Download - Lean Service Clinic / Andreas Conradi


Lean Service ClinicUnstick my project

Andreas [email protected]@andreasconradi#serviceclinic

Hi there!

Show hands if you work for a Consultancy or Agency

Show hands if you work embedded with a client

Show hands if you work Client side

Show hands if you work freelance.

Show hands if you study.


What difference does it make?


Messes are made out of information

and people. Abby Covert

Unstick trigger, Agile

Agile is intended to maximise value creation by de-emphasizing up front specification and process in favour of front loading value.

Agile is no longer just about technology. It is about new models of organisation.

Unstick trigger, Lean

Lean manufacturing and lean startup — aim to eliminate wasteful practices

Unstick trigger, Coaching

A coach supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal.

Think bigAct smallFail fast

Learn rapidly

Goals and KPI changing

Setting goals Inspired by Smart Goals Trigger Questions

Brief addressing the wrong things. Clients solutionizing.

Challenging AssumptionsInspired by our Cognitive Biases

Teams work in silos and not collaborating

Align & Motivate Cross-Functional TeamsInspired by the Agile Frames & Rituals

Analysis Paralysis in team.No buy-in to research from client.Unvalidated assumptions taken as truth.

LearningInspired by Lean/JTBD

Ideas don’t flow,Resistance to share early ideas

Forming IdeasInspired by Design Thinking and Lean

What is your biggest challenge?

Stuck Story Card

Looking back at a time you felt stuck on a project, what were you trying to achieve?

What stopped you?

Who was involved?

Why do you think this happened?


Share your stuck stories

Sticky voting

Find the unstick trigger that works for you.

How did it go?Who found a problem worth solving?

Who found a great remedy?

How did you approach it?

Find a mentor

Be a mentor

Andreas [email protected]@andreasconradi#serviceclinic



Setting goals Inspired by Smart Goals Trigger Questions 01

What specifically do you want?


How will you know when you’ve achieved this?


What will this outcome get for you or allow you to do?


Where, When, How, and with whom do you want to achieve this?

Help your client to state the goal in positive form. ‘Towards to‘ not ‘away from’. Clarify scope and scale.

Be specific as possible, make it clear and testable.

Discover the true motivations, wishes or dreams that underlay the job.

Establish context and boundaries [business, tech, … ]


Where are you now in relation to the outcome?


Who has done it before, or has a similar challenge?


Anchor goals in a way that makes them easy to communicate and remember.

Identify the distance between the current state and desired state. Use this insight to manage expectations and break the project into managable chunks.

Identify sources of information, potential allies and support network inside and outside of the organisation.

The vision will guide and align the team. Make sure it’s visibly placed and fully [really fully] understood and remembered by all on the team.

Challenging AssumptionsInspired by our Cognitive Biases01

Anchoring on first assumptions


Clinging to hard gained insights


Resisting outside forces


Situational influence

Think back when you started with the problem at hand – what were your assumptions about the matter back then? Might these assumptions reign your view on the topic, despite having accumulated more insight?

Look at the effort you had collecting information on the topic. Are you holding on to a view, just because you went great lengths to gain the insight that led to it?

Think about outside expectations or the people you need to report to. Are you resisting to go a certain direction just because it is enforced by your surroundings?

Think of the matter at hand not in isolation. Are you focussing too much on solving the problem itself, overlooking that the solution might be in changing the situation or circumstances that brought it about?


Personal view


Violating existing beliefs

Think about your attitude towards possible solutions. Are you favoring solutions that bring about values that you personally desire, but that don’t apply to all of the people affected by the solution?

Looking at consequences of decisions – are you limiting yourself by being hesitant to violate existing beliefs or old rules of the existing system?

LearningInspired by Lean/JTBD01

Validate assumptions asearly as possible


Iterative approach to learning


Situational influence 04

Desired Outcomes/ Undesired Outcomes

Test, learn, iterate as early as possible. If you are not a bit embarrassed to show your first sketch/prototype you probabely waited too long. Choose what evidence you need to either prove or disprove your hypothesis.

