Download - Leadership Principles of the Warrior Leadership Ascendency Part 3 Series 11

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    Leadership Principles of the Warrior Series Eleven Leadership Ascendency (Part 3) by Randy Gonzalez

    In a world fixated on the safe mediocrity of the status quo, easy targets of discourse,

    simplistic thinking, and the relentless pursuit of get rich quick, self-help and

    materialistic consumption, leadership suffers a dismal demise. In fact, there are fewer

    examples than ever before. America has a leadership deficit. Any contemplation of such,

    strains for valiant, heroic and forthright examples across the social spectrum.

    For the few who strive, leaders must always endeavor for balance in their personal

    life. By duty, discipline and consistent devotion to principles put into practice, one avoids

    the distractions of a devolving culture. Such is the regression of societal obsession with

    materiality, consumption and excessive gain. Leadership is a Spartan existence. That is

    a notion of austere insistence on pursuing perfection beyond possession.

    The conception applies to every aspect of life, as well as facing ones final departure.

    Likewise, organizational life exemplifies a serious focus on the matters at hand, aside

    from personal defect, or shortcomings. While many whine, some unwind the complexity

    of their weaknesses and ascend to higher places. Thinking is the primacy of making

    personal transitions. What is each moment worth for the sake of betterment?

    What is the value of time that ends at some unknown point of finality? It is not so

    much the journey, as it is who is on the quest and what he or she becomes along the way.

    The family, the brotherhood-sisterhood, the authentic sense of camaraderie, works

    toward harmonious interaction in the promotion of mutually inclusive goals. All

    members, of whatever team, work in harmony for productive unison.

    However, the majority will resist in various ways, some overtly divisive, and others

    more covertly. Yet, the leader, and those who willingly follow, know there place, and

    must endeavor to avoid strife with each other. Purposely, each strides to show respect,

    follow necessary rules when possible, and obey the orderly necessity of interactions, in

    order to protect the family organizations mission. Detractors will be watching.

    Historically, from ancient times to the present, human interactions at every level of

    engagement remain a difficult challenge. Warring factions will always be present in some

    form or another, as dangers come from internal and external interferences. Diversions and

    discordant intentions, from inadequate personalities may attack without warning.

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    Leaders stay vigilant and look for signs of dissent, infiltration and adverse

    compromise. Leadership encourages each to act with a sense of equality, fairness and

    equity toward others. Realistic blunt honesty, openness and analytic rationality are

    preferred to immature feel-good platitudes. Silly clichs, bumper sticker slogans and

    simplistic psychology are counter by the value of reason over emotionalism.

    The easy conjecture of facetious assertions, wrought with simple-minded analogies,

    prove nothing in the end, except counterproductive digressions. In association with that

    by contrast, most meetings and gatherings waste precious time. Frequent get-togethers

    typically offer dissenting options for prolonged gripe sessions. Complaining, criticizing

    and gripping about one thing or another seldom solves problems.

    On the other hand, critical analysis through insightful and in-depth thinking, based on

    reason and evidence, has greater potential. Within the conception of the whole, each must

    be led to devote oneself to the service of others selflessly. Primarily, this is instigated by

    more enlightened and evolved thinking processes. For the sake of these undertakings,

    wisdom transcends the arrogant selfishness of biases perspectives.

    To aid in this learning process, leaders must be work diligently to be competent,

    assertive and demonstrate by example. They must motivate others toward individual,

    group and organizational effectiveness given their respective roles and responsibilities.

    The management of the organization in every extended sense is the responsibility of

    everyone who functions within it. Systems work when people work.

    Organizations fail when people fail to be responsible and accountable, and none can

    survive for very long without leadership. Unless everyone works together toward the

    harmony of the entire framework of interaction, the organization, the community and the

    society will devolve. Once again, getting people to change and ascend to greater levels is

    difficult. Humans are different from each other in many ways.

    Diverse with a variety of wants, desires, and purposes, no one is the same as another.

    We cannot expect everyone to see the world in the same way. Each is at a place where he

    or she is either evolving or devolving. Individually, and in groups, or subunits, they can

    be cold, calculating, and cruel. Although selfish, arrogant and counterproductive,

    everyone has a unique responsibility as part of an association. Likewise, everyone ought

    to be held accountable for his or her lazy, slothful and illicit performances.

