayed before sending headers or you'll get a message something like this :

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\Program Files\nusphere\phpED\Projects\oldpage.php:3)


Example: Header Forwarding

You can forward (redirect) users to a different page using the header() function.


This will substitute the current header with 'Location:'

Effect is that the page myfile.php will be loaded Tip: always include the protocol such as http:// or file:// to be

sure you specify exactly what you want


More Header Examples

Passing values into the $_GET array during a redirect


To deny access to a page if not authorized

header('WWW-Authenticate:Basic realm="My Website"');header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');


Implementing Back Buttons

Also notice the different ways of using back buttons


<A href="<?= $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?>">BACK</A>

Submit Button

<form action='<?= $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ?>'>

<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" value="back">

</form> Java script history action on button

<FORM><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Back!"



Opening New Window

Sometimes you want to have the Action of a form open a new window rather than replace the existing one

<FORM action="./action_process.php" method="POST" target="_blank"><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="stuff_input_field"><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" value="Open New Window"></FORM>

./action_process.php<?php echo 'You entered ' . $_POST['stuff_input_field']; ?>

What do you think would happen if you used

<FORM action="<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method="POST" target="_blank">


Arrays in HTML forms

Naming form elements within the same form with the same names and []'s will make an array (any input type). Elements are only those values that are non-empty.

<FORM action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method='post'><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="a[]"><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="a[]"><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="a[]"><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT">





Associative Array of Input Types

Even better: specifying index values inside the []'s will be keys for the array (useful for directly associating selection with array data)

<FORM action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>" method='post'><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="a[‘name’]"><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="a[‘price’]"><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="a[‘description’]"><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT">





Using Indexed Arrays to Generate Form Elements

Using particular integer values inside the []'s will explicitly associate an index with the value in the array (this is really the same as an associative array)

<FORM action=”<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>” method='post'>

<?phpvar_dump($_POST);$size = 10;for($i=0; $i<$size; $i++){

echo "<br>checkbox $i <INPUT TYPE='CHECKBOX' name='check[$i]'>";


Useful for when you want to know exactly which input items are non-empty (in the above example, which checkboxes were checked)


Making HTML Forms 'Sticky'

Whenever a <form> is processed, the values of its elements are initially empty

Sometimes you want to keep a form element value around after a submit (e.g. for fixing a user-entry error or for remembering a user’s preferences)

To make a form value 'sticky' you must get the information submitted and set it as the value for the form element:

<FORM action=”<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>” method='post'>

<br> <input type='TEXT' name='textbox' value= “<? if(isset($_POST['textbox'])) echo $_POST['textbox'] ?



Example Advanced HTML Form Processing: Checkbox

Array<? if(array_key_exists('a', $_POST)) { $selections = $_POST['a']; foreach($selections as $key => $value) if ($selections[$key] == 'on') echo "<br>you selected box $key"; exit;} ?><FORM action=”<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>” method='post'><?php// Create an array of checkboxesfor($i=0; $i<5; $i++){

echo "<br>checkbox $i <INPUT TYPE='CHECKBOX' name='a[$i]'>";} ?><br><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT"></FORM>


Putting Errors in Their Place

<?phpdefine('MIN_PASS_LEN', 3); define('MAX_PASS_LEN', 10);

function check_pass($pword) { // Ensure that the password is the right size global $errors; if (strlen($pword) < MIN_PASS_LEN ) $errors['password_short'] = 'Enter a longer password'; if (strlen($pword) > MAX_PASS_LEN ) $errors['password_long'] = 'Enter a shorter password';}

$username = 'user‘; $password = 'pass'; $errors = array();

if (array_key_exists('form_data', $_POST)) { // The user entered a password; check it check_pass($_POST['password']); if (count($errors) == 0 && $_POST['username'] == $username &&

$_POST['password'] == $password) { die('correct!!'); } else { echo 'wrong user or password!'; }}?>


Putting Errors in Their Place

<form action = '<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>' method= 'POST'>

Username: <br><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" name="username" value = "<? if(isset($_POST['username'])) echo $_POST['username'] ?>"><br>Password: <br><INPUT TYPE="password" name = 'password'><?php // Put an error message by the offending password fieldif (isset($errors['password_short'])) echo " <font color='red'>{$errors['password_short']}</font>";if (isset($errors['password_long'])) echo " <font color='red'>{$errors['password_long']}</font>";?><br><br><INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" name = 'form_data' value='submitted'><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" name = 'submit'></form>