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Major Public Health Problems in Bangladesh & Developing Countries

Major Public Health Problems in Bangladesh & Developing Countries Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohailbds, MPHDepartment of Public HealthNorth South University

Major Public Health Problems in BangladeshPopulation ProblemProblem of MalnutritionCommunicable Disease ProblemNon Communicable Disease ProblemMaternal & Child Health ProblemFemale Education ProblemUnemployment ProblemPoverty ProblemEnvironmental Sanitation ProblemMedical Care ProblemDr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLMajor Public Health Problems in Bangladesh (Cont.)Problem Related to Various Accidents & DisasterFood Safety & Adulteration ProblemProblem of Child Labour & Child AbuseDrug Addiction/Dependence ProblemViolence Against WomenViolence Against Men (Small Extend)Problem of Social ViolenceDepression & Mental Health ProblemProblem Related to Electronic Media & Social NetworksDr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLCommon Health Problems in Bangladesh- Rural :Common Health Problems Bangladesh- Rural: Malnutrition, Worm infestation, Skin infections, Diarrhoea, Acute respiratory infections (ARIs), Anaemia, Tuberculosis, Malaria, Kala-azar, Leprosy, etc. Lack of health care services, Poor housing, Poor sanitation. Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLCommon Health Problems in Bangladesh- Urban :Common Health Problems Bangladesh- Urban Hypertension, Air pollution, Sound pollution, Heart diseases, Diabetes, Cancer, Dengue fever, Drug addiction, STD (sexually transmitted diseases, etc.) Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLPopulation ProblemPopulation problem is the most dreadful problem now facing Bangladesh. It is the number one problem of our country.

Ours is a small country of 1,47,570 square kilometers with a big population of about sixteen cores (16,00,00,000). Growth rate of population in Bangladesh is 21.6 per 1000 people.Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiL

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiL7Population Problem (Cont)Cause of High Birth RatesLack of educationEarly marriageClimatic influenceLow standard of livingSocial and religious superstitionsLack of recreational facilitiesLack of willingness to adopt birth control measuresTendency of having male child and giving birth to female child one after another

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLMalnutritionMalnutrition is the condition that develops when the body does not get the right amount of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function.

Malnutrition occurs in people who are either undernourished or over nourished.Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLMalnutrition (Cont)Types of MalnutritionUnder NutritionOver Nutrition

Causes of MalnutritionInadequate or unbalanced dietProblems with digestion or absorptionCertain medical conditions like cancer, anaemia, ulcer etc

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLMalnutrition (Cont)Effect/Impact of Malnutrition

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLCommunicable Disease ProblemAny disease occurs due to a specific infectious agent or its toxic products capable of being directly or indirectly transmitted from man to man, animal to man or from the environment to man or animal.

List of Some Notable Communicable Diseases* Tuberculosis (TB) * Hepatitis* Malaria* Tetanus* Diarrheal Diseases * Rabies* Dengue Fever* Anthrax* STIs* Ebola* Typhoid and Paratyphoid* Plague* Influenza* Nipah Virus InfectionDr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLNon Communicable Disease ProblemAny disease that is not caused by a pathogen or its toxin and not transmitted from one person to another. It might result from hereditary factors, improper diet, smoking, or other factors

Major Non Communicable DiseaseCardio Vascular Disease & StrokeIschemic Heart Disease (Heart Attack)Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)Hyperlipidemia (High Level of Cholesterol)Cardiomegaly (Increase size of the heart)Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLNon Communicable Disease Problem (Cont)Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)Chronic BronchitisEmphysema

CancerBreast CancerLung CancerCervical CancerSkin Cancer

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiL

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiL

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLMaternal & Child Health ProblemsDr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLMaternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)Definition: Maternal death is the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental causes. - WHOMaternal Mortality Ratio in Bangladesh (2013):170 deaths/100,000 live births

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLMaternal death is defined as the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of the end of pregnancy.18ContThe Maternal mortality rate (MMR) is the annual number of female deaths per 100,000 live births from any cause related to or aggravated by pregnancy or its management.

800 women die every day from pregnancy or childbirth related causes.