Take an iterative learning approach. Create a Research Backlog. Share insights frequently with your team and adjust your research focus based on the outcomes.

Understand how customer needs and expectations change in different situations and what implications this has for your solution.

Understand and map outcomes the customer tries to achieve. Understand and map outcomes the customer tries to avoid. Consider functional, emotional, social jobs.


Forces promoting/ blocking change


Be intentional with language— and listen for intend


Use data, Listen to aggregators of insights


Is this the right problem to solve?

Understand and map factors that push a customer away from an existing solution and which pull towards a new. Understand and map anxieties, allegiances, barriers/constraints. Which situations function as trigger?

The words we choose matter. Language choices reveal the mental model on which we operate. The mental model forms our reality. Be intentional with language and listen for the intend. [Cause/Effect, Associated/Dissociated, Visual/Auditory/Kinestetic]

Learn how existing services are used. Who has day-to-day contact with customers? Built actionable analytics into anything you build.

Identify the root cause of the problem, make sure it's not just a symptom of something bigger — ask ‘why’ and ‘what if…’ use the learning to reframe the problem definition.

Align & Motivate Cross-Functional TeamsInspired by the Agile Frames & Rituals01

Create a Safe Space for your team


Daily standup with entire team


Demo frequently to Stakeholders—be openand honest


Ask for honest feedback in Team Retros

Do warmups, check-in/check-out and inspire people to play as one team. Everyone should be confortable to share early/unpolished ideas and generous enough to build on each others ideas. Inspire mutual trust in the team.

Quickly inform everyone of what's going on across the team in a daily standup. What did I complete yesterday? What will I work on today? Am I blocked by anything?

Celebrate accomplishments, demonstrate work and get immediate feedback from project stakeholders in a weekly or bi-weekly Product Demo.

Help the team understand what worked well–and what didn't and how to improve in Team Retrospectives [mad/sad/glad or start/stop/continue] Promote an honest and constructive feedback culture [I like… , I wish...]


Make it visual—Information Radiator


Make it easy for others to help


Bigger chunks into smaller tasks


Definition of “Done”

Big visible charts, task board on a physical wall to align the team and communicate progress and impediments. Make blocker visible and quantify the damage of not acting in time/money.

Share stuck moments and make it easy for others [team, customers, partners] to help solve your challenge.

Smaller tasks make it easier to start. Break bigger chunks into managable parts. Each thing you want to do goes on a card, and each card goes into the backlog. Motivate the team with small chunks of working product in short time-boxes.

Clearly define where to stop [for now]

Forming IdeasInspired by Design Thinking and Lean01

How might you make it super easy? Do less


Shitty first draft03

Smallest possible experiment


Map the mess & play with structure

How might we solve this in the most basic way? When will less do the job? How would you do it without tech? How might we remove the problem altogether?

Only develop it to the point so you can get a reaction from people and capture the learning. Increase fidelity gradually, think: Cupcake, Birthday Cake, Wedding Cake

What improvement can you quickly prototype, test and iterate? What is the smallest possible experiment to learn? Don’t build more than necessary to test your ideas. Don’t even go into Sprint 1 if you can test your idea in a sketch or prototype.

Visualise the essentail factors that touch your service. Map player and the value they might exchange, tech & delivery structures. Choose a structure that is flexible and supports experimentation. [Bubble diagrams, Sticky notes, ...]


Design for flexibility


Make it tangible/personal


Simulate your system with people


Test with fake doors

Choose tools that support collaboration and frequent change. Things will change.

Roleplay the service, act out the communication with interface or service staff to get an immediate feel for the solution.

Start with a fully manual service. It should consist of exactly the same steps people would go through with your product. This brings you close to the customer and makes learning fast.

Create an advertising, landing, kickstarter, facebook or meetup page.