Download - Leadership 4 Superior Results - VPPPA, Inc.€¦ · • Expand Your Perspectives – Think long term, link daily performance to goals, focus on the value added. • Energize People

Page 1: Leadership 4 Superior Results - VPPPA, Inc.€¦ · • Expand Your Perspectives – Think long term, link daily performance to goals, focus on the value added. • Energize People

Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Leadership For Superior ResultsWednesday, 8/30/2017

Leadership for

Superior Results


• Presenter

– Mark E. Hurliman, CHSM• VPP/SHARP Program Coordinator

• Oregon OSHA Medford Field Office

• 541-776-6016

[email protected]

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Leadership is not

about titles, positions

or flowcharts.

Leadership is about

one life influencing

another.John C. Maxwell

• Leaders don’t create success… They empower

their people to crate success!

• People, however different, when placed in the

same system, tend to produce similar results.

• To make real and lasting improvement, we

have to improve the systems, not the people.

Points to Ponder…

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


It takes Leadership to implement and maintain an

Occupational Health & Safety Management system

“The 85/15 Rule”

• 85% of the problems in any organization are within the system (processes, structure, or

practices of the organization) and are the responsibility of management, while only 15% lie with the worker.

• “If you put a good person into a bad system,

the system will win most of the time.”

– This obvious observation has been proven so many times that it has become a truism…

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Organizational Success

• Depends on multple factors including the

ability of workers to do the job safely and


• Workers and line supervisors understand the

best way to do the job and how to do it safely.

• There is often a gap between how managers

view safety and job performance and how the

workers view safety and work rules.

Two Ends of the Stick


• Workers

– Where the work is performed

and rules are practiced

The Blunt End

• Managers, Executives

– Where the work is planned

and rules are made

Sidney Dekker, Jim Howe, Randy Cadieux

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Two ways of seeing the same thing…

Blunt End Thinking

• Job procedures are effective

and should be followed

• Procedures work all the


• Workers need to get on

board with procedures

• Workers need to follow


Sharp End Thinking

• How do we match rules and procedures with the reality and context of the work

• Rules and procedures as designed may not actually work

• To match production demands with safety requirements, we find the best way to do the job as safely as possible

Sharp End

Blunt End


Department Heads




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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Sharp End

Blunt End


Department Heads




How the sharp end

understands work.

How the blunt end

understands work.

Close the

information gap.

Jim Howe

To fix it, we need to close the gap

• Recognize the gap exists

– Ignoring it does not make it go away

• Stop blaming and start asking the right questions

– Determine “how” not just “why”

– Seek to fix the work, not the worker

• Create and environment of learning

– Identify precursors

– Understand that humans are inherently unreliable

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Agree? or Disagree?

• “Management controls are only as effective as the…system that supports

them. It’s always better to eliminate the hazard so that you don’t have to rely on management controls that tend to work only as long as employees behave….Any system that relies on human behavior is inherently unreliable.”

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Workers Are As

Safe As They Think

They Need To Be,

In Order To Get The

Jobs Done.

Without Being Overly



Unfortunate Reality…

• Most organizations take a kneejerk

reaction and blame the employee who

committed the error that resulted in

failure or injury.

• The problem is this approach

assumes that correcting the

employee will fix the problem.

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Old View New View

• Human error is a

cause of accidents

• To explain failure,

investigations must

seek failures of parts

of the systems

• These investigations

must find inaccurate

assessments and bad


• Human error is a symptom of trouble deeper inside a system

• To explain failure, do not try to find out where people went wrong

• Instead, find out how peoples’ actions made sense at the time, given the circumstances that surrounded them


• An organization cannot improve its

processes if it thinks people are the

problem (Manuele)

• Process accounts for 96% of failures

• Individuals account for 4% of failures (Demming)

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


The way leadership responds to failure

tells workers everything they need to

know about leadership’s commitment

to health and safety.