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLCauses of Maternal DeathDirect CausesSevere bleeding/hemorrhageInfectionsUnsafe abortionsHigh blood pressure & Convulsion during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia andeclampsia)Obstructed labourBlood clots/EmbolismIndirect CausesMalariaDengueAnaemiaHIV/AIDS

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLPercentages of Causes of Maternal Death

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLInfant Mortality Rate (IMR)Definition: Probability of dying between birth and exactly one year of age expressed per 1,000 live births.

Infant Mortality Rate in Bangladesh(2014):45.67 deaths/1,000 live births

Live Birth: A birth at which a child is born alive.Still Birth: A baby born with no signs of life at or after 28 weeks of pregnancy.Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLCauses of Infant Mortality

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLFemale Education ProblemBangladesh is a populous low-income country with a relatively young population and low literacy rates, particularly among women and the poor. Recent estimates for the population ages over 11 years put female literacy rates is 35.6 percent as opposed to 47.6 percent for males.

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLUnemployment ProblemUnemployment is a great concern in Bangladesh. Though it is one of the major responsibilities of the Government to provide job to those young generation but only a tiny fraction of total jobless is managed by different government offices and private organization but a majority remain unemployed.Unemployment rate in Bangladesh:About 40% of the population is underemployed.

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLPoverty ProblemThe Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in Bangladesh was last recorded at 625.34 US dollars in 2013. The GDP per Capita in Bangladesh is equivalent to 5 percent of the world's average.

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLEnvironmentalMedical CareSanitation ProblemProblemLack of safe drinking water in many areas of the country.Primitive methods of excreta disposalDue to lack of proper Planning and lack of commitment among the Medical personnel, Primary Health Care Services could not be Provided to the desired extent.

Poorly managed Health Care System.

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLProblem Related to Various Accidents & DisasterRoad Traffic Accident (RTA)Building CollapseDrowningFloodCyclone

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLFood Safety & AdulterationFood adulteration with poisonous chemicals has reached a dangerous proportion posing serious health hazards in the country.

It is done by reducing the purity of a food with the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or by the removal of some valuable ingredient which is harmful for health.

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLChild labour & Child AbuseAccording to the Labour Law of Bangladesh 2006, the minimum legal age for employment is 14. 83% are employed in rural areas and 17% are employed in urban areas. However, as 93 per cent of child labourers work in the informal sector in small factories and workshops, on the street, in home-based businesses and domestic employment the enforcement of labour laws is virtually impossible.

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLDrug Addiction/Dependence ProblemDrug abuse is a patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or others.

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLViolence AgainstSocial ViolenceWomenAlmost half of Bangladeshi women with young children experience violence from their husbands, and their children appear to have a higher risk of recent respiratory infections and diarrhea. They also face problem with their cognitive development.

Social violence is defined as a form of violent conduct that can result to injury, deprivation and psychological harm to a person, group or communityHijackingKidnappingRobbery

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLDepression & Mental Health ProblemMental illness is most neglected in Bangladesh, although a large number of people are suffering from different types of mental illness. It is prevalent in Bangladesh probably in the same magnitude as in developed countries.

According to WHO, 7% of the population of Bangladesh is mentally illDr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLMillennium Developmental Goal TheMillennium Development Goals(MDGs) are 8international development goalsthat were established following theMillennium Summitof theUnited Nationsin 2000, following the adoption of theUnited Nations Millennium Declaration. All 189United Nations member statesat the time (there are 193 currently) and at least 23international organizationscommitted to help achieve the following Millennium Development Goals by 2015Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiL

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLAchievement of Bangladesh Towards MDGDr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiLGoalBase Year 1990/1991Current StatusTarget 2015Eradicate Extreme Poverty & Hunger56.6%40.0 %(2005)29.0 %Achieve Universal PrimaryEducation60.591.1(2007)100Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women0.831.08(2007)1.0Reduce Child Mortality146 %60%(2007)48Improve Maternal Health574 (1990)351144Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases0.005%0.319%HaltingEnsure Environmental Sustainability21.0%39.2(2006) %60%Develop a Global Partnership for Development1240 (1989-90)96.1 (2007-08)Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiL

Dr. Hasanuzzaman sohaiL