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    Regardless, everyone is different in his or her perspective, beliefs and particular

    presence at a point in time, they are no less liable for their behaviors. Everyone is always

    responsible for what they say and do, and how they treat others. There are no excuses for

    misbehaviors, especially within a legitimate organizational environment. Rationalizing

    inappropriate actions reflects selfish satiations for personal gain. Sometimes, part of

    leadership involves leaders spending time to ensure the equity of responsibility, and

    especially accountability for everyone in a particular setting.

    Leaders recognize that a key aspect of competent leadership includes effective

    management of people with a keenly balanced insight into human behavior. It requires

    an understanding and wisdom for the fundamental nature of a committed stewardship of

    people and resources. At the same time, we must be constantly vigilant to the fact that an

    evil nature lurks within each person. Slothful, mediocre and apathetic people constantly

    look for ways to infect the organization with their negativity. Leaders must be ready to

    effectively engage adversity with sure, certain and swift action.

    With a serious commitment to reason, a leader insists upon knowing the facts.

    Factuality in rational evidentiary proofs suggests a special penchant for understanding the

    details of any given situation. Likewise, the patience for the proclivity to comprehend the

    various factors involved, necessitate the examination of each problem solving aspect. To

    skeptically inquire consistently, using rational thinking processes is not something readily

    employed by most people. Even presumed smart people act stupidly.

    Investigation of detailed information is critical. A thorough investigative continuum is

    essential. Those who do not take the time to ensure the facts relative to the evidence

    confess inefficiency, incompetency and infectiveness. In regard to the general public, in

    the event of an emergency condition, emotionalism trumps reality and evidentiary proofs

    are replaced by stupidly contrived dogmatic assumptions. Fallacies of subversive

    inference are perpetrated by magical thinking to satiate hasty generalizations.

    In the contemporary scheme of pretentiousness to the act leadership, anyone can hold

    himself or herself out to be a leader. However, in reality, there are very few, perhaps

    less that 25% across the population, who actually have such potential. Forget finding

    sufficient examples of high quality leadership in the political arena. Those days are gone,

    selfishness is more prevalent for hedonistic agendas.

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    Reliable, consistent and exemplary leadership, from a selfless capacity for service and

    exceptional performance is in scarce supply. Why? There are a number of reasons. From

    a lack of accountability to responsible growth and maturity, some aspects are

    institutional, while other elements are primarily personal. Cowardice for the satiation of

    gain at any cost, with little or no risk or challenge, to the plundering of human and natural

    resources that punish or penalize ingenuity and creativity.

    Organized political and commercial interests, concentrated in an increasingly smaller

    sector of a powerful few, selfishly manipulate conformity in communal processes.

    Intelligence is often criticized by the silly conjecture of foolish diatribe. However, for the

    limited number of leaders, they bravely persevere in spite of the rampant stupidity that

    surrounds them. While ignorance may be bliss among a significant number in any given

    organization, including presumed smart people, stupidity has a hefty cost.

    The price of imprecise thinking, coupled with metaphorical psychobabble and silly

    inappropriate analogies, reflect the dumbing down and eventual demise of a culture. A

    failure to grow maturely, to ascend to a higher evolved status, requires exceptional

    capacity, skillful ability and deeply profound thinking. A brain creates the thinking we

    call a mind, and that inner entity must assure the reality of every moment.

    Such human driven actions insists upon the bravery of individuality, constant

    questioning of everything, never-ending process of learning, and the inclusion of logical

    insistence upon facts over fictions. Such a group of leaders is extremely rare in number in

    todays post-modern society. Wealth, fame and consumption, combined with power,

    control and domination, reflect the narcissism of our times.

    To him or her, who lacks the capacity to appreciate the essence of leadership, life

    revolves around him or her and it is all about them. They need attention, they seek

    attention, and they desire the validation of their attention getting efforts. By contrast, each

    actual or potential leader, apprentice or mentor, is at a different point of transformation.

    Over the passage of time, this has become an even smaller group available to offer

    extraordinary leadership status. Nonetheless, the sleight of hand never ends as the con

    artists ply their illicit deceptions. For many talk about leadership, yet few have ever

    experienced what it is. In American society, many so-called experts claim some type

    of expertise in whatever they think they know and want us to believe.

