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Lecture 23SSD

Data Integrity and Protection

Distributed Systems

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SSD• Basic Flash Operations: read, erase, and program• Bit, page, block, and bank• Wear out• Flash translation layer (FTL) – control logic to turn

client reads and writes into flash operations• Direct Mapped is bad. Why?

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Garbage Collection • Garbage example (the figure has a bug)

• “VVii” should be “VVEE”

• Determine liveness:• Within each block, store information about which logical

blocks are stored within each page• Checking the mapping table for the logical block

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Garbage Collection Steps• Read live data (pages 2 and 3) from block 0• Write live data to end of the log• Erase block 0 (freeing it for later usage)

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Block-Based Mappingto Reduce Mapping Table Size• Logical address: the least significant two bits as offset• Page mapping: 2000→4, 2001→5, 2002→6, 2003→7



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Problem withBlock-Based Mapping• Small write• The FTL must read a large amount of live data from the

old block and copy it into a new one

• What might be a good solution?• Page-based mapping is good at …, but bad at …• Block-based mapping is bad at …, but good at …

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Hybrid Mapping• Log blocks: a few blocks that are per-page mapped• Call the per-page mapping log table

• Data blocks: blocks that are per-block mapped• Call the per-block mapping data table

• How to read and write?• How to switch between per-page mapping and per-

block mapping?

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Hybrid Mapping Example

• Overwrite each page

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Switch Merge• Before and After

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Partial Merge• Before and After

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Full Merge• The FTL must pull together pages from many other

blocks to perform cleaning• Imagine that pages 0, 4, 8, and 12 are written to log

block A

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Wear Leveling• The FTL should try its best to spread that work

across all the blocks of the device evenly• The log-structuring approach does a good initial job

• What if a block is filled with long-lived data that does not get over-written?• Periodically read all the live data out of such blocks and

re-write it elsewhere

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SSD Performance

• Fast but expensive• An SSD costs 60 cents per GB• A typical hard drive costs 5 cents per GB

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Data Integrity and Protection• Ensure that the data you put into your storage

system is the same when the storage system returns it to you

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Disk Failure Modes• Fail-stop as assumed by RAID

• Fail-partial:• Latent-sector errors (LSEs): a disk sector (or group of

sectors) has been damaged in some way, e.g., head crash, cosmic rays • Silent faults, e.g., block corruption caused by buggy

firmware or faulty bus

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Findings about LSEs• Costly drives with more than one LSE are as likely to

develop additional errors as cheaper drives• For most drives, annual error rate increases in year two• LSEs increase with disk size• Most disks with LSEs have less than 50• Disks with LSEs are more likely to develop additional LSEs• There exists a significant amount of spatial and temporal

locality• Disk scrubbing is useful (most LSEs were found this way)

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Findings about Corruption• Chance of corruption varies greatly across different

drive models within the same drive class• Age affects are different across models• Workload and disk size have little impact on corruption• Most disks with corruption only have a few corruptions• Corruption is not independent with a disk or across

disks in RAID• There exists spatial locality, and some temporal locality• There is a weak correlation with LSEs

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Latent Sector Errors• Many ways:• head crash• cosmic rays can also flip bits

• How to detect:• A storage system tries to access a block, and the disk

returns an error (with ECC)

• How to fix:• Use whatever redundancy mechanism it has to return

the correct data

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Detecting Corruption:The Checksum• Common Checksum Functions• XOR, addition• Fletcher checksum• Cyclic redundancy check (CRC)• Collision is possible

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Misdirected Writes• Arises in disk and RAID controllers which write the

data to disk correctly, except in the wrong location• Physical identifier (physical ID)

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Lost Writes• Occur when the device informs the upper layer that

a write has completed but in fact it never is persisted。• Do any of our strategies from above (e.g., basic

checksums, or physical ID) help to detect lost writes?• Solutions:

• Perform a write verify or read-after-write• Some systems add a checksum elsewhere in the system

to detect lost writes• ZFS includes a checksum in each file system inode and

indirect block for every block included within a file

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Scrubbing• When do these checksums actually get checked?

• Many systems utilize disk scrubbing:• Periodically read through every block of the system• Check whether checksums are still valid• Schedule scans on a nightly or weekly basis

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Overhead of Checksumming• Space• Small

• Time• Noticeable• CPU overhead• I/O overhead

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Distributed Systems

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OSTEP Definition• Def: more than 1 machine

• Examples: • client/server: web server and web client • cluster: page rank computation

• Other courses• Networking • Distributed Systems

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Why Go Distributed?• More compute power

• More storage capacity

• Fault tolerance

• Data sharing

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New Challenges• System failure: need to worry about partial failure.

• Communication failure: links unreliable

• Performance

• Security

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Communication• All communication is inherently unreliable.

