Download - Lecture 41 Operating System Material Review


CS 423 – Operating Systems Design

Lecture 41 – Operating System –

Material Review

Klara Nahrstedt

Fall 2011


HW2 – ongoing, due December 7

(Wednesday), 11:59pm – midnight

Office Hours during Final Exam Week:

◦ Instructor: 3104 SC Wednesday 10-12

◦ TAs: will be advertised on the newsgroup

cs423, Fall 2011

Administrative – MP4 Intel

Competition Results 1st prize

◦ Philip Jurik, Matthew Jurik

2nd prize

◦ Jared Lambert, Sean Adams, Kathryn Malinowski

3rd prize

◦ Zhijin Li, Hui Liu, Haichuan Wang

Congratulation to winners and all finalists of the Intel competition. Great Job!!

cs423, Fall 2011


Return Android Phones

◦ Deadline: before or by December 16,


◦ Room: 1330 Siebel Center,

◦ To Whom: Paula Grotbo / Rick van Hook

([email protected])

◦ When: During Office Hours of the Purchase /

Receiving and Inventory Office

cs423, Fall 2011


¼ Unit Projects Delivery

Anticipated (and Preferred) Project Deadline: ◦ December 12, 5pm

Possible Extension : latest by ◦ December 16, 5pm

Delivery: by email [email protected] ◦ Format: pdf file

If your project is demo, contact me ([email protected]) for demonstration meeting during week December 12-16

cs423, Fall 2011

Final Exam

Date: Thursday, December 15

Time: 8-11am

Room: 1109 SC for on-campus Students

◦ with last name A-M (approx. 24 students in this


Room: 1302 SC for on-campus Students

◦ with last name N-Z (approx. 24 students in this


cs423, Fall 2011

Final Exam Rules

Few Final Exam Rules

◦ No calculator or any other electronic devices

All math can be done by hand – simple math

◦ Seating in each exam room

One space between each pair of students

◦ Closed book, closed notebook exam

◦ Bring your Student ID with you !!!!


◦ The exam is individual work.

◦ You should write only into the exam booklet.

1 page – both sides - Cheat Sheet allowed

cs423, Fall 2011


HW2 grades will be posted by Friday, December 16 on compass (we will aim for earlier deadline)

Final Exam (on-campus students) will be graded by Friday, December 16 ◦ We will post them as soon as possible on compass

We will aim to have Final Grades for the class by December 19, but ◦ It will depend when online-students exams arrive.

You will be able to find final grades on compass and banner systems.

The grading scale will be posted on the class newsgroup

cs423, Fall 2011

Regrading Information

Regrading of HW2, final exam is possible !!!

(no other regrading)_

Regrading period of HW2 and final exam

(hence final grade) will be

◦ During the week on January 17-20, 2012

◦ Make an appointment by email [email protected]

◦ We will meet in-face or on-line and I will look at

both documents and if any grade change happens,

I will issue regrading request to the academic

office to change your grade in banner system.

cs423, Fall 2011

How to Study for the Final Exam

Review Slides/Questions for Midterm/Midterm Review

Review Class Notes and Textbooks chapters

Review Additional Material on the web site

Review Regular Homework Problems (HW1 and HW2)

Work on Relevant Problems after each chapter in Tanenbaum

cs423, Fall 2011

Reading List

• Everything in Lecture Notes !!!

• Tannenbaum Textbook, 3rd Edition

– Section 2 – Threads 2.1-2.4

– Section 3– Memory Management 3.1- 3.6

– Section 4 – File Systems 4.1- 4.4

– Section 5 – I/O • Devices 5.1-5.3

• Disk – 5.4

• Clocks - 5.5

• Power Management – 5.8

– Section 8 – Multiple Processor Systems • Multi-processor systems 8.1,

• Multicomputers 8.2

• Virtualization 8.3

• Distributed File Systems 8.4.4, 10.6

– Section 9 – Security 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 (9.3.1-9.3.3) , 9.4, 9.5, 9.6 (9.6.1-9.6.5), 9.7 (9.7.1-9.7.3)

– Section 10 – UNIX/Linux • File Systems 10.6

• Section 12 – Symbian OS (as discussed in lecture notes)

cs423, Fall 2011

Reading List

MPs: MP1-MP3 (read through your



◦ “MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on

Large Cluster”, J. Dean, S. Ghemawat, OSDI


◦ “Google File System” ACM SOSP 2003

cs423, Fall 2011


(Section 2.1-2.4) Four Conditions for sharing correctly


◦ Mutual exclusion

◦ Bounded waiting

◦ Progress

◦ Any number of CPUs and any speed of CPUs

To show the correctness of any of thread

interleaving, one must ask if any of the

conditions is violated

cs423, Fall 2011


Peterson’s Solution

Lock Variables

TSL (Test-and-Set)


Producer/Consumer Problem


Reader/Writer Locks


Conditional Variables

cs423, Fall 2011

Question: Producer-consumer w/

semaphores mutex: ensures mutual exclusion

fullBuffers: counts the number of full buffers (initialized to 0)

emptyBuffers: counts the number of empty

buffers (initialized to N)

consumer {

While(TRUE) {



item = remove_item();


up(&emptyBuffers); }

producer {

While(TRUE) {

item = produce_item();





up(&fullBuffers); }

Is this solution correct? cs423, Fall 2011


Why do we need different semaphores for fullBuffers and emptyBuffers?

Does the order of down() calls matter in the consumer?

Does the order of the up() call matter in the consumer?