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    How does one expect to teach, consult or otherwise counsel on the elements of

    leadership if they have never learned by way of experience in the real world? As to

    anything in a three-dimensional conception, how does one understand the essence of

    perception, absent the testing of its existence? In other words, if one has never ventured

    outside the classroom, sensed a realm beyond theory, touched the very naturalism of

    surroundings, and the people involved, to become a serious practitioner of their craft,

    what do they really know? How gullible are we to such speculation?

    Leadership potentiality rests upon the individuals psychodynamic nature of personal

    liberation through constant self-analysis. Independence of thought translated into action

    rebels against the status quo at every opportunity. Additionally, to enrich the prospects of

    leading wisely, one strives to find frequent moments for solitude. To be quiet, to listen

    and learn from the evolving differentiation, is to grow more deeply. By daily meditative

    practice, a leader builds upon his or her foundation of discerned thinking. Self-evolution

    necessitates the ongoing development of individual character.

    Wisdom, discipline, insight, prudent behavior, and mature ascendency, relate to a

    complex mixture of personality, fortified by practice, experience and learning. To mature

    in knowledge and apply intelligent discretion from that process requires always doing

    what is right, as opposed to what is expedient. No matter how unpopular, bluntly honest,

    or potentially disturbing, the truth must be revealed.

    At the end of one journey, it is time to let go of what has been, leave, and move on to

    start a new story and newer version. Some can never walk away gracefully. Their

    neediness is evidence of their predicament. Yet, leaders know when it is time to go. They

    comprehend the essential nature of the special art, skill and expertise of being a

    competent forthright leader. Courage of character fortifies the reflection of personality.

    Endlessly, a leader seeks to learn from his or her experiences.

    Both the positive encounters, as well as the adverse ones, improve the prospects of

    cultivating ones skills. By bravely going places where others do not go, having real

    field experience so to speak, he or she learns to grasp the real basis for a

    knowledgeable perspective. That is to say, with actual awareness of ones information

    base, gain by real-world interactions, the leader can grow confidently as to the issues,

    matters and controversies at hand. Fear of action has no place within the framework.

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    A leader embraces the fortifying effects of oppositional transitions to provoke the

    senses to higher thoughtfulness in personal ascendency. Very few will ascend to an

    authentic version of leadership. Many will pretend, others for them will defend, and many

    will not ascend. Stagnation will be their legacy for a demise they created. Nevertheless,

    for the leaders, the limited number there are, he or she endeavors to change, although it is

    difficult, the leader desires to be different. Yet, it is too late for most.

    As for the extent of humanity, globally speaking, it may already be futile for any

    major transformation of the species. Yet, that is not relevant to the individual personality.

    Each has a different mission to perform, of which, such is highly personal and private.

    Externalities do not matter to the substance of a more ascended person, in terms of the

    quest for achieving an individualized renovation. By neither the fat bloated consumptive

    preoccupation with self-indulgence, thinking processes must change.

    Superficiality of limited, if not stupid, thinking processes engorge the static

    perspective of the senses. Around the spectrum of creative ideations, the fences of

    defenses elongate the detrimental purposes of self-destructions. And, discerning the true

    meaning of things, the intentions of others and peaceful presence of understanding the

    details, all becomes crucial. To see linkages, possibilities and consider the probable

    outcomes, relates to the constant alterations one strives to makes changes.

    In addition, without wavering, she or he, the one who ascends the leadership sphere,

    stays on the informed straight and narrow path regardless of the obstacles. All around,

    she or he senses the chaos, the arrogance, the selfishness and debasing aims of others.

    The falsehoods or the adversities that arise are quickly recognized. Unfortunately, by

    contrast in todays world of abject shallowness, and stifled thinking, people chase after

    the all-knowing guru. The alleged wise sage enters to solve complex issues with easy

    quick fix answers. In the age of the experts, those who insist on a limited worldview

    with unevolved growth, worship the altar of pretended authority.

    With so many internet specialists, management consultants, and motivational

    speakers, you would think blissful utopia would have already encircled the globe with

    all manner of lofty enlightenment. What do they really know? Better yet, what is their

    level of expertise and real experience? Are they even old enough, mature and wise

    enough, to offer counsel at any range of interpersonal encounter?

