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Page 1: Learning styles (Kinaesthetic)

LEARNING STYLE!Strategies, Resources and Competences in English




Page 2: Learning styles (Kinaesthetic)

KINESTHETIC STYLE• Every person has a different way of learning. There is a model, the VAK model, in which people is divided between visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners.

• Kinaesthetic learners are those who prefer using their hands and moving in order to learn.

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1. The student does not like to be sitting still and needs to move.

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2. Kinaesthetic learners hold up their hands even though they do not know the answer.

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3. A kinaesthetic student points while reading.

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4. Gestures are used a lot by kinaesthetic learners when they are talking.

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5. They use lots of verbs and action words.

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6. Kinaesthetic people like to be close to the other people and they often touch them to get their attention while they are talking.

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7. A kinaesthetic student gets up and moves around frequently.

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8. They often write things lots of times to remember them.

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9. Kinaesthetic people love doing things with their own hands.

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10. A kinaesthetic learner tends to be well coordinated.

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11. They seem immature and they are more curious than their peers.

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12. Kinaesthetic people are more physically active than their partners.

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In conclusion, kinaesthetic learners

can retend information easily by imitation and active activities.

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Axel CurcóMíriam Mayench

Ainoa Olmedo