Download - Leadership Warriors - Randy Stocklin: How to build a great company culture

Page 2: Leadership Warriors - Randy Stocklin: How to build a great company culture

“We work really hard during the hiring process to set appropriate expectations with all of our candidates around our values.

This means asking very specific and thoughtful questions around our values to make sure there’s good alignment.”

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“Each of these touchpoints is an opportunity to find out what I can help with personally, to reinforce our core values, and make sure they know that I’m there as a support resource if I can be helpful in any way.”

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“I want to make sure that people understand upfront that they can interrupt me at any point time and ask questions and challenge me on things.”

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“We’ve tried to be very intentional about the type of culture and the environment that we want to create from day one.”

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“The better connected you are, the more access you going to have to different people, and we've had a ton of success at One Click by hiring from our network.”

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I “It is a lot of small things to add up to an amazing culture.”

“There is no silver bullet with culture. It really is about building a strong foundation and continue to reinforce those things day after day and being very consistent in terms of how you operate as a team.”

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