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    For instance, one should consider the many schools and colleges, where practitioners

    with actual worldly expertise do no teach, nor have the written the textbooks. No, instead,

    the lecture halls are filled with the pundits and pontificators of limited world-view. What

    is their essence of their manner and bearing ideologically to any pretense of seasoned

    knowledge, and maturity of learning? Anyone can have an opinion. Likewise, everyone

    can foster a theory, or insist upon a belief system, good or bad.

    As to the yearning for the glitz, glamor and gore, the drive is the desire for satiation at

    any expense, for the eventual score. As with fame, fortune and foolishness, the selfie of

    ones reflection is more than a snapshot of limited perception. Many travel the well-worn

    passages of safe conformity, secure mediocrity and selfish herding. In the simplistic

    resonance of day-to-day stagnation, the believability in myth, magic and metaphor,

    smoke and mirrors, hasten human devolution in debasing regression.

    As deceptions cloud necessity of ensuring the facts and pursuing the truth, systems

    deteriorate. Yet, persistent contrivances reinvent old ways of doing the same old things

    redundantly, as if that is safer than taking inventive risks. And, what for? The

    accumulation of information for the subservience of some egoistic obsession with

    approval and sanctification does not lift and propel an ascendant collaboration. For all the

    accreditations, the licensing stipulations, the incessant certifications, accumulation of

    pretended knowledge, the decline continues in arrogant self-destructiveness.

    As mentioned earlier, with all the experts, where is the advancement of the planetary

    civilization? One might ruthlessly inquire, as to a pundits qualifications. Back to the

    classroom for instance, where hope springs eternal, academicians who never left college,

    continue the adolescence of playful capitalization in the exploitations of their limitations.

    So, for the leader a couple questions are kept in the forefront of thinking at all times.

    When confronted by what seems to be a set of alleged facts, one should ask, what do

    you mean, how do you know and what if youre wrong? Is the effort and answer by the

    book, well supported inside the pages, data driven outside the cover, and by the wit and

    wisdom of creative inspiration, by way of interpretation? A leader harbors skeptical

    mental alacrity by the courage of self-evolving convictions, supported by the factuality of

    proof. For which, he or she willingly confronts the immaturity of deceitful purposes.

    Anyone can talk, but only a few know the actions to be taken.

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    Everyone can ask questions, but a few seriously understand what is being asked. With

    that, for every effort, never underestimate the potential acts of stupidity of any group, by

    word or action. Talkers will criticize, most often by negative reactivity, but walkers make

    things happen by the mature wisdom of experienced insight. Leaders get to the action. In

    the process, they demonstrate by example the essentiality of being responsible. Forsaking

    the show and tell of their self-aggrandizement, they ascend in mature ways.

    On the contrary, anyone can pretend to be a leader. After all, some expert taught

    them that such was possible by following a simple checklist at some seminar. The all

    hallowed workshop of time wasting possibilities told them so. In any setting, anyone can

    be skillfully destructive in their negativity and subsequent pretenses to knowing

    something. However, if commentary is not followed by inventive problem solving, then it

    is potentially wasted energy, and of no relevance to the mission.

    As to such a relationship, it should be considered, that people change themselves very

    little over time. Its hard work to be smart and self-evolved. In opposition, most prefer

    and relish in the enjoyment of the symbolism of sucking their thumb, nursing the nectar

    of primal substances, and relearning potty training, repeatedly. The vast majority do

    not venture too far from that juvenile pubescent journey.

    Most people will not invest the time and effort to achieve an ascended, which is

    greatly improved, more advanced version of their original self. The fractured

    dysfunctional framework of the prototype remains the same. Regardless of rank, social or

    economic status, inheritance or heritage, the majority remains stifled. Many consume, but

    few innovate and instigate profound transformations. Those who dont are much happier

    settling into a routine and complaining when their happiness is threatened.

    Threats come in many forms and are deceptive. Discernment is important. For many,

    minds have been made up, because others have told them what to think. They will be

    complacently satisfied with less than optimum performance. Understanding the dynamics

    is valuable to the leader. Leaders must perceive what is right and what translates as

    nonsense, or sometimes referred to as baloney and sausage, then do what is relevant

    and appropriate. No doubt, there is plenty of foolishness to go around. Courage in every

    aspect of interpersonal interaction mirrors the character traits of valor, fortitude, bravery,

    and fearlessness, and is essential to ones leadership capabilities.