• Need to worry about: • bit errors • packet loss • node/link failure

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Overview• Raw messages

• Reliable messages

• OS abstractions • virtual memory • global file system

• Programming-languages abstractions • remote procedure call

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Raw Messages: UDP• API: • reads and writes over socket file descriptors• messages sent from/to ports to target a process on


• Provide minimal reliability features: • messages may be lost• messages may be reordered• messages may be duplicated• only protection checksums

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Raw Messages: UDP• Advantages • lightweight • some applications make better reliability decisions

themselves (e.g., video conferencing programs)

• Disadvantages • more difficult to write application correctly

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Reliable Messages Strategy• Using software, build reliable, logical connections

over unreliable connections.

• Strategies: • acknowledgment

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• Sender knows message was received.

Sender [send message]

[recv ack]


[recv message][send ack]

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• Sender misses ACK... What to do?

Sender [send message]


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Reliable Messages Strategy• Using software, build reliable, logical connections

over unreliable connections.

• Strategies: • acknowledgment• timeout

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[send message] [start timer]

... waiting for ack ...[timer goes off][send message]

[recv ack]


[recv message][send ack]

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Timeout: Issue 1• How long to wait?• Too long: system feels unresponsive!• Too short: messages needlessly re-sent!

• Messages may have been dropped due to overloaded server. Aggressive clients worsen this.• One strategy: be adaptive!• Adjust time based on how long acks usually take. • For each missing ack, wait longer between retries.

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Timeout: Issue 2• What does a lost ack really mean?• Maybe the receiver does not get the message• Maybe the receiver gets the message, but the ack is not

delivered successfully

• ACK: message received exactly once• No ACK: message received at most once• Proposed Solution• Sender could send an AckAck so receiver knows whether

to retry sending an Ack• Sound good?

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Reliable Messages Strategy• Using software, build reliable, logical connections

over unreliable connections.

• Strategies: • acknowledgment• timeout• remember sent messages

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Receiver Remembers MessagesSender

[send message]

[timeout][send message]

[recv ack]


[recv message][send ack]

[ignore message][send ack]

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Solutions• Solution 1: remember every message ever sent.

• Solution 2: sequence numbers• give each message a seq number• receiver knows all messages before an N have been seen • receiver remembers messages sent after N

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TCP• Most popular protocol based on seq nums.

• Also buffers messages so they arrive in order

• Timeouts are adaptive.

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Overview• Raw messages

• Reliable messages

• OS abstractions • virtual memory • global file system

• Programming-languages abstractions • remote procedure call

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Virtual Memory• Inspiration: threads share memory

• Idea: processes on different machines share mem• Strategy: • a bit like swapping we saw before • instead of swap to disk, swap to other machine • sometimes multiple copies may be in memory on

different machines

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Virtual Memory Problems• What if a machine crashes? • mapping disappears in other machines • how to handle?

• Performance? • when to prefetch? • loads/stores expected to be fast

• DSM (distributed shared memory) not used today.

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Global File System• Advantages • file access is already expected to be slow • use common API • no need to modify applications (sorta true)

• Disadvantages • doesn’t always make sense, e.g., for video app

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RPC: Remote Procedure Call• What could be easier than calling a function?

• Strategy: create wrappers so calling a function on another machine feels just like calling a local function.

• This abstraction is very common in industry.

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RPCMachine A

int main(...) { int x = foo(); }

// client wrapperint foo(char *msg) { send msg to B recv msg from B }

Machine Bint foo(char *msg) { ... }

// server wrappervoid foo_listener() { while(1) { recv, call foo } }

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RPC Tools• RPC packages help with this with two components.

• (1) Stub generation • create wrappers automatically

• (2) Runtime library • thread pool • socket listeners call functions on server

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Client Stub Steps• Create a message buffer• Pack the needed information into the message

buffer• Send the message to the destination RPC server• Wait for the reply• Unpack return code and other arguments• Return to the caller

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Server Stub Steps• Unpack the message• Call into the actual function• Package the results• Send the reply

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Wrapper Generation• Wrappers must do conversions: • client arguments to message• message to server arguments • server return to message• message to client return

• Need uniform endianness (wrappers do this).

• Conversion is called marshaling/unmarshaling, or serializing/deserializing.

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Stub Generation• Many tools will automatically generate wrappers: • rpcgen • thrift • protobufs

• Programmer fills in generated stubs.

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Wrapper Generation: Pointers• Why are pointers problematic?• The addr passed from the client will not be valid on the


• Solutions? • smart RPC package: follow pointers • distribute generic data structs with RPC package

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Runtime Library• Naming: how to locate a remote service

• How to serve calls? • usually with a thread pool

• What underlying protocol to use? • usually UDP

• Some RPC packages enable a asynchronous RPC

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RPC over UDP• Strategy: use function return as implicit ACK.

• Piggybacking technique.

• What if function takes a long time? • then send a separate ACK

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Conclusion• Many communication abstraction possible: • Raw messages (UDP) • Reliable messages (TCP) • Virtual memory (OS) • Global file system (OS) • Function calls (RPC)

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Next• NFS• AFS