Download - Learning registry in the US: Background and related developments


Learning registry in the US:
Background and related developments


What's the status of implementing the learning registry in the US?

How many nodes? Where?

How many are connected into a network?

What additional services? (esp. working on data in the network)

Any developments expected in next year or so?

How many nodes

Dev list, community, Navigation North, Illionois Worknet

Steve MidgelyThere are a few development nodes out there that we know of: Agilix, Illinois Dept of Commerce and California Dept of Ed. To my knowledge there are no production nodes beyond the ones we currently run. Several companies have expressed interest in taking over our production nodes including Dell, Cisco and Amazon.


SM:One network that I'm aware of which is the LR public network.Doesn't answer question of how many nodes on it, but I suspect two since there are no other production nodes.

Other services

SM:Agilix has been building search tools. Navigation North recently released a demo standards browser ( which is pretty interesting.Gates foundation is funding several groups to build index and search services on top of Learning Registry (called Learning Registry Index) and that will require running nodes of some kind.

Forthcoming developments

SM:Gates' commitment is very notable as it involves significant new money into the codebase.North Carolina, New York, Massachusets and Ohio are all specifying Learning Registry integration into their purchase requirements for instructional improvement systems, using federal funds from Race to the Top program.

Forthcoming developments

SM:Two multi-state (44 by last count) consortia funded with $350M of federal dollars to build next generation assessments are planning to use Learning Registry to share assessment item metadata during their item development work, as well as with states for "formative" assessment purposes. Notable also is that Utah state recently implemented LR for their repository.

Other developments: LRMI

Learning Resource Metadata Initiative

Metadata markup that complements learning registry

Has Gates funding for implementation

Putting metadata into Learning Registry will be (soft) condition of funding

Other developments: TinCanAPI

SCORM reporting for C21st

Activity stream messages of form I did thisI watched Kahn video X; I learnt about Y; I passed test Z.

Stored in Learning Record Store, for analytics and export.