• The Blame Cycle

• vs

• The Learning Cycle

“. . . blame is the enemy of understanding.”Andrew Hopkins

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019




Individual Counseled

and/or Disciplined

Reduced Trust



Management Less Aware of


Latent Organizational Weaknesses


More Flawed

Defenses and Error Precursors



DOE Standard, Human

Performance Improvement

Handbook, Volume 1 Concepts

and Principles, Page 131



Organization reacts positively,

employees confident of fair


Increased Trust

MORE Communication

Management More Aware of


Latent Organizational Weaknesses


Fewer Flawed Defenses and

Error Precursors



Operational and Organizational

Improvement Process, J. Howe

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019



• Inspires crew to perform better

• Is an ART learned

– Experiences & Mentoring

• Watch & learn from those who do it well

• Must be Demonstrated

– Commitment

• Pursue a cause

• Care for people who contribute

– Learning

• Search for ways to reduce/control risk

The DifferenceManagers

• Task Oriented, Dependable,


– Knowledgeable

– Action-Oriented

– Informed

– Tactical

– Instructional

– Focused on outcome

• Command & Control


• Dynamic, Innovative,


– Insightful

– Visionary

– Influential

– Strategic

– Inspirational

– Focused on team

• Vision & Inspiration

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


• Upper management support and commitment for safety– To provide resources to maintain long-term performance

• Written standards or guidelines that provide minimum acceptable performance levels– So people know what the expectations are

• Designing in safety from the start– Rather than fixing problems after operations begin

• A good communication system– All levels understand goals and objectives for reaching them

• An evaluation process– Checks actual performance against internal standards

• Involvement at all levels– Expecting employees to be meaningfully and actively involved

John Kanouse, VPJohnson & Higgins/Marsh & McLennan


Leadership Elements Common to

World Class Safety Programs

To Improve Your Leadership Skills

• Enhance Your Personal Growth

– Self-Evaluation: Develop emotional intelligence. What values drive the way

you lead and influence others?

– Increase Executive Presence: Upgrade visual appearance, polish

presentation skills, seek out knowledge

• Expand Your Perspectives

– Think long term, link daily performance to goals, focus on the value added.

• Energize People & Relationships

– Develop up-and-coming, coach and engage, cultivate successful conditions,

build positive relationships and commination skills with all levels

• Spend more time empowering and less time directing

– Make cross training, job rotation and mentoring more available

– Give employees challenging and motivating work with more responsibility

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Mindset / Attitude

• Work to most of us is not a job, it is a livelihood.

– It pays for what we want to do

• It is important, and we want to do the best we can

– Don’t take shortcuts

• Take Personal accountability. Always

– Seat Belt Use

– Cell phones in cars


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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Mistakes are caused by Leaders who:

• Set inadequate requirements or expectations

• Give insufficient Resources

• Exceed their reach

• Don’t create accountability

• Don’t understand people

• Team will take on the persona of the leader

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


● Employees are your most valuable asset

● Management must provide the direction and resources

● Since Employees are the most likely to get injured at work, their involvement is critical

● Cooperation and consideration goes a long way to set the right atmosphere for employee involvement

● Workplace culture is “the way WE do things


Employees Influence Culture

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Leadership is about:

• Freeing up your people…

– So they can be more effective

• Remove the Roadblocks…

– Open the highway so they can get the job done

Moments of Truth

• How leaders communicate about safety

– How leaders approach opportunities;

– What leaders focus on, ignore, or choose to


– What they leaders do, and what they


• Demonstrates to co-workers what is really


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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019


Improving Your Culture

Build Communication and Trust

•Share the Knowledge

•Share the Vision

•Do what you say you’ll Do

•Share the Enthusiasm

Improving Your Culture

Provide Training and Education

Learning and training

should be the norm

Knowledge = ConfidenceIf you know the rule

you have the confidence to

enforce the rule

Culture is what takes over when there is no rule

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Leadership for Superior Results 8/28/2019



John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States of America

Drives Employees Coaches Employees

Depends on authority Depends on goodwill

Inspires fear Generates enthusiasm

Says “I” Says “We”

Places blame Fixes problem

Knows how its done Shows how its done

Uses People Develops people

Takes Credit Gives credit

Commands Asks

Says “Go” Says “Lets go”