Download - Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff

Page 1: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff

Housing with care and support; learning resources which may meet identified needs

Sheltered housing and supported housing

Page 2: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff
Page 3: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


Introduction In 2014 Skills for Care carried out research on emerging and changing roles in the extra care housing sector.1 Through our research and since we found out that those working across housing with care and support, in whatever setting, had some priority topic areas where they felt development opportunities were lacking. For all types of housing with care and support services including those supporting people with dementia, people with learning disabilities, people with mental health problems and older people they told us these were (in no particular order):

■ Assistive technology ■ substance misuse ■ partnership/multi agency working ■ outcomes based approaches ■ preventative approaches ■ negotiation and advocacy ■ business analysis and development ■ leadership skills including coaching.

In order to help housing with care and support employers find useful development, both at manager and front line staff level on these topics, we have produced this short document aimed at helping employers find learning specifically aimed at those working in housing with care sector on these topics.

The document is split into the type of service provided (i.e. supported housing, floating support, home improvement agencies and housing with care (including extra care housing). Each section then documents what is currently available to meet the identified needs described above and is appropriate for those working in that particular service type. Of course, these are not definitive separations and it may be worth viewing other sections on other types of service to see where they may be overlap or more of what the reader is looking for.

This is by no means a comprehensive guide and should not be treated as such. It aims to pinpoint some useful resources to specified areas of concern. For an assurance of quality, Skills for Care would also recommend finding and using an endorsed learning provider via our endorsement framework. The Skills for Care Endorsement Framework is a mark of quality for the adult social care sector.

Endorsement is about identifying and promoting high quality learning and development providers and programmes that are relevant and fit for purpose within the sector.

You can find a provider, find a course or apply to become an endorsed provider online at:

1 New, Emerging and Changing job roles; adult so¬cial care in extra care housing’. Skills for Care, 2014 see;,-workforce-intelli-gence-and-innovation/Re-search/new-emerging-changing-job-roles-extra-housing/new-emerging-changing-job-roles-report.pdf

Page 4: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


Type of Housing with care and support

Housing with care and support is a diverse sector, with services being provided in many different ways to a variety of people with support needs. This section is aimed at those working in sheltered housing and supported living. Sheltered housing - These are schemes designated for older people and usually with some form of housing related support provided usually through visiting services but in some cases with resident scheme managers. There is no on-site care provision and schemes are not registered with the Care Quality Commission.

Supported housing - these are housing schemes in which all residents have support needs which are met as part of living in the accommodation; typical client groups include learning disability, mental health, homeless people. The support provided is linked to the accommodation but is tailored to meet individual need. Where personal care is provided this will be regulated by the Care Quality Commission.

Potential sources of development and support.

1. Housing LIN 42. Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) 53. Foundation for Assistive Technology 64. Action on Elder Abuse 75. End of Life Care Resource Pack 86. End of Life Care in Extra Care Housing resource pack 97. Stategic housing for older people resource pack 108. Centre for housing and support good practice resources 119. AT dementia 1210. Social care TV 1311. Mulbery House DVDs 1412. Chartered intitute of housing courses 15

13. Centre for housing and support e-learning for professionals working in housing related support 1614. Health and social care NVQ/QCF certificate 1715. Disabled living foundation housing related training 1816. Housing e-Academy 1917. LinQs Business Support and training consultancy 2018. BVS training 2119. MENCAP training 2220. Stroke Association training 2321. St John Ambulance training 2422. Shelter training 2523. Southdown housing association training and consultancy 2624. Institute of Public Care courses and consultancy 2725. Housing and support alliance 2826. Opus Pharmacy Services 2927. AFTA though dementia training 3028. Dementia Adventure 31

Page 5: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


1 Housing learning and information Network (Housing LIN) website

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description Website offering a range of information on housing and housing-related matters for housing, health and social care professionals in England involved in planning, commissioning, designing, funding, building and managing housing with care for older people.

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 6: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


2 Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description Resources available for people working with adults’, families’ and children’s care and support services across the UK, including services such as health care and housing.

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 7: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


3 Foundation for Assistive Technology (FAST)

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description Information resource to individuals seeking assistive technology and those providing such solutions. Funding changes mean that this resource is no longer being updated.

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 8: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


4 Action on Elder Abuse

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description Organisation established to prevent abuse of older people by raising awareness, education, research and information.

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 9: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


5 End of Life Care Learning Resource Pack

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description A practical tool providing information and guidance on areas such as medication and pain management, mobility, religious, cultural and spiritual needs issues and common symptoms at end of life. The DVD was produced in 2009. Access is more limited now and it may be necessary to contact Housing 21 directly.


Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 10: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


6 End of life care extra care housing: learning resource pack for housing, care and support staff

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description Resource pack covering all aspects of preparing for and dealing with issues around end of life.

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 11: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


7 Extra Care Housing and Dementia Commissioning Checklist

Audience Managers

Description Tool designed for managers of Extra Care Housing, commissioners and other stakeholders to help them to commission Extra Care schemes which meet the needs and aspirations of people with dementia and their families.


Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 12: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


8 Strategic Housing for Older People (SHOP)

Audience Managers

Description Resource pack which provides information for local strategic commissioning, planning and investment decisions to improve the range of housing options for older people

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 13: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


9 Centre for Housing and Support Good Practice Resources

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support.

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 14: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


10 AT Dementia

Audience Frontline staff

Description Website which provides information, courses and guides around dementia and assistive technology aimed at people with dementia

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 15: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


11 Social Care TV

Audience Frontline staff

Description Online training for frontline staff covering a range of topics including dementia care and care planning

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 16: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


12 Mulberry House DVDs

Audience Frontline staff

Description DVDs offering training covering a wide range of social care issues

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 17: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


13 Chartered Institute of Housing courses for housing qualification

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description Online and classroom training related to housing and housing related support, including telecare

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 18: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


14 Centre for Housing and Support eLearning courses for professionals working in housing-related support services

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description Qualifications and training for sheltered and supported housing staff and managers

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 19: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


15 Health and Social Care NVQ/QCF Certificate

Audience Frontline staff

Description Level 2 certificate which teaches participants how to deliver an excellent level of care, develop a clear understanding of their specific role and responsibilities, create a safe and healthy environment and have your achievements acknowledged.

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 20: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


16 Disabled Living Foundation housing related training

Audience Frontline staff

Description Training around manual handling and assistive technologies for people with disabilities

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 21: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


17 Housing e-Academy

Audience Frontline staff

Description e-learning for staff working in the social housing sector

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 22: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


18 LinQs Business Support and Training Consultancy

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description Training aimed at people working in the care sector

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 23: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


19 BVS training

Audience Frontline staff

Description Provider of DVD and online training

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 24: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


20 MENCAP training

Audience Frontline staff

Description Courses on working with people with learning disabilities

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 25: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


21 Stroke Association training

Audience Frontline staff

Description Training aimed at informing people about recognising and dealing with stroke and the after effects

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 26: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


22 St John Ambulance training

Audience Frontline staff

Description First aid and health and safety training

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 27: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


23 Shelter training

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description In-house and public training around a range of housing issues

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 28: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


24 Southdown Housing Association training and consultancy

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description Training and consultancy in care and supported housing

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 29: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


25 Institute of Public Care courses and consultancy

Audience Managers

Description Consultancy, training and workshops covering a range of areas related to care and housing, plus online resources.

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 30: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


26 Housing and Support Alliance

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description Advocacy and support organisation for people with learning disabilities

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 31: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


27 Opus Pharmacy Services

Audience Frontline staff

Description Medication training for all sectors

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 32: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


28 AFTA Thought dementia training

Audience Managers, Frontline staff

Description Dementia awareness training

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 33: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


29 Dementia Adventure

Audience Managers

Description Training, research and consultancy provider which uses income to fund nature-based activities for people with dementia.

Web address

Resources suitable for staff working with:

People with dementia

People with learning disabilitiesPeople with mental health problems

Older people

Specific skills Assistive technology Preventative approaches

Substance misuse Negotiation and advocacy

Partnership/multi-agency working

Business analysis and development

Outcomes-based approaches Leadership skills including coaching

Type of resource offered

Courses On the job/coaching

Seminars or workshops Training materials

Events Guide or toolkit

E-Learning Consultancy


Page 34: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff


This is by no means a comprehensive guide and should not be treated as such. It aims to pinpoint some useful resources to specified areas of concern. For an assurance of quality, Skills for Care would also recommend finding and using an endorsed learning provider via our endorsement framework. The Skills for Care Endorsement Framework is a mark of quality for the adult social care sector.

Endorsement is about identifying and promoting high quality learning and development providers and programmes that are relevant and fit for purpose within the sector.

You can find a provider, find a course or apply to become an endorsed provider here;

Page 35: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff
Page 36: Learning resources for supported housing · Description A range of training options, including e-learning courses for housing-related support. Web address Resources suitable for staff

Skills for CareWest Gate6 Grace StreetLeedsLS1 2RP

T: 0113 245 1716E: [email protected]

© Skills for Care 2015