Download - League of Legends Usefull Tips


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Hi all. I saw this at the america section and realized we didn't have this one yet even

though the other one has been around for years. Maybe we do have it already but got

lost, in which case this one can be removed.

The 'pro tips' were just a bunch of tips. Most of them for new players but even I foundsome tricks that I did not thought of.

So when you know something about a champ or general and you'd like to share, this is

the place to be.

My first one is: learn to last hit minions, unless you play support. It may not look like

much, but getting a good amount of minion kills is a great way to be usefull lategame.

Even when you're a mage. It might be a good idea, just to get some addition ad from

masteries/items, just so you can last hit better. You sacrifice some early game stats, but it

makes you a lot more usefull lategame.

#2 there is an ignore button for a reason. While it's very important to communicate, there

might be someone in your team who's really annoying. Flaming may be resulting in bad

gameplay and that's worse than commication. Just press tab and select the ignore button

but be nice and keep saying miss etc. also keep in mind you have check the minimap

more because you won't see misses.

Now some actual gameplay tips:

#1 when you're being chased by a group of enemies and you are most likely going to

die, tower dive. When not been hit by an enemy champ for 10 sec, the enemy won't get

your kill but the turret does.

2# when you're being chased by a group of enemies and you are most likely going to

die, but you're close to nashor, it can be a good idea, to hit baron right before you die.Once you die, baron will attack the enemies. This may not result in a kill for you, or kill

them at all, but will most likely slow them down (pushing etc) or can result in team kills.

#3: use blue pill to mindgame your opponents. This will only work in non-30 normal

games (or at 30 when you're lucky). For instance, act like you're afk. (you can achieve the

same thing by standing still for some time. You can make morgana waste her stun by

doing so) After a while, start recalling at weird places. This may bait opponents. Another

way of using recall: recall when standing next to a bush. Recall, but right before actual

teleporting, run into that bush. It seems like you recalled. Again, only at low summoner

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4# Don't be afraid to try new builds. There are very few absolute no-go builds (like ap

tryn) but ad malphite can be worth checking out. I myself have tried every champ ad.

Although most of them are terrible, you might stumble upon something very interestingyou hadn't thought of before. Do keep in mind, this may not be a good idea in normal

games. Thats what bots are for!

5# learn the base stats of each champion. This may seem like an awefull amount of work,

but it can be very usefull. You can guess what summoner level the enemy has, which

runes and masteries. It's no rocket science, but at least you know what to expect. Which

one hits hard etc

6# warding. Warding seems stupid when you first play the game. Why the hell would you

pay 75 or 125 gold, just to see a little bit more? The more experienced you get and the

more skilled everyone gets, the more you learn the value of warding. However, it's not a

bad idea to learn how to ward early. Find some guides how to do so. Warding can be

used for all sorts of things, including escape moves (kat's shunpo for instance)

7# Just use your head while playing. Sometimes you can see you're going to be ganked,

simply because enemies behave differently.

8# Call misses. Yes I know, everyone knows about this. Yet, it happens far too often

people forget about it. Do not tell this person who just got ganked, he needs to watch

the minimap better. This also means you have to call miss when you just went back to

shop. Keep an eye out at all time!

9# Whenever you play a champ that can lay mines/traps (caitlyn, teemo, nidalee etc) do

not just drop them at every spot that seems interesting if you want enemies to get hit by

it. Just walk around the map, press h (hold... or whatever button you have chosen) andplace a trap at this very spot. Enemies will get hit by those mines, simply because its in

the middle of the auto-walked paths. Not sure people understood what i just tried to say


10# In the champion selection screen, select champions that make a good team. This

may seem obvious but quite often teams lose, simply because their team is too much

attack damage based etc. Here some golden rules.


-Get an ad carry. Some ad-isch champ that can actually carry the game. Not every ad

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champ can do so. This ad carry goes bot, together with the support. (example: ashe)

-Get a support champ. A support champ has to make sure the carry stays alive (early

phase) and get's minion kills. This means support should not attack mions at all. This is

not a good idea for low level games (summoner level). 30 only. (example: soraka)

-Get a jungler. It doesn't really matter who, as long this champ can actually jungle. At thismoment pretty much everyone can, still, I wouldn't recommend ashe. Also very

important: gank. It may be a good idea to pick a champ, not because he can jungle so

well, but because of his ability to gank. (examples of good gankers are nocturne/shaco)

-Get a tank: The tank usually goes top and has a solo lane. (example: mundo)

-Get a mage. The mage usually goes mid. (example: ahri)


The second rule is simply. Make sure the outcome is balanced. Don't get too many ad-

champ (for instance: tryndamere, ad carry - nocturne, jungler - garen, tank) nor ap

champs. This can be countered too easily.

3) Stealth. 8 champs have stealth abilities. I'll arrange them in order. Those who are most

reliant first.

Evelynn - Twitch - Akali (she may not need it as much talon does, but the problem is:

everyone knows when you're stealthed, simply because of cloud) - Talon - Shaco - Teemo

- Vayne - Wukong. You don't have to agree with me on this one, it's just my idea of how

stealth-based they are.

Now, my point is: you don't want too many stealth based champs. Let's just give each

champ a number. Evelynn is most stealth based so gets 8 points. Twitch 7, akali 6 etc.

Make sure, you don't get past 8. Thats just bad. All the enemy needs is one little oracle

(or ward for that matter) and your team die like flies. 7 - 8 is danger zone. This means

picking evelynn or twitch can be dangerous. (one of the main reasons they're not doing

so well in ranked games) Anything above this number is just... well... plain bad. Twitch andeve in one team is a no-go. Teemo and wukong together are fine.

4) Whenever you do ranked, or draft pick, try to counter. Keep in mind that lee sin is a

good stealth counter and vayne is great at countering both tank and ad melee champs.

Teemo is pretty decent against ad melee as well. Use those picks to your advantage.

Well, that's it for today, I do know a lot more but i'm tired of writing it all down. I hope

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you all found it usefull and will ad tips as well. Hope to see you all on the summoner's

rift... blabla... etc