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    With a profound deficient nature in the lack of modern leadership, situations devolve

    rapidly to crisis conditions at every level of society. In both private and public realms,

    especially at the highest levels of pretentiousness to decision making, culture

    interconnectivity suffers as the human species regresses. At the same time, the few

    leaders at hand continue to valiantly strive to bring about transitions.

    For the borrowed time, the quick fix simplicity of cheap ignorance, and the adolescent

    fixations of self-gratification, all come with a high price. From one generation to the next,

    the deception continues to provoke global devolution by insistence upon a heritage of

    redundancy. The same old tired ideas, bloated political hypocrisy, the worn out trite

    debates, the superficial commentary, and the host of clichd greedy repetitions, debase

    the nature-nurture progress of the human species.

    With a warriors mindset, the differentiated leaders never fail to express the selfless

    compassionate devotion to others. All for the sake of the mission, to be accomplished

    with focused precision, there is no time for immaturity, adolescent obsessiveness, or

    weak-minded timidity. Foolish frivolity of self-fixation must be forsaken so that all are

    afforded options for change. Realistically, such will not transpire. The gloomy side of it

    all is the slippery slope of human nature and malevolent intentions.

    For the goals to be achieved, all must take an active part, absent the debased purposes

    of collusive stupidity. Yet, you are collaborating with imperfect beings, dysfunctional

    psyches, and fractured self-images. A basic self takes time, and extraordinary energy and

    tireless effort to alter, change and transform. Some are trying, most will not.

    Nonetheless, leadership, true courageous leadership, prevails in spite of the infantile

    disruptions one must continually address. As the stress of command never ends, neither

    does the anxiousness of changing oneself. In opposition to the regression, selflessness,

    not self-interests, as a humble servant warrior leader, becomes a living personification of

    liberated individuality. Freethinking animation of presence is challenging.

    Leadership requires hard work in daily disciplined dedication to a warriors code of

    devotion, as well as selfless acts of humility, with an influence of empathy. It is the

    proper planning of actions to prevent poor performance of ones duties. A leader is a

    humble servant warrior who desires nothing in return, except that which enhances his or

    her ability to transform. Transformation is essential to ascendency.

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    To the contrary, vast numbers of the human species will not take up their quest, or

    their journey, for their own inner revolution. They will choose the easy way out and

    avoid the battle within themselves. Regardless of what others do, it is of no relevance to

    the individuality of the leader. He or she comprehends that one cannot change others.

    Others must change themselves. Likewise, they are where they have chosen to be. If they

    have chosen consumption over character, for instance, then each follows the simplistic

    motions of hunting for ever-increasing notions of materiality.

    In the meantime, the leader, on her or his road to higher planes of thought, is forever

    vigilant for the worldly deception and dishonesty that surrounds him or her. Evidence is

    everywhere at to the lunacy of the human species, particularly for those who pursue the

    folly of their self-centeredness. True leaders guard against the distractions of this realm

    and protect their senses from the mythic illusions of the masses. Laboriously, those

    committed to what some call the heros quest, will discover tireless energies are

    expended in the daily discipline of liberating their individuality.

    A differentiated style of leadership invites deeper thinking. Being an example to

    others means a discerning and insightful countenance, which shares the value of

    experience and knowledge acquired. Again, how does one realistically lead, train,

    demonstrate, instruct or otherwise impart their expertise to others, if they have never

    experienced real-world interactions and application? One can easily pontificate and

    prevaricate the spin of their pundit perspective from behind a desk.

    Leaders are sometimes difficult to categorize in terms of the typical typologies of

    leadership. They are unique personalities, of which, other are often resentful, critical

    and fearful. For the self-evolving, differentiated and creative mentor to subordinates, they

    are of their own making. As such, leaders patiently observe and listen to their

    environment, wherever that happens to be. Calmly, they wait for each moment to unfold,

    as one who can hear the echo of what needs to be heard.

    Ascending higher, the leader works to reconstruct from the inside out, with no

    distraction by that which argues from the outside. His or her primary focus is

    individuality and knowing where the boundaries are. He or she is relentless in the pursuit

    of an expanded maturity that knows no allegiance the impermanence of materiality, or the

    foolishness of chasing immortality. Sooner or later, all of it ends.

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