How would you rewrite this problem using monitor and conditional variable?

cs423, Fall 2011


Scheduling Policies


◦ Round Robin

◦ Rate Monotonic

◦ Earliest Deadline First

cs423, Fall 2011


Let us assume 4 periodic processes:

◦ A with P(A) = 100ms, E(A) = 10ms

◦ B with P(B) = 100ms, E(B) = 20ms

◦ C with P(C)= 500ms, E(C ) = 100ms

◦ D with P(D) = 250ms, E(D) = 10ms

Question: Is this set of processes

schedulable with EDF or RM? If

schedulable with any of the scheduling

policies, what is the schedule?

cs423, Fall 2011

Memory Management

(4.1-4.7) • Basic Memory Management

– Mono-programming without Swapping or Paging

– Multiprogramming with Fixed Partitions

• Swapping

– Variable Partitions

• Virtual Memory Management

– Paging

– Page Table

– Multi-level Page Tables

– TLB – Translation Lookaside Buffers

– Page Replacement Algorithms • Optimal


• Second Chance


• Clock Page Replacement

• Working Set cs423, Fall 2011

Page Fault Rate Curve

As page frames per VM space decrease, the page fault rate increases.

cs423, Fall 2011


Computations have locality.

As page frames decrease, the page frames

available are not large enough to contain

the locality of the process.

The processes start faulting heavily.

Pages that are read in, are used and

immediately paged out.

cs423, Fall 2011

Thrashing and CPU Utilization

As the page rate goes up, processes get suspended on page out queues for the disk.

the system may try to optimize performance by starting new jobs.

starting new jobs will reduce the number of page frames available to each process, increasing the page fault requests.

system throughput plunges.

cs423, Fall 2011

Working Set

the working set model assumes locality.

the principle of locality states that a program clusters its access to data and text temporally.

As the number of page frames increases above some threshold, the page fault rate will drop dramatically.

cs423, Fall 2011

Working Set Example

12 references,

8 faults

Window size


cs423, Fall 2011

I/O Section 5.1-5.5 and 5.8

I/O Devices – Controllers ◦ Memory-Mapped I/O


Interrupt-driven I/O

Programmed I/O – polling – busy waiting

Device drivers

Disks ◦ RAID, disk scheduling


Power management

cs423, Fall 2011

I/O Software

Layers of the I/O system and the main functions of each layer

cs423, Fall 2011


The disk scheduling algorithm that may cause starvation is:

◦ FCFS or SSTF or C-SCAN or LOOK ??

From the list of disk-scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, C-SCAN, LOOK, C-LOOK), SSTF will always give the least head movement for any set of cylinder-number requests to the disk scheduler:

◦ True or False ??

The cylinder numbers on a disk are 0,1,…10. Currently, there are five cylinder requests on the disk scheduler queue in the following order: 1,5,4,8,7 and the head is located at position 2 and moving in the direction of increasing block numbers. The time to serve a request is proportional to the distance from the head to the cylinder number requested. If T(X) is the time it takes to service the requests currently in the queue using scheduling algorithm X, then:

◦ T(SSTF) < T(SCAN) < T(FCFS) or

◦ T(FCFS) < T(SSTF) < T(SCAN) or

◦ T(SSTF) < T(FCFS) < T(SCAN) or

◦ None of the above???

cs423, Fall 2011

File Systems (Section 4.1-4.4)

File Access

File Open Operation

File System Layout

Contiguous vs Linked List vs FAT vs

Indexed File Allocation

Indexed allocation = i-node allocation

Disk Space Management

cs423, Fall 2011


A UNIX i-node has 10 disk addresses for data blocks, as well as the addresses for single, double, and triple indirect blocks. If each of these holds 256 disk addresses, what is the size of the largest file that can be handled, assuming that a disk block is 1KB? ◦ 10+256+511+766

◦ 10+256+511+65,536

◦ 10+256+65,536+16,777,216

◦ None of the above

In a UNIX file-system the block size has been set to 4K. Given that the i-node blocks are already allocated on disk how many free blocks need to be found to store a file of size 64K? ◦ 16, or 17, or 64 or 65

cs423, Fall 2011

Mobile OS

Android OS

◦ Basic principles

◦ Application framework

◦ Different Features for mobile OS

Activity management

Resource management


Symbian OS

◦ Micro-kernel design

◦ Resource management

◦ Nano-kernel

cs423, Fall 2011

Parallel - Multi-Computer Systems

(Section 8.1, 8.2.4, 8.2.7, 8.4.4 UMA Bus-Based SMP Architecture

UMA Multiprocessor Using Crossbar Switches


Multi-processor Os Types

Multi-processor scheduling

Multi-computer ◦ RPC

◦ Cloud computing

◦ DFS – transfer model, naming transparency, file sharing, AFS, NFS, Google File System

cs423, Fall 2011


Design your own distributed file system that would

satisfy the following assumptions (you may use any

design options from NSF, AFS, Google):

◦ Clients must be separate from servers

◦ Protocols cache at the clients only parts of file

(few file blocks)

◦ Naming scheme must be location transparent

◦ Servers are stateful

Specify the schematic view of your DFS architecture

and explain each function in each layer

cs423, Fall 2011


Explain your DFS protocol for open, read, write and close operations

Explain your DFS protocol to enforce consistency on write operation

Explain your DFS protocol to handle client’s failure

cs423, Fall 2011

Parallel/Distributed Systems

Section 8. 3 Virtualization

◦ Type 1 and Type 2 Hypervisors

◦ Principles of virtualization

◦ Paravirtualization

◦ Memory virtualization

◦ I/O virtualization

◦ Virtual appliances

cs423, Fall 2011

cs423, Fall 2011


Asymmetric: Public key systems

Symmetric: secrete key systems

Authentication: various methods

Attacks, viruses, worms

Capabilities and access control list

cs423, Fall 2011


What are the tradeoff between Access-list and capability list

◦ Give an example for which an access-list should be used

◦ Give an example for which an capability-list should be used

cs423, Fall 2011

Good Luck and Thanks